To quit smoking, give up alcohol: advice from a psychotherapist

January 26, 2021

A long-time smoker can smoke 40-45 cigarettes a day. Of course, such an amount of nicotine and tar entering the body every day cannot but affect health. However, it is extremely difficult to say goodbye to a negative habit. Firstly, cigarettes become part of all daily rituals. They fit into life so “organically” that they are associated with rest, relaxation, respite, and also “help” in moments of nervous tension. Secondly, the body itself begins to consider the incoming substances as something important, and includes nicotine in metabolic processes. That’s why it’s so difficult to get rid of a bad habit, because you need to convince yourself, but the body will “demand.”

It is not surprising that many long-term smokers try to follow the “gradual withdrawal” method, simply reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke daily. In practice, this method does not allow you to completely quit smoking. The harm can be reduced, but only slightly. You can get rid of potential or existing health problems only after completely quitting smoking.

However, many are afraid to suddenly quit smoking. Although a smoker with 20 years of experience may still be a very young man, 35-40 years old, and his body will be able to fully recover even after such “pollution.” However, many people are interested in what happens if you quit smoking abruptly? Smokers are afraid of mood swings, arrhythmias and heart rhythm disturbances, excess weight gain, and so on. Let's figure out whether it is really dangerous to suddenly quit smoking and whether the human body can react negatively to quitting cigarettes?

Finding motivation to quit smoking

Motivation is the most effective and correct solution that allows you to achieve a positive result in absolutely any business.
The fight against smoking is no exception. Before fighting a bad habit, every smoker must decide on a key motivation that will shine as a guiding star throughout his difficult journey. It is very important for health to quit smoking; the pros and cons of this struggle will be discussed further.

The main motivating postulates include the following positive advantages of living without smoking:

Increase in life expectancy by an average of 10 years

Harmful substances contained in tobacco products have a negative impact on human health. Numerous studies indicate that the life of a smoker is on average 10 years shorter than that of a non-smoker.

Did you really think you were smoking tobacco?

Harmful substances contained in tobacco products

If a person has been abusing nicotine for more than 20 years, then there is a high probability that he is at risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This can be easily verified using IR.

IC is a smoker’s index, which can be calculated using the formula:

IR = KS*SK/20


  • IR smoker index;
  • KS is the number of cigarettes a person smokes in 24 hours;
  • SK - smoking experience (in years);
  • If IC > 10, then the person is at high risk of developing COPD.
  • Fresh and healthy appearance

Starting to work on himself and his habits, each person finds his own individual incentive to quit smoking, thanks to which he can move forward to victory. Therefore, the choice of driving force must be conscious and thoughtful.

What are the disadvantages of the fight against smoking? There is none of them. The temporary test of willpower may dampen the mood a little, but the results are worth the patience.

Doubles and Enemies

Many people have tried to quit smoking using a patch or chewing gum. This is the so-called replacement therapy: “understudies” contain nicotine in its pure form, which partly relieves the withdrawal symptoms and helps to smoke much less, but few people give up cigarettes forever. In addition, such drugs also have side effects, for example, chewing gum should not be used by those who suffer from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

There are other types of drugs - nicotine antagonists, which displace the alkaloid contained in tobacco from the body. But, unfortunately, their effectiveness is low.

Choosing a way to stop smoking

After finding the necessary motivation to fight smoking, you need to effectively choose the period during which you will quit your addiction. Each person must decide for himself whether he will quit smoking gradually or abruptly.

Abrupt smoking cessation

Smokers whose history of addiction does not exceed 5-8 years can try to quit smoking abruptly. Nicotine addiction is formed at the physical level, but in a short period of time it cannot take root, and therefore “newbies” will not be tormented by painful symptoms associated with quitting smoking. Only psychological cravings will have to be worked on intensively.

A sharp refusal requires a demonstration of strong will. Under no circumstances should you break down, since even half a cigarette will return the smoker to his previous course, and it will be almost impossible to overcome the habit in the near future.

Anyone who quit smoking will notice a positive trend in their well-being within 10-14 days.

Gradual cessation of smoking

A gradual cessation of smoking is perfect for those who have a long history of nicotine addiction. The body, which is accustomed to the fact that nicotine enters it every day, needs some adaptation period. It is necessary so that the functioning of internal organs is gradually improved without the participation of nicotine additives.

