Physical inactivity - what is it?

Physical inactivity is a condition characterized by insufficient physical activity and decreased muscle strength. It is not an independent disease. The main symptoms of physical inactivity: constant fatigue and decreased performance, excess weight, insomnia and emotional lability. Diagnosis is based on medical history and objective examination; laboratory and instrumental methods are used to identify concomitant pathologies. Treatment consists of gradually increasing the volume of physical activity and eliminating the etiological factors of physical inactivity. If there are indications, drug correction is carried out.

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Home Physical inactivity is a disease of the 21st century. Steps to health.

The twenty-first century “gave” modern people physical inactivity. The disease is a weakening of muscle activity caused by insufficient physical activity. Simply put, physical inactivity is inactivity. According to experts, more than half of the population of our planet suffers from physical inactivity, and this is already a reason to sound the alarm.

signs indicate the development of physical inactivity : lethargy, drowsiness, bad mood, irritability, general malaise, fatigue, decreased appetite, sleep disturbance, decreased performance.

Physical inactivity can cause a lot of diseases : bronchial asthma, diabetes, obesity, heart and vascular diseases, gastric and nervous diseases. Almost all vital organs suffer to one degree or another from lack of physical activity.

Physical inactivity is especially dangerous in childhood. The disease delays the formation of the body and negatively affects the development of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems. Resistance to infection decreases. It is also worth noting that men suffering from physical inactivity or obesity suffer from erectile dysfunction 30% more often.

Prevention of physical inactivity

- if possible, prefer walking to traveling by car or public transport

- Start every morning with exercise. 15-20 minutes of bending, squatting, turning and swinging your arms/legs will relieve the effects of physical inactivity. Even minimal stress on the body can improve mood and performance.

— if the nature of the work is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, you need to do a little exercise every 2 hours.

— try to refuse to use the elevator, prefer walking up the stairs. This will tone your leg muscles and strengthen your back muscles, and will also help you lose excess weight.

Walking is the best way to increase physical activity. Walking has a beneficial effect on all vital functions of the body; when walking, the rhythm of the heart improves, breathing becomes deeper, and ventilation of the lungs increases. Walking is especially beneficial for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

To maintain normal vitality, you need to walk 5-6 km daily. Evening walks before bed are beneficial.

You should start walking for therapeutic and training purposes at your usual speed and distance, at which the symptoms of the disease do not intensify and great fatigue does not appear. The doctor selects the dose. Walk daily 1-2 times a day, preferably after sleep and before meals.

Walks before bed should be calm, for 15-20 minutes. Increase the distance gradually, adding 20-100 meters daily, depending on how you feel. Avoid hot periods of the day in summer. On cold, windy days, reduce your walking distance.

An important point is proper breathing while walking: it is better to breathe through the nose, breathing should be full or abdominal, rhythmic - inhale for 2-3 steps, exhale for 3-4. If shortness of breath occurs, you should stop or slow down your walking pace until breathing is restored.

The appearance of heart pain and dizziness require immediate rest and a subsequent reduction in speed or route length. Lethargy, insomnia, loss of appetite are signs of overwork. When they appear, take a break for 2-3 days. After a short workout, alternate between fast and slow walking every 25-30 meters.

The next stage of training is walking while overcoming shortness of breath. It differs from the previous one in that during fast walking, when shortness of breath appears, another 5-10 quick steps are taken. The distance covered at a fast pace gradually increases. Before you start walking, you need to measure your pulse. Walking on level ground increases your heart rate by 10-12 beats per minute. Walking over rough terrain, as well as fast walking, increases your heart rate by 30-40 beats per minute. This is the norm.

When walking, you should not allow chest pain and increased heart rate beyond acceptable limits . Therapeutic walking should not be prescribed for diseases: angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation and paroxysmal tachycardia, hypertension with the presence of organic changes and high blood pressure, heart defects with a predominance of stenosis, circulatory failure of 2-3 degrees, epilepsy.

