Pentovit: how to take vitamins correctly

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a complex effect, which is determined by its constituent components.

Vitamin B1 has an active effect on the processes of neuromuscular regulation and is actively involved in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Vitamin B6 helps normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. It also takes an active part in the metabolic processes of the body. Participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

Vitamin B12 helps normalize the functioning of the liver and nervous system, stimulates the process of blood clotting, metabolic processes, and takes part in the synthesis of amino acids.

Folic acid is involved in the synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acids.

Nicotinamide takes part in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and in the processes of tissue respiration.

Importance in the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases

Pentovit is included in therapeutic measures designed to treat inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of the spine and joint tissues. The vitamin complex is needed for combined treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis and various arthrosis. Tablet forms are used in course treatment and for preventive purposes, with a low degree of tissue damage.

The use of neurotropic vitamins included in Pentovit allows for several therapeutic effects:

  • blood flow to the affected tissue areas increases, by reducing vascular obliteration and minimizing the level of bad cholesterol;

  • the process of neuroprotection is activated, preventing the death of the myelin sheath of neurons.

When taken as a course, the body's need for B vitamins, which are coenzymes for regulating the metabolism of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, is fully satisfied. Stabilization of metabolic processes leads to a decrease in the intensity of neurological and degenerative diseases.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) is primarily absorbed in the duodenum and small intestine. Thiamine is distributed throughout all tissues. Approximately about 1 mg of thiamine is metabolized daily. Thiamine metabolites are excreted by the kidneys.

Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. It is distributed evenly throughout all tissues and organs.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, after which it is converted in the liver into pyridoxal phosphate, that is, into the active form of the vitamin. The final product of metabolism is 4-pyridoxylic acid, which is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Folic acid in small doses is absorbed through absorption, and large doses through diffusion. Absorbed in the form of simple hydrolysates. Distributed in all tissues. The biotransformation and metabolism of folic acid have not yet been studied.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is transported to the ileum by a glycoprotein. If the vitamin enters the body in large doses, it is absorbed through simple diffusion. Vitamin metabolism is very slow. Excreted in bile.

Indications for use

Indications for use of Pentovit are as follows:

  • treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis ;
  • high need of the human body for B vitamins;
  • recovery period after infectious diseases;
  • prevention of stress, asthenic conditions;
  • neuralgia , polyneuritis ;
  • dermatoses , dermatitis .

Indications for the use of vitamins are determined by the attending physician, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

In what cases is it prescribed?

It is advisable to take vitamins in the following cases:

  • for preventive and therapeutic purposes in case of lack of vitamins in the body;
  • the body needs a large amount of B vitamins;
  • during the recovery period after infectious diseases;
  • dermatitis;
  • neuralgia.

Indications for use can only be determined by a doctor who monitors the specific course of the disease.

Instructions for use of Pentovit (Method and dosage)

Pentovit vitamins should be used strictly according to the instructions if indicated. The instructions for children over 12 years of age and adults are as follows: take 2-4 tablets three times a day daily. The drug should be taken simultaneously with meals.

Your doctor will tell you how to take Pentovit for a specific disease. But you need to take vitamins for at least 3-4 weeks. How to take Pentovit in adult patients with a specific diagnosis depends on complex treatment.

special instructions

If the choice is made in favor of Pentovit vitamins, then you cannot take other vitamin preparations at the same time in order to exclude possible cases of overdose.

Do not exceed the dose indicated in the instructions.

The tablet shell contains sugar, so people with high blood sugar levels should be extremely careful and consult a doctor in advance.

Taking vitamins does not in any way affect the ability to drive a vehicle or operate other mechanisms that require increased attention.

Vitamins can be purchased at any pharmacy and are available without a doctor's prescription. Can be stored for 36 months from the date of production. It should be kept in a dry place out of direct sunlight.

You should not take Pentovit in parallel with alcoholic drinks. Otherwise, the absorption of the constituent components will be significantly reduced.

When taking the vitamin complex and biguanides simultaneously, a decrease in the absorption of cyanocobalamin may be observed. Do not use drugs that increase blood clotting together. With a long treatment course of anticonvulsants and parallel intake with vitamins, a lack of thiamine is noted.


Level 4 ATC code matches:









Pikovit Forte


Vetoron for children

Vetoron E




Vitrum Performance

Analogs of Pentovit tablets are other vitamin complexes, of which there are a lot today. Analogs of the product can be considered Benfolipen , Neuromultivit , Pikovit , etc. All these products have similar indications for use, are good for hair, improve skin condition, etc.

Which is better: Pentovit or Neuromultivit?

Both drugs are useful for preventing stress, improving the condition of the nervous system, and improving the condition of hair and skin. Neuromultivit, unlike Pentovit, does not contain vitamin B3 and vitamin B9.

The price of Neuromultivit tablets is higher - 200-250 rubles for 20 tablets.

Analogues of the drug

Pharmaceutical companies produce many multivitamin complexes that include B vitamins. The table shows some of the products available in pharmacies and their comparative costs.

Drug nameQuantityCost, rub
Combilipen60 tab390
Milgamma Compositum60 tab1100
Neuromultivitis2 ml/5 amp210
Neurogamma60 tab230
Pikovit60 tab240

The analogues presented in the table are not completely identical to Pentovit, but contain some B vitamins and additional substances.

Reviews of Pentovit

Reviews from doctors about Pentovit are mostly positive; it is prescribed for many diseases, as well as for the prevention of diseases. However, it should be borne in mind that vitamin complexes are only aids in the treatment of a number of diseases. Therefore, patients leave reviews of vitamins depending on how effective the main treatment was.

Positive reviews say that the vitamin complex helped cope with flaking of the skin, get rid of acne, and normalize the general condition of the nervous system. There are often positive opinions about the use of the drug after it is prescribed to children. Reviews of side effects are extremely rare.

Adverse reactions and overdose

As a result of using the medicine, the following undesirable reactions may occur:

  • skin itching and rash;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • high excitability of the central nervous system;
  • abnormal heartbeat;
  • seizures (extremely rare).

Cases of overdose are possible. If you exceed the prescribed dose and do not follow the prescribed regimen, then hypervitaminosis may occur; the body will contain an excessive amount of B vitamins. To all this, adverse reactions may appear in a more pronounced form.

Pentovit price, where to buy

The price of Pentovit vitamins in pharmacies averages 100 - 150 rubles for 50 tablets.

In Ukraine, Pentovit can be purchased at a price of 70 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Pentovit tablets p.p.o.
    50 pcs. Altaivitamins JSC 127 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Pentovit (tab. No. 50) Altaivitamins

    110 rub. order

  • Pentovit (tab. No. 50) Altaivitamins

    123 RUR order

show more

Composition and release form

The combined drug Pentovit is available in the form of film-coated tablets. The approximate composition of 1 tablet includes the following substances:

  • thiamine hydrochloride (B1);
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6);
  • folic acid (B9);
  • cyanocobalamin (B12);
  • nicotinamide (PP).

Additional substances that make up the tablet and outer shell are sucrose, calcium stearate, magnesium hydroxycarbonate, beeswax and other components.

When taken simultaneously with magnesium sulfate, the presence of Mg in the main and auxiliary composition is considered insignificant and is not taken into account when calculating the dosage

The drug can be packaged in polymer or darkened glass jars, 50 tablets each. Contour cellular packaging (blisters) of 10 tablets are also available for sale. Each release form is accompanied by official instructions for use. Dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Pentovit is a relatively inexpensive medicine - its average cost is 125 rubles / 50 tablets.

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