Weather dependence in adults: types, symptoms, treatment

© Provided by: Parents.Ru Your head is pounding, your heart is beating as if it wants to jump out of your chest, and your legs are giving way on their own. Or maybe it hurts your joints, your tail falls off, and everything around you irritates you?
All these are links of one chain. Perhaps this is how your body reacts to the weather. How to cope with weather dependence and what types of weather dependence there are, read in our material.

© RapidEye/Getty Images/E+ meteodependence in adults causes and treatment When it comes to the connection between a person’s condition and the weather, you can often hear terms such as meteopathy (or meteosensitivity) and meteodependence. What do they mean? Translated from Greek (meteoros - floating in the air and pathos - suffering, illness), meteopathy is a change in well-being due to changes in weather conditions. A certain reaction of the body to each stimulus, be it, for example, strong wind, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, humidity, disturbance of the geomagnetic field of the earth, is inherent in us from birth. It is a sign that the body is functioning normally and is able to adapt to the environment. Therefore, weather sensitivity is characteristic of all people, without exception, because we are also part of nature, and our body is closely connected with its changes. And really, who doesn’t feel sleepy when the rain drums outside the window? But in sunny weather, the mood improves as if on its own. However, in the case when changes in the weather cause serious discomfort and unpleasant sensations in a person - due to a weakened body or individual hypersensitivity - we can talk about meteodependence.

Symptoms of weather dependence

Symptoms of weather dependence can be very different:

  • increased irritability,
  • absent-mindedness, fatigue,
  • weakness, drowsiness,
  • sudden changes in blood pressure,
  • dizziness and headache,
  • muscle pain,
  • cardiopalmus,
  • nose bleed,
  • pain in the heart area,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc.

© Fizkes/Getty Images/iStockphoto weather dependence in adults causes and treatment Based on the severity of symptoms, there are three degrees of severity of weather dependence:

  • mild degree (manifested only by subjective discomfort)
  • medium degree (manifested by distinct objective changes - fluctuations in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, fluctuations in body temperature)
  • severe degree (manifested by pronounced disorders that depend on the initial state of the body, age, presence of chronic diseases and their nature)

It is believed that about 30% of people are truly weather dependent (have moderate or severe degree of weather dependence). Often, weather dependence is associated with a person’s health status. For example, among those who do not have any cardiovascular pathologies, about 5-10% are meteodependent. But among hypertensive patients, about 50% are weather dependent.

Cerebral meteotype

Changes in weather often cause imbalance in the nervous system.
Symptoms of weather dependence of the cerebral type:

  • headache, migraine,
  • dizziness,
  • insomnia,
  • nosebleeds,
  • midges before eyes,
  • noise in ears,
  • irritability.

What will help: do a light hand massage, drink decoctions of medicinal herbs recommended by your doctor, follow a daily routine, rest enough time, get enough sleep.

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Vegetative-vascular meteorological type

Some weather-sensitive people may show signs of hypotension. Symptoms of weather dependence according to the vegetative-vascular type:

  • weakness, fatigue,
  • pressure reduction,
  • bruises under the eyes,
  • swelling, sweating,
  • chilliness,
  • headache and palpitations

What will help: protect yourself from overwork and stress, set aside time for both work and rest, do not abuse coffee, alcohol and cigarettes, take up swimming or hydrotherapy, after consulting a doctor, you can take eleutherococcus or ginseng.

Favorable days

Good or neutral days are considered to be times when people feel great, they are energetic and full of strength. There will be almost as many such days in October 2021 as there will be negative ones.

Favorable days:

  • 3-7;
  • 9;
  • 10;
  • 12-14;
  • 21-23;
  • 26-28;
  • 31.

During this time, the body can partially recover. During this period, you will be able to conclude new deals, sign important documents, go on vacation and spend time with friends.