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Causes and risk factors

Physical inactivity can be caused by objective reasons, for example, disability, severe and long-term illness. But in most cases it is associated with improper lifestyle organization or sedentary work. The main risk factors for the development of physical inactivity include:

  • insufficient physical activity;
  • excess body weight;
  • psychological disorders;
  • somatic diseases;
  • genetic factors;
  • intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
  • birth injuries;
  • bad habits.


Physical inactivity is a violation of body functions (musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, breathing, digestion) with limited physical activity and decreased strength of muscle contraction.

Currently, in our 21st century, technological progress continues to develop at a pace no less rapid than in the last technological century; of course, these achievements make human life easier in modern society. It becomes easier and simpler, you can’t argue with that. For example, to come to work, you only need to walk to a public transport stop or car. We get to the apartment on the upper floors by elevator, rather than walking, and use a vacuum cleaner to clean the room. As a result of technological progress, since the beginning of the last century, the share of physical labor in human life has decreased by 150–200 times. The prevalence of physical inactivity is increasing due to urbanization, mechanization and automation of work and everyday life, and the increasing role of means of communication in modern society. Physical inactivity can be caused by objective reasons, for example, disability, severe and long-term illness. But in most cases it is associated with improper lifestyle organization or sedentary work.


  1. Impaired functioning of the body. During sedentary work, the main load falls on the cervical and lumbar spine. The vertebrae of the first of them become pinched, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of blood flow to the brain. The result is headaches and blurred vision. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region may also develop. The spine is interconnected with the work of all other human organs.
  2. Disruption of the normal functioning of the cardiac system and the risk of atherosclerosis, angina and heart attack. People who spend most of their lives sitting at a desk have twice the risk of dying from heart failure than those who lead an active lifestyle.
  3. A person who works at a computer mainly with a mouse is susceptible to inflammatory processes in the right (or left) area of ​​the body due to constantly raising his hand.
  4. Development of varicose veins. People who sit at a desk all day suffer from poor blood circulation in the lower extremities, which immediately leads to the development of varicose veins, this is especially unpleasant for women. Crossing one leg over the other increases the risk of this disease even further. The vessels are pinched and blood stagnates in certain places.
  5. The formation of incorrect posture in children and problems with the proper functioning of the respiratory tract (due to an underdeveloped chest that is subject to constant compression).
  6. Constipation and hemorrhoids. Stagnant processes in the pelvis can lead to the development of chronic constipation. This disease causes great discomfort and often leads to hemorrhoids, which can be very difficult to cure.
  7. When constantly staying in the same sitting position, the lower part of a person’s body begins to gradually increase in volume. This is due to increased pressure on this area and an increase in the body's production of subcutaneous fat by as much as one and a half times.
  8. There is a risk of developing diabetes due to increased blood sugar, excess weight and increased blood pressure.
  9. Weakening of the muscles, spine and joints, which begin to hurt severely.
  10. Increased mortality rate (by 40%) among women leading a passive lifestyle. For men, this figure is 20%.


The main technique aimed at reducing the risk of developing physical inactivity, as you might guess, is movement. A variety of physical activities and exercises help strengthen the muscular system, musculoskeletal system, and the entire body as a whole. Hiking, running, swimming, exercise in the fitness room will be appropriate, even regular daily exercise will have a positive effect on your condition.

You also need to watch your diet. This means introducing as many fresh vegetables and fruits into your diet as possible. Avoid excessive consumption of sweet and fatty foods. Moreover, in terms of food, you need to set yourself up not for a certain period of time, but for lifelong adherence and adhere to strict rules for healthy eating. This should be your lifestyle, of course, together with physical activity.

Such a bad habit as smoking should be abandoned, as it provokes all the pathological processes described above and aggravates the general condition of the human body.

So, try increasing your physical activity daily. For example, instead of using the elevator, take the stairs, focus on walking, and do exercises. Even these small measures can help you significantly. Remember, movement is life! Make an effort, and physical inactivity will not be a problem for you.

