Fetal movements during pregnancy: what do they mean and how to count?

The most thrilling, unforgettable feeling during pregnancy is the first long-awaited movement under the baby’s heart. When can we expect it? What do periods of activity and rest mean? How to conduct a movement test yourself and what studies can confirm that everything is fine with the baby?

Signs of new life: fetal movements

A positive pregnancy test, registration at the antenatal clinic, regular visits to the doctor... Everything is so new for you. But the strongest emotions will be caused by the baby’s first movement. The sensations are painless, still weak and indistinct, but so different: as if a fish swam in the stomach, or a butterfly fluttered in the palms. It is from this moment that you realize that a new life is growing inside.

In fact, the baby begins to move from the 8th week. He already has the first muscle bundles and nerve fibers. It is still very small and, surrounded by amniotic fluid, practically does not touch the walls of the uterus. As the nervous system grows and develops, its movements become more orderly. The baby reacts to external stimuli and touches the walls of the uterus. Then you feel the movements.

Calm is a sign of hypoxia

If it is discovered that the child is suffering from a lack of oxygen, the mother will be prescribed special medications to improve blood circulation and the supply of nutrients. CTG and Doppler measurements will be performed periodically again. Unfortunately, it happens that all the measures taken do not help, and hypoxia begins to increase. Then an emergency birth is prescribed so that the baby does not suffocate. Whether it will be a caesarean section or a natural birth will be decided by the gynecologist.

To avoid this and bring your baby to term, if you have the slightest doubt, run to the doctor. Sometimes delay can be too costly. If the baby sits too quietly in the stomach or, on the contrary, “dances” around the clock, you should check if everything is in order!

Have an easy pregnancy and childbirth! Write in the comments at what time you felt the first movements of your children, describe what these sensations were like for you. And now I say goodbye to you for a while, see you soon!

Girls, at what stage do they feel the first movements during their first pregnancy? What do they look like? I'm 17-18 weeks, I'm plump myself. I wonder when to expect it!

Sensitivity degree

When does a child make itself known? It is believed that during the first pregnancy this occurs at 20 weeks, and during the second pregnancy - two weeks earlier. But the timing is approximate and depends on many reasons.

If you are an experienced mother and are familiar with similar sensations from previous pregnancies, you will recognize them earlier. Thin girls are also highly susceptible. For a woman with weight, subcutaneous adipose tissue prevents her from feeling the first movements, and sometimes she mistakes them for features of intestinal motility.

The placenta plays an important role. If it is located on the front wall of the uterus, the baby’s movements will become obvious to you later.

When to see a doctor

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Good afternoon, for some it’s already evening or even morning! My special greetings to all pregnant readers, because today’s topic is again about them. Well, I love you, what can I do, that’s why I pay so much attention. I know how many worries, worries and questions expectant mothers sometimes have. I will answer one of them today. Many people ask: “When can you feel the fetus moving?” I’ll answer this: everything is purely individual.

Experienced mothers will confirm: the timing when they felt the first cherished push of a tiny hand or foot inside the tummy varies. Differences of a week or two from the norm of the appearance of the first movements are considered insignificant. But about the norm itself, and when you should start worrying if the baby “sits” too quietly, read on...

Note to the doctor

So, the day came when you realized: the baby is moving.
Remember the date. The doctor will definitely ask about it and note it on the exchange card. Using this parameter, he will calculate the expected due date. During the first pregnancy, 20 weeks will be added to the date, with a second pregnancy - 22. You can determine the position of the fetus by movement. The limbs are usually located in the place of its greatest activity. If the kicks are mainly felt closer to the diaphragm, the baby is lying head down. If in the lower abdomen, it is likely a breech presentation. Until 34-35 weeks, the baby has the opportunity to take the correct position.

Don't hit the ribs, baby

At how many weeks does the baby finally settle in the stomach with its head down (cephalic presentation), or up (breech presentation) and no longer changes position? After 32 weeks, the baby will become clumsy, gain weight, and it will be more difficult for him to move. True, get ready for active attacks with your feet in the right hypochondrium (with a cephalic presentation) or... in the bladder (with a pelvic presentation).