Cardiorespiratory weather type

A magnetic storm or other weather phenomena often causes cardiac disturbances. Symptoms of meteorological dependence of the cardiorespiratory type:

  • cardiopalmus,
  • dyspnea,
  • tingling behind the sternum and under the left shoulder blade,
  • pain in the heart area

What will help: drink warm tea with mint and honey, do not overuse coffee. If you have serious cardiovascular diseases, it is better to consult your attending cardiologist. About 70% of heart attacks and hypertensive crises occur on days that are unfavorable for magnetic storms.

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How do magnetic storms occur?

More recently, it was found that magnetic storms are a test for many people. They arise in connection with solar flares, which lead to changes in the Earth's magnetic sphere. Such outbreaks are not noticed by all inhabitants of the planet, but only by those who are weather-sensitive, especially those with hypertension.

It is known that solar activity has a periodicity of 11 years. Moving from one stage to another, it leads to flares that cause a magnetic storm. Having good protection from magnetic fluxes, the Earth can still transmit magnetic rays into the magnetosphere somewhere.

For almost 300 years, scientists have been trying to create all the necessary conditions to prevent the destructive effects of magnetic storms on human health. They publish schedules of periods of geomagnetic activity expected on certain days.

Video: What are magnetic storms?

Skin-allergic meteotype

People belonging to this type literally feel with their skin that something wrong is happening in nature: excessive cold, sharp wind or scorching sun rays provoke skin problems. Symptoms of weather dependence of the skin-allergic type:

  • skin rashes,
  • redness,
  • skin itching.

What will help: take a 10-minute bath with a decoction of sage, celandine, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, valerian; give up citrus fruits, alcohol, chocolate.

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How is weather dependence treated?

Treatment of weather dependence in most cases comes down to reducing the manifestation of symptoms. In case of mild weather dependence, which, as we remember, is characterized by subjective malaise, yoga and meditation help. In the case of real moderate and severe weather dependence, which are often accompanied by any chronic diseases, it is necessary Follow your healthcare provider's instructions. All hypertensive patients and heart patients must take their medications. Consult with your doctor whether you need to adjust the dosage and regimen of medications on unfavorable days. What pills should you take if you have weather dependence, can you cure weather dependence with medications - your doctor will tell you about this. Drug therapy for meteodependence is carried out after a clinical, instrumental and laboratory examination with the identification of chronic pathology and determination of the type of meteodependence. In some cases, experts talk about meteoneurosis . This happens when the patient is sure that a change in weather has an extremely negative effect on his health, but in fact no deterioration is detected. In this case, consulting a psychotherapist will help.

Diagnosis of symptoms is usually carried out by specialized specialists - a cardiologist, rheumatologist, neurologist, pulmonologist, endocrinologist, ENT doctor and others, as well as a general practitioner.

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Magnetic storm today, October 12, 13 and 14, 2021

Bad space weather has continued to rage since the beginning of October.

Today, October 12, 2021, the second day of a strong magnetic storm continues.

Yesterday the strength of the fluctuations reached 6 points, which happens quite rarely. Today the day also remains unfavorable, however, the strongest strike with a power of 5 points occurred at night - from 00:00 to 3:00 Moscow time.

From 3 a.m. to 6 a.m., the intensity of the impacts began to decrease—the strength of the vibrations was recorded at 4 points. From 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Moscow time, the strength of the geomagnetic storm will subside and will be only 3 points.

The probability of a change in the geomagnetic situation is 20%.

On October 19, the magnetosphere will be disturbed, but there will not be a magnetic storm.

A G1 class magnetic storm will begin on October 21 and end on October 24.

The next day the storm will develop into a moderate storm (class G2).

The disturbance in our planet's magnetic field is caused by a stream of energetically charged particles, or solar wind, that erupts from a vast coronal hole formed on the Sun.

According to forecasts, there will be no more magnetic storms until the end of October.

Storms have a major impact and disrupt important technologies, including GPS signaling and satellite communications. They can also damage surface electrical networks.

