Treatment of gambling addiction. How the “online casino” became a reality.

Gambling addiction, gambling addiction is a pathological dependence on the game process. It doesn’t matter what the patient’s hobby is: poker, slot machines, lottery tickets, sports betting or computer games - if he doesn’t control himself, can’t stop, loses increasingly large sums of money, he needs professional help from narcologists and psychologists.

In rehabilitation we treat all types of addiction, including gambling (gambling addiction or gambling addiction). Unlike other forms of addiction, gambling addiction does not cause physiological addiction. But the psychological craving for gambling is so strong that the gambling addict stops controlling his behavior, breaks the law, ruins his life and harms others. Gambling addiction is an official disease recognized throughout the world. And his treatment must be carried out under the supervision of specialists.

Selection of treatment

Hidden threat

Unlike alcoholism or drug addiction, gambling addiction attracts less attention and is less condemned by society. The problem of gambling received wide publicity only in the middle of the 20th century, when slot machines became widespread. Scientists have noticed that an increasing number of people (including children and teenagers) regularly play “one-armed bandits”, do not control the amount of money spent and cannot stop.

The danger of gambling addiction increases due to the fact that during the gameplay the player experiences a feeling of pleasant relaxation. Gradually, a person begins to perceive the game as a way to relieve stress, which leads to involvement and the formation of addiction. Additional risk factors include:

  • The widespread distribution of slot machines and online casinos;
  • Lack of educational activities and social programs talking about the problem of gambling addiction;
  • The presence of professional players (for example, poker players) who make money from the game and maintain the illusion of the possibility of quick and large earnings.

The mere desire to play and relax in an online casino is not yet a sign of gambling addiction. But a person is not always able to understand the fine line after which gambling addiction begins to develop.


  1. Gambling addiction, causes of development
  2. Stages of development of gambling addiction
  3. Combination of gambling and other types of addiction
  4. Addiction to computer games and social networks
  5. Treatment for gambling
  6. Prevention

Gambling activities that cause excitement in a person can cause a painful addiction. Attachment in this case will have the character of mental subordination. The disorder is based on a hereditary or acquired predisposition that the patient has. The inclination factor is complemented by the incentive of material interest. Gambling addiction is medically called gambling addiction (ludomania, gambling). The disease is characterized by progression of abnormalities, causing gradual desocialization of the patient and personality degradation. The player's passion causes loss of position in society, loss of work and place of study. Life interests become flattened, and the gambling addict requires the help of a psychiatrist, without which the most unpleasant consequences may occur for him. The disease has acquired such proportions that it was included in the international classification of the ICD.

Gambling addiction: signs and treatment

Like many addicts, gambling addicts often do not notice the formation of addiction in themselves and deny the presence of harmful cravings. Close friends and colleagues of players are the first to notice unhealthy behavior. Psychologists classify the following symptoms as alarming symptoms:

  • A gradual increase in the time that a person devotes to the game. A gamer can spend all day and night playing his favorite pastime, with virtually no distractions to anything else. Even physiological desires are suppressed: the need for food and rest.
  • Constant thoughts about the gameplay. Gradually, gambling or other games crowd out all previous hobbies and hobbies; the addict narrows his circle of acquaintances if his friends do not share a passion for gambling.
  • Loss of control over the situation: a person cannot stop either after victories or after defeats.

The addict shows signs of a kind of “withdrawal”: if there is a long break between games, his internal anxiety increases, he becomes irritable and aggressive.

American psychiatrists identify other criteria for addiction. According to their classification, we can talk about gambling addiction if the patient:

  • Looks for money in order to take part in the game (i.e. plays even in the event of an unfavorable financial situation);
  • Gradually increases the frequency of bets and their size;
  • A strong feeling of irritation if the game is interrupted for some reason;
  • Regular attempts to win back;
  • Repeated attempts to exit the game were unsuccessful.

European psychologists suggest thinking about whether it’s time to seek professional help if a person:

  • Puts aside other things to play;
  • Deceives others about how much time he spends on games.

