Hangnails on fingers: how to get rid of these troubles?

Hangnails, unfortunately, are a pressing problem for many women and men. This is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a health hazard – which is important to remember. Therefore, today we propose to find out how to get rid of hangnails on your fingers and toes and what needs to be done to prevent such a nuisance from happening again.

General information

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as hangnails are tears in the skin of the nail fold. Most often, such tears appear on the lateral ridge of the fingers, on the side of the nail. The thing is that it is this place that is most often subject to mechanical influence. But on the rear bolster such tears are a little less common. A hangnail is a small piece of skin or an area where the skin has peeled off. This is not only a cosmetic problem, because such ruptures cause discomfort, pain, and bleeding. paronychia develops at this site - periungual panaritium.
Why such injuries occur, as well as how to get rid of hangnails, will be discussed in the article below.

Preventing the occurrence of burrs

To never return to this problem, you should regularly and properly care for your hands. Moisturizing and nourishing creams should become your constant companions. In addition, it is necessary, if possible, to reduce the interaction of the skin of the hands with an aggressive environment, to protect from chemicals; make it a rule to use rubber gloves.

Manicures should be done regularly. When resorting to the help of a professional craftsman, it will not be superfluous to make sure that his instruments are sterile. And their quality plays an important role. Manicure tools must be professional, made of medical steel. During the cold season, the skin on your hands suffers the most. Therefore, to prevent the appearance of hangnails, before going outside - about half an hour - you should lubricate your hands with a rich, nourishing cream. And gloves or mittens will prevent your skin from freezing.

In addition, it is very important to reconsider your diet - it should be nutritious. If necessary, you should take a multivitamin complex - your doctor will tell you which one. And don’t forget about fluids - an adult should drink at least one and a half liters of water during the day. By applying all these simple tips and acting on time, you can be sure that hangnails will never become a pressing problem. Your hands will always look well-groomed, and your skin will remain healthy for a long time!

Why do hangnails appear on fingers?

As a rule, the causes of hangnails on the fingers are related to the characteristics of the body. Such breaks most often appear in people with dry skin who are prone to hypersensitivity. If the skin is constantly dry, then under the influence of provoking factors it gradually becomes thin and loses elasticity. It is this feature of the skin that often explains why hangnails appear on the fingers. After all, with the least impact on such skin, cracking occurs, which causes hangnails.

When to see a doctor

In some cases, applying aloe masks and doing a hot manicure every other day is useless, since the reason lies in a malfunction of the body:

  • a lot of hangnails appeared on my hands . If all fingers are affected and there is a tear on each roller, consult a therapist to determine the cause of such high skin trauma;
  • The inflammation does not go away within 3-5 days . Ideally, the inflammation should disappear without a trace within 2-3 days. If after 5 days the swelling persists and the redness of the cushion decreases, go to the doctor;
  • the periungual ridges began to break out, and pus was formed and discharged.

Do not self-medicate if there is no improvement within a few days. Contact your doctor so that he can order tests and recommend ointments for quick healing based on your picture of the disease.

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What provoking factors lead to this phenomenon?

The appearance of breaks in the skin near the nails is provoked by the following factors:

  • Prolonged and very frequent contact of the skin of the hands with water and various household chemicals. Thus, the question of how to get rid of hangnails on fingers is often relevant for women who do not use gloves when cleaning and washing dishes.
  • The need to work with a variety of chemicals without protective gloves.
  • Frostbite , chapping, dry skin. This most often happens in winter.
  • Improper hand care.
  • The habit of constantly biting nails, sucking fingers, biting the skin near the nails.
  • Receiving mechanical injuries during manicure and pedicure.
  • Skin injuries from pebbles and sand, which often happens to young children.
  • The use of low-quality cosmetics for nail care - cleaning fluids, varnish, etc.
  • The use of low-quality materials for nail extensions, in particular those containing methyl methacrylate .
  • A large amount of cuticle growing on the nail plate.
  • Walking barefoot too often, as a result of which the skin is injured by pebbles and pitch.

