Medicines for the correction of disorders that occur during menopause (menopause)

It is known that the hormonal levels in women are unstable. By a certain age (on average 45-52 years), ovarian function gradually fades away. This leads to a decrease in the formation of female sex hormones - estrogens - in the ovaries, which is primarily reflected in the menstrual cycle: as estrogen production decreases, the cycle becomes irregular until it stops completely. From this moment menopause (menopause) begins.

Menopause means the end of a woman’s “reproductive life”, that is, with the onset of menopause, a woman is not able to naturally become pregnant and carry a child.

However, the lack of female sex hormones affects not only reproductive function. Estrogens also have a positive effect on bone density, preventing bone fractures, and also prevent the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels and are responsible for normal vascular tone. Therefore, estrogen deficiency during menopause is manifested not only by the extinction of menstruation, but also by additional symptoms that significantly affect a woman’s quality of life.

Menopause is characterized by dryness of the vaginal mucosa (and, as a result, unpleasant, sometimes painful sensations during sexual intercourse), a feeling of “hot flashes”, palpitations, sweating, emotional lability, increased irritability, memory impairment, and also, importantly, increased bone fragility .

To reduce the negative manifestations of menopause, a number of specific drugs are used - correctors of disorders during menopause.

The best products for women during menopause.

October 11, 2021



  • Symptoms of menopause
  • Prevention of menopause
  • What will help with menopause
  • Non-hormonal herbal medicine: how does it work?
  • The best non-hormonal drugs for menopause
  • Qi-Klim
  • Klimaksan
  • Estrovel
  • Feminal
  • Femicaps Easy Life
  • Folk remedies for menopause

Menopause is one of the periods that a woman goes through during her life. During menopause, a physiological restructuring occurs in the body - the function of the ovaries decreases: they cease to be active and eggs no longer mature in them (a woman can no longer get pregnant). Usually menopause occurs at the age of 50-55 years, but there can be an earlier or later onset - everything is purely individual.

Menopause is a natural change in a woman’s hormonal levels, which is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. Let's figure out what the signs of menopause are, what to do to prevent negative feelings, and what non-hormonal medications you can take.

Read also: 10 safest sedatives The best natural sedatives.

A little about menopause

Before we figure out which drugs normalize a woman’s condition during menopause, let’s figure out what happens during this period of restructuring of the body. The hormone estrogen is produced in a woman's ovaries; when their levels decrease, this condition is called menopause. Estrogens regulate the functioning of many systems and organs; their deficiency leads to:

  • slowdown of metabolic processes, possible increase in body weight, development of diabetic diseases;
  • violation of thermoregulation, it feels like it suddenly throws you into a fever;
  • disruption of the heart and blood vessels;
  • loss of mood, depressive states often develop;
  • deterioration of urinary and sexual functions.

These symptoms can be eliminated by two methods: hormonal and non-hormonal. The first involves taking hormone-containing drugs, they are aimed at increasing estrogen levels, and the second helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms without changing hormonal levels. By the time of menopause, a woman does not face the pressing question of childbearing, so there is often no point in preserving this ability of the body. Taking hormones can negatively affect women's health, the risk of tumors increases, and brain function deteriorates. Choosing hormone-containing drugs based on reviews or recommendations from friends is unacceptable. Only a gynecologist can select a hormone-based product after a series of tests and examinations. The cost of such funds can hardly be called budget; hormone therapy can cost you a considerable amount.

As for the second method, it is a symptomatic treatment that can significantly reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. The result will not be noticeable immediately; it takes time, since such drugs often have a cumulative effect. Every day your health will improve significantly. The over-the-counter sale of maintenance medications indicates their safety; a doctor’s consultation is not necessary before starting treatment.

As a rule, the fair sex chooses drugs that do not contain hormones. Their varieties, price range and properties will be discussed further.

Symptoms of menopause

For each woman, the symptoms of menopause manifest themselves differently, everything is individual, but much depends on both heredity and lifestyle. But we can highlight the main signs of menopause:

  • hot flashes;
  • chills;
  • dizziness, headaches, nausea;
  • anxiety and neurosis (even depression);
  • sleep problems;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • pressure surges;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • urethral syndrome (inflammation of the urethra), etc.

