Treatment methods for opisthorchiasis with folk remedies, recipes and recommendations

This disease occurs quite frequently in a number of regions of Russia (for example, the Volga, Irtysh, and Ob river basins). It is included in the natural focal group of diseases, i.e. high levels of the pathogen are maintained by its circulation among animals in the wild that eat fish. The worm can infect humans, cats and dogs, pigs, and wild fur-bearing forest inhabitants. Infection occurs through eating raw or poorly cooked fish. The doctor, having diagnosed opisthorchiasis, chooses treatment with folk remedies or traditional medicine based on the needs of the patient.

Stages of infection

What is opisthorchiasis

Opisthorchiasis refers to helminthiasis. It is caused by flatworms belonging to the class of flukes. After the parasite enters the human body, damage occurs to the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts.

Definition of disease

The clinical picture is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • intoxication syndrome;
  • allergic reactions, up to the development of asthmatic bronchitis, Quincke's edema;
  • the appearance of signs of dysfunction in the digestive system;
  • neurological disorders;
  • dyspeptic syndrome (nausea, heartburn, vomiting, belching);
  • fever;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • rashes on the skin (chest, back, arms);
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • poor appetite;
  • muscle pain;
  • increase in liver size.

If therapy is not started on time, the acute stage of the disease transforms into the chronic stage. At the same time, it becomes more difficult to suspect a parasitic invasion, and the manifestations become less pronounced.

Symptoms of the disease

Important! A prolonged course of the disease can lead to the formation of cancer of the digestive organs.

The causative agent of opisthorchiasis and its life cycle

Life cycle of the cat fluke

Cat or Siberian flukes (Opisthorhis felineus) are also called opisthorchid flukes. They look like a small parasite, 8-15 mm in length and no more than 2 mm in width. The parasite is yellow-brown in color, flat with suction cups at the base, with which it clings to the host’s body. The worm is a hermaphrodite, like others from the class of flukes, which allows it to lay eggs in the body of the final host without special conditions.

Going through a full life cycle, opisthorchia changes more than one host. Feces infected with parasite eggs end up in the reservoir. There is a settlement of freshwater snails. And for the next couple of months, development takes place inside this mollusk. The eggs will then hatch into cercariae, which wait to be swallowed by the fish. Mostly cyprinids are infected. But the most interesting thing is that the exception is the carp itself.

Predatory fish can become infected if they swallow fish with opisthorchiasis. From unprocessed, thermally contaminated fish, the cat fluke ends up in the final host - a person or a piscivorous animal. Then the cycle begins again.

This worm has a rather long development period. First, time passes until the larvae form special suckers while still inside the fish, with which they later cling to the mucous membrane of the internal organs. It is the suckers that lead to damage to the walls of organs and the development of bacterial infection. Sometimes a rash appears on the patient's skin as an allergic reaction.

In just one month, helminths mature inside the human body and begin to reproduce. In one week, 5000-10000 eggs are produced by just one individual. Eggs accumulate in the body, which leads to stagnation of bile.

Treatment of helminthiasis

Treatment of opisthorchiasis should not be limited to the prescription of anthelmintic drugs. We need to take an integrated approach. There are several stages in getting rid of parasites:

  1. Preparation period. Before you start using medications for helminths, the body must undergo a little preparation. For this purpose, drugs with a choleretic effect are prescribed. Additionally, antispasmodics, hepatoprotectors and adsorbents are taken. This treatment course lasts 2-3 weeks.
  2. Direct deworming. Medicines in this group can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is fraught with the development of complications. It is dangerous to independently decide to stop a course or make changes to the prescribed treatment regimen.
  3. Recovery period. It includes repeated use of choleretic drugs. This is done to remove accumulations of dead parasites from the ducts. Additionally, hepatoprotectors, various dietary supplements, and vitamins are prescribed to restore normal functioning of the body.

Attention! It makes sense to take control tests no earlier than 6 months after the end of therapy. If this is done earlier, the examination result will not be reliable.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of opisthorchiasis

It is important to know how opisthorchiasis manifests itself so that you can consult a doctor at the first sign. The incubation period lasts 2-4 weeks. During this time, the disease is asymptomatic. The disease can initially occur in a chronic form, then a person can live for several years without symptoms until the internal organs are damaged so much that it becomes extremely difficult to recover.