Internal reasons

This phenomenon may be due to internal reasons:

  • Lack of microelements and vitamins - in particular A, E, B. A doctor will help determine which vitamins are missing by prescribing the necessary tests.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Poor nutrition, frequent adherence to too strict diets.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Dehydration due to improper drinking regimen.

Inflammation of hangnails. What to do?

Sometimes, due to lack of time, people underestimate the seriousness of the situation. It seems to them that this is a small thing and everything will heal on its own. But unfortunately, often everything turns out to be quite the opposite. Measures not taken in time lead to serious problems - first an abscess of the finger, and then even surgical intervention.

In all cases, inflammation and suppuration occur for one reason - an infection has entered the wound. Therefore, the first thing to do is to treat the burrs, especially the ones that break out, as quickly as possible. It is recommended to use brilliant green or iodine as a disinfectant. Before applying them to the affected area, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

If the wound has not yet healed, a simple remedy - hydrogen peroxide - will help. When combined with water and oxygen, it oxidizes and neutralizes pathogenic bacteria.

Then it is advisable to bandage the finger or seal it with a bactericidal plaster to avoid re-infection.

And if you have to work with chemicals, soil, sand, water or food, you should not neglect gloves and adhesive tape.


You should ask your doctor about how to treat inflammation of a hangnail on a finger, the appearance of which is associated with the reasons listed above, since in order to prevent further manifestations of this problem, it is important to eliminate its causes. But it is still important to take time to take care of how to remove hangnails on your fingers, since such a seemingly harmless phenomenon can lead to complications.

For example, parents often note that they get a hangnail on their child’s finger, causing discomfort and pain. After all, hangnails, like any other damage to the skin, can be a kind of “gateway” for infections ( Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus , Pseudomonas aeruginosa ) as well as fungi ( Candida , dermatophytes ) to enter the body.

If hangnails are constantly torn off or chewed, the tissue is gradually exposed, and a weeping, bleeding surface is formed, which causes severe pain when touched.

Paronychia (felon), that is, an inflammatory process of the periungual fold, also develops as complications With this complication, the infection spreads through the soft tissues. If periungual panaritium develops, the finger swells, redness appears, and throbbing pain bothers you. Next, an area of ​​tissue softening is formed, and the skin color becomes yellowish. This indicates the accumulation of purulent exudate under or near the nail. Sometimes a person thinks that his finger on his hand is swollen for no reason, but in fact this phenomenon is associated precisely with the complication of hangnails.

Nail deformation occurs if paronychia becomes chronic and periodically worsens. Then the nail plate becomes thicker, changes color and becomes deformed.

Fighting burrs: reasons for their appearance

In order to know how to remove burrs, you need to understand the reasons for their appearance. They can be varied: from sloppiness to health problems. Sometimes it is enough to remove the provoking factor or minimize its influence, and the problem becomes a thing of the past. Analyze your habits and lifestyle, perhaps you will find one or more items on the following list:

  • The main reason for the appearance of hangnails is insufficient care of the fingers and cuticles. Regular manicure is guaranteed to protect you from these inconveniences.
  • Think about how often you wash dishes or surfaces without gloves. Typically, the appearance of hangnails indicates dry skin on the hands, which occurs due to frequent contact with household products.
  • The main contributor to hangnails is the cold season. Frosty air irritates the skin of your hands outdoors, and dry air during the heating season dries them indoors if you do not use moisturizer.

photo from the site https://www.creativenails.ru

  • If there is insufficient intake of vitamins from food or medications, hypovitaminosis develops, which will not only affect performance, but also affect the aesthetics of your hands.
  • Before dealing with hangnails, you should forever give up the habit of biting your nails so as not to injure your skin.
  • The appearance of hangnails can be a sign of disease, especially in the gastrointestinal tract or liver.
  • Often, hangnails appear due to a lack of fluid in the body, being a reflection of the general condition.

photo from the site https://www.sportobzor.ru

What are hangnails?