The degree to which the above symptoms manifest depends on the amount of hormones the female body secretes. Depending on this, there are 4 periods of menopause:

  • Premenopause. The period from the first cycle disturbances to the last menstruation (premenopause lasts from 2 to 10 years).
  • Menopause. The period from the last menstruation, which lasts about a year.
  • Postmenopause. Lasts 6-8 years. The symptoms of menopause persist, but become less pronounced than at the beginning.

All these periods together are called menopause, and all the symptoms are called menopausal syndrome.

Symptoms of menopause

Photos from open sources

Read also 5 most popular pregnancy tests Top 5 popular pregnancy tests (taking into account accuracy and price).

Menopause without hot flashes: reality or dream?

Unfortunately, most women experience the unpleasant symptoms of menopause firsthand. However, each of them has a choice: to come to terms with the manifestations of this condition or to alleviate it by taking the right medications.

One of the best remedies for hot flashes during menopause is Klimafemin.
This drug was developed by specialists from the pharmaceutical company VERTEX and has the necessary documents and certificates. The product is distinguished by a balanced composition, which includes natural components: phytoestrogen genistein, coenzyme Q10, grape seed extract and vitamin E. As a result of the use of “Climafemin”, the frequency and intensity of hot flashes decreases, sweating decreases, and the emotional background improves. Sources:

  1. Menopausal syndrome. Smetnik V.P., Tkachenko N.M., Glezer G.A. and others // M. - 1988. - P. 286.
  2. Depressive disorders in peri- and postmenopausal women. Yureneva S.V., Kamenetskaya T.Ya. // Journal of gynecology. - 2007. - 9(2). pp. 5-12.
  3. Mental disorders in women during menopause. Tyuvina N.A. // M.: Kronpress. - 1996. - P. 237.

Prevention of menopause

Today, every woman can significantly alleviate the symptoms of menopause by preventing hormonal fluctuations. Among the main ways to prevent menopause:

  1. Once every six months - a general blood test (with determination of glucose and cholesterol levels). This will help control the development of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.
  2. Blood pressure control.
  3. Preventive examination by a gynecologist (every six months or as indicated).
  4. Once every six months – consultation with a mammologist (after 30 years).
  5. Self-monitoring of the condition of the mammary glands.
  6. Weight control.
  7. Rejection of bad habits.
  8. Regular physical activity.

Basics of treatment of disorders during menopause (menopause)

Estrogen preparations are used strictly as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician. The course of treatment with estrogen drugs usually ranges from several months to several years.

It is usually recommended to stop taking estrogen medications after age 65, since in old age an excess of female sex hormones can trigger the development of malignant tumors (especially breast cancer).

Herbal preparations, as well as beta-alanine, are usually used in short courses from 10 days to a month. However, if, after stopping taking these drugs, the manifestations of menopause (in particular, “hot flashes”) resume, then treatment can continue throughout the entire period of manifestation of specific symptoms.

What will help with menopause

As we wrote above, each woman experiences menopause individually. Some people show almost no symptoms at all, while others suffer from a whole bunch of unpleasant sensations. If the symptoms of menopause are not too pronounced, doctors usually recommend that the woman lead an active lifestyle, eat right, and non-hormonal medications will help cope with the discomfort. If menopause is severe, a thorough examination and prescription of hormone replacement therapy is necessary. Menopause cannot be treated independently with hormonal drugs, since such drugs have many contraindications and side effects.

Non-hormonal herbal medicine: how does it work?

If the manifestations of menopause in a woman do not require serious correction with hormonal agents, doctors prescribe analogues of plant origin. It turns out that some plants contain isoflavones - extracts with estrogenic activity (phytoestrogens). In their structure, they are close to female hormones, but they have much lower activity than synthetic and natural ones.

Many women prefer non-hormonal medications during menopause, since they act gently and significantly reduce the severity of hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Medicines for menopause usually contain hops and licorice root. Such remedies are often enriched with plants with a sedative effect (valerian, lemon balm, motherwort, St. John's wort). Plants such as sage or clover improve vascular tone and blood circulation.

There are almost no contraindications to non-hormonal drugs during menopause, but they should still be prescribed by a doctor, because only he can calculate the correct dosage of the drug. To feel the positive effect, the herbal medicine must be taken for at least a month.

pharmachologic effect

Correctors for disorders during menopause replace the deficiency of female sex hormones (estrogens) or normalize hormonal balance, increase the sensitivity of specific receptors in organs and tissues to estrogen, thereby facilitating the implementation of the optimal effect of female sex hormones on the woman’s body.