However, only a narcologist or clinical psychologist can diagnose gambling addiction (casino addiction or addiction to other types of gambling). It is noteworthy that the modern gambling addict does not necessarily play for money. For example, many online casinos allow you to play for free, which is used by children and teenagers. This still leads to the formation of an addiction that needs to be treated.

Selection of treatment

Is it possible to quit an online casino on your own? Advice from psychologists

Psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz talks in his book Brain Lock about the variety of psychotherapies used to treat pathological gambling disorder (cognitive behavioral therapy and rational emotive therapy) are two of the most common treatment approaches. There are four main steps to recovery:

  1. Relabeling. Recognize that the urge to gamble is a symptom of addiction that can be treated.
  2. Override. Stop blaming and try to understand that the reason for the excitement is your brain. With practice, learn to control yourself.
  3. Refocusing. When the urge to play appears, shift your attention to something more positive or constructive.
  4. Revaluation. Over time, learn to identify erroneous thoughts. Instead of taking them at face value, realize that they have no value. It's just toxic waste from the brain.

Prerequisites for the development of gambling addiction

Many people play gambling and computer games, but addiction develops in only 3-5% of the adult population. Experts note that there are certain psychological prerequisites that increase the likelihood of developing gambling addiction.

  • Revaluation of material values: players are often confident that money can solve any problems, including problems in communicating with others;
  • Envy of more successful and rich friends. An additional risk factor is the “thirst for profit”, the desire for quick and easy money;
  • The presence of gamblers or professional gamblers in the family, as well as participation in the game since childhood.

Moreover, psychologists note that some people are by nature more passionate than those around them: victories are important to them, and they are more upset by failures. Such emotional instability and inability to control one’s impulses can also become a reason for the formation of addiction.

Another category of players use the game as an opportunity to “escape” from real problems. The gameplay creates an illusory world for them, into which they are completely immersed. As a rule, such patients do not know how to build relationships with others, feel misunderstood and lonely, and are not satisfied with themselves and their lives.

It is noteworthy that recently neuroscientists have been talking about the presence of physiological prerequisites for the development of addictions. Some people produce less dopamine, serotonin and other neurotransmitters, making it more difficult for them to relax and experience a feeling of joy. Such patients are prone to melancholy, depression, and a gloomy outlook on life. The gameplay stimulates the production of happiness hormones and temporarily improves their condition.

Selection of treatment


Summing up the consideration of the problem of gambling addiction in the context of sports betting, bets should be considered solely as entertainment if you are not a professional. You should only bet with free money, don’t play around and never chase the wager.

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Gambling addiction: addiction treatment

Addiction therapy is possible only with the consent of the gambler. Unfortunately, players rarely realize that there is a problem and refuse to accept help from professional narcologists and psychologists. According to American psychologists, gambling addiction has several stages of development:

  1. Winning. While at this stage, the player experiences a feeling of elation and inspiration. He constantly tells others about his successes, often exaggerating them. It seems to him that “fortune” is on his side and he will soon “break the bank.” This leads to a gradual increase in bet size and more frequent play.
  2. Losing. Gradually a person falls into a financial hole. A gambler may consider that he has begun a “dark streak”. He is constantly looking for money to continue playing, borrows from friends and acquaintances, and in severe cases, takes out loans and takes things out of the house. At the stage of losses, his relationships with others deteriorate sharply, he does not keep promises, and may abandon his studies or work. The gambling addict becomes irritable, aggressive, thinks and talks mainly about bets and future victories.
  3. Disappointment. The player realizes that he has gone too far and is tormented by remorse. Often at this stage, debts grow (even to the point of losing real estate), reputation problems appear, and the family is destroyed. The patient feels that he is in a vicious circle, does not see a way out of it, apathy, depression and suicidal thoughts are possible.

Treatment for gambling addiction is easiest to begin when the addict is in the third stage. Then he already sees and understands the problem, and is ready to accept help. The main thing is to contact a psychologist in time 8 so that the specialist motivates the patient for full-fledged therapy.

