Hormonal treatment for endometriosis.

The drug Dicinon is an effective remedy for combating bleeding of various origins. In addition to the hemostatic effect, the product helps strengthen vascular walls, reduces their permeability, restores microcirculation, and also affects blood clotting.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medication stimulates the process of platelet release from the bone marrow and enhances their formation. The drug has antiplatelet and angioprotective effects. The drug helps stop bleeding, increases the rate of formation of the primary thrombus , etamsylate enhances retraction, has no effect on prothrombin time , fibrinogen concentration. With repeated use of the drug, thrombus formation increases. Dicynone reduces diapedesis of formed and blood elements from the vascular bed, reduces fluid output, and has a positive effect on microcirculation . The drug does not affect the normal indicators and parameters of the hemostasis system. Dicynone is able to restore altered bleeding time in various diseases.

The hemostatic effect is felt after 10-15 minutes. The peak level of the active substance is reached an hour after administration. It is excreted unchanged on the first day almost entirely in the urine.

Mechanism of action of Dicinone

When the drug begins to act, the formation of platelets is activated, which are separated from the bone marrow tissue. Platelet adhesion increases significantly, which leads to stabilization of capillary walls and a decrease in their permeability. In addition, Dicinon inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, which stimulate platelet disaggregation processes.

It is this property of the drug that negatively affects the intensity of bleeding and its duration. Thanks to clinical studies, it became known that etamsylate has no effect on blood components in the periphery and has nothing to do with proteins and lipoproteins. Dicynone prevents the destruction of capillaries and stimulates the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides with a large mass. Thanks to this, the vessels become stronger and stronger. Sometimes during therapy there is a decrease in the rate of red blood cells.

There is no risk of blood clots when using Dicinon.

Below are the dosing methods for the drug Dicinon, indications for use and other subtleties of using the product. Before use, you should also familiarize yourself with other features of the medicine.

Indications for use of Dicinone

What is Dicynon in tablets and ampoules for?

The medicine is prescribed to stop bleeding and prevent it: capillary, parenchymal bleeding (postoperative, traumatic, after dental interventions, intestinal, renal, pulmonary bleeding). The drug is prescribed for secondary bleeding due to thrombocytopathy , thromphocytopenia, hematuria, hypocoagulation, intracranial hemorrhage, hemorrhagic vasculitis , drug-induced bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis . Indications for the use of Dicinon are repeated retinal hemorrhages, diabetic retinopathy, Werlhof's disease. Dicinone for menstruation is prescribed for heavy menstruation.

Who needs Dicynon?

The drug is prescribed as a therapeutic as well as a prophylactic agent. The medicine is necessary for those patients who have been diagnosed with external or internal bleeding. Dicinone helps against diseases and conditions such as:

  • hemorrhage in the retina;
  • fibroids, other bleeding of the female genital organs;
  • intestinal, pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • blood loss due to injury;
  • meningeal infarction, cerebral hemorrhage;
  • long, excessively heavy periods;

  • menorrhagia due to intrauterine contraception;
  • angiopathy of diabetics, hemophthalmos;
  • bleeding from hemorrhoids;
  • blood loss after surgery;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • some types of thrombocytopathies;
  • prevention of blood loss in the postoperative periods.

Dicinone is prescribed to prevent cerebral hemorrhages in newborns and premature babies. It is allowed for frequent and excessive bleeding of the gums.

Instructions for use of Dicinone (Method and dosage)

The medicine is taken orally, administered intramuscularly, intravenously. In ophthalmology it is used retrobulbarly. Single dose – 0.5 grams (tablets), 0.25 grams (parenteral). To prevent bleeding during surgical interventions, Etamzilat is administered one hour before surgery. Dicynone for menstruation, pulmonary, intestinal bleeding: 0.5 grams daily, course of treatment for 5-10 days. For diseases of the blood system, hemorrhagic diathesis, diabetic angiopathy, take 0.75 grams, duration of therapy is up to two weeks. To prevent postoperative bleeding, Dicynon is taken in an amount of 8 mg/kg.

Hemorrhagic syndrome: three times a day, 6-8 mg/kg, duration of administration up to two weeks, if necessary, repeat the course after a week.

Diabetic microangiopathy (hemorrhages): intramuscularly 0.25 grams three times a day, injections are given for 3 months. A sterile swab soaked in ethamsylate can be applied to the wound surface to stop bleeding.

Dicinon tablets, instructions for use

Usually take about 15 mg/kg per day. That is, 1-2 tablets at a time, 3 times every 24 hours.

Children aged three to twelve years take half the adult dose.

Dicinon injections, instructions for use

Dicynon is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Usually 1-2 ampoules 3 times a day.

