Examination of calcium levels in urine. Sulkowicz test

What are the dangers of excess and deficiency of vitamin D?

A lack of vitamin D leads to the body not absorbing calcium, and this mineral and its combination with fluorine are needed for bone formation, proper growth and functioning of internal organs.
Rickets occurs, the nervous system and hormonal levels suffer. Excess vitamin D is no less dangerous: it causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increases blood pressure, which can cause heart failure and even seizures. Calcium salts are deposited in blood vessels and internal organs, causing bone deformation.

In the North-West region there is little sun in winter, and vitamin D intake is recommended for all children without exception. It is very important, however, to choose the right dose, avoid overdose and adjust the amount of vitamin taken in a timely manner. This is exactly what the Sulkowicz test is for.

When is the Sulkowicz test prescribed?

The Sulkowicz test is used in infants and young children to determine the correct dose of vitamin D to avoid overdose. Although the test does not give an accurate result, this simple and cheap test is good as a screening for calcium metabolism disorders.

A little about us

Eurpomed Kids are two children's clinics (in the north and south of the city), each of which has all the necessary specialists, including pediatric dentists, as well as its own laboratories and on-site pediatric service. To ensure that children grow up healthy, we work seven days a week from 9 to 22:00! We tell you more about why Euromed Kids clinics are the best here

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