Correctors for disorders during menopause eliminate typical symptoms of menopause - hot flashes, feelings of heat, excessive sweating, palpitations, insomnia, mood changes, irritability, dry vaginal mucosa.

Estrogen preparations additionally increase bone density, prevent excessive bone fragility and the development of fractures, normalize vascular tone, and prevent the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, which subsequently significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications.


The active ingredient of this drug is black cohosh (a plant of the ranunculaceae family). “Qi-Clim” is prescribed during menopause to eliminate frequent pressure changes and increases, neurosis, and migraines. The drug is completely safe, so for some indications it is prescribed even during pregnancy. “Qi-Clim” during menopause also acts as a mild sedative, reducing anxiety and mood swings. The main advantages of the herbal medicine are its affordable price, large packaging, helps with insomnia, and has a safe herbal composition. Among the disadvantages is that it cannot be used as a method of contraception; an allergy to the components of the drug is possible.

Evalar, Russia

QI-CLIM reduces the levels of FSH and LH, increases the level of estradiol, which leads to the elimination of early menopausal disorders (psycho-emotional and vegetative-vascular disorders) and delayed menopausal disorders associated with low estrogen levels.
The therapeutic effect of the drug QI-CLIM develops gradually and appears after approximately 2-4 weeks of treatment. from 163

4.0 2 reviews


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“Climaxan” is a homeopathic remedy for menopause (also contains black cohosh). It is usually prescribed to reduce vegetative-vascular and mental symptoms during menopause. "Climaxan" helps with rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, irritability and emotional swings. During menopause, these tablets should not be washed down with water, but dissolved in the morning and evening (if the symptoms of menopause are severe, doctors recommend taking 3-4 tablets per day). "Climaxan" helps calm the nervous system and stabilizes sleep. Among the disadvantages of the drug is that individual intolerance is possible, and it is not available in every pharmacy.


Klimaxan is a homeopathic complex drug that is used in gynecology to relieve symptoms associated with the premenopausal and postmenopausal period.
Eliminates vegetative-vascular disorders that are associated with hormonal imbalance. Has a moderate sedative effect. from 92


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The drug for menopause “Estrovel” contains cohosh extract, as well as soybean seeds, griffonia, dioscorea root, chasteberry fruits, magnesium, folic acid, vitamins B6, E, K1, etc. “Estrovel” is an excellent source of essential minerals and vitamins. This supplement is prescribed for sleep disorders, hot flashes, excessive sweating, and emotional instability. The drug is taken 1-2 capsules per day (it all depends on the severity of negative symptoms). Estrovel has practically no side effects, although individual intolerance to any component of the drug is sometimes possible. "Estrovel" strengthens the immune system, reduces the symptoms of menopause, improves sleep, has a cumulative effect, and is inexpensive. Among the disadvantages is that sometimes weight gain is possible while taking this herbal medicine, and in order to improve the condition as much as possible, long-term treatment is needed.


The dietary supplement Estrovel is recommended during menopause and premenstrual syndrome.
The product alleviates symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance during menopause and menopause, helps reduce muscle, joint and headaches. Estrovel improves bone metabolism, reduces calcium loss, which helps prevent osteoporosis during menopause, and has sedative and calming properties. from 380

4.0 5 reviews


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Non-drug methods

  • Exercise therapy, yoga, massage.
    Any physical activity of moderate intensity, as well as relaxation and stretching exercises, have a beneficial effect. Preference should be given to activities such as recreational walking, swimming, and breathing practices.
  • Medical nutrition.
    A low-calorie diet with a predominance of greens, vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, vegetable oils and a limitation of simple carbohydrates and animal fats is recommended. A nutritionist will advise which nutritional system is suitable in a particular situation.
  • Physiotherapy.
    To relieve symptoms, galvanization, electroanalgesia, electrosleep, light therapy, various baths and many other techniques are used. However, some physiotherapeutic procedures during menopause may be contraindicated due to the presence of concomitant diseases, including the genital area, so a detailed preliminary examination is very important.
  • Spa treatment.
    Hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, and thalassotherapy are performed as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Psychotherapy.
    Working with a specialist helps a woman accept a new stage in her life, learn to relax, get rid of excessive anxiety, and prevent the development of depression and psychosomatic pathology.