A gradual fight against tobacco smoking must be carried out in several stages:

In the beginning, you need to switch from heavy cigarettes to lighter ones. But in this case, you must definitely set a daily norm for yourself, and in no case go beyond what is permitted. Gradually, the body will begin to get used to moderate doses of nicotine, and after 2 weeks it will be possible to move on to the second stage of the fight.

The second step in the fight against smoking is to reduce the amount of smoke you consume. The first mark must be made on cigarettes. To do this, you need to divide the cigarette into 3 parts by eye. On each smoke break you can only “consume” 2 parts of a cigarette. You should not smoke more than the mark allows. After a couple of weeks, you can put a mark on half of the cigarette. You must adhere to these conditions for another 14 days.

The third stage is devoted to reducing the number of cigarettes smoked. Every day for every 7-10 days you need to reduce your cigarette consumption by 1 piece. The smoker endures the first weeks more comfortably, but when it comes to the realization that the number of cigarettes consumed has decreased by half, great panic and a desire to break the rule may arise. Under no circumstances should you succumb to this temptation. After 2-3 months, you can learn to be content with just two cigarettes every 24 hours, which are smoked only up to ½ length.

The final stage of the fight against nicotine addiction is characterized by consuming only 1 cigarette over 24 hours. The smoker will already begin to realize that the struggle is almost over, and in it he remains the winner.

How to quit smoking in 5 days

On the first day, you need to set your alarm half an hour earlier than usual, drink a couple of glasses of water, and then take a shower. You should have breakfast exclusively with fruits or drink fruit juice. After breakfast, do some breathing exercises. Every time the urge to smoke arises, immediately interrupt it by drinking 2-3 glasses of water or juice, and do not forget to do breathing exercises. And of course, you need to avoid the company of smokers. You can have lunch with soup, vegetable stew or salad, and you can also eat a pie with jam and drink juice. Right after lunch you just need to take a walk. For dinner you can have something light. It is also advisable not to sit in front of the TV, not to use upholstered furniture and not to drink alcohol.

On the second day, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of water on an empty stomach, and then perform breathing exercises.
For breakfast again, only fruits or juices, and after breakfast you should take a walk to work or walk at least part of the way. The rest of the day is the same as on the first day. The occasional desire to smoke should be extinguished by breathing exercises and water (juice).
The third day is no different from the previous two, except that the desire to inhale smoke arises less and less. But you should also strengthen your will to be patient and get rid of a bad habit.

On the Fourth day, the craving for smoking often disappears , but you should not break your previous diet.

On the fifth day, you will be completely satisfied with the result obtained, and will also gain confidence in the strength of your own will. On this day, continue to follow the diet of the previous days.

Way to quit smoking No.1

There are many myths about what and how to do to quit smoking , starting from the stupidest - through force and ending with all kinds of patches and chewing gum. This is not only a waste of precious time - it is a deprivation of energy, since the process of quitting is unnatural and plus the loss of pleasure directly from smoking itself, which also leads to a loss of energy. It is impossible to achieve results this way. We need to do it completely differently. Whereas?

At this point, stop a little, stop thinking, close your eyes, lean back and relax. Sit like this for a few minutes and listen to yourself - does the paragraph you read resonate within you? If yes, you can read on. If not, tune in to the inner meaning of the given text without thoughts; it is very important not to think. Now you're ready, what's next?

And then here’s what – you may or may not believe it, but there can be no physical dependence on smoking! That is, it can only be such for those who have convinced themselves of this! Why is it highlighted? Because, in fact, it was not you who convinced yourself, but your consciousness, which is interested in this...

What is this division between “you” and “not you”? Everything is very simple - you are the superconscious (perception) and the subconscious (awareness), and consciousness is NOT YOU! And this is not nonsense. I cannot provide such a large amount of information in this article, so I recommend reading the 10th book of Carlos Castaneda on this matter - everything is very well described there about consciousness and its nature. Also close to the topic of conversation is Osho’s meditation - there are many links on the Internet on this topic, I will not give them here.

