Zonal anatomy of the cervix.
Cervix during pregnancy: what changes may occur?
Despite its relatively small size, the cervix is ​​a rather complexly organized organ,
Pregnancy and pelvic inflammatory diseases
Colpitis often develops in women during pregnancy. The disease is diagnosed in 75-80% of cases.
Why does the body need vitamin B15?
Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid): properties, sources, norm
Pangamic acid was first isolated from apricot kernels in the 20th century. She was later discovered
Dry skin on hands and feet: causes, recipes, treatment and prevention
Causes of dry skin on hands and feet As mentioned above, one of the causes of dry skin
Cefoperazone + Sulbactam fl. (portable d/add solution d/iv and intramuscular injection) 500mg+500mg No. 1 pack card. Biochemist/Russia
Release form, packaging and composition of the drug Cefoperazone + Sulbactam Powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and
Rubella in children and adults: symptoms, photos, initial stage, vaccination
Chickenpox Symptoms. The child’s temperature rises to 37.5-38.0 C, and almost immediately
Nausea with migraine
Medicines that can cause headaches
Migraine is a neurological disease that is accompanied by many symptoms. Most often it is characterized by intense,
Sore throat during pregnancy: “Protection for two”!
Colds and flu during pregnancy: how to distinguish? Symptoms of ARVI and influenza are very similar between
Schizophrenia: symptoms and signs in men, treatment methods
Mental ill-being, endogenous disease of the schizophrenia spectrum, severe chronic illness leading to mental impairment,
"The role of interferons in the pathogenesis of human infectious diseases." Lecture by Professor Simbirtsev A.S.
Types of Interferons Interferons are the main antiviral proteins in the body. They are part of the family
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