White vaginal discharge - symptoms, treatment and causes of whiteness

Mucous transparent discharge in women: what is it and what does it mean?

Vaginal discharge is a secret, a mixture consisting of microflora inhabiting the vagina, fragments of dead epithelial cells, cervical mucus and lymph transudate.

The consistency and volume of discharge varies depending on the following factors:

Period of the menstrual cycle

The volume, consistency and amount of mucus secreted changes throughout the monthly cycle. On the eve of ovulation, women experience thin, clear discharge. In the second half of the month, the nature of the discharge changes: it becomes more viscous, and before the onset of menstruation it becomes creamy. At the same time, their smell changes: it becomes more sour.

After menstruation, the mucous transparent discharge loses its sour smell, and its quantity is noticeably reduced.


With the onset of menopause, many women complain of vaginal dryness caused by a decrease in mucus secretion. This phenomenon is due to hormonal changes in the body that occur during menopause (the amount of estrogen, which is responsible for the formation of natural lubrication, decreases).

A course of hormonal therapy and oral contraceptives

Some women note a reduction in discharge while taking these medications.


In childhood (up to about ten years of age), there is practically no vaginal discharge. This is due to the fact that the girl’s eggs have not yet matured, as a result of which cyclic changes do not occur. If the child has clear mucous discharge, and also has cheesy inclusions mixed with blood or pus, this is a reason to urgently contact a pediatric gynecologist. Such phenomena may be signs of pathology and inflammation.

Stress suffered

Stressful situations, constant tension and chronic fatigue cause dryness of the vaginal mucosa. As a result, the volume of clear mucus secretions in women is reduced.

Copious clear discharge before intimacy

Degrees of sexual arousal

The presence of abundant transparent discharge in women on the eve of sexual intercourse is a normal physiological process. At this time, the production of vaginal lubrication increases, which mixes with natural vaginal secretions.

Immediately after the end of sexual intercourse, as well as for several hours after it, a woman may experience creamy discharge with yellowish clots.

Phases of pregnancy

Changes in the production of hormones observed during pregnancy affect the amount and nature of mucus released from the vagina. Shortly after fertilization, milky white mucus is released from the vagina, which eventually becomes transparent again. The volume of mucous discharge during pregnancy exceeds the volume of discharge observed before fertilization. For this reason, expectant mothers need to especially carefully observe the requirements of intimate hygiene.

Expert opinion

If transparent mucous discharge during pregnancy acquires a reddish tint, you should urgently consult a doctor: this may be a sign of a threat of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages or premature placental abruption. Another symptom that should alert a pregnant woman is the appearance of liquid, transparent mucous discharge (like water). This phenomenon may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid.

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Oksana Anatolyevna Gartleb

Consequences of labor

After childbirth, the appearance of lochia is always observed - uterine discharge, which consists of blood and mucus. Over time, they shrink and acquire a normal transparent color.


After childbirth, estrogen and progesterone levels drop, giving way to active production of prolactin. This affects the amount of mucus secreted - it becomes less, which indicates an ovulation block.

What is leucorrhoea?

The content of the article

Leucorrhoea is a vaginal discharge similar in consistency to egg white, which a woman usually notices on her underwear. Regular mucous discharge, which changes its consistency during the menstrual cycle, is not in itself considered a dangerous symptom. It is bad if the leucorrhoea is yellow, gray or red in color, has an unpleasant odor, or is released in large quantities. These are symptoms that indicate serious changes in the body that cannot be ignored.

Transparent, odorless discharge in women is the norm!

Some women mistakenly believe that thick, stretchy or jelly-like, transparent discharge that appears in the vagina is a symptom of pathology, and they try in every possible way to treat it on their own to reduce the amount of secretion. This should not be done under any circumstances, because the mucus in the vagina is a natural defense against pathological microflora, infection and the development of the inflammatory process. A change in the volume, consistency, shade and smell of the discharge may be a cause for concern.

Typically, the volume of mucus released from the vagina is 2-4 ml.

If the amount of discharge exceeds these indicators, causing discomfort to the woman, you can consult a gynecologist.

If a woman has clear discharge that resembles thick mucus and has a characteristic putrid odor, this can be regarded as a signal of the presence of a disease.