Ask yourself a question - WHY do you smoke? Answers in the style of relieving stress are not accepted - these are tricks of the mind. In the process of searching for an answer to this question, consciousness can “overload” and, as a result, “freeze.” This means it is YOUR time to answer this question! So give it to me! It will “register” as a template and... you YOURSELF won’t want to smoke! Sounds fantastic? BUT IT IS SO! Any action of consciousness is a pattern. The principle “knocks out a wedge with a wedge” applies here. You made a NEW template for that template - consciousness “reads” information from new data and does it in a new way

But there are nuances here. You need to very clearly identify those moments where your subconscious tells you (on a sensory level), and where your consciousness is trying to insert something (on a mental level). Ignore any thoughts (emotions) - these are attempts of the consciousness to confuse you. Keep calm. Remember - everything must be done naturally - this is the key. Perform these actions (or, for example, together with Osho meditation) until you suddenly realize that smoking is simply NOTHING for you. You will definitely succeed!

Way to quit smoking No. 2

How to quit smoking? If you REALLY want to quit smoking , you need to grow up first! Perhaps smoking is just a reflection of your maximalist and somewhat irresponsible outlook on life. If you smoke to calm down after a bad streak, think about why you're having no luck? Maybe because you, again, do not know how to foresee the consequences of your actions? Therefore, it is possible that you will get rid of cigarettes more easily if you change your approach to life in general.

If you want someone in your household to quit smoking, stop patronizing them. After all, if you think about it (without offense, but after assessing the situation in detail), then you probably treat this family member like a small child. Even, for example, you persuade or force him to quit smoking. Don’t force him: let him be responsible for his own health. It’s another matter if his smoking harms you - then without hesitation, kick the smoker out onto the balcony, into the corridor, etc.

Perhaps will help you quit smoking - especially if you start to openly lose money due to frequent illnesses.

An easy way to quit smoking is the need to take care of your health, and in particular, your brain. When intelligence becomes more expensive than a cigarette, this is enough to part with it painlessly or start smoking less. In general, when a person has something in his life that he would be sorry to sacrifice for a cigarette, then it will be easier for him to find ways to quit smoking or smoke much less.

There are, of course, ways to quit smoking for the weaker-willed (some of the smokers called them “childish”, but as we found out, this is the only way to approach those who smoke). Let's say, if you decide to quit smoking, take a cardboard the size of a pack of your favorite cigarettes, write on it everything that smoking harms YOU, and stick it to the above-mentioned pack. Thus, every time you take out cigarettes, you remember why they are harmful to you...

And all sorts of anti-nicotine chewing gum and patches, as a rule, bring little benefit: at least because they do not satisfy all the already listed needs of the smoker - in particular, the same sucking reflex or communication function.

In any case, if you decide to quit smoking, keep in mind that this will require some effort; there are no easy ways to quit smoking. Not a single “good uncle” will be able to heal you without your desire and without your active participation. Using some methods you can temporarily relieve the craving for nicotine (again, without solving all the problems), you can approach the issue from the position of “fear therapy” (infamous coding), but this is not for long. Because not a single person will quit smoking until he himself understands why he needs it.

And it is completely in vain that many smokers believe that they can quit their habit at any time. Not so! Mark Twain also noted that “it’s very easy to quit smoking—personally, I’ve quit seventy-two times!” Therefore, before you grab a cigarette, you should think about how you will wean yourself off it later. Although, again, those who know how to think about tomorrow (and are old enough for this) will never start smoking at all!

Way to quit smoking No. 3.1

It's not as difficult as you think. Once you begin to be honest with yourself and look at the facts surrounding your smoking, you will enjoy removing the addiction from your life.

2 . Decide on your smoking habit. Look at it and find out its dimensions. Ask yourself what she does for you; then ask yourself what she isn't doing for you. You can start from the ends of your hair and work your way to the tips of your nails. It is a medical fact that smoking affects every organ of the human body, damaging it.

3. Look at stopping smoking as a gift to yourself - a very valuable gift. You are passing on to yourself a better quality of life and very possibly a longer life. You give yourself a healthier body. And you give yourself higher self-esteem. Pack it all up and look at the package like the gift it truly is, and then “Go get it!”

4. Set a date. Make a commitment. Give it a try. Remember, it's okay if you don't succeed the first time. Just keep trying. The only way you can free yourself is to keep trying.

5. Don't treat it like you're leaving something behind. This may then seem like a very big loss. In fact, you are throwing out from your life what has harmed you and is no longer needed. You throw away the trash. You no longer allow your lungs to serve as a bin for nicotine and tar.