State Institution "Smolevichi Regional Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology"

Symptoms of physical inactivity

Physical inactivity is characterized by gradual development, that is, the symptoms of the pathology do not appear in the patient immediately, but periodically. The disease of an immobile lifestyle begins to manifest itself in the form of an increasing feeling of apathy, rapid fatigue, a noticeable decrease in performance, disturbances in the quality of sleep, the appearance of nervousness, irritability, and aggressiveness. As the disease progresses, symptoms become aggravated - periodic headaches begin, the risk of fractures increases, weight increases, shortness of breath occurs, and back pain worsens. In some women, physical inactivity provokes the development of anorgasmia, and in men, erectile dysfunction.

The influence of physical inactivity on the health of a disabled person

For reference. Physical inactivity

(Greek hypo - decrease; dinamis - strength) - a set of negative morphofunctional changes in the body due to prolonged hypokinesia. These are atrophic changes in muscles, general physical detraining of the cardiovascular system, decreased orthostatic stability, changes in water-salt balance, blood system, demineralization of bones, etc. Ultimately, the functional activity of organs and systems decreases, the activity of the regulatory mechanisms that ensure their interconnection is disrupted, and resistance to various unfavorable factors deteriorates; the intensity and volume of afferent information associated with muscle contractions decreases, coordination of movements is impaired, muscle tone (turgor) decreases, endurance and strength indicators decrease.

Lack of physical activity negatively affects the level of training, physical fitness and health of a disabled person. In this case, not only performance decreases, but also specific skills that were previously acquired are lost. Their recovery takes a long time, and sometimes it is not possible to completely restore functions lost as a result of injury or disease.

Termination of training leads to a mismatch in the coordination of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes combined into a functional system. The loss or disruption of any link in this chain or a change in the functional state of the central nervous system leads to disruption or decline (disorder) of a complex functional system.

The cessation (decrease) of muscle activity leads to a slowdown in blood and lymph flow in the muscles, a decrease in their tone, and oxidative metabolic processes, which in turn worsens (slows down) the processes of reparative regeneration of injured tissues.

One of the most important mechanisms in the development of disorders during hypokinesia may be a sharp decrease in constant reflex stimulation of the main vegetative functions of the body, which ensure the direct regulation of various types of metabolism in organs and tissues. The weakening of motor-visceral stimulation leads to the fact that the processes of catabolism begin to prevail over the processes of anabolism.

With physical inactivity, a deficiency of irritation and excitation of the central nervous system occurs, primarily from afferent influences coming from the proprioceptors of inactive muscles, from mechanoreceptors and many other organs.

Consequently, cessation of training certainly leads to a decrease in the flow of proprioceptive influences on the autonomic functions of a number of organs and systems.

With physical inactivity, a decrease in venous pressure occurs, the muscle bed is disrupted (the number of open capillaries is significantly reduced), the oxygen regime of tissues is reduced, muscle tone and strength are reduced.

Skeletal muscles perform not only a musculoskeletal function, but also significantly influence muscle blood flow, tissue metabolism, the endocrine system, etc. A decrease (cessation) of muscle activity leads to morphofunctional changes in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system, deterioration of reparative regeneration processes, metabolic processes in tissues, etc. All taken together contributes to a sharp decrease in physical performance and deterioration in the health of a disabled person (patient). The basis of various functional disorders of the activity of his body is the perversion of constantly acting habitual kinesthetic (motor) stimuli. This is especially evident in patients with amputations of the lower extremities, when the supporting function and irritation of the reflexogenic zones of the feet are excluded, and in patients with paralysis of the lower extremities, large muscle mass is disabled; in this case, physical inactivity is a typical cause of further deterioration of the dynamic stereotype of physiological functions.

Muscular atrophy significantly complicates the adaptive mechanisms of blood circulation to changes in body position and physical work and can actually threaten the health of the patient (disabled person).

Muscular activity can alleviate the situation, having a beneficial effect on the functional state of the patient. It is necessary for the prevention of contractures, muscle imbalance (atrophy, hypertonicity, etc.), bedsores and many other indicators.

Restriction of movements aggravates the processes of restoration of lost functions. Due to motor disorders, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system are affected, muscle atrophy occurs faster, especially in amputated or paralyzed limbs, changes in the ECG and other health abnormalities occur. In addition, amputees experience prostatitis, congestion in the pelvic organs, lymphangitis, and often scratches and abrasions in the buttocks cause suppurative processes.

