Urolithiasis Urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the urinary organs.
In order for hair to grow strong, healthy and beautiful, it is necessary to provide it with sufficient nutrients.
Published: 09.29.2021 13:50:00 Updated: 09.29.2021 Menopause in women is called age-related decline in ovarian function and
Coltsfoot is a plant widespread throughout the CIS and belongs to the Compositae family. Coltsfoot recognized
Inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by constant or periodic pain of various types. This is the main symptom of pancreatitis,
Fatty liver hepatosis (steatosis) is a primary or secondary pathological syndrome that occupies a leading position
What do scientists think about it? The results of various studies show that people who adhere to the canons of the Mediterranean
Electrocardiogram (ECG): interpretation of results By: Administrator | Tags: interpretation of ECG results, interpretation of ECG, ECG,
Measles is an acute viral disease that is one of the most contagious and widespread
The reason may be excessive stress on the nervous system, which is simply not able to do everything