They can appear one at a time and in large quantities, they can be both large and very small. People who have such problems note that they are worried about constant pain, especially if they accidentally touch the area where the hangnails appeared. Bleeding is also periodically observed.

Hangnails are not just an aesthetic problem. They can significantly worsen the quality of everyday life by clinging to hair, clothing, and things, causing discomfort and pain. Often women complain about other problems associated with this phenomenon: “I tore off a hangnail and my finger is bruised.” What to do in this case depends on the condition. But it is important to understand that we are no longer talking about the aesthetic side, but about the medical one.

Although the appearance of hands with hangnails is far from ideal - they look unkempt and ugly. As a result, a person experiences psychological discomfort and is forced to constantly hide his hands.

How is the diagnosis done?

If the signs described above are clearly expressed, then there is no doubt about the diagnosis.

But the doctor should conduct research especially carefully if the patient practices proper hand care, but hangnails appear again and again without exposure to provoking factors. In such a situation, the specialist prescribes a series of studies:

  • biochemical blood test;
  • study of vitamin content in the blood;
  • spectral analysis of hair for trace elements;
  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis.

Another diagnostic sign of vitamin deficiency may be the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth.

In case of complications, when abscesses appear on the fingers, it is necessary to conduct a bacterial culture of the purulent contents and determine the etiological pathogen, as well as sensitivity to drugs.

How to remove hangnails at home?

There are many recommendations on how to get rid of hangnails at home. There are many folk recipes that can be used to overcome this problem. However, it must be remembered that if such a defect constantly appears, the causes and treatment of hangnails must be determined and prescribed by a doctor.

If hangnails appear periodically, the hand care algorithm should be as follows:

  • For 10 minutes you need to steam the skin in hot water. In such a bath you should add soda or sea salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 500 ml.
  • Dry your hands very carefully and carefully with a towel.
  • Cut the cuticle with scissors or forceps pre-treated with alcohol. When cutting the cuticle, the scissors should be held parallel and the forceps perpendicular so that they fit more tightly to the skin. You should act very carefully so as not to tear healthy skin, as this will lead to the appearance of a new hangnail.
  • Thoroughly treat the skin with an antiseptic liquid - hydrogen peroxide , calendula tincture with alcohol , chlorhexidine .
  • Apply Dexpanthenol ( Pantoderm , D-panthenol , Panthenol , Bepanten ) or any hand moisturizer to the skin of your hands.
  • Cover the damaged skin with a plaster with a cloth in the middle to prevent accidental injury to the treated area.

Sometimes a person is afraid to cut off burrs. To avoid this process, you can lubricate the area where the skin is raised with calendula ointment overnight, and then loosely seal it with the same plaster. In the morning, the hangnail will be soft and can be easily removed by washing your hands. But in this case, attention is required, since a small piece of skin, if not removed, may soon turn into a new hangnail.

For treatment, you can use healing creams with sea buckthorn oil and other components. Such products are produced by various cosmetic companies.

Cosmetical tools

El Corazon, Cuticle repair wax for fast healing of hangnails

The product is in a stick, like a hygienic lipstick. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and moisturizes the cuticle, but it contains mineral oils - petroleum products. Use the product as needed and remove from care as soon as the hangnails are gone.

Contains peach extract and candelilla wax.

Mavala Cuticle Remover

The product is used in the unedged manicure procedure to soften the skin and prevent the appearance of hangnails. Thanks to its gentle composition, it can be used in the treatment of children's fingers.

Application : apply the product to the cuticle and leave for 1 minute. Remove the residue with a cotton swab, and move the softened cuticle with twisting movements to the base of the nail.

Regular use of Mavala Cuticle Remover allows you to forget about hangnails and significantly reduce cuticle buildup.