To eliminate the consequences of physical inactivity in training, it is necessary to include stretching exercises (on simulators, a bicycle ergometer, etc.). Hydrokinesitherapy and vibration massage of the back with needle vibrators (especially paravertebral areas) of the shoulder girdle muscles have a good effect, and in amputees, also vibration of the stump.

Sports for disabled people is the main condition for combating physical inactivity and its consequences.

Basic forms of physical education for disabled people.

Independent physical exercises (morning hygienic exercises, walks, short-range tourism, corrective exercises).

Nutrition, herbal medicine, various types of massage, especially segmental reflex, cryomassage, swimming, stretching exercises for connective tissue formations, oxygen cocktails, normalization of sleep with the help of pharmacological preparations of plant origin, etc. are of great importance.

Independent physical exercises in everyday conditions must be included daily in the physical activity regime of disabled people. During the day, it is advisable to conduct 3-4 classes lasting 15-30 minutes. In order to increase the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises on functional development and the level of physical fitness, it is recommended to use various training systems, devices and equipment (dumbbells, elastic bands, rubber bandages, expanders, block systems, etc.) in individual classes, which makes it easier to regulate physical activity , creating programs of local impact on individual muscle groups and body systems.

Morning hygienic exercises are carried out daily for 15-20 minutes, regardless of where the disabled person is (at home, in a hospital, sanatorium, rehabilitation center). At home he is helped by relatives, in medical institutions by exercise therapy instructors, nurses, etc. The UGG complex includes 9-10 gymnastic exercises with tasks common to UGG. Classes are conducted sitting on a chair, in a wheelchair or standing in fixation devices. The dosage of exercises depends on the degree and level of damage, age, functional state of the body of those involved and on the level of their physical fitness.

Walking, close tourism - forms of physical education that do not require motor training and use

complex equipment and devices. Walking is included in the daily motor regimen at all stages of rehabilitation; their duration depends on the ambient temperature, the functional state of disabled people, and the ability to use this type of independent exercise at home. Close-range tourism can be organized by a group of disabled people engaged in one section or association on a territorial basis (homes for the disabled, sanatorium-type medical institutions), as well as independently, usually during the day. The inclusion of short-range tourism in the weekly motor regime of disabled people, allowing for a combination of active perception of the environment with dosed physical activity, helps to reduce stress in the nervous system, improve the functional state of the main body systems, and increase the level of physical fitness of disabled people.

Special correctional classes as the main link of active correction include a set of preventive measures (gymnastics, massage, posture correction, orthopedic devices, exercises on simulators, etc.) that contribute to the complete or partial elimination of insufficiency of the musculoskeletal system.

In general, it is advisable to allocate 20-25 minutes for active rest during the working day for disabled people. Lesson programs must be changed monthly.

Regular occupational physical education classes contribute to the development of the habit of systematic physical exercise and the creation of favorable conditions for highly productive work and preservation of the health of disabled people.

Rehabilitation doctor (head) S.M. Rabushko

Features of the course in children

In children and adolescents, it develops due to limited mobility at school and at home.

When a child spends most of the day at school, stagnation of blood and lymph occurs in the lower extremities, but the brain and other organs are less well supplied with blood. Oxygen starvation occurs, attention, memory, ability to think and concentrate deteriorate.

Weakness of the muscular frame, especially the anti-gravity muscles of the back, provokes poor posture and curvature of the spine.

In children, an inactive lifestyle leads to the development of diseases much faster, because their skeleton and muscular system are not yet fully formed and do not have a sufficient reserve of resistance.

Standard values

To understand whether there is enough movement in a person’s life, it is worth paying attention to certain “standards”.

“Low physical activity is considered if a person walks at a moderate or brisk pace for less than 30 minutes a day: during leisure time or at work, including normal daily activities,” says Vera Larina.

The specialist notes that absolutely any type of physical activity is good for health, so all adults are recommended to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. It's important to know that most people don't need to exercise intensely.