Addiction to computer games and social networks

The computerization of all types of life has led to another form of dependence. Modern communication technologies allow people to solve many problems without leaving their homes. Virtual space transforms ordinary communication formats, transports a person to special conditions and changes his mental reactions. Spending time in the environment of social networks and information exchange protocols allows you to minimize the possibility of direct contact, ordinary conversations, creates brain overload and the ensuing negative consequences.

Immersing in the information dimension, the patient experiences:

  • Severe physical inactivity, spending hours in a sitting, motionless position. Lack of movement leads to diseases of the joints and internal organs.
  • Social isolation. This problem especially concerns young people. Once in the sphere of ordinary communication, they cannot speak normally, experience communication difficulties, become withdrawn, and react with emotional disturbances. Their volitional sphere suffers, and their psychophysical development lags behind.
  • Narrowing the scope of interests.
  • Psychopathization.

When examined, patients clearly show signs of desocialization.

Gambling addiction: treatment methods

Gambling addiction is a type of psychological addiction, therefore, during the therapy process, special attention is paid to psychocorrectional work. But this does not mean that gambling does not lead to physical consequences. Quite often, a gambling addict is so absorbed in the gameplay that he almost completely refuses to eat and get proper rest. As a result:

  • Insomnia appears;
  • Concentration deteriorates and intellectual abilities decrease;
  • Performance decreases;
  • Vitamin deficiency and exhaustion develop;
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • Posture deteriorates;
  • Regular headaches appear, visual acuity and hearing decrease.

Complex therapy involves an appointment with a therapist who will diagnose the current condition and prescribe medications to restore and maintain the normal functioning of all organ systems. A specialist can also prescribe nootropics and antidepressants.

As part of psychocorrectional work, the recovering person attends individual and group sessions with a psychologist and undergoes body-oriented and art therapy. Techniques are selected by specialists taking into account the individual situation: for example, the patient’s age, type of temperament, history of addiction. The 12 Steps program gives good results, allowing addicts to recognize their illness and overcome it.

What do the statistics say?

According to international statistics, the countries that are most prosperous in terms of freedom from gambling addiction have less than 0.5% of the population with this problem. In the countries that are most gambling addicted by national scale, the percentage of gambling addicts reaches 7% of the total adult population.

Thus, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Britain, Switzerland and Sweden have from 1% to 1.5% of gambling addicts. In America this figure reaches 3.5%. In the CIS countries, we can talk about 1.5%-3% of gambling addicts, but only according to official data.

Features of inpatient treatment

When a diagnosis of gambling addiction is made, treatment in a clinic is the most effective solution. Undergoing therapy in a hospital has several advantages:

  • The recovering person is under constant supervision of several specialists. Psychologists, clinical psychologists, and narcologists work with him. Specialists can conduct a comprehensive examination and adjust the treatment plan taking into account the identified features.
  • A gambling addict leaves a toxic environment. A familiar environment (other addicts) and more temptations often complicate rehabilitation and increase the risk of relapse. In “I am independent,” the person in recovery is temporarily isolated from stimuli. This allows you to create strong motivation to lead a sober lifestyle, giving a person time and opportunity to rethink their life priorities.
  • Thoughtful daily routine. One of the tasks of our employees is to teach a former addict the skills of sober living. An important role in this is played by creating and maintaining a certain routine. The day is structured in such a way that the patient receives sufficient physical activity, visits a psychologist, and communicates with other recovering people. Creative pursuits and hobbies are encouraged.

After the psychocorrectional work has been done, the third stage of therapy begins - reintegration into society. The person returns to his familiar surroundings. We help you get back into school or find a new job. In the process of studying with a psychologist, the former patient learns how to build harmonious relationships with loved ones and colleagues. At the same time, the gambling addict continues to attend group meetings and other therapeutic events. This significantly reduces the likelihood of a “breakdown” and helps a person build a harmonious life.

