Home / Gynecology / About women's health / How to get rid of cellulite? Ways to combat cellulite
The term “cellulite” refers to the ripples on the skin of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs of healthy adult women. Since this is common in most adult women, it is considered normal. However, according to general consensus, cellulite, which looks like orange peel, has a rather unattractive appearance.
Cellulite Myth: Thin people don't have cellulite.
Cellulite appears even in slender, well-built women.
Risk Factors for Cellulite You Can't Control
The main risk factor for developing cellulite is being a woman. Cellulite most often appears in overweight women after puberty. Cellulite can also be caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy and postmenopause.
Risk Factors for Cellulite You Can Control
Although it is impossible to prevent the development of cellulite, it is nevertheless reasonable to lead a healthy lifestyle. Adequate rest, a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains, and consistent exercise can control the development of cellulite.
Provoking factors
It should be noted that cellulite affects not only such areas of the body as the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Often subcutaneous changes are noticeable in other areas of the skin - the back, legs and arms. Moreover, with age, these phenomena become more and more noticeable, which would be quite understandable. However, recently, an increasing number of young girls are discovering similar defects at a very young age. Coffee, cigarettes, and sitting at the computer at night cause disruptions in the body's functioning, a lack of nutrients and, as a result, disruption of metabolic processes.
Stress, to which modern man is exposed at every step, plays a major role in metabolic failure. Reacting differently to stressful situations, women either dramatically lose weight or try to find peace by pampering themselves with all sorts of goodies. All this has an equally bad effect on health and provokes the appearance of unhealthy fat deposits.
Cellulite Treatment: Weight Loss
Paradoxically, losing weight does not prevent the appearance of cellulite, and sometimes even worsens the situation.
The truth about cellulite: what is important for the fight against cellulite:
- 1) Creams containing vitamin A (retinol)
When conducting a critical analysis of new agents for the treatment of cellulite, it is necessary to be very critical in experiments to assess the quality of a particular product and conclude on the reproducibility of the results. Although there are many different treatments for cellulite, it seems most likely that no one existing treatment can be considered better than the others and no one treatment can provide long-lasting results. Thus, it is unlikely that a cream applied to the surface of the skin can affect the fat cells beneath the skin, or that it can cause measurable changes in the skin that will hide cellulite.
- 2) Creams containing methylxanthines
There is no indisputable evidence that creams containing caffeine, aminophylline, theophylline can have a beneficial effect on cellulite
- 3) Plant-based creams
Herbal creams that claim to reduce the appearance of cellulite suffer from the same problems as other treatments. There is no scientific research to show that they can penetrate deep enough to produce the desired effect. However, some creams contain chemicals that can cause allergic reactions.
- 4) Massage
Devices that create a squeezing or suction effect (lipomassage) for long-term improvement of the condition of cellulite skin are, of course, more effective than the means described above, but it must be borne in mind that after a certain time after stopping the sessions, cellulite is likely to recur. It is unlikely that these devices are dangerous, therefore, if it is pleasant and you can afford it, then why not undergo such treatment?
- 5) Laser devices
Laser can be used to destroy fat cells, but its effect on cellulite is still unknown. Apparently, laser exposure can cause temporary improvement.
- 6) Liposuction
Liposuction is not recommended for the treatment of cellulite because it removes the fat located under the skin, but leaves behind the fat deposits that cause cellulite. Sometimes after liposuction the appearance of cellulite only worsens.
- 7) Subcision (cutting)
Subcision is a surgical technique whereby the fibrous tissue of the skin is loosened with a needle, releasing fat cells from the collagen networks, thereby believed to reduce the appearance of cellulite. This treatment is quite expensive and there is no research to date regarding its effectiveness.
Mesotherapy for cellulite is an injection of chemicals to dissolve subcutaneous fat. Some drugs actually dissolve fats (as shown in animal experiments). However, precisely injecting any substance into the specific point where fat cells form cellulite is quite difficult, so experts do not recommend this procedure.
- 9) Wave stimulation
Subcision (cutting)
Wave stimulation
Cause of cellulite: pathogenesis and factors of occurrence
The pathogenesis of the phenomenon under consideration is complex. According to the hypothesis of Nurnberger and Muller, the origin of cellulite is explained by gender differences in the structure of the dermis of women. Structural changes in it (hypertrophy of subcutaneous fatty tissue, microcirculation disorders in tissues, compaction of connective tissue) lead to the formation of edema, tubercles, and looseness.