However, even this form can be determined by the stagnation of bile in the body. The acute form of opisthorchiasis appears immediately after the end of the incubation period. First, the body temperature rises. At first it is insignificant, however, over time it can exceed 39 degrees and not subside for half a month.

Important! Do not wait for the fever to go away on its own. You should consult a doctor or call an ambulance!

Symptoms of acute opisthorchiasis:

  • elevated temperature;
  • pain and aches in the joints;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium or under the sternum;
  • liver enlargement;
  • stomach upset;
  • vomit;
  • bloating;
  • general weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • shortness of breath or cough;
  • migraine and nervousness;
  • allergic skin reaction.

Some patients complain of poor appetite and bitterness in the mouth. And if opisthorchiasis is not identified in time and proper treatment is not started, the disease progresses from acute to chronic form. And this leads to serious complications.

Often the symptoms of the disease are mistaken for a cold or flu. In this case, treatment does not give results, and the infected person only gets worse. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor and get examined.

Medicine for opisthorchiasis in adults

For the purpose of deworming, a doctor may prescribe one of the following drugs (the active ingredient in all of them is praziquantel, which helps get rid of the fluke):

  • cysticide;
  • biltricide;
  • cesol;
  • azinox;
  • bithionol;
  • chloroxyl

Important! This group of drugs cannot be used in the early stages of gestation. When prescribed to lactating women, you should refrain from breastfeeding for two days after taking praziquantel tablets.

Opisthorchiasis: the secret enemy of the body

Opisthorchiasis is a helminthic infestation that is extremely common in our region. Secretly parasitizing in the body, opisthorchids cause enormous harm to it, causing allergies, psoriasis, depression and other manifestations. How to protect yourself? The expert of the Sibmeda portal is Artyom Khachatryan, nutritionist, chief physician of the Professor Khachatryan Clinic.

– Artyom Ashotovich, how relevant is the problem of opisthorchiasis for Siberia?

– It is extremely relevant, and not only for Siberia. If we remember the geography, then the Ob, as you know, begins with the Biya and Katun rivers. The Katun has about two hundred tributaries. The Biya, starting from Lake Julukul, has many of its tributaries.

Altaians come to us with the same opisthorchiasis and other infectious diseases. Many people consider grayling to be the purest fish, but this has long been no longer the case. The fact is that if an infected mammal, including a person, has access to a body of water, then this body of water is infected. The infection comes from Altai itself, from the most protected places, to the Ob River.

The Ob, in turn, flows into the Kara Sea and so on. It is a big misconception to think that only river fish of the carp family are infected with parasites. Clonorchia are the “brothers” of opisthorchia that live in sea water. They adapted to the salty environment, therefore, having mutated, they only became stronger. Clonorchiasis is a much more dangerous disease than opisthorchiasis, and it can be contracted from sea fish.

Opisthorchiasis is a mild parasite that can be easily destroyed. But as soon as information spread that river fish were contaminated, and sea fish were supposedly clean, and sushi and rolls became fashionable, then serious problems began.

Myth 1.

Only river fish of the carp family are infected with parasites.

In fact

All river and sea fish, as well as other seafood, are infected with parasites.

– It turns out that nowhere can a person feel safe from parasites?

– Yes, the disease is widespread not only in Siberia, but throughout the planet. Moreover, a person becomes infected much more severely when visiting Thailand, Asia, and Europe. For example, in France it is very easy to become infected with clonorchiasis because the cuisine there is not what we imagine. We have no concept of accepted sanitary and epidemiological standards. In general, Russia is the only country where there is a division: fish shop, meat shop, vegetable shop. In Europe and America this is not the case, but in Asia it is completely unsanitary. So, while in France in a fashionable restaurant, you can order a dish and simply become infected with worms. Pathos and high cost do not at all imply purity.

– Can other seafood, besides fish, be considered safe?

– Everything is infected with parasites: shrimp, squid, mussels and even seaweed. There is a group of parasites that have adapted to reproduce without fish. They settle and develop precisely on the kelp. In addition to infections (parasites), you need to understand that all seafood is very highly contaminated and contains mercury, heavy metals, and radioactive substances, which is also unhealthy for humans.

