FOOD ALLERGEN PANEL (RIDA-immunoblot) (20 food allergens), IgE in Moscow

A food allergy is a condition where the body reacts to a certain food as if it were a harmful substance. Both children and adults suffer from food allergies. But while a child’s allergy to any product may go away with age, an adult’s allergy, unfortunately, remains.

How do food allergies manifest? What foods to exclude from the menu to prevent an allergic reaction? How to treat food allergies? Let's try to answer these and other questions...

The most common allergens

Products that most often cause food allergies:

  • eggs;
  • nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc.);
  • fish;
  • citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, etc.);
  • berries (strawberries, wild strawberries, etc.);
  • chocolate;
  • milk;
  • legumes (soybeans, beans, peas, etc.).
  • nutritional supplements.

Allergens found in some foods may be similar to pollen allergens. This is called cross allergy. For example, wormwood pollen is a cross-allergen for peppers, carrots, mustard, bananas, and citrus fruits. This means that a patient with hay fever may also have food allergies.

What to do about it?

Of great importance in the successful treatment of food allergies is the rapid binding of the allergen and its removal from the body. Enterosgel, a recognized cure for food allergies in our country and abroad, copes well with this important task! Enterosgel captures allergen molecules, toxins and biologically active substances that are formed during an allergic reaction in the body. At the same time, the drug does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins, microelements and other nutrients in the intestine.

Enterosgel protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from damage. It helps restore the natural fermented milk microflora of the intestine and suppress pathogenic bacteria.

Need to know

The body's rapid and violent reaction to a food allergen is called anaphylaxis (anaphylactic shock). As a rule, anaphylaxis manifests itself 1-2 hours after the food allergen enters the body. It causes the tongue and throat to swell, breathing becomes difficult to the point of suffocation, vomiting occurs, blood pressure decreases, and the person loses consciousness. If you suspect anaphylactic shock, call an ambulance immediately!

In recent years, food allergies have become quite common. The most severe allergic reaction occurs to peanuts. Scientists conducted a study in which genes “responsible” for food allergies were found and studied. In 20% of cases it is a peanut allergy!

Angioedema - or how food allergies manifest themselves in the worst way?

Acute food allergies can cause a serious allergic reaction called angioedema. Prompt treatment is critical for this condition. Without treatment, angioedema can cause asphyxia, coma, or even death.

Life-threatening signs of a food allergy:

  • tongue swelling;
  • a feeling of a lump in the throat that makes it difficult to breathe;
  • problems swallowing or speaking;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness, lightheadedness, or loss of consciousness

With such symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance.

What a hello, what a response

An allergic response to any food component depends on our immune system and hereditary predisposition. Immune cells produce antibodies in response to the introduction of an allergen into the body.

The reasons for the development of allergies may be associated with the action of negative factors (for example, air pollution from exhaust gases or industrial waste). Food allergies to certain foods can be a consequence of problems in early childhood. For example, early refusal of breastfeeding, improper introduction of complementary foods, feeding with foods containing excess dyes, preservatives and other “chemicals”. It’s even worse if a breastfeeding mother does not keep a food diary - in this case, it is much more difficult to figure out what exactly caused the child’s allergies. As a result, the child develops diathesis - allergies on the face, skin of the neck, and limbs.

Interesting fact

After many years of observations, Japanese pediatricians found that first-born children suffer from allergies more often than younger children. Unfortunately, there is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon yet.

Most immunologists are confident that allergies are an “erroneous” reaction of the body to substances that are harmless to other people. Some adhere to a radically opposite theory, arguing that it is allergies that protect the body from foreign substances, for example, xenobiotics. According to this theory, in the process of evolution, allergic reactions developed in response to the emergence of a large number of new substances in the world around us. Perhaps, in this way, if you are allergic to plant pollen, the body warns its owner about their toxicity?

From this position, allergic reactions even benefit the body - a person avoids contact with allergens in the future and reduces their harmful effects on health. Do not forget that the line between benefit and harm is sometimes very thin. By consuming substances that are harmful to yourself and thus provoking signs of food allergies, you can bring the body into anaphylactic shock!


British scientists have found that for 20% of their compatriots, food allergies are just a fiction that justifies laziness, excess weight, rashes on the body, and reluctance to eat right or exercise. In fact, only 2% of them have a food allergy (ICD 10 code - T78.1).

What foods cause allergies?

An allergic reaction can develop when eating any product. However, there are a number of products that have increased allergenic properties.