Both are not pleasant, especially closer to childbirth. Personally, my 4-kilogram son immediately pushed me in the ribs and pressed him down with his head. I remember waking up at night because the child was bored and was playing “football” inside me, kicking my bones. And I constantly wanted to go to the toilet, my bladder was being disturbed. Almost always the urges were false, in a word, the baby was making fun of me. So get ready, moms.

Closer to childbirth, it’s not butterflies fluttering inside the belly, but small elephant foals pushing. In addition, children have a habit of hiccupping often after swallowing amniotic fluid. As I remember now: you are trying to sleep, you just close your eyes, and your belly begins to shake, as if with the first tremors of an earthquake. When I tell my son about this now, he laughs fervently. And then it wasn’t funny to me at all.

Before the birth itself, about two days later, a noticeable calm is felt. The baby no longer pushes, but freezes, as if at the “start” before a race, or rather an “escape”, which he is about to complete. Although some livelies, on the contrary, begin to move even more actively than before, warming up, so to speak.

Methods for diagnosing a baby’s well-being

Cardiotocography (CTG) helps monitor the baby’s well-being. A sensor is placed on the abdomen, where heart sounds can be heard better. The second is installed on the upper part of the uterus to record uterine tone. In your hand you will hold a special button that you must press every time you move. The signal is recorded on paper.

The interaction of the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems is also checked. If the child moves and his heartbeat increases, the reaction is correct. If the heartbeat does not change when moving, this indicates the first signs of hypoxia and the need for close medical monitoring. This type of research is planned. It is carried out from 30 weeks twice a month.

The state of blood circulation in the “mother-placenta-fetus” system can be assessed by ultrasound with Doppler. This ultrasound makes a qualitative and quantitative analysis of blood flow in the uterine arteries, umbilical cord vessels, aorta and cerebral arteries of the fetus.

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First pregnancy - 20 weeks. The next ones are 18. So you have it soon). Have a safe birth!

Gently place the male's ear on the uterus - He will get into the ear from the fetus before he hears the heartbeat

the sensations are similar to the intestines)) I felt it from the 14th week, for some reason I immediately realized that it was the baby knocking, but I had a large fetus) it’s better to lie down in the evening, relax and try to catch it, in the evenings they are especially active)

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There is no need to be so obviously jealous of those whose personal lives are successful. be kind to people and someone will pick you up too.

With the first child at 20 weeks (attachment was along the front wall). With the second at 16 (attachment was on the back wall). But I'm skinny. When attached to the front, it feels worse because first comes the belly, then the thickness of the uterus and only in the depths of this the baby. Everyone’s sensations are different - for a long time I thought it was gas, until I felt a clear push. With the second one, at first I doubted it or not))) Don’t pay attention to *****’s answers, don’t answer, let them understand that they are empty space. You can't worry. Good luck.

I felt it clearly at the end of the 19th week. I lay down on my stomach and read a book in silence and clearly felt kicks. you don't have long left)

You can fully feel it at 20 weeks

at 18, just clearly and to the touch with your hand and so by feeling. Before this there were some pulsations.

Girls, at what stage do you feel the first movements during your first pregnancy? What do they look like? Mine is 17-18 weeks old, she’s plump. I wonder when to expect it!

I didn’t feel it for a long time, although I was very thin. The first sensations were in the 21st week, today (week 22) I began to experience severe congestion for the first time. I had sensations a little later, because the placenta was on the front wall. The first sensations are similar to bubbles or gases. Or as if someone was gently touching you from the inside

The administration of the Woman.ru website does not evaluate recommendations and reviews about the treatment, drugs and specialists discussed in this thread. Remember that the discussion is being conducted not only by doctors, but also by ordinary readers, so some advice may not be safe for your health. Before any treatment or taking medications, we recommend that you consult a specialist!

Hello mommies. Please tell me, in plump women, when do you feel the baby moving in what week?