Myth 2.
Opisthorchia and clonorchia multiply in the body.

In fact

These parasites are hermaphrodites and do not reproduce in the body. Their number increases every time you eat contaminated seafood and river fish.

– By what symptoms can a person suspect that he has opisthorchiasis or clonorchiasis?

– The disease is secretive. It has no specific manifestations. More precisely, they exist, but they do not always appear. Fatigue, fatigue, irritability, depression, pain in the right and left hypochondrium, nausea in the morning, bitterness in the mouth, poor condition of hair and nails, general weakness, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, allergic reactions, chronic fatigue syndrome, stool disorders, intestinal pain, itching , fungal diseases - all this may indicate infection.

– How can a disease be accurately diagnosed?

– The only fairly reliable diagnosis (effectiveness up to 90%) is duodenal intubation. It is useless to analyze stool for worm eggs to detect parasitosis; the probability of detection is less than 1%. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent test, a general blood test (determination of eosinophilia), and bioresonance can detect parasitosis with a 50% probability.

Moreover, if no parasite eggs were found during duodenal intubation, this does not mean that they do not exist. However, a person can see and evaluate an indirect sign of infection on their own. When probed, the bile should be transparent, light straw color. Accordingly, if the bile is opaque and has a large amount of mucus, then this is already a sign of parasitosis, since the liver and pancreas do not produce mucus, it is produced by parasites.

Myth 3.
Opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis can be contracted from a sick person.

In fact

Parasites of the Opisthorchis family cannot be contracted from a sick person. In the body, they only lay eggs, which are released with fecal matter and go through the cycle in the reservoir.

– How are opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis treated?

– Parasites can be destroyed with one drug – biltricide. However, in order to drink it, the body must be prepared: the immune system, intestines and, most importantly, the bile ducts must be cleared of mucus so that the corpses of parasites can come out freely.

– Many people believe that biltricide is an extremely poisonous drug, is this true?

– It is poisonous to parasites, not to humans. This drug causes the production of huge amounts of calcium in the body of opisthorchids, which is why they die. The medicine does not cause any calcification in humans. If you read the annotation, you can see that biltricide can even be used by pregnant and lactating women.

However, in generally accepted treatment regimens, after taking the drug, when parasites begin to die en masse in the bile ducts, the patient is prescribed tubage - given magnesia. This promotes the flow of bile. And now this huge number of corpses of parasites, which begin to decompose and release large amounts of toxins, descend down the intestines. There they are absorbed into the blood, and then the person develops severe poisoning.

As a result, an association was formed: I drank biltricide and felt sick, which means the biltricide is poisonous. And no one thinks about the fact that a process of self-intoxication has occurred.

Moreover, since we deal with the problem in depth, and we treat thousands of people every year with this pathology, it is very easy to track: when the number of parasites is smaller, then there are much fewer unpleasant manifestations.

If a person has eaten a lot of fish, then biltricide will have a noticeable effect on him. If he did not like fish, then he may not feel it at all, since a significant amount of toxins will not form.

– Does the treatment method in your clinic differ from the generally accepted one?

– An important difference is that we carry out very intensive preparation of the body for taking biltricide, it consists of preparing the liver, immune systems, intestines and preliminary detoxification and deworming of the body. The preparatory stage is based on 100% natural ingredients and helps cleanse the body at the cellular level, as well as remove other parasites, if they are present in the body. And then, instead of doing a tube after taking biltricide, we probe the patients and wash out all the resulting dirt. It turns out one or two jars of dirt, toxins, parasites, which a person sees for himself - there can be hundreds of them. We also do special detoxification drips and enemas to immediately flush out toxins that have entered the intestines.

Next, it is very important to restore the intestines. In standard practice, patients are prescribed probiotics, at best. However, in order to bring the body to an ideal healthy state, a set of measures is required. We restore the intestines and, at the same time, the liver; we populate all parts of the intestines with microflora. There is a special procedure for microflora implantation.

We also support liver cells with special solutions and drugs that strengthen the cellular structure. For this, we use special aqueous solutions of our own production; we prepare them in the laboratory. This is water that has undergone special electrochemical treatment, and its structure has been changed. So, some solutions are detoxifiers, that is, they promote detoxification very well. The first of them contains atomic hydrogen and ionic chlorine - substances that are found in the cells of our immune bodies and are very important for our immunity. We can say that this is a solution of “pure immunity”.