There are several factors that provoke such processes:
- Genetic predisposition;
- Excess weight;
- Hormonal imbalances;
- Pancreatic dysfunction;
- Diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
- Pathologies of the urinary system;
- Depressive states;
- Tobacco smoking and addiction to alcoholic beverages;
- Poor nutrition;
- Lack of regular physical activity.
In order to choose the optimal method for treating cellulite, it is first recommended to consult an endocrinologist, gynecologist, and check the functioning of the abdominal organs and kidneys using ultrasound diagnostics.
Methods for preventing and eliminating cellulite
Since this problem arises due to a whole range of different reasons, the methods for solving it should be multidirectional and include:
- diet;
- physical exercise;
- cosmetic procedures.
You need to start by making an appointment with a body cosmetologist, who will conduct an examination, collect anamnesis, and prescribe a course of treatment, taking into account the stage of cellulite and the characteristics of your health condition.
The main methods for getting rid of “orange peel” are:
- Massage (manual and hardware);
- Wraps;
- Fitness;
- Proper nutrition.
Let's pay more detailed attention to each point.
Massage for cellulite
Let's start with a massage. This is an effective way to eliminate fat deposits, restore skin firmness and elasticity, and shape your figure.
There are many massage techniques. Within the framework of our topic, first of all, it is worth mentioning anti-cellulite manual massage. It is usually intended to smooth and tone the skin on the legs. The technique for performing this massage is as follows: the massage therapist’s hand movements should be fast and include 50% rubbing and 50% squeezing. The impact is superficial. A course of at least 10 sessions is recommended.
Hardware methods for treating cellulite
Hardware methods - LPG and Endosphere - have also proven themselves well.
LPG is a vacuum-roller effect on body tissue. The technique was developed in France in the 80s of the 20th century. With the help of self-propelled rollers located in the handpiece, the skin fold is mechanically kneaded, which is captured by the vacuum. The whole body is massaged: the specialist moves the handpiece horizontally and vertically, and the rollers rotate in one direction or the other. The most problematic areas of the body (hips, butt and others) are treated with special attention.
Result of LPG massage:
- Removing excess fluid;
- Stimulation of lipolysis;
- Activation of blood circulation and lymph flow;
- Production of collagen in tissues.
All this leads to the fact that the skin is evened out, excess volumes and kilograms are lost, the silhouette becomes more toned. This type of massage requires a special elastic suit that protects the surface of the skin, making the procedure comfortable, and ensures hygiene. The standard course is 10 sessions, the duration of 1 session is 35 minutes in accordance with the protocol of the device manufacturer.
Endosphere therapy was developed by Italian scientists in the early 2000s. This is a method of compression microvibration transmitted to the body using a special device - a cylinder equipped with rotating spheres made of special silicone. The vibration of the spheres causes the deep layer of tissue to “work”, stimulating the work of mechanoreceptors (Merkel particles), thereby activating the process of lipolysis (fat breakdown) and the breakdown of fibrous compounds.
When carrying out the procedure, the cosmetologist changes the speed of movement of the handpiece and thereby sets the parameters of vibration of the spheres and their rotation, providing pressure on the body (“pump effect”). In this case, the specialist varies the intensity of the impact depending on the individual tasks of the patient.
Endosphere therapy is done directly on the skin, onto which massage oil is applied for better gliding of the spheres. Even if cellulite is only on the thighs, the procedure involves not only one or another leg, but also the body as a whole - otherwise the procedure will be ineffective.
This is a course technique, on average 6 to 12 sessions are required, each of which lasts 1 hour 15 minutes in accordance with the recommendations of the creators of the technology.
Endosphere Effect:
- Lymphatic drainage effect;
- Smoothing the skin surface (eliminating cellulite);
- Elimination of local fat deposits;
- Figure correction;
- Weight reduction.
By removing excess water, puffiness is relieved, the skin becomes dense and elastic, more toned.
These devices are recognized leaders in the field of body care.
Many people are interested in:
- Which one is better?
- How is LPG different from Endosphere?