Instructions for use of Dicinon during menstruation

Used only with the permission of the attending physician. For heavy periods, 2 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day 3-5 days before menstruation and for five days after their onset. It is recommended to repeat the course at the next menstruation to consolidate.

It is not recommended to use the drug to stop menstruation.

How to take Dicinon for uterine bleeding

Only under the supervision of a doctor. For uterine bleeding, it is recommended to take Dicinon by injection, 1-2 ampoules every 6 hours until the bleeding stops or the risk of its recurrence disappears.

How to take if you have heavy periods?

Dicinone effectively helps patients with heavy periods. This is achieved thanks to the active ingredient ethamsylate. It has a hemostatic effect, stabilizes capillary walls, and normalizes the coagulation process. Effects are observed when used correctly.

  1. Pills. Use a dosage not exceeding 500 mg. Drink up to 4 times a day. If menorrhagia is significant, 1000 milligrams are prescribed per day. But it is better to use the tablets from the 5th day of menstruation to the 5th day of the next menstrual cycle.
  2. Injections. Maximum use is 20 mg per 1 kg body. Carry out 3-4 injections in 1 day.

If you experience heavy menstrual flow, it is better to use the tablet form. This is due to the fact that the product must be used for a long time; not every woman can withstand daily injections. When choosing injections, take into account that the substance must be diluted with saline solution. The solution is introduced gradually.

When using injections, the number of digestive disorders is reduced. When taking pills to normalize bleeding during menstruation, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and abdominal pain may occur. If negative actions appear, an analogue is selected.

Dicynon's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:
Water pepper extract


The main analogue is a drug that has the same name as the main active ingredient - Etamzilat .

Which is better: Dicynon or Tranexam?

Tranexam is considered a more effective drug for stopping bleeding.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Dicinon

A drug to prevent and stop bleeding. It affects the first stage of the hemostasis mechanism (interaction between the endothelium and platelets). Dicinone increases platelet adhesiveness, normalizes the strength of capillary walls (reducing their permeability), inhibits the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, which cause platelet disaggregation, vasodilation and increased capillary permeability. When administered orally, the drug is almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, reaching peak concentrations in the blood serum 4 hours after administration. About 72% of the dose taken is excreted unchanged in the urine within 24 hours. After intravenous administration of the drug, the hemostatic effect is observed after 5–15 minutes, the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved within 1 hour. The effectiveness of the drug begins to decrease after 4–6 hours. After intravenous administration at a dose of 500 mg, the maximum level in blood plasma is reached after 10 minutes and is 50 mcg/ml. Approximately 72% of the administered dose is excreted unchanged in urine within 24 hours. Etamsylate crosses the placental barrier and passes into breast milk.

Reviews of Dicynon

Reviews of Dicinone in tablets and ampoules indicate that the drug is a very effective remedy for stopping bleeding. It tastes bitter.

Reviews for menstruation

They perfectly help with heavy menstruation, for which they are often taken.

Reviews during pregnancy

Recommended with caution, but generally no side effects have been reported. Expectant mothers take this drug, pregnancy is successful.

For uterine bleeding

Used under the supervision of a physician. Helps stop uterine bleeding. However, the effect may not last long.

Side effects from using the drug

Correct use of Dicinon guarantees the absence of negative effects, however, some patients complain. During therapy, heaviness in the epigastric area, heartburn, and nausea may occur. Sometimes headaches, flushing of the face, dizziness, and asthenic conditions are observed.

At the injection site, hyperemia, slight itching, and small rashes may appear. Very rarely, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, and deterioration of bronchial asthma were diagnosed.

Negative phenomena disappear irrevocably after stopping the drug. No specific treatment is required.

Dicinon price, where to buy

The price of Dicinon in tablets is approximately 380 rubles per package of 100 pieces. How much do tablets cost in Ukraine? You can buy a package for 320-340 UAH.

The price of Dicinon ampoules is 530 rubles for 50 pieces. The cost in Ukraine is 350-380 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

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Special instructions, use during pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that during treatment with Dicinon the process of thrombus formation is excluded, caution is required when prescribing this drug to patients with previously diagnosed thrombosis and thromboembolism. If hemorrhagic conditions associated with excessive use of anticoagulants occur, the use of specific antidotes, as well as symptomatic therapy, is required. If a patient has blood clotting defects, treatment with the drug is possible, but must be combined with the introduction of special agents that eliminate the described disorders.

There is currently no clinical information on the use of Dicinon during pregnancy. Its use is possible only after assessing the likely risks to the mother and fetus. There is also no data on the excretion of the drug in breast milk. Therefore, when prescribing the drug during this period, it is necessary to resolve the issue of stopping breastfeeding.

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