– How long does the course of treatment and rehabilitation take?

– It depends on individual characteristics. If a person has already undergone anatomical changes in his organs, or has a large number of parasites that cannot be removed at once, then treatment to a state of ideal health can take years.

Moreover, if he returns to his usual lifestyle, he will certainly return to his diseases, because it was his lifestyle that led him to them. Our work as doctors makes up only 50% of the result, and the remaining 50% is the effort of the person himself.

Clinic of Professor Khachatryan:

st. Vatutina, 4,


Folk remedies for opisthorchiasis

Traditional medicine recipes aim to reduce the appearance of sexually mature worms, create conditions in which parasites cannot live and reproduce, and in some cases are aimed at destroying flukes. The advantage of this therapy is that the plants contain substances that help restore the epithelial lining of the digestive organs and restore their normal functioning. It remains to figure out how to get rid of parasites using specific means.


Proper nutrition

Nutrition should be done in a gentle manner, but have a stimulating effect on the secretory activity of the digestive system. It is not recommended to eat very hot or cold foods. Meals should be fractional, often, but in small portions.

What foods should be included in the diet:

  • fruit and berry juices;
  • compotes, jelly;
  • tomato juice without added salt;
  • weak tea, coffee with milk only;
  • infusion of rose hips;
  • stale bread;
  • low-fat, mild cheese;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetable puree soup;
  • a spoonful of butter per day;
  • unhealthy cookies;
  • steamed one-egg omelette;
  • honey, fruit jam;
  • porridge cooked in water;
  • lean meats;
  • lean fish and poultry;
  • soaked herring;
  • apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots.

Food should be steamed or baked. Avoid adding excess salt and spices. Do not fry foods, do not use oil in the cooking process.

What should be excluded from the diet:

  • baked goods;
  • confectionery;
  • soups with meat or fish broth, mushroom soups;
  • fatty types of meat and fish products;
  • boiled or fried egg;
  • pickled, salted vegetables;
  • sausages;
  • canned food;
  • ice cream, chocolate;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Birch tar

This method is considered quite effective. It does not require significant costs or any special training.

Advice! It is better to take the medicine in the morning before breakfast.

The essence of the method: you need to take two drops of birch tar and mix with two tablespoons of boiled water. Every day the dosage should be increased by 1-2 drops until it reaches ten drops per day. Then the quantity is reduced in reverse order. The treatment course lasts about three weeks. Aspen bark

Aspen bark contains phenols, which have a toxic effect against parasites. The anthelmintic effect is based on this. The dose of toxic compounds is so small that it has no side effects on the human body. There are a number of studies that prove the therapeutic effectiveness of this drug. Aspen bark can be prescribed to both adult patients and children. To enhance the effect and speed up the achievement of a positive result, it is recommended to supplement treatment with choleretic preparations.


  1. Preparation of the decoction. Take 100 g of crushed bark and add 1 liter of cold water. Next, bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for 15 minutes. Then remove, cool and leave to infuse for about 4 hours. Take 50-100 ml 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Preparation of tincture. You need to pour 100 g of dry matter into 1 liter of vodka (you can take medical alcohol and dilute it with water). Leave to infuse in a dark and warm place for about 3 weeks. You need to drink 1-2 tbsp. l. before meals. Cannot be used to treat opisthorchiasis in children.

The course of treatment takes 3-4 weeks. If there is a need for repeated therapy, then it is necessary to take a break for a month.


A complex of medicinal herbs can rid the human body of the fluke present in it, help the body recover as a whole, improve its functioning, remove toxic substances produced by helminths, and erect a protective barrier. As a rule, the preparations contain components that have anti-inflammatory, reparative, choleretic and antiparasitic effects.

Herbal treatment

List of plants from which you can independently or on the recommendation of a doctor make an individually selected collection:

  • plantain leaves;
  • calendula flowers;
  • St. John's wort inflorescences;
  • tansy;
  • wormwood leaves;
  • thyme leaves;
  • clover flowers.

To prepare the decoction you will need 2 tbsp. l. collection They need to be poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water and allowed to brew. It is recommended to consume 150 ml per day. You can undergo treatment for as long as you like. A lasting therapeutic effect will be achieved after the first month of therapy.