6. Maintain a positive attitude. After all, this is one of the most positive actions you will ever do.

7. Stop smoking for yourself. Even though your family and loved ones will receive enormous benefits as a result of you stopping smoking, the biggest benefits will come to you.

8. Treat smoking cessation with the respect it truly deserves. Prepare to eliminate smoking from your life at any cost. If you don't want it, pray to receive such a desire. This usually helps.

9. Find out the meaning of the word “nicotine” in a dictionary, and write the definition in capital letters: “POISONOUS ALKALOID USED AS AN INSECTICIDE.” Hang it where you can see it often.

10. Don’t say “I have to take my chance” while continuing to smoke. This chance is not ours. We did not give ourselves life, and we do not have the right to “take the chance” to ruin it. This is God's work.

11. Don't fool yourself by saying that you have too many difficulties in your life right now to quit smoking. If you smoke, this is a difficulty in itself - a difficulty that causes a lot of pressure. Every day is a game, and your life is a bet in this game. If you remove nicotine from your life, other difficulties will be easier to cope with. You'll feel better about yourself and have more energy. You will accomplish something greater than all the money and material possessions you will ever have. You will give yourself something that no one else can give you. You will never again feel pressured by being a smoker.

12. Don't use the excuse that you might gain weight for smoking. Even if you gain some weight, the fact that you are more active and able to exercise more can counteract further weight gain. Remember, it is overeating, not stopping smoking , that causes weight gain.

13. Plan activities that will keep you from thinking about nicotine. Sometimes our brains become our worst enemies. They can tell us that we need a cigarette, giving almost any argument that is suitable at the moment. For example, if we go to a movie and sit in the non-smoking section, munch on popcorn, or sip lemonade, we occupy our brains and get a break. Go to museums and other places where smoking is prohibited. Going swimming is also a good idea.

14. Quit smoking only today and think only about the current part of the day. “I won’t smoke until noon”, “I won’t smoke before three o’clock.” Sometimes just do it for just one hour. It's much easier than trying to stop smoking forever.

15. Do not become a subject of smoking situations. If you come into contact with someone who smokes, say to yourself, “He is smoking a cigarette that I could smoke,” then feel grateful that you are not the one smoking it.

16. As long as you don't smoke. Think of it as a contribution. Once you don't smoke for an hour, you contribute that hour towards becoming a healthier person. Now, bring in another hour. Continue to contribute hour after hour. Your investment will grow and become more valuable every hour. You will begin to see and feel the rewards from these investments more and more. Protect and guard them as if they were a treasure.

17. Be kind to yourself. This is the beginning of a new way of life for you and you are the most important person here. Treat yourself with respect and love and remember that you are no longer filling your system with poison every few minutes. Breathe fresh air and inhale it deeply. Smell varied and wonderful smells. Start spending time in nature. Many new sensations await you.

18. Don't get too angry. When we are angry, our minds tell us that we need a cigarette to get over the feeling. Until your brain learns that you don't need a cigarette to cope with anger, try to avoid situations that might upset you. Avoid communicating with certain people who may annoy you. If there is a lot of stress at work, try to get a few days off. If you can't get time off, stop smoking on weekends. As much as possible, try to avoid situations such as traffic jams. Take the necessary precautions. Anger can be very destructive.

19. Don't let yourself go hungry. It's amazing how our minds tell us that everything is bad, when in fact all we need to do is eat.

20. Avoid overwork. When we are tired, we easily become irritated, and when we are irritated, our mind will tell us that a cigarette can help. Our resistance will weaken, and then we can easily say: “Well, okay, I guess I’ll smoke.”

21. Don't allow yourself to be lonely. It's good to meet several people who are going through the same thing. By attending Smokers Anonymous meetings, you can get the phone numbers of such people.

22. You can remember these four important things with the word “HALT” (the first letters of the words “hunger”, “anger”, “loneliness” and “tired” in English). If you feel the need for a cigarette, get checked. Make sure you are not experiencing any of these four sensations.

23. Avoid boredom and idleness. It's very difficult to just sit and not smoke. Get busy. Find something to do that you enjoy. Biking, hiking, swimming, exploring new places, trying new restaurants. This is the time to forgive yourself.

24. Find something to do with your hands. We are used to holding a cigarette; Quitting smoking can mean a loss for your hands. Hold a small rubber ball. It's also good to play with dough or plasticine.

