Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, pathophysiology and therapeutic issues

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are usually associated with problems in the functioning of other systems of the human body. They are accompanied by unpleasant, painful symptoms and require urgent treatment.

Every person always wants to be healthy, full of strength and enjoy all the delights of life. However, unfortunately, recently there has been a trend towards the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract all over the world.

According to scientists, the reason for this is poor nutrition, regular stress, environmental problems and many harmful substances that surround us constantly.

The main task of the digestive system is to perform vital functions in our body. Life without it is absolutely impossible, since due to its basic processes (digestion of the nutrients received and their absorption), a person receives the necessary energy for work and rest. The stomach and intestines are the main organs of digestion, the activities of which are associated with both the initial and final stages of the entire digestive tract. If your stomach and intestines are healthy, they will never let you down.

It is worth noting that the human digestive system is quite sensitive. It immediately reacts to any, even minor changes, both in the internal environment of the whole body and in the entire external world, leading to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They cause a lot of discomfort to the patient: discomfort and pain.

What is the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

In order to understand the principle of the gastrointestinal tract, you must first understand what it actually is. The gastrointestinal tract is a system of organs whose purpose is to process and extract from food all the nutrients the body needs, assist in the absorption of the resulting beneficial substances into the blood, and also remove food debris that has not been completely digested from the body.

The entire gastrointestinal tract in the body is represented by a continuous tube that connects the oral opening to the anal opening. Food masses move along it in the caudal direction, which in the process of movement are split into smaller particles suitable for absorption.

For example, the average length of the gastrointestinal tract in an adult male reaches 6.5 meters.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are a group of diseases that affect this anatomical region. All pathologies are divided into several main groups, among which are:

  • by the nature of development, infectious and non-infectious;
  • according to the location of the disease: small intestine, large intestine, stomach or esophagus;
  • acquired and hereditary diseases.

Types of tumors

The most frequently developing malignant neoplasms, as a coloproctologist says, include:

  • adenocarcinoma (45%);
  • neuroendocrine tumors (NET) (30%);
  • lymphoma (10%);
  • gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST/GIST);
  • sarcomas.

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Fatal heartburn: where esophageal carcinoma and cancer begin Adenocarcinomas are more often observed in individuals with a hereditary predisposition to the development of adenomatous polyposis, with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome or Crohn's disease. The risk of developing adenocarcinoma increases in people over 60 years of age. Adenocarcinoma of the small intestine can metastasize both to regional lymph nodes and to distant organs, most often to the liver, says surgeon Kulikov.

“Carcinoid tumors mainly develop in the ileum and cecum, as well as in the appendix and duodenum. Visually, they are small nodular formations located in the intestinal wall. These tumors are hormonally active,” explains the specialist.

Lymphoma of the small intestine most often occurs in the distal sections - in the ileum and jejunum - due to the presence of a large amount of lymphoid tissue, says the specialist. Risk factors are systemic inflammatory diseases :

  • Crohn's disease;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • history of lymphoma of another location.

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“GISTs are most often located in the stomach, jejunum and ileum. About 20-30% of gastrointestinal tumors become malignant. This occurs more often in the small intestine than in the stomach. Tumors smaller than 2 cm are usually benign, while tumors larger than 5 cm are often malignant,” notes Artur Kulikov.

Causes of gastrointestinal diseases

The main reasons for the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract include: improper diet or its complete absence, strict diet or overeating, various stressful situations, infections, sedentary lifestyle and others.

For example, Tibetan medicine views the human body as something holistic, interconnected and absolutely indivisible. Here we highlight another reason for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, namely problems in the functioning of other systems of the human body. For example, the health of the spine is reflected in the functioning of all digestive organs.

Absolutely all internal organs are internalized by nerves that emerge from the spinal canal. Any organ can function fully only if nerve impulses flow to it unhindered. A disease such as osteochondrosis pinches nerve endings and thereby slows down and even prevents the normal passage of impulses.

Because of this, the stomach becomes sluggish, and the smooth muscles of its walls become more relaxed. In case of prolonged disruption of innervation, the stomach descends. Moreover, sluggish and weak muscles of the gastrointestinal tract are one of the reasons for poor digestion of food.

