The Osama Hamdiy diet is an original weight loss technique that was created for patients with diabetes.
Scars and scars can seriously complicate the life of the most confident person in his own attractiveness. Damage
Pain syndrome The appearance of pain is typical for large cysts, as they compress the surrounding
Along with the global desire of the female half of humanity to lose weight, more and more teenagers are joining this
What should be the diet for allergies? How to identify a product that causes dangerous reactions? How
What is this operation Polyp - a benign tumor-like formation on a stalk or wide
Reasons for the appearance of synechiae Urogenital infections - vulvovaginitis, vulvitis, etc. Infection is possible in the maternity hospital
Testicle The testicle is formed by parenchyma enclosed in a dense connective tissue tunica albuginea; from the albuginea
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a pathology that develops due to a violation of the outflow of blood from the veins of the extremities.
The computed tomography method is often used to diagnose respiratory pathologies. This is a safe X-ray examination,