early weakness
Signs of pregnancy in the first or second week and after a missed period
Every woman's pregnancy experience is unique. Of course, not all women have the same symptoms or even
Patient at doctor's appointment
Heparin solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration 5000 IU/ml 5 ml bottles 5 pcs. in Kolomna
Heparin solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration 5000 IU/ml 5 ml bottles 5 pcs.
thrush, candidiasis
How to get rid of candidiasis without medications in 3 steps
Thrush, or candidal infection, accompanied by damage to the vaginal mucosa, is a problem for many women.
women's diseases
Diseases of the vulva: from inflammation to cancer
Doctor Most often, women of reproductive age face the problem of inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system. Because the
Life cycle of the cat fluke
Treatment methods for opisthorchiasis with folk remedies, recipes and recommendations
This disease occurs quite often in a number of regions of Russia (for example, the Volga, Irtysh,
Photo 2
Act-HIB vaccine: composition, instructions for use, price and reviews
When sending their child to kindergarten, parents worry about how he will be able to adapt to society,
Post-traumatic hemosiderosis on the legs
IDIOPATHIC HEMOSIDEROSIS OF THE LUNG (haemosiderosis idiopathica pulmonum; Greek idios own, special + pathos suffering,
Anesthesia during childbirth: what is it, why is it needed and is it possible to do without it?
Take the first step and make an appointment with your doctor! Childbirth is an absolutely natural physiological act.
Complementary feeding menu: what is best to give in the morning, lunch and evening
Introduction The question of first complementary feeding arises before every mother a few months after her appearance.
how to increase stress resistance
Menopausal syndrome in women: how to minimize discomfort
How changes occur Climacteric syndrome lasts up to several years; normally it is observed in
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