“The minimum level of physical activity that produces health benefits is aerobic moderate physical activity of at least 150 minutes per week (30 minutes per day, 5 days a week), or vigorous physical activity of at least 75 minutes per week (15 minutes per week). day, 5 days a week), or a combination thereof,” says Professor Larina.

For physically inactive healthy adults, the initial minimum duration of physical activity should be 10 minutes per day and gradually increase. “For example, it is possible to expand activity by changing the way of daily life (in some situations, give up transport and walk part of the way, not use the elevator, if possible, etc.),” notes Vera Larina.

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What are the dangers of body immobility and physical inactivity?

  • Since there is no physical activity, the patient’s muscles begin to flabby, weaken, and their elasticity and firmness are lost. This condition is dangerous due to the development of atrophy.
  • The patient's strength and endurance decrease, and pathologies of the nervous system are observed (nervous disorders, depression).
  • A prolonged course of the disease threatens the development of osteoporosis, as the bones stop absorbing calcium. Pathology can cause the development of osteoarthritis, as well as osteochondrosis.
  • Passivity is a direct path to the development of cardiac pathologies (coronary disease, hypertension, arrhythmia).
  • The functionality of the respiratory system is impaired, which leads to congestion and obstruction.
  • The pathology provokes a malfunction of the digestive system - intestinal motility is disrupted, constipation and colitis appear.

All of the above negative conditions lead to a decrease in the patient’s life expectancy.

The current issue of the day is physical inactivity

According to doctors, the main danger to human health during forced long-term quarantine is physical inactivity . Lack of necessary physical activity can lead to a decrease in immunity and even cause a number of diseases. Malfunctions occur in the functioning of the main body systems - respiratory, digestive, circulatory. Let's remember the astronauts: in conditions of isolation in orbit, physical inactivity is inevitable, since movements in zero gravity require much less effort. And when astronauts return to earth, they experience a decrease in overall muscle mass.

In fact, a person has two “hearts” to pump blood. One is normal, and the second is muscular. Contraction of skeletal muscles provides blood to up to 80% of the tissues, spine, joints, and pelvic organs. Therefore, when the muscular activity of the body weakens as a result of inactivity, these organs receive significantly less oxygen and nutrients, and, accordingly, wear out and age faster. Due to the fact that when mobility decreases, our muscles do not perform their “pumping” function, the heart has to work for itself and for its “neighbor”. The heart muscle becomes overworked and exhausted.

Under quarantine conditions, many find it difficult to exercise: parks and squares are closed, you can’t work on the horizontal bars in the yard, and not always and not every person can organize a place for exercise at home. In this case, the rehabilitation specialist recommends using every opportunity to maintain minimal physical activity. Simple occupational therapy is suitable - life-saving house cleaning, as well as elementary sets of exercises: bending, rotation of the pelvis, arms, “bicycle”, squats, push-ups, and so on. Of course, everything is done to the best of one’s ability and ability in accordance with age and condition of the joints. Watch carefully to see if this is difficult for you to do. It sounds simple, but even a few minutes of activity a day will improve your blood circulation and make you feel more energetic. Just remember to warm up before any workout. If you want to “pump up” your muscles, dumbbells, an expander, a jump rope, an exercise bike, and a home horizontal bar can help you.

The general rule in conditions of self-isolation, “remote work” is to get up from your chair more often. The head of the European office of the World Health Organization (WHO), Joao Breda, told how not to lose vigor and productivity. He advised “taking breaks from work and study throughout the day to exercise. For example, dancing to the music of your favorite artist . It was also found that in an average one-room apartment, you can walk more than three kilometers in a day, just doing everyday household chores. During telephone conversations, the WHO representative advises walking around the room, and generally trying not to sit for more than half an hour without a break . The hardest thing is to control it. Set yourself an alarm clock, a timer that will signal you to get up and walk every half hour or hour. If you do this often and little by little, you will not get tired and compensate for the lack of movement.”

You can avoid physical inactivity by any other available means. at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity or 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week for adults WHO also advises reducing the consumption of salt, sugar and fat, increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains, including buckwheat, which are rich in plant fiber - they improve digestion.