In answering these questions, we must first say that these are two fundamentally different techniques of influence, as can be seen from their description. Secondly, which of these devices will be effective can only be decided by a cosmetologist after examining the patient, taking into account the medical history and the stage of cellulite. Third, a combination of these two methods may be required to achieve the desired effect.
As mentioned above, getting rid of cellulite requires an integrated approach. Therefore, it will be useful to combine massage with wraps, which have a beneficial effect on the quality of the skin. They can be of various types: based on oligo-elements (algae, for example), mud, cream. The temperature regime used is also different - there are hot wraps and cold ones.
At home, such procedures can be carried out only after consultation with a specialist: if cosmetics are used incorrectly, the timing of the procedure and other requirements are not followed, the disease can be aggravated.
How does cellulite wrap work?
A special composition is applied to the skin, then the body is wrapped in a thermal blanket, the desired temperature is set and after the allotted time the procedure ends. The temperature chosen by the cosmetologist should activate the effect of cosmetic products, due to which lymphatic drainage occurs, the functioning of blood vessels is normalized, the skin is nourished and becomes smoother.
Stages of cellulite
There are several options for grading the stages of cellulite. Let's look at the main ones.
The first is based on the pinch test, when a certain area of the body is squeezed with your fingers. Depending on the result obtained, the following are distinguished:
- Stage zero, when no tissue changes are noted;
- First: dimples and small irregularities are visible, but in a calm state they are not noticeable;
- Second: tubercles and pits are present during compression, as well as when a person is standing, but they are not present in a lying position;
- Third: cellulite nodules are visible in any condition and position.
The second classification of types of lipodystrophy is based on the reasons for its formation:
- Adipose type. Associated with subcutaneous deposition of excess fat, usually in the thighs and abdomen. Palpation does not cause pain, the tissues are soft;
- Edema type. It is clearly visible when the skin is squeezed; the distinctive symptom is heaviness in the legs, but does not cause discomfort when pressed;
- Fibrous type, when connective tissue grows, nodes are formed that are painful when squeezed. This type of cellulite is difficult to correct; it requires multi-stage treatment and a complex of therapeutic and cosmetic measures to eliminate it.
Answers to frequently asked questions
Is there a myth that women have cellulite by nature and cannot be removed?
If a woman who has entered menopause comes for an anti-cellulite massage and wants to lose weight, here we can harm our health. Women after menopause have difficulty losing weight and getting rid of cellulite. The explanation here is very simple: the hormone estrogen and other hormones that are produced by the ovaries cease to be produced there after menopause. But they are present in subcutaneous fat. And if we diligently help a woman in her desire to lose weight, destroying her subcutaneous fat, we are harming her health, please do not forget about this.
The result of losing weight in such women is very slow, because the processes are completely different, they benefit from denser subcutaneous fat tissue.
Cellulite can be removed, the main thing is to understand what caused it.
Why do women have cellulite and men don't?
Everything is very simple. A woman needs her connective tissue to be elastic. Massage therapists will confirm that it is easier to knead the muscles of women than men. Because female tissues are soft and elastic due to greater amounts of the hormone estrogen. They need estrogen to stretch the tissues for gestation and birth of the fetus and so that after childbirth the tissues can return to their place. Men do not need this amount of the hormone, since they do not need to give birth.
In women's tissues, due to elasticity, this “lumpy” appearance is obtained. In men, the tissue is denser, so cellulite is not visible, but the tissue in these places becomes more convex.
Question: what should you do if you work with a client, but he still doesn’t eat right and isn’t losing weight?
After a lecture on proper nutrition and the proper combination of foods, I would draw up an agreement with the client on his responsibility for proper eating behavior.
In fact, there are many reasons for the formation of cellulite: it could also be a hormonal imbalance. For example, your client has hypothyroidism, she has a lack of iodine in her body, so she experiences a sharp weight gain. By the way, in this case, seaweed wrap helps a lot. You can send the client to an endocrinologist and together with him create a diet that compensates for the lack of iodine and select the appropriate medications.
An agreement on the client’s responsibility for proper eating behavior motivates a person. This is why anti-cellulite massage cannot be cheap. After all, when a client pays money, he tries to keep himself in good shape. And when they spend their time and money, they will take care of their health in the future.