Mucous discharge should not cause discomfort or be accompanied by itching and burning. If this is observed, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

A change in the color of the discharge from clear or milky to green, brown, pink, gray or yellow can indicate a number of gynecological problems. These discharges can be a sign of cancer, STDs, inflammatory diseases: salpingoophoritis and adnexitis, endometritis, endocervititis, uterine fibroids, endometrial pathology, adenomyosis.

Expert opinion

If, after an examination by a gynecologist and laboratory tests, it is determined that vaginal discharge has changed color, smell and consistency due to an imbalance in the vaginal biocenosis, appropriate treatment is necessary. As an adjuvant in this case, you can use the Ginocomfort Restoring Gel, which has undergone clinical studies and has proven itself as an effective additional remedy in the treatment of dysbiosis of the female genital tract.

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Oksana Anatolyevna Gartleb

Normally, the discharge has a viscous or jelly-like consistency. If it changes to foamy, curdled, watery, with blood clots or pus, you need to visit a gynecologist for laboratory tests of the vaginal microflora and oncocytology.

Allergy as a cause of white vaginal discharge

Quite often, the cause of all kinds of vaginal leucorrhoea is also an allergy. There can be a lot of reasons, but among them, as a rule, the following are the most common:

  • Allergy to hygiene products, in particular those that have pronounced alkalinity, for example, laundry soap.
  • Allergy to a condom, or more precisely to latex, which is the main component of this barrier contraceptive.
  • Allergy to lubricants - products that are used as additional hydration before sexual intercourse.
  • Rarely, women are allergic to the sperm of their sexual partner.

The importance of maintaining intimate hygiene when there is heavy mucous discharge

Normal discharge is not dangerous. But if a woman does not adhere to basic rules of intimate hygiene, the mucus accumulated on the genitals can become an ideal place for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, it is necessary to devote time to hygiene procedures every day.

Intimate hygiene with heavy mucous discharge is very important

Washing gels "Ginocomfort" for daily hygiene of the intimate area effectively cleanse the female genital organs of mucous secretions without disturbing the vaginal microflora. The line of products for daily intimate hygiene includes several gel options, so you can choose the product that best suits you based on the action of its active ingredients.

The gels contain ingredients such as panthenol, bisabolol, sodium lactate, tea tree oil, lactic acid, chamomile extract, etc.

The use of Ginocomfort washing gels ensures the maintenance of normal vaginal microflora, helps fight the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, and has anti-inflammatory and tonic effects.
If a woman experiences a reduction in vaginal mucous discharge caused by stress or menopause, using a cleansing gel helps to further moisturize the vagina. All products in the line were created by specialists from the pharmaceutical company VERTEX and have the necessary documents. Sources:

  1. Hormonal status and vaginal microbiocenosis. Dobrokhotova Yu. E., Zatikyan N. G. // Obstetrics, gynecology, reproduction. - 2008. - 2 (2): pp. 7-9.
  2. Innate immunity of the female reproductive tract and its hormonal regulation (mini-review). Lebedeva O. P., Kalutsky P. V., Pakhomov S. P., Churnusov M. I., Karpov P. A. // Scientific bulletins of Belgorod State University. Medicine, pharmacy. - 2009. 12 (67). -WITH. 25-31.
  3. Normal microflora of the female genitourinary tract and drugs for its correction. Kocherovets V.I., Bunyatyan N.D. // M.: Publishing house "AKTEON". - 2011. - P. 72.
  4. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/mikroekologiya-vlagalischa-zhenschin-s-nespetsificheskimi-vospalit…
  5. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sovremennye-predstavleniya-o-mehanizmah-razvitiya-disbioza-vlagali…
  6. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vaginalnye-vydeleniya-prichiny-algoritm-vedeniya-patsientok-i-sovr…

What other diseases may be associated with the presence of leucorrhoea?

  1. Krauroses of various etymologies. Read a detailed article about how to treat kraurosis of the vulva
  2. Vaginitis. The treatment of vaginitis is also described in detail. Being aware of the signs of disease is one of the most important guarantees of intimate health.

Gynecological plasma lifting has proven itself to be effective against chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis and purulent inflammation. If you have at least one of the symptoms listed above, contact your gynecologist. If you live in Moscow, you can do this at one of our Doktorru/Invitro medical clinics.