According to the degree of allergenic activity, three groups are distinguished:

  • high
    (cow's milk, fish (especially sea fish), citrus fruits, eggs, seafood (oysters, crustaceans, shellfish), mushrooms, nuts (especially hazelnuts), chicken meat, strawberries, wild strawberries, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, mustard, persimmon, melon , pineapple, pomegranate, blackberry, black currant, tomato, carrot, rye, wheat, celery, etc.);
  • medium
    (peaches, apricots, red currants, rabbit, pork, rice, corn, buckwheat, green peppers, peas, potatoes, etc.);
  • low
    (lamb, horse meat, plum, watermelon, bananas, turnips, pumpkin, etc.).

An allergic reaction can be caused not by the product itself, but by additives used to improve taste, color, smell, increase shelf life, food coloring, additives, and genetically processed foods.

It should be remembered that people suffering from hay fever (allergy to pollen) often experience cross food sensitivities. There are a number of products that have similar structures to causally significant allergens (pollen from trees, cereals and weeds), and the consumption of which increases the allergic reaction.

Types of food allergies

Based on time and nature, the following forms of manifestation of food allergies are distinguished:

  • Sudden - when consuming a product that has not previously caused an allergic reaction, numbness in the mouth, allergies on the face (in the form of redness of the skin), nasal congestion, swelling of the tongue suddenly appear;
  • Persistent food allergies in adults, the symptoms and treatment of which we will consider a little later. This reaction occurs constantly in response to the consumption of prohibited foods and, if the diet is not followed, requires regular therapy;
  • Hidden - the reaction does not occur immediately, but as antibodies accumulate to certain allergens.
  • Severe food allergies. Symptoms occur immediately in response to the consumption of an allergen product.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Clinical manifestations of food allergies are varied. The most severe of them is anaphylactic shock - an acutely developing, life-threatening condition that leads to circulatory failure and hypoxia in all vital organs. More common are various skin manifestations that are accompanied by itching.

Reactions from the gastrointestinal tract are expressed in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, colic, itching in the mouth or throat, anorexia (refusal to eat).

From the respiratory tract, the most common are allergic rhinitis and laryngitis (hoarseness).

It is necessary to distinguish true food allergies from food intolerances. With food intolerance, similar clinical manifestations can occur as with food allergies. However, with food intolerance there are no changes in the immune system, and developing pseudo-allergic reactions are associated with the presence of concomitant pathologies in the patient's stomach, liver, intestines, nervous and endocrine systems.

If you have a food allergy, an important aspect for identifying the allergen, developing an individual diet and assessing the effectiveness of the medications used is keeping a food diary. However, we should not forget that only an allergist can make a final diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Risk factors for food allergies in adults

Allergy symptoms and treatment depend on factors such as:

  • nature of the allergen;
  • age of the person at first contact with the allergen;
  • other allergic reactions (eg, hay fever, contact allergy);
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • type of contact with the allergen (first or repeated);
  • state of intestinal microflora.

Hidden danger

If you are allergic to fish, never lick postage stamps when sending mail! The fact is that the reverse side of the stamp is covered with glue, which is made from fish bones. They licked it, stuck it on, and please - food allergies, allergies on the face, torso, limbs.

A few words about our smaller brothers

It turns out that animals also suffer from food allergens. For example, food allergies in cats occur regardless of gender, breed and age. The main signs are itchy skin, hair loss, scratching on the skin.

Most often, food allergies in cats occur to soy, gluten, seafood, beef, dairy products, and lamb.

In its manifestations, food allergies in purebred dogs are no different from food allergies in dogs – mongrels”:

  • itching, pimples on the scalp, abdomen, paws;
  • discharge from the eyes, nose, ears.

But let's go back to the representatives of the species Homo Sapiens, or, more simply, to people.

What are the symptoms of food allergies in adults?

More often, an immediate response from the body occurs immediately after consuming the allergen product. Sometimes (although less frequently) symptoms appear after several hours or days.

What does a food allergy look like:

  • numbness and swelling of the tongue, lips and oral mucosa;
  • itching of the skin and oral mucosa;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • acne on the skin;
  • clear nasal discharge;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • allergy on the face in the form of redness;
  • sneezing, dry cough;
  • colic in the stomach,
  • diarrhea (diarrhea).

What factors determine food allergies in adults? Symptoms and treatment of the disease depend on concomitant diseases. For example, scientists have proven a direct connection between food allergies and... diabetes. It turns out that food allergies provoke inflammation in the pancreas and tissue resistance to insulin.

What is food intolerance

In addition to food allergies, which usually start in early childhood, there is also food intolerance. It has different manifestations and consequences than classic allergies. But it can significantly worsen the patient’s life.

Hippocrates once said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” However, sometimes our everyday food is not medicine at all, but almost poison.

