Maggi diet for a week: egg and curd menu option for 7 days

A weight loss system that is loved by many curvaceous ladies who are eager to regain their former grace of form and by gentlemen who have lost the shape of the once so toned, brutal torsos that irresistibly impressed the above-mentioned ladies.

What exactly is attractive about the application of this technique and is appreciated after the fact? The opportunity to get in shape without the exhausting, humiliating feeling of hunger that undermines the will to win and getting real results in the form of visual, pleasant changes in the external contours of your loved one.

From the history:

There is an opinion that the name of the diet is due to Margaret Thatcher, in whose archives typewritten menus and recommendations of a famous American clinic were allegedly found, which drew up regulations for special low-carb fasting days for the eminent lady.

Be that as it may, the original version of the unloading system has undergone changes, since each reteller contributed a personal perception. However, there is still a lot in common.

The essence of the method, features

The diet is one of the varieties of protein, but despite this, the diet includes meat, eggs, cottage cheese, as well as fruits, vegetables and the smallest amount of carbohydrates.

Everything is carefully weighed, thought out in such a way as to provoke the body to burn fat on its own, by activating biochemical processes.

Important! The system is very strict; any adjustments are not allowed.

Any deviations from the diet will negate the methodology itself, because it will no longer be “Maggi”. And, of course, under such circumstances it makes no sense to expect the promised results.

What are the requirements of the technique? What will you have to go through? Will you have enough strength, endurance, perseverance, and desire?

Everything is quite simple, quite accessible, even attractive, in comparison with mono diets. In particular, it does not require additional fortification, as with other methods. The body gets everything it needs from the included products.

There are also certain difficulties of a disciplinary nature.

But for those who are determined to achieve their goal, a month of strict adherence to the recommended rules will bring relief from extra 10-28 kg.


In this case, the regime plays a significant role. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the designated plan, take food at the appropriate time. It is prohibited to replace products listed in the Maggi diet menu with analogues.

At the beginning of the path to a slim body, you should choose the exact time of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and then strictly adhere to this order. Snacks in this food system, unlike most other diets, are prohibited.

The consumption of drinks is not limited; drinks with added sweeteners are also acceptable.

The effect will be much better if you increase the volume of fluid consumed. Give preference to clean, non-carbonated water.

Diet rules

  1. Inadmissible:
  • edit menu;
  • replace foods with others or rearrange them for another meal.

It is possible to remove a product from the diet, but not replace it with anything.

  1. Drink 2-3 liters of water daily.
  2. Unsweetened and milk-free coffee and tea are allowed, regardless of meals. The addition of a sweetener is acceptable.
  3. It is advisable to eat meals at certain times.
  4. Cook vegetables and foods without broths or fats. You can bake, cook in a slow cooker, or in a dry frying pan.
  5. Salt, pepper, garlic, onion are allowed. Seasonings with preservatives and flavorings are prohibited.

This is interesting!

Among the seasonings, special mention should be made of ginger, the benefits of which in weight loss processes are undeniable.

As confirmation, we will name such properties as:

  • pacification of gluttony;
  • decreased production of cortisol produced by the body during stress; situations that promote fat deposition;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes by almost 20%;
  • promoting the absorption of nutrients;
  • improvement of microflora.
  1. After 2 weeks of compliance with the regulations, a snack between main courses is allowed, no earlier than after a couple of hours. For example: green salad, cucumber, fruit or a weight loss smoothie.
  2. Violation of the regime, an error in the set of products, a short break (several hours) - entails a complete reset of the method! The consequence is the need to start over.
  3. Fresh air and physical activity are recommended: exercise, walking or cycling.

Duration of compliance with the rules

You should eat according to the system for 2-4 weeks (optional).

Meals in the first two seven days are three times a day. Further, it is not regulated.

Dinner - before 18.00, or no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Diet "Maggi". Menu variations for 4 weeks

Phases and processes:

  • The first seven days: the body undergoes a serious restructuring.
  • Second: a certain adaptation occurs, the number of eggs introduced increases.
  • Third: the body that has joined the game and is actively losing weight is offered another shake-up. From now on, you can freely choose foods (from those allowed) for the whole day, you can change your meal schedule, and independently determine the number and size of portions.
  • Week 4 – final phase, determination of the results obtained.

Basic and additional products


  • Eggs or cottage cheese. The choice is up to the user, subject to strict adherence to other requirements.
  • An additional ingredient is grapefruit.

And, of course, tea/coffee.

At the same time, we remember that grapefruit is for the morning, not for lunch.

Actually, the combination of proteins and citrus fruits is the basis of the program, restructuring the functioning of the body, giving the desired result.

What happens when the above requirements are met?