Popular questions

I periodically have vaginal discharge, sometimes large lumps of white odorless, sometimes cheesy with some kind of sweetish smell, and sometimes a generally unpleasant fishy smell, always in different ways. There is no itching or burning, I don’t want to see a doctor yet, please tell me what can help in this situation? Hello! This is how bacterial vaginosis can manifest itself - a violation of the microflora in the genital tract. I recommend using Gynocomfort gel with tea tree oil, 1 dose once a day for 7 days. Contains herbal anti-inflammatory components, as well as local antiseptic bisabolol. This will normalize the microflora. Lactic acid will restore pH balance. If you do not track the effect, then be sure to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist for an examination aimed at finding out the cause of such complaints.

Hello. Constant white discharge. Either candidiasis or other microorganisms. There is no way to be cured. Doctors just prescribe medications and that's it. The partner is also treated. Could these be symptoms of a more serious illness?

Hello! When bacterial vaginosis recurs, it is important to exclude immunodeficiency conditions and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After the main course of anti-inflammatory therapy, it is imperative to carry out the stage of restoring the microflora in the genital tract and balancing the pH of the environment. For this purpose, the use of Ginocomfort gel with tea tree oil is suitable. The product is used in 1 dose for 10-14 days. It is also important to avoid microtrauma of the mucous membranes during contact. This is ensured by the use of lubricants. In the Ginocomfort line of products, it is possible to use a gel with mallow extract for this purpose.

Hello. Lately I've been having some discharge since my last session. What could it be? There is no smell, menstruation occurs monthly, but for the first time in days, pain appears in the pelvic area.

Hello! If unusual discharge from the genital tract appears, it is important to see an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible and undergo an examination: a smear for flora, and, if necessary, examination for STIs, culture for nonspecific microflora. Atypical discharge may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, which causes the appearance. While waiting for the result, you can use Gynocomfort gel with tea tree oil, which will have an anti-inflammatory effect and will not allow the infectious factor to spread.

I am 13 weeks pregnant and my discharge is smelly and brown in color.

The appearance of discharge mixed with blood during pregnancy is an extremely dangerous situation, which may be a manifestation of the threat of miscarriage. Consult an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible. For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist

Why see a doctor?

The doctor first assesses the nature of the discharge and interviews the patient. A gynecological examination and tests (blood, smear) are prescribed. The absence or presence of swelling, inflammation, and other pronounced symptoms that can be determined during the examination are taken into account. If necessary, a rectal or bimanual vaginal examination is performed.

To avoid the appearance of unusual vaginal discharge, it is first of all important to observe good personal hygiene and not be promiscuous. Attentive attention to nutrition and the use of medications is another step towards women's health. Every woman should visit a gynecologist at least once a year for preventive purposes.

At the Diana Medical Center, each patient can receive professional advice from an experienced gynecologist, undergo comprehensive diagnostics and a course of individually selected treatment. Professionalism, modern equipment and affordable prices are the main advantages of the Diana multidisciplinary clinic.

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Since abnormal discharge indicates a significant group of diseases, the most significant preventive measure would be timely consultation with a doctor and regular examination by a gynecologist.

The following rules will also help you stay healthy:

  • Do not abuse promiscuity, especially without barrier contraceptives.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Treat any infectious diseases in a timely manner.
  • Do not self-medicate even simple pathologies.
  • Monitor hormonal balance.

Regular examinations with a gynecologist and attention to your health will help to identify pathology in time.

The information is provided for informational purposes only! If you have questions, we recommend making an appointment with a gynecologist.

Signs of Healthy Vaginal Fluid

In the described cases, the norms allow variations in shades and quantities. Let's summarize with a list of the main characteristics of the secret:

  • Transparent, with a slight yellow, white or beige tint;
  • Do not cause itching, irritation and burning of the genitals;
  • Healthy discharge has an odor, but it cannot be called sharp or unpleasant, it is barely noticeable and individual;
  • The consistency can be thick or thin, but always slimy and not watery;
  • The presence of a small amount of blood outside of menstruation is acceptable at conception, at the time of ovulation;
  • As accompanying symptoms, there is no pain in the abdomen, perineum, anus, sides or lower back. Except for PMS and the period of ovulation, when this is normal;
  • Heavy discharge may occur for short periods of time due to natural reasons. A long process indicates pathology.

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