Enzymes in Deficiency

It is with the consumption of certain foods to which individual intolerance occurs that the development of a huge number of health problems can be associated. This disorder develops when, for various reasons, a person begins to lack certain enzymes necessary for the breakdown of certain types of food. In this case, not simple, but complex compounds (macromolecules) enter the blood, which the immune system perceives as hostile, and in response shows aggression towards its own body. This is how inflammatory reactions occur in different organs and tissues. The more often a person consumes a specific product that is poorly digested in his body, the more severe the consequences.

It's not an allergy

Most of us know what a food allergy can look like. As a rule, it affects the skin, leading to a rash and irritation. Although there may be other manifestations. The disease can be detected by doing skin tests or donating blood for immunoglobulin E (IgE) to a panel of the most common food allergens.

But food intolerance cannot be detected in this way. To detect it, you need to take a blood test for IgG4 antibodies, which do not cause a classic allergic reaction, but can accumulate and cause negative symptoms. There is a special test that can be used to evaluate the immune system's response to the most common food allergens. This panel includes 88 mono and 2 mixed (mixtures) allergens contained in the most popular foods and the most common food additives.

Traffic light power

You should not think that food intolerance can only be associated with junk food - fatty, fried, stuffed with preservatives and artificial additives. Not at all, often people cannot tolerate completely benign and generally very healthy foods: meat and fish, milk and berries, eggs, nuts and fruits, bread, cereals and vegetables.

Moreover, either the whole product itself or part of it can be intolerable. For example, many have heard about the potential dangers of gluten and lactose. But it turns out that intolerance to the yeast-like fungus “Candida,” a natural inhabitant of the human microflora, is no less common. People who cannot tolerate this fungus may experience a range of physical and mental symptoms, ranging from diarrhea and abdominal pain to depression and memory loss.

Often, intolerance is associated with infection with roundworms - roundworms that enter the body with poorly washed greens, vegetables and fruits. Only treatment with anthelmintic drugs will be ineffective in this case. In addition to medications, you will have to follow a strict diet, limiting fats and carbohydrates, excluding alcohol and a number of foods (milk, sour cream, cheese, fresh bread, fatty meats, sweets and some others).

The result of the analysis on the panel of the most common allergens will be presented in 3 colors: green, red and yellow. It’s easy to decipher the “traffic light” of ideal nutrition: everything that is on the green list can be eaten without fear, from the yellow list - no more than 1-2 times a week, but everything that is listed on the red list is best avoided.

If treatment doesn't help

Chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines, resistant to treatment, acne and dermatitis of unknown origin, which cannot be treated with medications - few people think that these and other pathologies are associated with food. But often the root of evil is precisely in a diet that is unsuitable for a person. Also, food intolerance is often detected with complaints of frequent headaches, joint pain, unstable stools, incessant acute respiratory viral infections, and depression. And among such patients there are many who, despite strict diets and grueling exercise, cannot lose weight. After all, foods that are unsuitable for the body do not stimulate, but only slow down metabolism.

Of course, it is quite difficult to associate such different symptoms with the food consumed. However, if a person has complaints of poor health, loss of strength, etc., or has chronic diseases that are prone to frequent exacerbations and other problems, it will be useful to get tested for food intolerance.

What about the children?

Food allergies in a child are a serious problem. Therefore, the main task of parents is to quickly identify the product that causes the allergy and exclude it from the baby’s diet. Food allergies in infants, like food allergies in children 2 years of age and older, are manifested by various rashes: nodules, blisters, pink or red spots. The allergy is located on the face, neck, skin of the extensor surfaces of the joints, torso, buttocks, and itchy skin. The baby eats poorly, sleeps poorly, becomes capricious and restless.

By the way, the statement that a child may be allergic to mother’s milk is nothing more than a myth! Most likely, the baby’s body reacts to allergens that enter the mother’s milk along with food: perhaps the mother ate an egg, fish, chocolate or peanuts the day before...

Various congenital diseases associated with metabolic disorders, for example, phenylketonuria, can also disguise themselves as symptoms of food allergies in children. With such diseases, the body is not able to absorb certain substances - proteins, carbohydrates, etc. The diagnosis can be made through a series of biochemical and genetic studies.


A child develops a food allergy due to:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • decreased protective functions of the intestinal mucosa;
  • large amounts of food consumed, etc.

In circumstances where tolerance fails, the immune system produces an Ig E antibody response against the specific food. The process begins in the intestines (although it can also affect other areas, such as the respiratory system or skin).

When a patient consumes a “dangerous” product, the antigen associated with Ig E is detected on the surface of basophils and mast cells. At this time, they are activated, and histamine and other inflammatory substances are released.