In addition, people with weather dependence fall under the influence of a magnetic storm. These include both those simply sensitive to weather and people with chronic diseases. Most often these are meteopaths who have problems with the heart, blood pressure, or diseases of the nervous system.

How to reduce the manifestations of weather dependence

  1. Make it a habit to make time for physical activity. Moderate physical exercise - walking, running, cycling, skiing, swimming - normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, saturates the blood with oxygen, and relieves psycho-emotional stress. Attention! We are talking about small physical activity that you tolerate well. You should not carry out heavy training on days with unfavorable weather conditions; you need to take care of your body.
  2. Train your body's adaptive reactions. If you notice that you are excessively sensitive to weather conditions, try hardening and dousing. Contrast showers and breathing exercises are also useful.
  3. Make sure there is sufficient lighting during the day, improve sleep at night, and try to avoid overwork and stress.
  4. Provide your body with a sufficient amount of oxygen by regularly walking in the fresh air, including on weekdays.
  5. If possible, do not unnecessarily burden the body on unfavorable days - it is better to lie down, relax, and drink tea.
  6. Eat right.

Calendar of unfavorable days in October 2021

Based on preliminary calculations and statistical data, meteorologists have compiled a table of unfavorable days for October 2021.

Scientists have found that the maximum possible number of magnetic storms per year can reach 50, the minimum – 1-2.

In October 2021, there are 14 such problem days; this is a difficult time for weather-sensitive people, for which experts recommend preparing in advance.

Diet for weather dependence

On days with unfavorable weather forecasts, it’s hard for the whole body. Even if your weather dependence is not of the dyspeptic type and does not directly affect the digestive system, it will be useful to monitor your diet these days. Follow the rules of nutrition if you are weather dependent:

  • Don't overeat.
  • Do not overuse meat, fatty, fried foods and desserts.
  • Eliminate spicy seasonings and alcoholic drinks, limit salt.
  • Watch your drinking regime. It is important to drink enough, but not exceeding the norm, amount of water. Usually the norm is about one and a half to two liters of clean water per day. Perhaps your body needs a little more or a little less of this amount (calculate the “fork” of your norm based on your own weight: per 1 kg of weight - 30-40 ml of water).
  • Give preference to cereal porridges, fish and seafood, fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
  • You can supplement your diet by taking vitamin complexes.

Treatment of weather dependence with folk remedies

People have their own means of relieving the condition of weather dependence.

  • Take pine baths. 1-2 tbsp. spoons of pine extract per bath, duration 10-15 minutes, water temperature 35-37 degrees Celsius. The course of treatment is 15-20 procedures.
  • Prepare a decoction of rose hips. Brew rose hips in a thermos, drink the broth hot throughout the day, with the addition of honey.
  • During the day, you can also take tonic tinctures of ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, and eleutherococcus.
  • At night, drink sedative herbal teas from mint, lemon balm, linden blossom, and chamomile.
  • Sedatives of plant origin (valerian, motherwort, hawthorn) will also help.
  • If your headache is just starting, try mint milk. It is prepared as follows: immerse dried mint leaves (1 tsp) in 200 ml of hot milk for 5 minutes. Then remove the leaves, let the milk sit for another half hour, strain and drink.

More useful materials about health can be found in our channel on Yandex.Zen.

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Full schedule of geomagnetic storms in October 2021

It is better for weather-sensitive people to start preparing for approaching storms in advance.

The schedule of geomagnetic phenomena in October 2021 is as follows:

  • (passed) 04.10 – weak magnetic storms, but some will still feel their influence;
  • (passed) 05.10 – peaks of the magnetic storm occur from 0.00 am to 9 am, as well as from 6 pm to 9 pm. This storm is considered one of the strongest in October;
  • (passed) 09.10 – a strong geomagnetic shock will be especially noticeable at 21:00;
  • (passed) 10.10 – magnetic storms will occur throughout the day;
  • from 18 to 19.10 – the upcoming storms are also considered strong, as they will have an impact on weather-sensitive people for two days.
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