It is worth giving up bad habits, the most common of which is smoking. Alcohol should be limited or completely avoided. “Alcohol, by its original chemical properties, is a substance that has a detrimental effect on the psyche, causes addiction and is harmful to health in any form of consumption,” this is what the expert called the main disadvantages of alcoholic beverages.

By the way, oddly enough, today professional athletes are at risk due to the so-called “walking syndrome”, which will amount to more than half an hour per day. You can add push-ups from the wall or from the dining table and other exercises that are not too difficult for an elderly person. Daily performance of a set of gymnastic exercises is encouraged.

A decrease in physical activity is accompanied by a decrease in pulmonary ventilation . Therefore, it is very important to do not only regular exercises, but also breathing exercises to maintain the mobility of the lung tissue. After all, one of the main complications of the current coronavirus infection is respiratory failure . The simplest and most effective breathing exercise is inflating balloons. This is what gerontologists advise. You also need to take deep breaths and exhales, holding your breath for a short time. Age-related changes in the respiratory system are characterized by a deterioration in the elasticity of the lung tissue, weakening of the respiratory muscles, limited mobility of the chest, and a decrease in pulmonary ventilation. The peak efficiency of the respiratory system occurs at the age of 18–20 years (100%), after which it begins to decline, and by the age of 55 it is already 67%. With the onset of old age, these indicators decrease even more. To slow down the aging process, it is necessary to take measures to increase the capabilities of the respiratory system.

Elderly people in quarantine can eat according to the old regime, but it is better to slightly reduce the caloric content of the diet. And, of course, it is important to consume fermented milk products. You must continue to follow your doctor’s recommendations for treating existing chronic diseases.

During the quarantine period, when children are forced to study remotely, while sitting at home in front of a computer, parents are advised to limit their children’s use of gaming gadgets to prevent vision diseases, poor posture and scoliosis in schoolchildren. It is necessary to organize a child’s life in quarantine in such a way that there is less time left for playing games on a phone or tablet than for board games, drawing and artistic creativity. Watching television programs should also be limited. When organizing a child’s free time, taking into account the problem of physical inactivity, it is recommended to include physical education classes. It is enough to take short breaks of 10 minutes between classes, during which you can do several game exercises to relieve muscle tension and do eye exercises. You need to understand: during isolation it is advisable to change your lifestyle. If you and your child love dancing, turn on the music and dance. Do any exercises that he likes.

The main rule: to spend your isolation time usefully and reduce the risk of illness, you need to move and maintain a positive attitude. Active movements are an important factor in improving mood.

And one more thing: after leaving the restriction mode, you will need to increase physical activity

Complications of physical inactivity

The main “target” of physical inactivity is the cardiovascular system. Patients experience dyslipidemia and atherosclerotic vascular lesions, which contribute to the development of coronary artery disease. Due to calcification and rigidity of the vascular wall, arterial hypertension occurs. The mortality rate from cardiac causes (heart attack, heart failure) in patients with physical inactivity is 20-30% higher than the population average.

The musculoskeletal system is affected. Osteoporosis develops and the incidence of bone fractures increases. The function of the joints (osteoarthrosis) and the spinal column (osteochondrosis) suffers. A connection between physical inactivity and aging has been established: in older women who devote less than 40 minutes to physical activity per day, their biological age is 8-10 years higher than their passport age. Ultimately, all these complications reduce life expectancy.

Prevention of physical inactivity

To compensate for physical inactivity, you need to start with basic Neumykin squats and gradually move on to recreational walking. This is the basis of everything, but you need to walk at least 50 minutes a day. The main thing is monotony and speed. The best speed for a person of average height is 5.5-6 km/h, that is, approximately 2 steps per second.


All materials on the site (including video and audio clips on third-party resources) are for educational and informational purposes only. There are contraindications. Before using recommendations and advice from the site and videos, ALWAYS consult your doctor! All patient names used in articles on this site have been changed for ethical reasons. Any similarities are random.