25. Have something suitable to put in your mouth. Lollipops or any slow-dissolving candy are suitable. Jerky and lemonade can also help. Avoid fatty foods. Just like cookies. They chew quickly and fill you up. You can experiment even if you still smoke to find out what reduces cravings. If lollipops help, stock up on them. Warning: Do not use this method of replacing cigarettes for a long time.

26. If you always smoke while drinking coffee, don't drink coffee until you stop smoking..

27. Don't drink alcohol while you're quitting smoking . Once alcohol enters your body, your ability to resist is greatly reduced.

28. Remember that the discomfort you may experience for up to two weeks will definitely end and you will not have to experience it again.

29. Pat yourself on the back often. What you are doing is not an easy task. It takes a lot of courage to stop smoking.

30. If you feel the pain of abstinence, let it remain in your memory for a long time. So that it can serve as a reminder of how powerful a drug nicotine is, and how much it hooks you.

31. Remember every minute that when you puffed on a cigarette, you puffed on it. They sucked the very life out of you. Don't give them anything else.

32. Avoid the trap of self-pity. As soon as we start feeling sorry for ourselves, our mind tells us that we deserve a cigarette to improve our condition.

33. Remember, if you keep trying, you will win. This is a fight between good and evil and the odds are in your favor.

34. Before you quit smoking, plan your activities for the first few days after you quit. This is a way to avoid having to make different decisions during the period when you are abstaining. Making decisions without a cigarette can be difficult at first.

35. If you are not going to stop right now, start reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke. If you smoke two packs a day, then by eliminating one cigarette every day for a month, you will only smoke ten cigarettes a day. Some people, however, find tapering off to be as difficult as stopping.

36. Drink plenty of fluids to more actively remove poison from the body. Orange juice is beneficial because nicotine reduces the amount of vitamin C in our body.

37. Remember, it is the first cigarette that leads to the resumption of smoking. Just one is enough. The one you don't have. You can switch off by lighting this one for just a minute. DO NOT fool yourself into thinking that you can start and stop smoking whenever you want. You can not. Many people have tried this and lived the rest of their lives never again experiencing freedom from nicotine.

38. Remind yourself often of the changes you have noticed in yourself. For example: your breath no longer smells like a dirty ashtray, your teeth begin to lose their yellow color and become clean and white, there are no tobacco stains on your fingers, that terrible smoker's cough goes away, the ability to smell and taste returns, your physique begins to improve, your attitude towards You feel better because you actually take care of yourself.

39. Pass on your experience. Whenever you have the opportunity to pass on your experience, strength and hope to another smoker, do it. This act of transfer will increase your chances of staying clean from nicotine and empower your program. It is a great reward to help someone find freedom from this dangerous substance.

40. Create a working program. Don't assume that everything is over because you haven't smoked for a few weeks. Nicotine is very tricky. Continue to attend Smokers Anonymous meetings. If there are no groups where you live, help create them. It's very simple. You need a place to gather and several interested people.

Way to quit smoking No. 4. "Take the bull by the horns." If you have incredible willpower, you can try quitting smoking right away. Just finish the last cigarette and completely forget about the bad habit. However, if you are capable of such a feat, you probably already quit smoking a long time ago. And this article is not at all for you.

One of the most common, but not very effective, is to exchange tobacco for a box of chocolates or a bag of seeds. That is, try to deceive your own body - occupy your hands and mouth with something at a time when you usually inhale bitter smoke. They say it helps someone.

For those who like to save money. They are recommended to install a program on their computer that calculates how much they can save by giving up cigarettes. With the help of this program, you will know down to the second how long you have been abstaining from smoking and which means you can safely look for another use for. And this amount will in no way be superfluous. An active smoker will need a little time to “earn”, for example, a good mobile phone.

The so-called “drug addict”. This is more of a compromise than a complete refusal. The idea is to smoke fewer cigarettes every day. And now, when you get to one cigarette, you can try one of the more radical methods. After all, giving up one cigarette is much easier than giving up a whole pack.

You can quit smoking in the company of someone - a friend, a colleague, even a lover . There is only one condition - it must be a person with whom you spend a lot of time. For greater efficiency, be sure to introduce serious sanctions into your contract, preferably economic ones. And no concessions.