In turn, poorly digested food is not able to fully nourish the body and thereby disrupts the functioning of other important body systems. Improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract also manifests itself in the form of decreased immunity, skin damage and metabolic disorders.

The main symptoms of diseases of the digestive system:

  • Pain in the abdomen, both of different localization and of varying intensity;
  • Belching and heartburn;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Stool disorders;
  • Flatulence and rumbling in the stomach;
  • White coating on the tongue;
  • Rapid weight loss;
  • An aversion to certain foods that were previously favorites, or a complete lack of appetite.

Diagnosis of small intestine cancer

You can examine the duodenum from the inside during fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) . If the doctor discovers a pathologically changed area on the mucous membrane, he can immediately perform a biopsy and send a piece of tissue for histological and cytological examination.

Special endoscopic techniques are used to examine the jejunum and ileum. During capsule endoscopy, the patient is given a capsule containing a miniature video camera to swallow. It travels through the digestive tract and records an image. With balloon enteroscopy, a tube equipped with one or two balloons is inserted into the small intestine and an endoscope is passed inside it. It can be pulled out of the tube. During balloon enteroscopy, a biopsy can be performed, bleeding can be stopped, and a small tumor can be removed. The end of the small intestine can be examined during a colonoscopy , a test in which a special instrument called a colonoscope is inserted through the anus.

The location of the narrowing in the intestine can be shown by a contrast-enhanced x-ray. Some time before taking x-rays, the patient is given a suspension of barium sulfate to drink. The drug travels through the digestive tract and creates a noticeable shadow in photographs. Sometimes contrast is injected through a probe directly into the duodenum. Barium enemas are used - with the help of such contrast it is sometimes possible to examine the final part of the small intestine.

Computed tomography and MRI are used to assess the location, size and number of tumors, and to identify lesions in the liver, lungs and other organs. To obtain a more informative image, contrast is used: it is administered intravenously or given in tablet form.

PET scanning helps find small metastases that have not been detected by other methods. The patient is injected with radioactively labeled sugar. Since tumor cells need a lot of energy, they absorb this sugar in much greater quantities than healthy tissue. Due to the accumulation of radioactive tracers, tumor foci are clearly visible in images taken using a special apparatus. PET is often combined with CT.

Diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases

Today, thanks to technological progress in modern gastroenterology, a thorough diagnosis of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract is possible. It consists of:

  • Ultrasound - ultrasound examination;
  • FGDS and irrigoscopy – endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intragastric pH-metry;
  • manometry of all digestive organs;
  • electrogastroenterography;
  • radiology diagnostics;
  • biopsies.

Treatment, as well as diagnosis of any gastrointestinal diseases, is recommended to be carried out exclusively by a qualified gastroenterologist. This will help minimize discomfort.

Stages of small intestine cancer

There are five stages of intestinal adenocarcinoma:

  • Stage 0 : “cancer in situ.” A single small tumor that is located on the surface of the mucous membrane and does not grow deeper.
  • Stage I : The tumor has grown deeply into the intestinal wall, but has not spread to neighboring organs.
  • Stage II : the tumor has grown through the entire thickness of the intestinal wall and has spread to neighboring organs.
  • Stage III : Cancer cells have spread to regional lymph nodes.
  • Stage IV : There are distant metastases. Most often they are found in the lungs and liver.


Surgeries for small intestine cancer can be radical or palliative . During radical surgery, the surgeon removes the affected area of ​​the intestine, including healthy tissue above and below, and nearby lymph nodes. If the cancer has spread to neighboring organs, they are also removed.

Palliative operations are aimed at improving the patient's condition. If the tumor blocks the intestinal lumen, a bypass anastomosis is performed.

Symptoms of intestinal diseases

The intestine is divided into the small and large intestine. Each of them has its own diseases. But symptoms can be both general and specific to a specific location.

General symptoms:

  • Stool disorders (constipation and diarrhea);
  • Bloating, rumbling in the abdomen;
  • Foreign matter in the stool (blood, mucus, pus);
  • False urge to defecate;
  • Dramatic weight loss;
  • Weakness, fatigue;
  • Feeling of bloating, heaviness;
  • Increased gas formation;
  • High or low blood pressure.