Question: what to do if stretch marks and stretch marks are not removed?
Usually we see stretch marks (divergences of connective tissue fibers) on “flabby” cellulite. They, of course, will not escape the massage, but there are other technologies: it is necessary to include a wrap. Take note: fibrous cellulite is characterized by more warmth. For flabby skin, when there are stretch marks, stretch marks, cold is needed more, here we work more on toning, we do wraps with menthol, you can add cupping massage. Then stretch marks and stretch marks will be less noticeable.
Question: my client has a blood pressure of 190, how can I work with her?
When working with it, do not lay it face down. She doesn't need a honey massage. Warm up problem areas little by little, gradually, starting with your feet.
Question: is it possible to do massage during menstruation?
- It is advisable to start doing massage from the abdomen, this is the neurolymphatic zone, from where we start all processes;
- then the front of the thighs;
- then we turn the client over and do the thighs, buttocks;
- then the upper part, the lumbar region.
But I wouldn’t do such zones during menstruation.
Question: what do you think about alginate body masks?
For bodies with sagging cellulite, alginate is the perfect finishing touch to your anti-cellulite treatment.
Question: how is lipolysis possible with a device?
If we consider a myostimulator, where electrodes with a low electric current are connected, they act on the subcutaneous fat and break down fat.
Question: please tell me how much water I should drink?
When you do lymphatic drainage, you should definitely recommend drinking plenty of water during this and the next 24 hours after the massage. Without this, lymphatic drainage can even be harmful. You should only drink water at room temperature, or preferably at body temperature. The amount is 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.
Question: what types of wraps can be done with high blood pressure?
You can do a wrap, but honey massage must be done carefully. You need to end the session correctly: drive the blood away from the head. After wrapping the hypertensive patient, you need to sit down and make stroking movements of the collar area to drain blood from the head, and rub the mastoid processes.
Question: Could it be that the patient completed the course, but did not see results?
This could happen. Never make any promises to a patient. A slender girl with fibrous cellulite may come to you, and the sessions will not help her. And vice versa, an obese, pasty lady comes, and after the first session of lymphatic drainage she returns satisfied and asks: “What have you done to me, I’ve lost as much as 2 centimeters!” But we understand that she has not lost weight, she simply lost excess water. But the fat remains, and our next task is to work with this fat in different ways, which I told you about today.
When you start working with a patient for the first time, prescribe a course of 15-20 procedures. It's better to work every other day. Spread out the course over time, ask the patient about everything you need to know for work, write out the entire program beautifully and tell about it in detail. You will definitely see the result.
Question: is it impossible to achieve effective results in patients with varicose veins?
Work in a team with endocrinologists, neurologists, phlebologists, then the results will come!
Question: if there are hormonal imbalances, is there any point in getting a massage?
It depends on what hormonal imbalances there are. Send him for examination to a gynecologist or an endocrinologist: your qualifications will only increase from this, the client will not escape you.
Question: is it possible to perform cryomassage with ice for varicose veins?
Handle all such kinks carefully. You can do it near these places without going into areas with varicose veins. Pay attention to the degree of varicose veins. Each client needs an individual approach. Use your hands, aids, combine techniques correctly, decide on the degree and stage.
Question: How long before the anti-cellulite massage is it recommended to take the last meal?
In an hour.
Question: how much does an anti-cellulite massage cost on average?
Equate the cost of anti-cellulite to the cost of your general massage. Anti-cellulite, plastic or modeling massages last approximately an hour. Therefore, as much as an hour of your general massage costs, the anti-cellulite massage will cost approximately the same.
Author of the article:
Practicing: 11 years, Teaching: 9 years
How to get rid of cellulite or proper nutrition
Treatment of cellulite is a complex and complex task. To get rid of cellulite forever, it is necessary not only to use specialized anti-cellulite procedures, but also to actively prevent its formation.
An important factor is a special anti-cellulite diet. This diet has some restrictions. For example, you should refrain from drinking coffee and carbonated drinks, strong brewed tea, sugar, too fatty or smoked meats, marinades, as well as mayonnaise and dairy products, with the exception of low-fat ones. There is also no place for alcohol in this food system.
As an exception, you can allow yourself a little dry white wine - but not more than 50-100 ml per day.