Activities of bookmakers in the fight against gambling addiction

Bookmaker websites offer the following tools:

  • information sections on responsible gambling;
  • special options when registering an account: you can set the maximum amount of money deposited per day, the number of allowed bets, and the time of playing live;
  • links to the websites of special international organizations that provide assistance to gambling addicts - Center for Ludomani, Gambling Help Online, Gambling Therapy, GamCare, etc.;
  • Players under 18 years of age are not allowed.

The operating principle of bookmakers:

How bookmakers work: what they are, how they work and how they make money

Prevention of gambling addiction

Protecting yourself and your loved ones from gambling addiction is not so difficult. To prevent addiction from developing in children and adolescents, psychologists recommend:

  • Control the time your child spends in front of the computer: the younger he is, the fewer hours he should sit in front of the monitor.
  • Form in children the habit of a healthy lifestyle: walks, regular physical activity.
  • If difficulties arise in communicating with peers, take the child to a psychologist.
  • Maintain and develop hobbies.

To prevent addiction from developing in an adult, it is important to learn to control your emotions. If various stresses arise (problems at work, in interpersonal relationships), solve them constructively. You can learn more about the basics of sober life using a special 45-day program from 8.

Codependency among relatives of gambling addicts

Addiction is a condition that affects emotions and behavior. Those who have it usually form attachments to people. Such relationships are often one-sided. In many cases they are subjected to physical or emotional abuse.

Experts consider codependency to be a learned behavior. It is often passed down from generation to generation. It is caused by observation and imitation of dependent family members. This disorder has been seen on doctors' desks for the past forty years. This originally applied to spouses of alcoholics. However, further research has shown that interdependence is found everywhere.

The following factors indicate codependency:

  • Put the needs of the addict above your own.
  • you take on too much responsibility.
  • you are afraid of being rejected, of being left alone.
  • low self-esteem.
  • there is a need to control situations, people and your feelings.

Don’t delay contacting a specialist! We can solve your problem!

Confession of a gambler

Here is another letter from a gambling addict who does not have the strength to overcome his painful addiction (the author’s spelling has been preserved).

32 years. I am a liar, a thief, a gambler, a degenerate, a bastard, a scumbag, a dependent, divorced, millions in debt, and at the same time I don’t want to die. I realized this when I tried to kill myself. I had everything. great job with a very high income, wife, good life. Then I became interested in the stock exchange, then poker. And it went downhill. I was fired from my job, and from my second job too... because at work I played the stock market and poker. this was 4 years ago. Since then I have been living on micro-income from my gambling addiction and on transfers from my parents, and...under various pretexts I ask for money. regularly. I took out loans, didn’t repay, 1 million rubles, trial soon. My parents gave me 1.5 million rubles from their inheritance to buy an apartment. I lost them completely. I lied about the apartment and said that I was renovating it. I lie to everyone around me! I make up stories, invent a normal life for myself, a job, and tell them. Oh, if only they knew...I owe money to a lot of people. I have no friends, I moved away from everyone. I'm just embarrassed to look people in the eyes. Somewhere in the midst of all this, I divorced my wife. really kindly. and it wasn’t love. Besides, then I met a girl. I saved some money and came up with a SYSTEM! How can I beat the stock market and poker? rented a cheap apartment. I came up with a story for the girl and parents that he got a job on a shift in the north, and he went to an apartment and became a gambler for two months, the result is clear. lost completely. I secretly went home to my parents while they were at work and stole 10 thousand rubles from a hiding place. I wanted to scroll through it and put it back on the same day. The result is clear. Lost completely. Today is the last day of stay. and according to legend, I must return to the girl. with “earned” money. We planned to go to her father in Siberia on a date. is in prison. And my girl’s name is Christina, and she is an angel. There was no more dear person in my life besides her and my golden parents, who probably suspect something was wrong, but do not interfere and continue to help. And now the moment has come when everything that I have put together with my lies must collapse. There is no other way out. I have to confess everything to my parents tomorrow because I have nowhere to go. I’m very afraid... my dad has high blood pressure, my mom has been through a lot too

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