Ask your friends, neighbors, acquaintances how they quit smoking. Among their methods, there will undoubtedly be suitable ones that are worth listening to.

Scare yourself. Take a piece of paper the size of a pack of cigarettes, write on it everything in which nicotine harms you, not forgetting what is most terrible. And stick it to a package of cigarettes. This way, every time your hand reaches for cigarettes, your mind will instantly react.

If “folk” methods do not help you, try seeking help from doctors. Acupuncture and coding are considered quite effective methods. In the case of acupuncture, needles are inserted into specific points in the ear, destroying the “smoker’s reflex.” During coding, the psychotherapist instructs the patient to give up tobacco and conducts a hypnosis session. The essence of the technique is to instill fear of smoking on a subconscious level.

Less effective, but more advertised, are medications for the treatment of tobacco addiction. The most common among them is the anti-nicotine patch, which delivers nicotine through the skin into the body, thereby relieving physical dependence, but not psychological. Apparently, this is why I have never met anyone who finally got rid of a bad habit with the help of products from the pharmaceutical industry.

Buy the book “ The Easy Way to Quit Smoking ” by Allen Carr. Although it is strange, this book really helps. It is not that expensive, and it is useful to read even for those who do not like to listen to the advice of foreign gurus.

Positive changes when quitting smoking:

after 2 hours, nicotine begins to be removed from the body and at this moment the first withdrawal symptoms are felt

after 12 hours, carbon monoxide from smoking will completely leave the body, the lungs will begin to function better, and the feeling of lack of air will go away

after 2 days, taste sensitivity and smell will become more acute

after 7 - 9 weeks, the thin olfactory canals will be completely cleared of tar and soot, and the pungency of odors will acquire an unexpectedly “bright sound”

after 12 weeks (3 months) the circulatory system improves, making it easier to walk and run

after 3-9 months, cough, shortness of breath and breathing problems decrease, lung function increases by 10%

after 5 years, the risk of myocardial infarction will be 2 times less than that of smokers

To give up smoking

To quit smoking, you first need to alternate days of smoking with days of quitting cigarettes.

To quit smoking, you first need to alternate days of smoking with days of quitting cigarettes. Over time, the realization will come that you can live without smoking. Without smoking it is very easy to drink coffee in the morning. You don't have to wake up at night to inhale smoke. After a couple of weeks of this regime, you can put an end to nicotine addiction. To do this, you need to throw away all the cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays in the house and start living without poisoning your body.

Getting rid of mental addiction to smoking

In order to make quitting smoking easier, primarily psychologically, it is necessary to determine the reasons why you want to light a cigarette. A special magazine can help in this matter.

Why do some people start smoking again many months after quitting?

What is triggered here is not a drug addiction to nicotine (remember, withdrawal even in severe cases ends after a few months), but a psychological one. Smoking is integrated not only into our physiological processes, but also into our social and psychological ones: some people use a cigarette to relieve stress, some people cannot imagine socializing without tobacco, for some people coffee or alcohol are closely related to smoking.

It is worth thinking about what other habit can replace this or that function of smoking. In addition, following the general principles of a healthy lifestyle helps: a normal amount of sleep (at least 7 hours a day), healthy nutritious food, physical activity and fresh air. For some time, you may have to avoid the usual “smoking” situations so as not to provoke yourself (replace smoking breaks in the office with a shared cup of tea).

Smoker's Journal

Keeping a journal will help you become more attuned to your impulses and actions. A few weeks before you quit smoking, you should start a journal in which you will enter information about each cigarette you use. Every time you need to pay attention to what prompted you to reach for tobacco products in your pocket.

Also, the following data must be entered into the log:

  • You need to rate the strength of your desire from 1 to 20 (the higher the score, the stronger the desire to smoke)
  • What activity were you doing at that moment?
  • What people were nearby when you felt the urge to smoke?
  • It is necessary to characterize your well-being (good mood or bad, whether something hurts or not, and so on).
  • What sensation did you experience when the cigarette was finally smoked?
  • Thanks to such a magazine, it will be easy to find out why a person reaches for a cigarette. What feelings is he trying to suppress in himself at this moment?

