What should female genital organs look like? How to check if everything is normal for you

If you've ever wondered whether your labia minora (inner lips) and labia majora (outer lips) are normal, you're not alone. When it comes to anything related to an intimate area, most people ask the question: “Am I normal?” The answer regarding external genitalia is that there is a wide variety of healthy shapes, sizes and colors. In this article we will talk about the labia majora and minora, their importance for normal sexuality and what possible correction methods modern aesthetic gynecology offers women.

The labia (inner and outer) are folds of flesh-colored skin that surround the vaginal and urethral openings at the edges. Together with the clitoris and vaginal opening, they form a conditional anatomical formation - the “vulva”. Depending on the size and shape of these structures, the appearance of women's vulvas can vary widely. The labia begin to change during puberty and often become more visible. This is completely normal, like all other changes that occur during puberty. They continue to change in length and color throughout your life due to hormonal changes and age.

Ideal labia size: take a ruler

The labia are the most visible elements of a woman's private parts, and as the name suggests, they resemble... lips.

Women have two sets of labia:

  • large ones are more fleshy, covered with pubic hair, located on the outside;
  • small ones are hidden inside large ones.

Both pairs serve to protect the vagina. And they also increase during intimate contact. Their size is different for every woman. But according to an international study from 2005, in which scientists studied various aspects of female labia anatomy, the labia majora average 7 to 12 cm in size. The labia minora range from 2 to 10 cm.

Ideal labia size

Sometimes the labia remain underdeveloped, which can interfere with sexual activity and look aesthetically unattractive. Now this problem is solved by injecting special substances; the procedure methods are similar to lip augmentation on the face.

It happens that the female labia grow to such a size that they cause discomfort to the woman - they can, for example, get caught in underwear, and even curl up. If the labia are too long or significantly asymmetrical, gynecological surgeons get down to business. The optimal way to solve this problem is plastic surgery – labiaplasty.

Are long labia or a “big vagina” the result of sexual intercourse? This is a completely false belief. The appearance of the female genital organs has nothing to do with the history of sexual life, unless it is traces of sexually transmitted diseases.

Features of the vaginal microflora of adult women

In the vagina of a healthy woman, beneficial microorganisms predominate. The leading place among them is occupied by lactobacilli (Dederlein bacilli) - microscopic bacteria that produce hydrogen peroxide and form a kind of barrier to the spread of pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes. In addition, lactic acid, which is formed during their vital activity, largely determines the acidity (pH) of the vaginal environment. With a sufficient number of lactobacilli, the acidic environment of the vagina inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Thus, beneficial microflora protects the vagina from microbes that could cause inflammation. If lactobacilli die for any reason, the acidity of the vaginal environment decreases and the number of pathogenic bacteria increases - vaginal dysbiosis develops.

The composition of the vaginal microflora also determines the composition of the microflora of the two organs adjacent to it - the cervix and urethra. In the process of evolution, a number of microorganisms have adapted to living in the human genitourinary organs. Some of them coexist peacefully with the body, reproduce and even perform very necessary functions. This microflora is called normal (natural).

In addition to Dederlein's rods, small amounts of staphylococci, streptococci, fungi from the genus Candida, as well as ureaplasma can be found in the vagina of healthy women. Thus, bacteria that have pathogenic properties live side by side with beneficial ones, but these properties do not have the opportunity to manifest themselves while their beneficial neighbors interfere with this. With normal immunity, as a rule, the various microorganisms that populate the vagina are in a state of “truce.” When immunity is weakened, favorable conditions are created for expanding the sphere of influence of pathogenic microbes.

Due to various gynecological diseases (including in the case of sexually transmitted diseases), the composition of the vaginal microflora may change, and the nature of its change can determine the cause of the disease.

Ideal shape and color of the labia: you will need a mirror

Ideal shape and color of the labia
If you look closely at the private parts in the mirror, you will see that the labia are not exactly the same. Just like the face, breasts and even legs are not completely symmetrical. The labia also differ from each other, and sometimes very significantly.

A 2005 study found that about half of women have longer inner labia than outer labia. Of course, this is not beautiful, but this structure of the labia cannot be called a critical defect. Although this upsets many women, especially if the labia minora hang down significantly, and also unevenly.