Food allergies: diagnosis

The diagnosis of “food allergy” is made by a doctor based on a survey of the patient or his relatives (the connection between the symptoms of food allergy and the consumption of a certain product), examination and laboratory test data.

Skin tests are performed. A small amount of liquid that contains the allergen is applied to the skin, after which a small injection or incision is made. If the skin swells at the injection site, like after a mosquito bite, this indicates an allergic reaction, and the size of the rash indicates the strength of the reaction. In addition, immunological tests for food allergies and special tests are carried out.



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A food allergy is an abnormal reaction of the immune system that occurs shortly after eating a certain food. Even small amounts of an allergic food can cause signs of a food allergy, such as digestive problems, swelling and skin marks. In some people, food allergies can cause serious symptoms or even a life-threatening reaction called angioedema (swelling of the airways) - also known as Quincke's edema.

You should not tolerate a condition that can significantly reduce your quality of life. Contact a professional allergist who will determine the source of your food allergy and give competent clinical recommendations.

How to cure food allergies?

Treatment of food allergies is aimed at reducing the symptoms of an allergic reaction, removing the allergen from the body and restoring the intestinal microflora. Accelerates the elimination of toxic products of an allergic reaction by taking sorbents - most often this is the familiar Enterosgel.

In addition, antihistamines are prescribed, and in severe allergies, glucocorticoid hormones.

After identifying the cause of the allergy, a strict hypoallergenic diet is prescribed.

A diet for food allergies involves a complete rejection of foods containing the allergen, as well as smoked foods, marinades and alcoholic beverages. The products are consumed boiled or stewed. What then can a child and an adult do? Casseroles, vegetable soups, cereals, unsweetened tea, crackers, herbal infusions.

This is interesting

Did you know that allergies are afraid of fermented milk products? According to Thai scientists, the best prevention of allergies is a glass of kefir once a day.

  • Enterosgel sorbent helps well against allergies: as mentioned above, the drug safely binds and removes allergens, toxins and other harmful compounds from the body, thanks to its unique form, without affecting beneficial substances and microelements;
  • For adults, pills for food allergies are selected by the attending physician, taking into account symptoms, concomitant diseases and the form of allergy, so you should not self-medicate. Long-acting antihistamines are considered effective drugs;
  • Probiotic preparations protect the intestines and restore microflora;
  • For severe forms of food allergies, for example, angioedema, hormonal medications are prescribed.

Symptoms of different types of allergies


A person who has been suffering from this disease for a long time can easily identify the first signs of an allergy . But if the disease began recently, you should learn to distinguish allergic symptoms from other painful manifestations. Additionally, the symptoms listed may identify the product or substance that is causing the immune .

Symptoms of allergies to cat and dog hair

Symptoms allergies include hives and redness. In addition to reactions to pet dander, allergens are also found in the animal's saliva, urine , and dead epidermal cells. Therefore, symptoms of the disease may also appear at the site of a bite or scratch.

  • prolonged dry cough
  • breathing vibration occurs when you take a deep breath
  • hoarseness of voice
  • nasal congestion , runny nose , rhinitis
  • nasal discharge
  • eye irritation
  • lacrimation

Allergy to cold and its symptoms

allergy symptoms become stronger with constant contact with cold water or being outside in winter, then talking about cold allergy It should be borne in mind that an allergy to cold is not an independent disease, but signals serious disorders of the immune or endocrine systems. The following symptoms may indicate an allergy to cold:

  • swelling of exposed parts of the body (arms, face , neck )
  • redness and itching of the skin
  • dry and flaky skin
  • pink rash on face and chest
  • burning of the skin of exposed areas of the body
  • headache
  • lowering blood pressure
  • difficulty breathing
  • sore throat , itching in the nose , ears .

Allergy to dust or household chemicals

This type of allergy affects most young children and adults who have a hereditary tendency to allergic diseases, as well as people suffering from a chronic form of this disease. For such people, any speck of dust or any particle of any chemical substance will be perceived by the immune system as an allergen and symptoms will appear, such as:

  • allergic rhinitis , sneezing
  • purulent conjunctivitis
  • asthma , difficulty breathing
  • nasal discharge
  • scabies and burning sensation in the nose and throat
  • headache, lacrimation
  • redness of the whites of the eyes , blurred vision
  • inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract

This type of allergy can also be caused by household mites and their waste products, as well as dead cells of their epidermis.

Food allergy and its symptoms

A food allergy is an excessively expressed immune response of the body to food components, usually proteins. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can range from mild to severe. A reaction to any food component appears immediately after eating food and lasts for several minutes or hours. Mild symptoms go away on their own and do not appear if you abstain from certain foods that may contain the same component that caused the allergy . anaphylactic shock can occur , which is life-threatening. of food allergies can be identified .