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The very first movements of the fetus in the womb appear in the first trimester of pregnancy at about 7-8 weeks. But the mother cannot feel them, since the baby has enough space and begins to swim from one wall of the uterus to the other; he is still too small to forcefully push the mother from the inside.

At this moment, the expectant mother can only feel some subtle vibration in the lower abdomen. In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman and her child are warned of many threats and health hazards; it is at this time that vital organs are formed in the unborn child.

That is why it is necessary to take care of yourself in the first trimester and listen very carefully to your body, give up bad habits and experience positive emotions whenever possible. A young mother is often worried, worried about how her child is doing, whether everything is okay with him. An ultrasound will help ensure normal and correct development. If the mother is very impressionable, then she can purchase a home Doppler, which will help her listen to the baby’s heart at any time.

In the second trimester, it is easier for a woman to experience this kind of experience, since the little one begins to make itself felt with the help of light tremors.

cramped house

You will feel your baby more active at 24-32 weeks. During this period, he grows quickly, develops, and there is still enough space in his “house”. Later, the baby becomes cramped in the uterus and his energy levels decrease. Especially before giving birth. With growth, the nature of movements also changes. From 32 weeks, the fetal nervous system is already quite developed, and the formation of the “activity-rest” cycle occurs. The baby may move vigorously for an hour, and then calm down.

Many pregnant women complain about the obstinate nature of the baby. During the day he behaves calmly, but as soon as he lies down to rest or fall asleep, the “dancing” begins. And the child just likes the pleasant swaying of his belly when you go to the store or do chores around the house. In addition, when you are in a relaxed state, blood circulation improves, and the baby has more strength to play mischief. And with his energetic movements he forces you to stand up and change your body position. Don't worry. At longer stages of pregnancy, your sleep and wakefulness rhythms will most likely coincide.

Do you feel rhythmic twitching in your stomach? It's your baby who's hiccupping. Don't worry. The relationship between fetal hiccups and disturbances in its intrauterine state has not been established.

Causes of a large fetus

In fact, there can be many reasons for the development of a large fetus. Some are related to heredity, some may be an echo of health conditions or previous lifestyle. The most likely reasons are:

1. Pregnancy lasts longer than expected.

Sometimes the due date was set incorrectly, and the baby is born 10-12 days later, but completely healthy. There is also a true post-term pregnancy, in which the placenta ages, the amniotic fluid acquires a grayish tint, and the baby may experience wrinkling of the skin.

2. Diabetes mellitus.

Women with diabetes should be examined more thoroughly during pregnancy than others. Statistics show that such women are more likely to have a large child.

No later than 32 weeks, such women should be hospitalized in order to be under constant medical supervision. After a thorough examination, a decision is made on the due date. If the fetus is large and the patient has diabetes, the question arises of artificially inducing labor at 36 weeks (not earlier). Doctors can make the same decision if a woman’s condition worsens, there is polyhydramnios, gestosis, or a decrease in blood sugar levels. During childbirth, the presence of a therapist is required, who monitors sugar levels and decides on the administration of insulin.

3. Hemolytic disease.

This disease occurs due to Rh conflict between the child and his mother. It can develop due to a negative Rh factor of the mother and a positive Rh factor of the baby inherited from the father. The child's hemoglobin level in the blood decreases, jaundice appears, the liver and spleen enlarge, and fluid accumulates in the body cavity. This causes swelling and excess weight.

4. Heredity.

If the baby’s parents are large and tall, then the likelihood that the child will be the same is very high. In this case, one should take into account not only what the parents look like now, but what they were like at the time of birth.

5. Second and subsequent pregnancies.

Statistically, second and subsequent children are born heavier than their older brothers and sisters. This is explained by the fact that the woman’s body is already ready and trained to bear the fetus (the metabolism between the baby and the mother improves), and also by the fact that the woman is less afraid and worried during her second pregnancy.