Unfortunately, such a problem cannot be masked by any means. Therefore, gynecologists offer to “remove the excess” using labiaplasty.


As for color, everything is simpler here. Although the labia majora are made of normal tissue and covered by normal skin, they may be slightly different in color from the rest of the body. For example, they may be slightly purple, pink or brown. This is all completely normal. And just as the inside of the lips is a different color, the labia minora are a different color from the larger lips.

In this case, you need to worry only when the labia become red, itchy or painful.

Wearing uncomfortable underwear or pants that are too tight can cause abrasions. So if you have this problem, choose comfortable underwear and switch to skirts for at least a few days until the irritation goes away.

Standard in terms of aesthetics6

In ordinary photographs in magazines you will not find a vagina so that they can be compared, however, today there are various porn films in wide access, and men, watching different videos, identify for themselves certain specific sizes that arouse sexual desire.

Many representatives of the stronger sex note that they consider vaginas with small labia of a neat shape and pinkish color to be the most beautiful, aesthetic and sexy.

Some even define a beautiful shape as “like a butterfly.”

There are several criteria by which the beauty and aesthetics of the appearance of the labia are determined: the invisibility of the lips when looking at a woman from behind, they should not “hang”, neat, pinkish mucous membrane without plaque, a closed entrance to the vagina in a non-excited state, the absence of a “hole”.

The ideal is a symmetrical arrangement, small folds, small lips located inside the large ones, as well as slight extensibility. Men like it when the clitoris is hidden between the woman's labia, or only its tip is visible. Abnormal pigmentation and the presence of large brown spots deter men.

What kinds of vaginas there are, read in our article further on the link.

Ideal structure of the labia

The labia majora is the part you see when you look directly at the vulva. The skin in this area is generally the same as the rest of the body, except that it is covered with pubic hair.

The structure of the epidermis covering the labia may be different for each woman. But in any case, the labia, like the nipples, contain small round sebaceous glands. If you carefully examine the skin of the labia in the mirror, you will see that it seems to be covered with “goosebumps” - this is normal.

You need to take care of the condition of the skin in this place, just like in any other place. If irritation occurs, the labia majora should be lubricated with a moisturizer. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the labia majora, for example, after shaving.

If you have pimples on the surface of your outer labia, you need to consult a gynecologist. If it is not a sexually transmitted disease, you will need to be treated in the same way as usual, using ointments. Just be careful: the products should not get on the labia minora - their skin is more sensitive.


Our ancestors considered the Moon a symbol of the feminine principle. And all because the female body, like the “night star,” lives in cycles of 28–29 days. These cycles are called menstruation, or menstruation. Each menstrual cycle consists of three phases:

  • follicular;
  • ovulatory;
  • luteal

Normally, menstrual cycles follow one after another. Once a month, a woman’s body prepares for pregnancy, regardless of her own desire. Typically, the first period comes at 11–16 years of age. They are called menarche.


In the first days of the follicular phase, the pituitary gland, a gland located in the brain, begins to actively produce two hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). They enter the blood and reach the ovaries. Under the influence of pituitary hormones, the maturation of 15–20 follicles (vesicles with eggs) begins in the ovaries and the synthesis of estrogens increases.

Over time, one of the follicles becomes dominant and continues to mature, the rest die.

The dominant follicle continues to produce estrogens. When their levels rise to certain values, they, according to the feedback principle, suppress the production of follicle-stimulating hormone.

The follicular phase lasts approximately 14 days. After this, ovulation occurs.


Under the influence of estrogens, the production of luteinizing hormone increases. This causes the dominant follicle to mature, burst, and release an egg. First it enters the abdominal cavity, and from there into the fallopian tube. The release of an egg from the ovary is called ovulation.

The lower part of the cervix begins to produce a lot of mucus - it is needed to help sperm penetrate the uterus and meet the egg.


The luteal phase begins immediately after menstruation and lasts approximately 2 weeks. The follicle, after the egg has left it, turns into a structure called the corpus luteum. It secretes the hormone progesterone, which prepares the uterus for pregnancy.