The drug effectively eliminates the symptoms of menopause thanks to the active ingredient – ​​red clover extract. “Feminal” reduces hot flashes, bouts of excessive sweating, irritability, improves sleep, and fights mood swings. You need to take one capsule of the drug per day. This herbal remedy does not have a sedative effect and does not cause drowsiness, but is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. “Feminal” does not provoke weight gain and has a cumulative effect, but to achieve maximum effect, you need to take the medicine for several months.


Feminal is a biologically active food supplement made on the basis of isoflavones obtained from red clover.
Each capsule contains approximately 40 mg of pure isoflavones. Red clover dry extract contains 4 isoflavones: Biochanin A, Formononetin, Daidzein, Genistein. Red clover isoflavones are structurally closest to estrogens in the human body in comparison with other phytoestrogens. Due to these similarities, red clover isoflavones may be effective in reducing menopausal symptoms. from 538


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Femicaps Easy Life

The active ingredient of Femicapsa Or Life is an extract of the fruits of the sacred vitex. In addition, the composition contains evening primrose oil, passionflower flowers, vitamins E and B6. In addition to treating menopause, the drug is also prescribed for gynecological problems caused by hormonal imbalance, mammological diseases and menstrual irregularities. "Femicaps Easy Life" improves overall well-being, strengthens the immune system and nervous system. The drug has virtually no contraindications or side effects; for a full course of three months, one package of the herbal remedy is enough. Among the disadvantages of Femicapsa Easy Life are possible allergic reactions to the components of the drug, as well as its high cost.

Femicaps Easy Life
Hankintatukku Oy, Finland

Femicaps Easy Life is recommended for the correction of a number of gynecological diseases in women caused by hormonal imbalance, as a general tonic, an additional source of magnesium, vitamins B6 and E.
from 1636


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Photos from open sources

Nutrition during menopause

Rating of non-hormonal drugs for menopause

The best non-hormonal drugs for menopause1Qi-clim tablets 20 mg No. 60 9.9 / 10If you suffer from menopause, you should turn to this drug first.More details
2Mense capsules No. 40 (dietary supplement) 9.9 / 10A worthy analogue, albeit just a dietary supplementMore details
3Inoclim capsules 382 mg No. 30 9.8 / 10Great for menopauseMore details
4Estrovel capsules 520 mg No. 30 9.8 / 10Well-functioning dietary supplementMore details
5Climaxan tablets homeopath. No. 40 9.8 / 10Excellent domestic productMore details
6Renaissance Duoclim capsules No. 60 9.8 / 10High-quality domestic drug made in RussiaMore details
7Orthomol Femin capsules 9.7 / 10Useful drug at an affordable priceMore details
8Femicaps Easy Life capsules No. 120 9.7 / 10Quite a good option for many womenMore details

Which of these would you prefer?

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Qi-clim tablets 20 mg No. 60

325 rub.

The drug should be taken with caution in case of gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis.

The active component of the drug is dry extract of black cohosh rhizomes. Qi-Clim is taken by women during menopause. The composition of the product is of plant origin. Provides the necessary support to the female body during its restructuring.

Thanks to its beneficial effects, mood improves, vitality appears, productivity increases, vigor and a positive attitude accompany in all endeavors. The product helps calcium to be properly absorbed, thereby improving bone health, condition of nails, and hair. Qi-Clim normalizes blood pressure and prevents you from gaining excess weight. Allergy to the drug is rare.

Customers who have already tried Qi-Klim noted that it does an excellent job of minimizing the negative symptoms of menopause, and the price is pleasantly surprising.

If you follow the instructions for use, Qi-Clim does not affect alertness or reaction speed, so driving a car while taking the product is not prohibited.

9.9 /10



  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • effective in combating the symptoms of menopause;
  • has a plant composition;
  • improves general condition;
  • maintains normal weight and blood pressure;
  • curbs mood swings.


  • not detected.

Qi-clim tablets 20 mg No. 60


Mense capsules No. 40 (dietary supplement)

385 rub.
A dietary supplement that will effectively help cope with the symptoms of menopause. The drug helps to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins such as B12, B9, C, E, B6, B5. Half an hour after taking the drug, it is already actively working.

Mense helps stimulate collagen production, which is important for maintaining healthy, youthful skin. Beta-alanine in the composition is designed to eliminate hot flashes, reduce their frequency, and act for a long time.

The 5-hydroxytryptophan component is intended to reduce depression. The mood noticeably improves, vigor, a positive attitude, and the desire to live life to the fullest appear. The quality of sleep is significantly improved.