6. Nutrition for a pregnant woman.

If a pregnant woman abuses the amount of food rich in carbohydrates (sweet, starchy), the child and mother may experience obesity. The baby’s body gains excess weight because it is forced to work like its mother’s.

Monitoring the child's activity

What matters is the change in the child’s physical activity over several days. Unusually strong, erratic, threshing movements will indicate a violation of his condition. A possible reason for this increase in reflex activity is an increase in carbon dioxide in your blood. The doctor will order additional laboratory tests and give recommendations.

A decrease or cessation of the baby’s movements after vigorous physical activity may be a sign of hypoxia, when the child lacks nutrients and oxygen. Placental insufficiency can be triggered by poor health of both you and the baby. We will have to establish the degree of development of hypoxia. In the acute form, emergency medical care is required; in the chronic form, constant monitoring and treatment is required.

Movement norms

As mentioned above, up to 18, in rare cases 16, weeks, movements are not felt at all due to the small size of the fetus, but even at later stages (up to about 20 weeks), movements are not necessarily felt every day. After this period, the woman feels the child inside herself more and more clearly. The fetus is actively growing, and its nervous system is constantly improving.

“From the 24th week, the expectant mother can already clearly distinguish the movements of her arms and legs,” notes FAN’s interlocutor. — The most active period is from the 24th to the 32nd week, which is a sign that the baby is developing correctly. Motor activity increases. The child begins to “contact” with his parents, reacting in his own way to familiar voices. It should be noted that the baby is able to “read” the emotional background of the mother, he really feels joy or a bad mood.”

It has been proven that if a woman is nervous, afraid, crying or overly emotional, the fetus begins to move more actively or, on the contrary, “freezes”. As a matter of fact, movements are the baby’s special language, his first way to tell his parents about his well-being.

“There is no clear norm for movements. All children are different,” the expert reassured expectant mothers.

Starting from the 24th week, the baby pushes 10 to 15 times per hour. Do not worry if the fetus “does not respond” within three to four hours - the child can simply sleep. In this case, women are recommended to provoke movements by snacking on chocolate or lying on their left side for half an hour. If there is no response, then after a couple of hours you need to do the same.

Important! If there is no physical activity for more than 12 hours, this is a reason to consult a doctor as soon as possible. It’s worth playing it safe if the child has always been very active, and then suddenly calms down. If movements have become suspiciously weak and infrequent, there is no need to panic, but consulting a specialist will never be superfluous.

In the last trimester, at each appointment, the obstetrician-gynecologist performs cardiotocography on the patient, a non-invasive functional diagnostic method that measures the fetal heart rate. During the study, the doctor evaluates changes depending on the influence of various factors, including the physical activity of the child himself. During the CTG procedure, the pregnant woman is asked to record every movement by pressing a button on a special remote control - the heart rate should increase. No special preparation is required for monitoring, but women are usually asked to eat a piece of chocolate to get the baby moving.

The intensity of movements may depend on the emotional state of the mother, external stimuli, meals, time of day, or even the position of the woman’s body. It has been noticed that the fetus is more active in the afternoon, especially late in the evening and at night. He reacts very sensitively to loud noises, a delicious lunch eaten by his mother, and uncomfortable positions that she takes.


Baby moves: count to 10

This is the simplest and most common test of baby D. Pearson's movements. It is recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and is indicated in official documents on the management of pregnancy in our country. It can be used by everyone from 28 weeks at home to independently monitor the baby’s condition. In a special table, every tenth movement is noted from 9:00 to 21:00. This is how the characteristics of his motor activity are determined. Under normal conditions, the tenth movement is noted before 17:00. If the number of movements within 12 hours is less than 10, it is advisable to inform your doctor. If the baby does not make itself known within 12 hours, it is an emergency, see a doctor immediately!

The second test recommended by our gynecologists is counting movements within an hour. There should be 10-15 of them. If it is more or less, you must definitely draw the attention of a doctor.

If the baby does not move for three hours, there is no reason to worry. He might just be sleeping.


How many times and how should a baby move in the third trimester?