Treatment of physical inactivity

If symptoms of pathology appear, you need to visit a competent specialist for diagnosis. This is necessary, since the symptoms of physical inactivity are not specific and may indicate the progression of other ailments. The course of treatment is developed based on the degree of development of the disease, as well as the general condition of the patient.

Before treating the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the true cause, which led to physical inactivity. The treatment plan is usually aimed at eliminating the consequences of the pathology (obesity, increased blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, etc.).

Correction of the pathological condition, in addition to a gradual increase in physical activity, includes physiotherapeutic methods, massage, and diet therapy. To restore the functions of organs and body systems during physical inactivity, the following are recommended:

  • physical therapy – you should start with it, especially with physical inactivity that has developed against the background of somatic diseases;
  • aerobic physical activity (fast walking, running, badminton, tennis, skiing);
  • strength exercises;
  • exercises to stretch muscles and ligaments.

For physical inactivity that has developed against the background of psychological problems, it is recommended to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist. Children, as well as adults, are recommended to play outdoor games, play sports or dance, and travel.


Physical inactivity: symptoms, its consequences and prevention

Physical inactivity is one of the most pressing problems in the modern world. The disease called by this term does not exist in medicine, but this condition can lead to disruption of the functions of many organs and systems. That is why doctors around the world are paying more and more attention to physical inactivity among the population every year. It’s not difficult to guess the meaning of this term; “hypodynamia” means “reduced activity.” Regular physical activity is necessary for all people, regardless of age and gender. Systematic training strengthens the muscular system, including the myocardium, prevents congestion in the lungs, and improves blood circulation in the vessels. People who exercise regularly have good memory, high performance and good immune status.

Symptoms of physical inactivity

The main reason for physical inactivity in people in the modern world is obvious. Achievements of technological progress make human life more comfortable, but few people think that a decrease in physical activity, for example, when using a personal car, has a negative impact on health. In addition, physical inactivity is a constant companion for people in so-called sedentary professions (programmers, managers, etc.). This problem does not bypass children, especially of school age, who after classes (during which they also sit) prefer to spend their free time at home on the computer rather than on the street. Of course, there are reasons why a person is forced to limit his movement, for example, due to serious illness or as a result of injury. But even in such cases, patients need movement. It’s not for nothing that ancient healers said: “Movement is life.” Physical inactivity is a condition that is accompanied by a huge number of symptoms, most of which are a consequence of insufficient physical activity. The following main symptoms can be identified: lethargy, drowsiness; bad mood, irritability; general malaise, fatigue; decreased appetite; sleep disturbance, decreased performance. Almost every person can periodically feel such symptoms, but few people associate them with physical inactivity. Therefore, when such signs appear, you should think about whether you are devoting enough time to physical training. A long-term decrease in physical activity leads to atrophic changes in muscles and bone tissue, metabolism is disrupted, and protein synthesis decreases. Physical inactivity has an extremely adverse effect on the functioning of the brain, causing headaches, insomnia, and people becoming emotionally unbalanced. Another sign of physical inactivity is an increase in appetite, which results in an increase in the amount of food consumed. Reduced physical activity and excessive nutrition can quickly lead to the development of obesity, which contributes to the occurrence of lipid metabolism disorders and atherosclerosis. It is known that the presence of atherosclerosis significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This is also facilitated by increased fragility of blood vessels, which is also a consequence of metabolic disorders. Considerable attention should be paid to physical activity in children, especially of school age. When sitting at a desk for a long time, blood stagnates in the vessels of the lower extremities, which leads to depletion of the blood supply to other organs, including the brain. As a result, thought processes, memory and concentration deteriorate. In addition, sedentary children have a weak muscular system. Due to the weakness of the back muscles, they develop poor posture. As we see, the consequences of physical inactivity can be expressed in dysfunction of many organs and systems, and often such disorders are associated with low physical activity in the last place, although in fact this is not the case.