Changes occurring in the quitter’s body day by day

First days without cigarettesStress, recovery, cleansing
After 10-15 daysRestoration and cleansing at deeper levels

Many people, thinking about how to quit smoking more easily, are afraid of potential problems that they love to scare newbies with. The unknown is scary, that's common knowledge. In order to dispel these fears and convince that it is possible to avoid problems when quitting or prevent the emergence of difficulties with quitting, the “Smoking Quit Calendar” mentioned above was created. It has already been mentioned as a TOP tip.

In the first days without cigarettes, the body works in two directions: it experiences stress from the lack of the usual (nicotine and the smoking process) and at the same time it recovers (blood oxygen saturation increases, the bronchi are cleared, vascular tone is normalized). Accordingly, sensations, thoughts, and emotional states are associated with these processes. The “Calendar” gives advice on how to reduce the negative impact of this period, how you can support yourself, how not to relapse and not get better.

When the difficult first 10-15 days are over, restoration and cleansing begins at deeper levels, for example, after the bronchi become healthier, the bronchioles are cleansed and skin cells are restored. At the same time, physical dependence has practically disappeared, but the craving for rituals, the process of smoking, and social and environmental factors remains. “Calendar” will also tell you how to cope with psychological dependence without nerves.

Psychological reasons for smoking

Sports instead of cigarettes

Sport is an excellent stimulator of the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness and joy.

Coping with stress, depression, loneliness, fear and anxiety are the most common reasons why a person reaches for a cigarette again and again. If you have a bad day at work, it begins to seem that a cigarette is your only friend and support. At such moments, it is very important to realize that there are the most effective and safest ways to get rid of unpleasant sensations and experiences.

These include:

Doing physical exercise. Sport is an excellent stimulator of the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness and joy. A deficiency of these substances leads a person to depressive moods and apathy. During physical exercise, adrenaline is also produced, which helps get rid of accumulated negative emotions in the everyday hustle and bustle. The hormone serotonin, which is also characteristic of physical activity, helps relieve stress, restores sleep and improves mood.

Meditation based on relaxation and breathing exercises. This is a real rest for the soul and body, helping to achieve mental relaxation.

“How did you quit smoking? “- do not hesitate to ask this question to those who were able to overcome nicotine illness. If there are those around you who have escaped the cigarette trap, listen carefully to the advice of experienced people. This will only be a huge plus in the battle against addiction.

You can start getting involved in anti-smoking training. Today there are a large number of books, hypnotic sessions, and so on.

Anti-smoking training

Benefits of the training:

  • Training can help a person control his body and muscles.
  • The training will help you concentrate your attention on the processes necessary for a person, which will allow you not to be distracted by thoughts about a cigarette in the future.
  • The training will help strengthen in the subconscious the idea of ​​​​the desire to fight the addiction
  • The training will help you feel like a non-smoker.

How to avoid a relapse and not start smoking again

“I quit smoking - what next? How not to start smoking again? is a question that worries everyone. Many people who have ever quit smoking have experienced relapse. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all how long you lived without a cigarette. Some broke down and lost their positions as non-smokers after just a week of non-smoking, while others returned to this addiction after a year. Therefore, to avoid this, you need to follow some rules:

Food and cigarette. Many smokers know how “tasty” it is to take a puff of smoke after a pleasant dinner.

Advice: Advice: the principle of substitution is an excellent “magic wand” in the fight against nicotine addiction. Instead of the usual cigarette after a meal, you need to accustom yourself to eating some delicious fruit desserts, small chocolate bars, nuts or chewing candies.

Triple Strike

My husband quit smoking 15 years ago after two acupuncture sessions. Before that he smoked like a locomotive; two packs a day was barely enough for him.

– Acupuncture is one of the most reliable methods of treatment. But it is ineffective for those who have been smoking for less than five years. This is a more suitable option if the “friendship” with a cigarette lasts 20 years or more, says Valentin Okhrimenko.

He improved the traditional technique - during the session, the patient simultaneously undergoes acupuncture in the ears and electrical stimulation of points associated with the formation of tobacco addiction. The body itself “chooses” the most suitable option in order to withstand the long-term attack of nicotine. This method allows you to selectively influence the nerve centers of the brain: on the one hand, it suppresses the pleasure that a smoker experiences from a cigarette, and on the other, it blocks the body’s reaction to a lack of nicotine intake. Therefore, a person does not have a persistent desire to inhale tobacco smoke.