  1. Metabolism accelerates
  2. Fats and carbohydrates are intensively burned, and fatty acids are broken down.
  3. Complete absorption of proteins occurs.
      The egg is satisfying, takes a long time and requires energy to digest.
  4. When choosing the cottage cheese option, there is an additional bonus in the form of calcium and its effect on the condition of bones, teeth, skin, and hair. In addition, it relieves fatigue and irritability.
  5. Losing weight will not reduce the volume of muscle mass; on the contrary, protein nutrition will give it relief.

Next, for the next 2 meals, you can vary the menu, consistent with the recommendations for choosing food.

This will help you:

Table of permitted/prohibited products

Within the limits of the products allowed for use, you can vary the menu for lunch and dinner quite widely, in accordance with your preferences.

Below you can see a sample diet.

Diet "Maggi". Menu for 4 weeks. Table

(If you choose the curd version, replace 1 egg with 100g of cottage cheese).

The above additional products can be used to prepare all kinds of dietary pickles, creating tempting recipes or using ready-made ones, diversifying the diet.

This is interesting!

Harvard scientists have found that eating foods rich in flavonoids helps maintain slimness without additional effort. Among them are red grapes and apples, strawberries, cherries, cranberries, onions and leeks, broccoli, green tea, and blueberries. To stay on top of interesting and useful discoveries, periodically review health news.


The diet received this name in honor of the nutritionist Maggi, who came up with an effective diet designed to reduce body weight.

Among the features of this system is the absence of the need to measure portions or manically count calories. Also, you don't need to weigh your food.

The recipes are quite simple, anyone can cook them. An interesting feature of the Maggi diet for a week is the permission to consume salt, as well as your favorite seasonings.

"Two-week menu option"

Here is a table for an abbreviated weight loss program. The diet is much stricter. When choosing the curd version, the egg is replaced with 100g of cottage cheese.

For those who find it difficult to create their own diet by day of the week, the ready-made solutions presented below, separately for the egg and curd systems, will be useful.

We thank Olga Sologub, who kindly shared this material with readers.

Maggi Egg Diet

First week

Daily breakfast: 1/2 orange or grapefruit and 1-2 boiled eggs

Second week

Daily breakfast: 1/2 orange or grapefruit and 1-2 boiled eggs

Third week

Attention! We distribute breakfast ourselves from the listed products for the day.

Fourth week

The products mentioned are distributed throughout the day without a specific time, but without additions. Can be divided into 4-5 meals with a time interval of 2-3 hours!

Curd variation of the Maggi diet

You can remove any product in this mode (EXCEPT PROTEINS), but you cannot replace it with anything. You can’t split meals either.

First week

Daily breakfast: fruit in any quantity + 1-2 eggs or cottage cheese 200 grams

Second week

Daily breakfast: fruit in any quantity + 1-2 eggs or cottage cheese 200 grams

Third week

Grocery list for the whole day!

Fourth week

Products are distributed throughout the day without a specific time.

Products strictly prohibited

In order for your weight loss efforts to be successful, it is important to know which foods are strictly prohibited for consumption.

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Milk.
  3. Mushrooms.
  4. Any oil, vegetable or animal fats.
  5. Fruits (grapes, figs, mango, banana, avocado, dried fruits).
  6. Potato.
  7. Legumes (lentils, beans).
  8. Fried foods, especially with animal fat.
  9. Canned food.
  10. Sweet dishes (honey, sorbitol, fructose, sugar).

Additional recommendations

  1. Avoid overeating for 3-4 weeks, when you are allowed to eat in any portion.
  2. It is advisable to limit the intake of medications to a minimum.
  3. When leaving the diet, help your body avoid unnecessary stress: include fats and carbohydrates in small portions.
  4. If the menu indicates the weight of a portion, you should not neglect it; the mass of products should be exactly that.
  5. If the quantity is not indicated, you can eat as much as you want, but remember point 1.
  6. Avoid chewing gum - they provoke appetite.
  7. In the 2-week version, a variety of fruits does not make sense; it is enough to consume citrus fruits more productively.

Diet recipes

Baked fish

To replenish the body with proteins, you need to eat baked fish. You can use fillet. It needs to be salted and peppered and then wrapped in foil. Bake in the oven or oven for about 45-50 minutes. Time depends on size. You can add lemon juice to taste.

Chicken breast

Simple and easy to cook chicken breast. It must be thoroughly washed, beaten with a kitchen hammer, and then fried in a frying pan for about 3-4 minutes. Each side should be evenly cooked.

Boiled vegetables

When eating vegetables, they must first be boiled in water. It is recommended to chop the zucchini and then add salt and a mixture of peppers (measure the quantity to taste). Then put all the products in a small saucepan and put on the stove. You can add fresh chopped herbs for flavor.