Symptoms of diseases of the small intestine:

  • Pain in the navel area. May occur several hours after eating;
  • Sounds of “transfusion” in the stomach;
  • Increased temperature (with inflammatory diseases);
  • Nausea, vomiting. Occurs several hours after eating;

With a long-standing course of the disease, the eyes may also turn red and vision may decrease, the skin becomes dry and the nails become brittle, and frequent headaches occur.

Symptoms of colon diseases:

  • Severe or dull pain in the abdomen, which is localized on the sides. It is not associated with food intake and often occurs in the evening;
  • Frequent belching;
  • Metallic taste in the mouth;
  • Gas incontinence.

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If adenocarcinoma cancer cells have spread to the lymph nodes, adjuvant chemotherapy is given after surgery to prevent recurrence. In case of adenocarcinoma with metastases, chemotherapy drugs are used for palliative purposes to slow down the progression of the tumor, improve the patient’s condition, and prolong life.

Combinations of chemotherapy drugs are often prescribed for adenocarcinomas:

  • FOLFOX: leucovorin + fluorouracil + oxaliplatin.
  • FOLFORI : leucovorin + fluorouracil + irinotecan.

If relapse occurs after surgery, fluorouracil may be prescribed in combination with radiation therapy. This therapy is called chemoradiotherapy .

How to diagnose

The examination in this situation should begin with a blood test. It will reflect anemia, an increase in leukocytes in the blood and ESR. You should also pass biochemistry. Here you should pay attention to such parameters as total protein, albumin, glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, calcium, zinc, magnesium, all enzymes, electrolytes, ferritin, vitamins B9, B12, D in the first place. You should also take a blood test for clotting.

A mandatory part of the examination is submitting stool for analysis. This is necessary to determine muscle fibers and starch in it, changes in acidity, appearance and smell.

If we talk about specific tests, then procedures such as the D-acid test and the Schilling test should be performed. In parallel, doctors can prescribe FGDS, colonoscopy and microbiota analysis. This will allow you to assess the manifestations of dysbiosis in the intestines and select optimal treatment options.

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Common bowel diseases


Colitis is a series of diseases in which inflammatory processes are observed that affect the mucous membrane of the colon, as a result of which the intestines cannot function normally.

The large intestine contains not only beneficial bacteria that help process food, but also pathogenic bacteria that have a toxic effect. If, as a result of intestinal disease or eating poor-quality food, the number of pathogenic bacteria exceeds the beneficial ones, this can contribute to the development of colitis.

Pain is usually caused by eating foods that irritate the colon: marinades, canned food, citrus fruits, cabbage, alcohol. Colitis can also be caused by other diseases: gastritis, cholecystitis, gout. With an exacerbation of a chronic disease, colitis becomes acute.

Colitis does not have specific symptoms by which it can be identified. Therefore, only tests and diagnostic examinations will help you identify this disease.

Irritable bowel syndrome

This refers to a functional disorder in the functioning of the intestines that occurs due to psychological or other problems.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome:

  • Abdominal pain, which can change its location;
  • Bowel problems (diarrhea or constipation);
  • Disorders of the nervous system and psychological state (fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbances).

Refers to difficult to diagnose diseases. To identify it, it is necessary to exclude all intestinal pathologies. It occurs 2-3 times more often in women than in men.

Crohn's disease

This is an inflammatory disease of both the small and large intestines. Affects the oral cavity, esophagus, and stomach. The main symptoms are weight loss, since patients have damage to the small intestine and food is poorly digested, as well as diarrhea and diarrhea (often with blood), and abdominal pain.

Crohn's disease is autoimmune in nature, when the immune system attacks healthy tissue. The intestinal villi are destroyed by immune cells. An ulcer forms in the intestines.

This disease affects the brain by releasing cytokines (chemicals that cause inflammation). This causes inhibition.

Bowel cancer

Colon cancer ranks third in the ranking of common cancers. A malignant tumor can appear in any part of the intestine. Colon cancer is called colorectal. Often it can develop from benign formations on the intestinal wall - polyps. And under the influence of chemical and physical factors it turns into a cancerous tumor.

The first thing that should alert a person is blood in the stool, constipation, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, cramping abdominal pain, sudden weight loss for no apparent reason.

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