Apples instead of cigarettes

Alcohol and cigarette. Staying without cigarettes while intoxicated is much more difficult. It is alcoholic drinks that lead people to a breakdown to the greatest extent, and all previous work to get rid of addiction is canceled in an instant.

Advice: the best solution in this situation would be to completely abstain from alcohol, but if this is not feasible, then you should drink it only in places where smoking is not allowed. Just like with food, you can replace a cigarette in such a situation with nuts, chips, or simply hold a match or a cocktail straw in your mouth.

Suggestion and more suggestion

You can also try to overcome tobacco addiction with the help of psychologists.

– The advantage of such methods is that psychotherapy allows you to determine the reasons for the craving for smoking, and they are different for each person. And then “remove” the formed behavioral skill using special psychocorrectional techniques, says psychologist Maria Polivanova . – This is a gentle way of treatment, but it takes time - you need to work with the patient for a month and a half.

Hypnosis can also help someone get rid of cigarettes. But this is also a rather long journey – usually you need at least 10–12 sessions. Moreover, not everyone is susceptible to suggestion. Coding is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who are not older than forty years.

Alcohol and cigarette

Staying without cigarettes while intoxicated is much more difficult.

Smoking friends. It is very difficult to stay away from cigarettes when the former smoker has no control over other people's decisions. If there are those at work, at home or in the company of friends who are unable to quit smoking, then the chances of experiencing a relapse increase many times over.

Advice: do not hide your struggle with addiction from your friends. While at work, you shouldn’t run into the smoking area during your break just to chat with your colleagues. You shouldn’t arrange a training session to test your willpower. It is best to find another activity or talk to those who do not have this bad habit.

What else helps not to return to smoking?

  • Strong motivation. Unfortunately, people often quit smoking after they have been diagnosed with a dangerous disease. But in this case, we are no longer talking about “willpower”; rather, it is about saving one’s own life.
  • Let's throw it together. If spouses or close friends smoke, it is much more effective to give up the bad habit together. You have to come up with something useful that can replace joint smoking breaks.
  • Allen Carr. Yes, many say that when they had already decided to quit smoking, this book really supported and helped.
  • Psychotherapy. If you have been smoking for many years and the side effects after quitting are too strong (a persistent decrease in mood, anxiety, irritability go through the roof and do not go away), perhaps a psychotherapist will help you. In this case, you need to choose a doctor who practices within the framework of the cognitive-behavioral direction - they are the ones who work effectively and quickly with bad habits.
  • Forums and communication. When you're undertaking a difficult task, it's always nice to know that you're not alone. On the forum you can ask for advice, share your impressions, and simply brag.

If you decide to quit smoking, Euromed Clinic wishes you good luck! May your refusal be easy and your decision irrevocable.

Smoking company

It is very difficult to stay away from cigarettes when the former smoker has no control over other people's decisions.

The fight against smoking is necessary for those who care about their health, who care about their own lives and the well-being of loved ones. “When I quit smoking, I began to sleep better, run faster, and taste my favorite chocolate, now I don’t smoke and I feel good,” is written in one of the diaries of a former smoker. Isn't this wonderful?

“How to quit smoking cigarettes at 40, 50, 60 years old? This is not real!” - most often you can hear such speeches from adults. But these are just excuses and fear of the unknown, of a new, unknown life without tobacco. Age doesn't matter. If a person has a goal, he will succeed.

Don't be afraid to face difficulties. If you fail to quit smoking on the first try, there is no need to despair. If you take all your will into your fist and want something very badly, the result will definitely come.

Did you inject yourself and forget?

Of the medicinal methods of treatment today, the highest percentage of cure is provided by the so-called Swiss method, which is used in clinics specializing in the treatment of tobacco addiction. Before starting treatment, the patient undergoes a mini medical examination: a consultation with a therapist, a neurologist and an ophthalmologist, and he is also given an ECG.

After the examination, the doctor will select the composition and dosage of the drugs. Then a test injection is performed to exclude individual intolerance, and if everything is normal, the main injection is performed. Then the patient sleeps for 10–12 hours - during this time the “adjustment” of receptors sensitive to nicotine occurs.

Everything seemed fine. But the method has contraindications - glaucoma, epilepsy, prostate adenoma and chronic diseases in the acute stage. The second disadvantage is the high cost of treatment: about 40,000 rubles, and this is not affordable for everyone.

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