Obstetricians note that the child should move and make itself felt about ten times over the course of 12 hours. The peak of tremors occurs in the evening, when the expectant mother comes home from work or simply lies down to rest after a difficult day. This is where the “dancing” begins.

But in the third trimester, the baby will no longer perform acrobatic tricks. His movements, to a greater extent, will resemble swarming, spinning, hiccupping, tickling - all this is associated with a decrease in space.

Movement language

Sometimes movements become especially intense in a short period of time. This baby is “protesting” because of your uncomfortable position. If you lie on your back for a long time, the large vessels of the uterus are compressed and blood flow to the fetus is reduced. By his actions he is trying to force you to change your position.

The baby calms down during the cold spell, when you are worried, worried, sitting in one position for hours. Try eating something sweet - he should respond to the treat. He benefits from walking in the fresh air for at least three hours a day, good nutrition, long sleep, and a reasonable alternation of work and rest.

The child also really wants you to communicate with him. In the last weeks of pregnancy, his movements can sometimes cause pain and discomfort. Change your body position, stroke your belly, say a few kind words to the mischievous person, and everything will return to normal.

Which fruit is considered large?

It is considered normal if a child is born weighing up to 4 kg and height from 48 to 54 cm. If at the time of birth the child weighs from four to five kilograms, doctors talk about a large fetus. Although this does not take into account the height of the child. Large babies are also superior in height, reaching up to 56 cm at the time of birth.

According to statistics, the number of large children accounts for 5–10% of all pregnancies. Doctors believe that this is due to improved living conditions and nutrition of pregnant women. Cases of the birth of children weighing more than five kilograms are also known, but they are few in number.

Checklist for 22 weeks of pregnancy

  • Communicate with your baby: his movements are reactions to your voice and stroking. In the same way he shows his joy or displeasure.
  • Monitor your blood pressure and weight gain.
  • Consider a maternity photo shoot. Now is the right time for her.
  • You may want to avoid wearing rings on your fingers due to the swelling that occurs during pregnancy.

If you experience swelling and other complications at 22 weeks of gestation, contact the specialists at the Women's Medical Center. All necessary tests and studies can be completed at a time convenient for you. We work from Monday to Saturday.

Feelings of the expectant mother

Your belly is already quite noticeable, each week its circumference increases by about 1 cm. The uterus continues to grow, at 22 weeks its bottom is 2-2.5 cm above the navel. Due to its pressure on internal organs, shortness of breath occurs and trips to the toilet become more frequent.

Weight gain by the 22nd week of pregnancy averages 5-6 kg. A sharp increase in body weight requires additional diagnostics, as it may indicate gestosis or polyhydramnios.

Even in thin women, the breasts noticeably enlarge, the mammary glands become heavier, and the areolas become darker.

Vaginal discharge should normally be colorless, light in color and without an unpleasant odor. Perhaps they have become more abundant than usual. This is additional protection against infections.

Many pregnant women are surprised to note that the size of their legs has increased. Now your feet are under increased stress, they may swell, and under the influence of hormones, ligaments and joints soften. As a result, you need shoes 1-2 sizes larger. Don't worry: the foot usually gets smaller after childbirth.

Possible complications

At 22 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may experience low and polyhydramnios.

Low water

An insufficient amount of amniotic fluid is dangerous because it causes hypoxia and intrauterine growth retardation. Typically, a pregnant woman experiences pain in the lower third of the abdomen, which intensifies when the fetus moves. An accurate diagnosis is made using ultrasound. The causes of the condition are poorly understood, but indirect factors are considered to be high blood pressure, obesity, and metabolic disorders in a woman’s body. Treatment is carried out strictly in a hospital.


Excessive volume of amniotic fluid is a high risk of premature birth, fetal death, and uterine rupture. The woman complains of heaviness and pain in the abdomen, swelling, and severe shortness of breath. Among the main causes of polyhydramnios are diabetes mellitus, kidney pathologies, Rh-conflict pregnancy, and infectious diseases during pregnancy. Most often, doctors resort to early delivery.

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