Vitamins E and C help slow down age-related changes. Mense contains folic acid, it maintains the amount of estrogen necessary for the female body, hair and skin look well-groomed and fresh.

Thanks to research, it has become known that long-term use of Mense (from 3 to 6 months) helps to accumulate a positive effect. The product is taken 1-2 times a day, 1 capsule, this regimen is as convenient as possible and reduces the likelihood of missing a dose.

After completing the monthly course, the woman should evaluate her condition; if the climatic condition returns, she can take the drug again.

9.9 /10



  • affordable for everyone;
  • balanced composition;
  • efficiency;
  • mode of application;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • reduces the number of hot flashes.


  • There may be problems with purchasing; it is not always available in pharmacies.

Mense capsules No. 40 (dietary supplement)


Inoclim capsules 382 mg No. 30

850 rub.

The duration of the course is 3 months.

The product from the French manufacturer helps to compensate for the lack of isoflavones (genistin and daidzin) due to the soybean extract in the composition, and increases the number of estrogens. The drug is convenient to drink, you only need to take 1-2 capsules a day with meals, the capsules are oval in shape, there are no problems with swallowing.

An allergy is possible to individual components of the drug; in this case, it is better to avoid using Inoclim. Therapy with the drug completely eliminates the formation of hormone-dependent tumors, since the estrogen-like effect is achieved through plant components. Relieves symptoms of menopause, characterized by sensations of heat, intense sweating, and increased heart rate.

The product is very popular among women, which indicates its effectiveness. There are practically no side effects when taking Inoclim.

The drug has a high recommendation rating; during menopause, experts advise purchasing the drug at least once to evaluate its positive effect.

9.8 /10



  • effectively fights the symptoms of menopause;
  • but promotes addiction;
  • natural composition;
  • does not cause side effects;
  • convenient to take.


  • the high cost of the drug, due to which it cannot be classified as a budget drug.

Inoclim capsules 382 mg No. 30


Estrovel capsules 520 mg No. 30

515 rub.
The dietary supplement Estrovel will not only relieve the discomfort associated with menopause, but will also help increase libido. Refusal from intimate life during this difficult period for a woman is associated with poor health and mood. Estrovel will not let you put your sex life on pause.

Phytoestrogens of plant origin will help maintain the normal female reproductive system. The product actively fights sudden hot flashes, headaches, intense sweating, and improves general condition and mood.

The drug works as an antioxidant and removes harmful substances from the body. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, reduces the risk of thrombosis.

Many women have tried the drug and shared positive reviews; they noted that taking Estrovel had a good effect on their mood, increased performance, desire to live a full life, and weight was maintained at normal levels.

9.8 /10



  • effectively relieves symptoms of menopause;
  • increases libido;
  • plant composition;
  • no side effects;
  • does not contribute to addiction and weight gain;
  • high consumer rating.


  • the cost is “above average”.

Estrovel capsules 520 mg No. 30


Climaxan tablets homeopath. No. 40

145 rub.

If a woman is lactose intolerant, then it is better to refuse the purchase due to the presence of this component in the drug.

A domestically produced drug without hormones in its composition perfectly relieves the symptoms of menopause. Helps get rid of mood swings, increased excitability, tachycardia, profuse sweating. Taking Climaxan will help a woman feel lightness, energy, and a surge of strength.

The drug is suitable for long-term use; to consolidate the positive effect, a course of at least six months is recommended.

The drug is used 2 times a day, 1 tablet by resorption in the mouth (not with food). Klimaksan has a neutral smell and taste, so it is well tolerated by women.

Climaxan is in high demand in the pharmaceutical market and this is not only due to its budget price, it perfectly fights headaches, normalizes sleep, and eliminates mood swings.

Allergies may occur to some components in the composition, so it is better to study it carefully before purchasing.

9.8 /10



  • affordable;
  • plant composition;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • easy to apply;
  • relieves unpleasant symptoms.


  • not detected.

Climaxan tablets homeopath. No. 40


Renaissance Duoclim capsules No. 60

705 rub.
The vitamin-mineral complex is produced in Russia. Renaissance Duoklin does not affect the endocrine system of the female body, it only helps it recover naturally. The composition of the complex is enriched with all substances that are important for a woman during this difficult period. The drug not only normalizes hormonal levels, it literally helps you transform for the better: even a young girl will be jealous of the condition of your hair and nails!

