A hole in the eardrum - dangerous or not?

Main causes and symptoms

There are many reasons that can trigger the development of perforation of the eardrum.

Taking into account the cause of damage to the tympanic septum, the appearance of perforation may be due to injury or inflammatory processes. The membrane ruptures when there is a sharp increase in air pressure on the membrane, when it bends strongly into the cavity of the middle ear.

The formation of a hole in the eardrum can be caused by many factors, namely:

  1. Previous otitis media.
  2. Impact of atmospheric pressure.
  3. Traumatic brain injury.
  4. Poor ear hygiene.
  5. Noise trauma.

A purulent inflammatory process in the middle ear can also cause the formation of a hole in the membrane. The accumulating fluid in the cavity puts strong pressure on the eardrum. As a result, it becomes thinner, which leads to the formation of a hole.

Quite often, damage to the eardrum occurs as a result of treating the ear or careless cleaning with a sharp object: matches, cotton swabs, etc.

In case of acoustic damage, the membrane may burst or a hole may form in it. This can happen when there is a lot of noise or cracking.

Severe thermal damage under industrial conditions can cause the death of a section of the membrane or its perforation. A hole in the eardrum can occur due to chemical damage from acids, alkalis or caustic chemical compounds. In children, the eardrum most often ruptures when foreign bodies are introduced into the ear.

If the membrane is damaged, the patient may complain of sharp pain in the ear, clear or purulent discharge, hearing loss or tinnitus. In case of traumatic injury, bloody discharge appears from the ear. Body temperature may also increase, disorientation and nausea may appear. If these symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor to avoid spreading the infection inside and prevent possible complications.


We examine the condition of the eardrum in the ENT doctor’s office

Diagnosis of perforation of the tympanic septum involves collecting the patient’s medical history and examining the ear cavity externally. The doctor performs palpation and a thorough examination of the ear canal using special instruments.

To diagnose the presence of a hole in the tympanic septum or its rupture, instrumental diagnostic methods are used: otoscopy, audiometry, computed tomography.

During otoscopy, the otolaryngologist inserts a funnel and pulls the auricle upward and backward. This method helps to better see the ear canal and eardrum. The doctor then shines a light into the ear canal and can note the extent of damage to the eardrum. If blood or pus is present, the doctor takes a small amount of material for examination.

Audiometry is carried out to identify the degree of hearing loss and measure its acuity.

The most informative instrumental examination method is computed tomography. It is used to clarify the diagnosis and identify the degree of damage to the auditory membrane.

The patient must also undergo laboratory tests: fluid from the ear for bacteriology and a general blood test to identify the inflammatory process.

Perforation of the eardrum (in the ear), treatment at the City Med Clinic Orenburg

The eardrum is a thin multi-layered membrane that separates the ear canal from the middle ear cavity. The role of this membrane is to transmit sound waves (air vibration) to the hammer, which then travel to the auditory ossicles of the inner ear. Thus, the eardrum is an important element of the acoustic system that the ear represents. In cases where a hole or rupture appears in the eardrum, the conduction of sounds is disrupted, which, accordingly, impairs hearing. In addition, when the membrane is perforated, a kind of barrier disappears, which does not allow pathogens - bacteria, viruses and fungi - to penetrate into the middle ear.

Treatment method and prognosis

Tympanoplasty – surgery to repair the eardrum

The hole in the eardrum usually heals on its own within a few weeks, but if this does not happen, surgery is required.

If there is a small hole in the membrane, drug treatment is carried out.

  • Sterile turundas soaked in a special antibacterial solution are inserted into the ear canal.
  • To eliminate pain, painkillers are prescribed.
  • For purulent otitis media, antibacterial drops are used: Tsipromed, Normax, Otofa, etc. A few drops are instilled into each ear canal 2-3 times a day.
  • Not prescribed for perforation of the tympanic septum with ototoxic effects: Polydexa, Otinum, Anauran, Sofradex, etc.

The main methods of treating eardrum perforation:

  1. Patch the hole. If the gap is small, you can close the hole with a patch. The edges of the hole are treated with a special preparation for growth, and then a paper patch is applied. It may take 3-4 procedures to completely eliminate the hole.
  2. Operation. If there is a large hole or a complete rupture of the eardrum, surgery is performed. This procedure is called tympanoplasty or myringoplasty and is performed under general anesthesia. A small incision is made above the ear, from which a thin piece of skin is removed. It will be used to stitch the holes in the membrane.

Next, the surgeon lifts the eardrum and places a flap over the hole. Absorbable materials are also placed to keep the flap in position until complete healing. The material will completely dissolve in a few weeks. To avoid infection, a cotton swab moistened with an antibacterial agent is inserted into the ear canal.

At first, the manipulation will cause discomfort to the person. Painful discomfort passes quickly.

However, the patient must be careful in the postoperative period. Do not blow your nose too much or make sucking movements through your nose. The pressure in the cavity increases, which can lead to displacement of the flap.

The surgical method of eliminating perforation can improve hearing, eliminate noise, and prevent water from entering the middle ear and the formation of a cyst. The prognosis is favorable if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Possible complications and consequences

Most often, perforation of the eardrum heals on its own without causing complications!

Against the background of a violation of the integrity of the membrane and penetration of infection inside, complications such as:

  • Otitis
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Acoustic neuritis

Pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate deeper, then this can lead to the development of meningitis and encephalitis. A large rupture of the membrane can cause hearing loss. This is a temporary complication and healing is slow. If perforation occurs as a result of a traumatic brain injury, resulting in damage to the middle and inner ear, then hearing loss may be severe or permanent.

In addition, recurrent infection of the middle ear cavity and chronic inflammation may occur, which can also cause hearing loss. If the membrane is damaged, complications arise in the form of sensorineural hearing loss, it is possible to perform surgical intervention to restore hearing. If necessary, use hearing aids.

Useful video - What happens if the eardrum bursts:

How to remove cotton wool from your ear and why a foreign object is dangerous

To avoid the development of possible complications and damage to the eardrum, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not swim in contaminated water.
  2. Treat ear infections promptly.
  3. Do not swim underwater if you have allergies or a runny nose.
  4. Proper ear hygiene should be performed.
  5. Avoid excessive noise, listen to loud music or use headphones.
  6. Do not use sharp or blunt objects to clean your ears.
  7. During the flight, to avoid barotrauma, it is recommended to suck on candy or lollipop.
  8. It is important to ensure that no foreign objects get into the ear. If a foreign body gets into the ear cavity, you should consult a doctor, but do not remove the object yourself.
  9. If there are signs of inflammation in the middle ear, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist. You should not self-medicate.

These simple recommendations will help prevent eardrum perforation.

Diagnosis of eardrum perforation at City Med

Endoscopic examination of the ear is the main method for diagnosing this pathology and is often quite sufficient. It includes otoscopy and microotoscopy, which are performed by an otolaryngologist. The study is carried out using an ENT machine, which allows you to visualize defects in the eardrum, hemorrhages, the presence of pus, and also take pathological discharge for bacteriological analysis in order to determine the causative agents of infection and their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. If necessary, our clinic uses additional research methods: audiometry, tympanometry, stabilography, tuning fork examination, electrocochleography, acoustic impedance measurement, caloric test, vestibulometry.

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