Patrisa Nail, Cuticle Fluid Cream

Cream for moisturizing dry cuticles and preventing the appearance of hangnails. Can be used after a manicure procedure or as an independent product.

The manufacturer also suggests trying the fluid cream before trimming your manicure to soften the skin.

CND, Solar Oil

The main purpose of any product to combat hangnails is hydration. Therefore, high-quality oil, such as from CND, is an excellent prevention of ruptures. Contains natural oils and vitamins.

Can be used for daily care of cuticles and nail folds.

Salon treatments

To get rid of this problem, specialized salons perform procedures similar to those at home, but at the same time they are more accurate and professional. Consequently, the risk of relapse is significantly reduced.

It is very important to contact a trusted salon and a specialist you can completely trust. After all, it is important to remove the burr with a well-processed instrument so as not to cause infection.

To ensure quality prevention, you can carry out some salon procedures. To prevent the occurrence of hangnails, practice:

  • spa manicure and pedicure;
  • peeling of hands and feet;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • trim manicure and pedicure.

If you regularly carry out such procedures, the risk of skin lifting near the nails will be significantly reduced.

Traditional methods of treatment

Such methods can be used if complications do not arise. If you are experiencing severe pain or the hangnail is festering, how to treat it should only be determined by a specialist.

Oil baths

You need to heat a little vegetable oil and hold your hands in it for 20 minutes. After this, it is not necessary to wash off the residues - it is better to rub them into the skin with gentle massage movements. Wear cotton gloves over the top. This procedure should be repeated several days in a row before going to bed.

Aloe remedy

Grind a few fresh leaves of this plant and apply a paste of them onto your fingertips. Wrap your hands in cling film on top and hold for as long as possible, but not less than half an hour. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Natural oils

rosehip or sea buckthorn to places where the skin is raised .
These agents help speed up the healing process and produce a cytoprotective effect.

How to treat complications?

People prone to hangnails suffer from complications quite often. It happens that after some time an abscess develops in place of a torn piece of skin. If the inflammatory process begins, you must consult a specialist. During the acute period of the process, conservative methods are practiced, in particular warm compresses . You should try to keep the finger on which the abscess appears in an elevated position. In some cases, oral antibiotics to help prevent an abscess .

If a periungual abscess does occur, it is drained and opened in the treatment room. In the case of a subungual abscess, the nail plate is completely or partially removed.

How to prevent the appearance of hangnails?

It is advisable to practice the following preventive measures:

  • Take professional care of your hands and feet: if manicure and pedicure are carried out efficiently, then hangnails form in very rare cases.
  • Thoroughly disinfect the skin after manicure and pedicure at home. To do this, use tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, etc.
  • Wean children away from the habit of constantly biting their nails and sucking their fingers. These harmful tendencies lead not only to skin lifting, but also to the development of other diseases - intestinal infections, infection with worms.
  • Protect the skin from the influence of natural factors and aggressive substances. To do this, it is important to use gloves when interacting with household chemicals, etc.
  • Use nourishing and softening products for hands after washing and manicure. Apply this cream carefully around each nail and rub it in until it is absorbed into the skin.
  • Use baby soap to wash your hands.
  • Several times a week, take softening baths with glycerin, sea salt, and soda.
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes .
  • Drink enough fluids and eat a nutritious, varied diet. It is advisable to include more foods containing a lot of vitamin A .

What should I change in my diet?

Diet is one of the most important components in the context of our topic today! Try to regularly consume foods containing large quantities of vitamin A, vitamin E, and retinol (one form of vitamin A). They are found in dairy products, chicken and quail eggs, carrots, raisins, dried apricots, meat and other products.

In general, it is necessary to have good nutrition. That is, if you rely only on carrots and eggs, you will be able to provide the body with the substances contained in them, but will deprive it of many other, also very necessary, elements. Therefore, eat cereals, fruits and vegetables, and meat periodically.

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