Under the influence of progesterone, the uterine mucosa grows, swells, and blood vessels grow in it. The situation can then develop in one of two ways:

  • If the egg meets the sperm and fertilization occurs, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus and begins to develop. From this moment on, the woman is considered pregnant.
  • If pregnancy does not occur, the level of hormones gradually drops, against this background the uterine mucosa is torn away and exits through the vagina along with blood. Menstruation begins. After it, the follicular phase of the new cycle begins.

Formula for ideal female genitals

It’s not difficult to understand whether everything is normal in your intimate area. If all is well, the following conditions are met:

  • Nothing gets in the way;
  • Nothing irritates;
  • Nothing hurts;
  • The skin is clean, smooth, without ulcers, acne or scratching;
  • There are no problems during sexual intercourse.

If any condition is not met or something bothers you, contact our Intimate Plastic Center. Our gynecologists know how to correct any defect in this area.

You can view the results of the work of gynecological surgeons in the section “Photos before and after intimate plastic surgery.”

How to fix everything?7

Women who are very unhappy with their shape sometimes decide to undergo plastic surgery, however, this is not the only method. Before going to the clinic, you should change your underwear a couple of months before the chosen date, visit a gynecologist, and also stop satisfying yourself with your fingers, massaging the clitoris.

In almost all cases, this is enough for the labia to take on a beautiful shape.

You should decide on such procedures only if there are significant indications, for example, after childbirth, or in the presence of congenital defects.

What do men say?8

Representatives of the stronger sex on forums describe the ideal form, not at all shy about expressions. All descriptions are very similar. For men, the ideal shape is: “A neat appearance, without hair, small labia of a pinkish color, and a neat clitoris, slightly peeking out between the folds.”

Someone gives a more capacious and concise definition: “Like Barbie.”

However, not all men are chasing unattainable standards of beauty; many, on the contrary, like large labia, but of a beautiful shape, not sagging. In sexual games, a man plays with a woman’s organ, slapping it with his penis and receiving incredible pleasure from this.

Women, when reading such descriptions, are often horrified, because they know what the real picture looks like and do not know how to get closer to the notorious “standard”.

Some women give men the following answers: “In any adult woman, the labia change shape, at least slightly, but they certainly cannot look as perfect as in porn films.”

Each woman has her own intimate procedures

After many years of debate between supporters of naturalness and modernization of the intimate area, fans of beauty are gaining the upper hand. This is logical, because no one has long condemned the need to correct the nose, ears or eye shape. External organs are no exception.

You need to approach improving the appearance of your genitals individually. Each woman has her own procedures or operations recommended to make this area more attractive.

Experts distinguish five types of vulvas, each of which has its own improvement methods. And contrary to popular belief, the most common labia is not a neat Barbie-style package with everything tucked in. The intimate zone turned out to be much more diverse.

In Great Britain, a special classification of genitalia was created, where each type was given a name. There are many intimate surgeries performed in this country, so it is not surprising that doctors decided to divide the intimate area into types.

Is surgery the only option?

Although modern medicine can help quickly and painlessly through various operations, many women are wary of them. For minor changes, medication treatment will help.

Alternative medicine offers compresses, ointments and creams of herbal origin, massage and various exercises.

How to protect yourself from changes?

In order to prevent operations and medications, it is better to adhere to certain rules that will preserve such fragile women's health.

  • Comfortable underwear and comfortable clothes.
  • Avoiding stressful situations.
  • Regular sex and a healthy relationship with your partner.
  • Sleep 7-8 hours a day.
  • Sports lifestyle.
  • Healthy and, most importantly, delicious food.

Finally, we come to the purpose of the article.

Puff pastry - when there is a lot of everything in the intimate area

The shape is similar to Barbie, but the lips are below the pubic bone. From a medical point of view, everything is fine here. The labia majora completely cover the labia minora, providing them with complete protection.

These genitals look, in principle, not bad. However, with age, due to the large volume of tissue, the genitals can sag and lose shape. Therefore, this category of women needs to focus on anti-aging procedures.

Laser rejuvenation of the intimate area

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