Pumpkin seeds

When using pumpkin seeds to treat opisthorchiasis, you can not only get rid of parasites, but also satisfy your hunger.


  1. Millet porridge is cooked in water. Take the herring and remove all the bones. Then the herring and pumpkin seeds are passed through a meat grinder. When ready, mix with millet porridge. The dish is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. After this, it is recommended to take a laxative or perform a cleansing enema. The duration of the course is as follows: three doses of porridge, with a 7-day break between them.
  2. Take crushed pumpkin seeds, 3 yolks, 2 tbsp. l. flower honey and a little water. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The medicine is taken on an empty stomach 20 minutes before the morning meal. The course is 10 days, then a 7-day break. Thus, it is necessary to repeat the treatment three times.

Garlic and cloves

Garlic is rightfully considered a universal product. It helps in the fight against helminths, bacterial and viral infections, and helps restore the immune barrier.

Getting rid of flatworms can be done at home. For this you will need cloves and young garlic.

The essence of the technique: 5 cloves of garlic are crushed manually or with a special device and poured with 1.5 glasses of low-fat milk. The resulting liquid must be poured into an enamel pan, put on fire and brought to a boil. After this, 5-6 inflorescences of dried cloves are added. When ready, remove the mixture from the heat and cool. Before you start taking it, you must pass it through several layers of gauze or through a sieve. The medicine is taken 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks. Black Walnut

Black walnut is able to fight the proliferation of helminths, destroy laid eggs and remove waste products and decay products of worms from the body.

Method of preparation: nuts are collected unripe while their shell is soft. Take any container and completely fill it with whole fruits. After this, the bottle must be filled with vodka or diluted medical alcohol. Place in a dark place and leave for about 3 weeks. Chanterelles

Another effective remedy in the fight against opisthorchiasis can be a tincture of chanterelle mushrooms.

Appearance of the parasite

Method of preparation: wash the mushrooms and grind through a meat grinder. To complete the recipe you only need 4 tbsp. l. chanterelles, to which you need to add 300 ml of vodka. The tincture should be kept for 3 weeks.

The course of therapy is one month. Drink chanterelle tincture 2 tsp. before bedtime. Shake the mixture before drinking.


Before you start treating opisthorchiasis at home, you need to consult a doctor and find out how to use folk remedies correctly.

Thus, birch tar and alcohol tinctures should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women. Horseradish and garlic are undesirable to use for peptic ulcers and other intestinal pathologies. Herbs can cause allergies, flax seed can cause flatulence.

Celandine is poisonous, so it should be used with caution, without exceeding the dosage. In addition, we should not forget about possible individual intolerance to certain products.

The use of folk remedies as home therapy can be a truly useful and effective way to get rid of opisthorchiasis. All recipes are safe for patients even with long-term use, and the lack of effectiveness in expelling helminths is fully compensated by the restoration of body functions and systems.

Author: Elena Medvedeva, doctor, especially for


To prevent the development of opisthorchiasis, you must adhere to simple rules:

  1. do not eat raw or undercooked fish;
  2. fry fish products well for at least 20 minutes;
  3. when cooking fish, after the water boils, cook for another 20 minutes;
  4. when making salted fish, observe the salt norm per 1 kg of raw product, salt for at least 3 weeks;
  5. You can disinfect a raw product by deep freezing it;
  6. Observe personal hygiene rules after cutting fish.

Now it is clear how to eliminate opisthorchiasis in adults. The choice of treatment method remains with the patient, but consultation with a doctor should not be neglected. The risk of developing serious complications if the approach to treatment is incorrect or therapy is not started in a timely manner is too high.

Why should you be careful with sushi?

Japanese cuisine is gaining more and more popularity, and the number of restaurants that offer sushi and rolls is growing every year. Therefore, many people are interested in whether sushi is dangerous for health? With all the obvious benefits of sushi, they are also fraught with danger. To prepare Japanese cuisine, raw fish is used, which means it may contain opisthorchid larvae.

Parasites do not die even when frozen and can live for up to a week. Since in standard freezers the temperature is not lower than -18 degrees, and to destroy the larvae requires freezing to -40 degrees. Therefore, sushi can cause opisthorchiasis.

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