Fruit salad

If the scheme does not indicate a period of eating only citrus, then you can treat yourself to a fruit salad. The following recipe can be used. Peel pears, apples, tangerines (you can also add melon) and cut into cubes. Place all ingredients in a deep bowl and season with lemon juice.

Baked meat

When applying the diet, it is best to cook meat (especially beef). In beef, you can use dry and lean parts. Pork contains more fat than other meats, so it is best baked in the oven.

It is recommended to rub beef or pork parts with salt and spices to taste. It is better to cook in foil in the oven or oven. Mandatory rule - no oil.

This technique is very effective when a person has a desire to lose weight and gain a slender silhouette.

Answers to basic questions

How is unloading handled?

Safe if recommendations are followed and there are no contraindications.

Who is not recommended for the Maggi system?

  • Pregnant and lactating.
  • Having gastrointestinal diseases.
  • For those who are allergic to citrus fruits.
  • It is also better for those taking antihypertensive drugs to avoid this type of weight loss methods.

Can chicken eggs be replaced with quail eggs?

Despite their benefits, they are not suitable for this case. To stimulate metabolism, you need amino acids in a certain amount and lutein, which are contained specifically in chicken eggs.

Why can’t you “go on a diet” while breastfeeding?

The child will not receive enough of the necessary fats and carbohydrates required for full development.

What are the disadvantages of the technique?

Strict compliance with regulations.

But this is rather a plus: it develops will.

If you are having trouble with this, this is the place for you; books on psychology for self-development will help you build and maintain the necessary qualities in yourself.

Is it acceptable to drink alcohol?


By the way, the archival recommendations given by M. Thatcher indicate that you can drink a little whiskey only on days when there are meat products.

After what period of time can the unloading be repeated?

In six months.

Can I include white cabbage?

It is quite rough for the stomach; when combined with proteins, it will cause flatulence. Broccoli would be the best option.

What drinks are allowed, besides the ones mentioned above?

Herbal decoctions, infusions.

What do you need to know about serving sizes?

The first two weeks for breakfast - stable: eggs/cottage cheese -200g, grapefruit, coffee/tea. Lunch: 350g + tea with lemon. Dinner: 300g, herbal decoction.

The next 3/4 of the seven-day period is at your discretion, there are no restrictions.

What weight loss figures can be observed during the process?

Like that:

1 seven-day period – 3kg.

2nd – about 5.

3rd – about 8.

The 4th can shoot up to 12kg.

however, experience and feedback from practitioners show that everything happens individually. Some lose excess weight by 2-3 kg weekly, while others “melt before our eyes” from the fifth day. The third ones are about in the second half of working on the system.

Much depends on strict adherence to the instructions and physical condition.

Stop dieting and consult a doctor if:

  • the use of the technique caused discomfort and deterioration in well-being;
  • no weight loss.

You may have problems with your hormonal system or metabolism.

For reference

Modern medical technologies (you can track new products using this link) now allow you to lose weight without any diets.

Such “quick” and effective methods are offered as operations on gastric banding, sleeve resection, bypass, aimed at sharply reducing the volume of food consumed and satiating with small portions.

The choice is yours, however, in our opinion, these measures are extreme and are justified only in advanced forms of obesity.

Efficiency and results

Any diet involves losing extra pounds. This procedure is an incentive for further headaches and the use of unusual foods. The real Maggi food system does not include eating shrimp or adding vinegar or other ingredients to dishes. In this regard, it can be called the most optimal:

  1. The first 7 days – 2-3 kg.
  2. Week 2 – 3-5 kg.
  3. 3 week – up to 8 kg.

The maximum amount when dumped does not exceed 10-12 kg. Specialists guarantee high results. If the weight does not go away while following all the rules, then you need to look for the reason in the characteristics of your own body.

Only a doctor can determine the reason. This could be a hormonal imbalance or metabolic disorder. After solving this problem, you can immediately begin to continue the diet.

Impressive! Hollywood actor Adrien Brody lost 14 kg with the help of Maggi. This was necessary for the role in the film “The Pianist”. Thanks to this role he received an Oscar.

Diet "Maggi": reviews

  • The most important thing: no debilitating hunger! Lost 10kg.
  • I tried it and liked it. But only 4 kg, I would like to lose more. I’ll still add sports to the second run. I realized that this is not an unnecessary requirement.
  • But I didn’t eliminate sugar from my coffee and wasted a week. When I started again, the weight loss was quick and noticeable to the eye. Then the rate dropped to 300g/day. But the overall result is 16 kg!
  • Cool! Not only did I keep the menu as written, but I pushed myself physically. The result is excellent! Come, I'll demonstrate!

Have a pleasant and rewarding recovery!

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