Prevention of physical inactivity

Obviously, prevention measures should be aimed at increasing physical activity in each person. Children need to be taught from early childhood to do daily morning exercises, active games in the fresh air, compulsory attendance at physical education classes at school, and attendance at sports sections is very useful. Recently, sports centers and fitness clubs have become widespread, regular visits to which are an excellent prevention of physical inactivity. However, the inability to attend sports centers should not be the reason for insufficient physical activity. Every person can take daily walks and jogs in the fresh air. In addition, it is useful to have any exercise machine at home, not necessarily expensive and large; in every home there is a place for a simple jump rope, expander or dumbbells.

GP GUZ "City Clinic No. 4 of Grodno" Badak E. A.

Prognosis and prevention

By normalizing the level of physical activity, the risk of cardiovascular complications and critical conditions is significantly reduced. Patients who follow all medical recommendations increase their life expectancy and improve their quality of life. Primary prevention of physical inactivity involves combating risk factors (sedentary work, obesity, etc.), moderate but regular physical activity.

The main measures to prevent physical inactivity include:

  • sufficient physical activity;
  • long walks in the fresh air;
  • alternating mental and physical activity;
  • timely treatment of somatic diseases;
  • correction of excess weight;
  • balanced diet;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Physical inactivity - symptoms, prevention, consequences

Physical inactivity (lack of mobility) is a pathological condition that develops with significant limitation of physical activity and leads to dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal, respiratory tract, etc.

The prevalence of physical inactivity is increasing due to urbanization, mechanization and automation of work and everyday life, and the increasing role of communications in modern society.

Causes and risk factors

Physical inactivity can be caused by objective reasons, for example, disability, severe and long-term illness. But in most cases it is associated with improper lifestyle organization or sedentary work. The main risk factors for the development of physical inactivity include:

  • insufficient physical activity;
  • excess body weight;
  • nervous diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • somatic diseases;
  • family lifestyle;
  • addiction to bad habits.

Symptoms of physical inactivity

Symptoms of physical inactivity appear gradually. These include increasing fatigue, rapid fatigue, decreased performance, sleep disturbances, increased causeless nervousness, regular headaches of varying intensity, increased risk of fractures, weight gain, shortness of breath with little physical activity, and back pain. Due to insufficient physical activity, strength indicators decrease, muscle volume and mass decrease, neuro-reflex connections are disrupted, which can lead to the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia and depressive states.

With prolonged physical inactivity, the following occurs:

  • damage to the musculoskeletal system
  • damage to the cardiovascular system, leading to arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease.
  • respiratory disorders: decreased pulmonary ventilation, decreased intensity of gas exchange.
  • damage to the endocrine system, manifested by metabolic syndrome (obesity, insulin resistance and increased risk of atherosclerosis).
  • damage to the digestive system: intestinal motility is disrupted, constipation and colitis appear.
  • damage to the nervous system; The functioning of the brain is disrupted - there is a decrease in intellectual capabilities, memory, attention, neuroses and depression develop.
  • immunity decreases.

These pathological conditions lead to a decrease in the quality and life expectancy.

In case of physical inactivity that has developed against the background of a somatic disease, treatment of the underlying pathological process is first required. It is also necessary to eliminate the unfavorable factors that contributed to the development of physical inactivity.

Correction of the pathological condition, in addition to a gradual increase in physical activity, includes: physiotherapeutic methods, massage, diet therapy.

To restore the functions of organs and body systems during physical inactivity, the following are recommended:

  • physical therapy – you should start with it, especially with physical inactivity that has developed against the background of somatic diseases;
  • aerobic physical activity (fast walking, running, badminton, tennis, skiing, Nordic walking);
  • strength exercises;
  • exercises to stretch muscles and ligaments.

Physical training should be applied differentially, taking into account the health status and degree of detraining of the persons for whom it is intended.

For physical inactivity that has developed against the background of psychological problems, it is recommended to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

With timely measures taken, the prognosis is favorable; most pathological changes caused by physical inactivity due to an unhealthy lifestyle are reversible.

Prevention of physical inactivity

The main measures to prevent physical inactivity include:

  • sufficient physical activity;
  • long walks in the fresh air;
  • alternating mental and physical activity;
  • timely treatment of somatic diseases;
  • correction of excess weight;
  • balanced diet;
  • rejection of bad habits.
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