  • itching and burning in the mouth and lips
  • intestinal spasms , diarrhea , nausea , vomiting
  • urticaria , eczema , dermatitis , diathesis
  • Quincke's edema , anaphylactic shock
  • fever

To avoid allergy and prevent recurrence, a series of examinations should be carried out to help identify allergens and eliminate foods containing them from the diet. You can relieve symptoms with antihistamines. People prone to allergies can also become victims of drug allergies A drug allergic reaction develops only after repeated administration (contact) of drugs.

Symptoms of drug allergies

  • redness of the skin, rashes of various types
  • itchy skin, urticaria
  • Quincke's edema , asthma , anaphylactic shock
  • runny nose , conjunctivitis
  • severe decrease in blood pressure
  • shortness of breath, pulmonary edema
  • gastrointestinal disorders
  • liver and kidney damage
  • heartache _
  • headaches, migraines.

You can also identify an allergy to alcohol, the symptoms of which should be known to all adults. The sudden appearance of red spots on the face and neck , surges in blood pressure, paroxysmal pain in the stomach , vomiting, paroxysmal headaches and instant intoxication may indicate an allergic reaction of alcohol to the body. You need to pay attention to these symptoms if this happens for the first time, and the symptoms appeared after drinking alcohol for the first time while sober.

Published in Allergology Premium Clinic

Treatment of food allergies in adults with folk remedies

To reduce signs of an allergic reaction, decoctions of medicinal herbs are suitable: chamomile, nettle, calendula. Baths with string, chamomile, and oat decoction will help relieve skin itching.

Specific immunotherapy offers effective treatment for food allergies in adults: the method is based on the regular administration of small doses of the allergen in order to reduce susceptibility to this substance. On average, treatment lasts from three to five years, but after the course of treatment the body stops reacting violently to the irritant, and the person gets rid of allergies.

Treatment of food allergies in children

Go to any forum dedicated to food allergies - there is always a lively discussion of the symptoms of food allergies in children, methods of treatment and prevention... But what do doctors say?

Strict adherence to the diet and proper care of the child will allow you to forget what food allergies are. Komarovsky believes that the first step is to get rid of allergens that have entered the blood, ensure regular bowel movements and remove allergens. Enterosgel effectively prevents the absorption of “harmful substances” and removes them from the body. In addition, the doctor does not recommend overloading the child with food.


The patient’s main task is to completely eliminate dangerous foods from his menu! With this reasonable approach, the risk of nutritional (food) allergies will be minimized.

Doctors recommend keeping a food diary, which makes it easier to detect the “enemy.” In it, parents should write down everything that their child eats during the day, or everything that the nursing mother ate. Along with the food, the baby’s condition is noted in the diary.

A big mistake would be to refuse breastfeeding due to a nutritional allergy in a child - after all, the unique properties of mother's milk will allow you to quickly cope with the problem. But a nursing mother must adhere to a strict diet, avoiding foods from the “allergenic list.”

In addition, it would be useful to strengthen the immune system, prevent dysbiosis, and timely treatment of exacerbations of chronic diseases or acute viral infections.

Do not forget that food allergies often originate in childhood. For example, a food allergy in a 2-year-old child may eventually manifest itself in adulthood as Quincke's edema.

Alcoholic beverages aggravate food allergy symptoms in adults, so it is advisable to avoid alcohol.

Causes of the disease

The main factors contributing to the development of food allergies are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the intake of antibodies in the prenatal period and through human milk (if the mother’s nutrition is disrupted during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, i.e. excessive consumption of foods with increased allergenic properties);
  • early transfer of the child to artificial feeding;
  • malnutrition of the child, expressed in the discrepancy between the volume and ratio of food ingredients to the age and weight of the child;
  • increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa, which develops with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines, chronic gastroduodenitis, biliary dyskinesia, enzymopathy, etc.);
  • changes in the composition of intestinal microflora;
  • low acidity of gastric juice.

It is important to know!

  • Thanks to comprehensive treatment of food allergies, rapid recovery occurs;
  • in the future, the patient should avoid foods that cause an allergic reaction;
  • if your child has a food allergy, be sure to notify the preschool or school staff about this, and, if possible, document this fact;
  • make sure your child wears a special allergy bracelet;
  • If your child has previously had an acute allergic reaction, you should always have a first aid kit with an antihistamine and epinephrine (adrenaline). At the first sign of an acute reaction, it is necessary to give the child these medications and call an ambulance.

Be healthy!

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