The complex strengthens the skeletal system, helps you fall asleep peacefully and wake up with a feeling of complete rest. Indole-3-carbinol is a very useful component that will maintain the health of the mammary gland. The complex has a restorative and strengthening effect, relieves the symptoms of menopause.

The package contains capsules of two colors - red and blue. I take red ones in the morning, and blue ones in the evening. This scheme was not developed by chance; it has been proven that this way the beneficial substances will be better absorbed and not conflict with each other.

After starting use, the positive effect is noticeable almost immediately; the woman will feel relief, improved mood, and a reduction in headaches.

The components of Renaissance Duoklim are of plant origin, so the drug acts gently without causing negative effects. The course takes about 3 months, this is enough to minimize unpleasant symptoms and forget that you are in menopause.

9.8 /10



  • effective drug;
  • plant composition;
  • copes with the symptoms of menopause;
  • convenient to take;
  • balanced dosage regimen.


  • high price.

Renaissance Duoclim capsules No. 60


Orthomol Femin capsules

RUB 3,940

A not very pleasant aspect is the cost of the product, which is why the drug is not available for purchase by everyone.

Vitamins that will significantly improve the general condition of a woman during menopause. During menopause, the female body is in dire need of replenishing nutrients, the lack of which affects both well-being and appearance.

If you start taking care of your health at the very beginning of menopause, you can reduce the number of unpleasant manifestations. Orthomol Femin does an excellent job of regulating metabolism, helps not to gain excess weight, eliminates hot flashes, sweating, weakness, headaches, dizziness, mood swings, fatigue, and tearfulness.

The fatty acids of the drug contribute to the proper functioning of the reproductive system, so intimate life will only become brighter. Strengthening bones will help a woman not feel tired, be energetic, and easily cope with physical activity. The complex of vitamins and minerals helps increase mental activity, which is so important for working women.

All components of the drug are thoroughly tested, so the quality of Orthomol Femin is undeniable. Consumers who tried the drug in action noted its high efficiency and speed of action.

9.7 /10



  • effective;
  • qualitative;
  • helps relieve symptoms of menopause;
  • slows down the aging of the body;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • improves the condition of teeth, bones, skin;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • increases performance.


  • very high cost.

Orthomol Femin capsules


Femicaps Easy Life capsules No. 120

RUB 1,470
This dietary supplement can be used during menopause or to eliminate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Can be used to correct gynecological diseases associated with hormonal imbalance. Replenishes the lack of vitamins B6 and E, magnesium. Helps in the fight against such serious diseases as infertility, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, etc.

The drug should not be used by pregnant and nursing mothers; in case of allergic reactions, Femicaps should be discontinued.

You only need to drink 2 capsules per day, which is economical. Successfully fights headaches and helps you sleep comfortably. A well-balanced composition and speed of action are the reason for the popularity of the drug.

Despite the high cost, Femicaps is highly appreciated by many women, a lot of positive reviews confirm this.

9.7 /10



  • acts quickly;
  • effective;
  • has a good composition;
  • normalizes hormonal balance;
  • has a sedative and antispasmodic effect.


  • the price is biting.

Folk remedies for menopause

You can help yourself during menopause with the help of diet and folk remedies. To reduce the severity of hot flashes, facial redness, excessive sweating and heart palpitations, review your diet. Avoid alcohol, spicy and too hot foods. Eat more grains, legumes and nuts - these are natural estrogens. But reduce meat and fats in your diet.

There are many traditional methods to relieve the symptoms of menopause. We have selected the most popular and effective ones.

  1. Herbal teas.
    Phytoestrogens are found in plants such as linden, licorice root, sage, rowan, hawthorn, ginseng root, etc. Train yourself to drink a glass of decoction of the listed components every day, and you will feel how negative symptoms will decrease: sleep will improve, irritability will go away , sweating, hot flashes and emotional swings. Such herbal teas slow down the aging of the female body.
  2. Sage.
    To prepare the drink, you need to take a tablespoon of sage herb and pour two glasses of boiling water over it. Let it brew for half an hour and strain. This decoction can be taken three times a day for two weeks. Then we take the same break and continue treatment. After a three-month course - a pause of two months. Then everything can be repeated.
  3. Vitamin mixture.
    Take two oranges, a lemon, the juice of two small beets and 150 g of honey. Grind citrus fruits in a blender or meat grinder along with the zest. Mix all the products. The course of treatment is two weeks (take 2 tablespoons in the morning and evening).
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