Disinfectant "Alaminol": instructions for use in simple words and tables of proportions

Instructions for use "Alaminol"

The disinfectant is produced by the Russian company NIOPIK. "Alaminol" is used according to the instructions for treating environmental objects.

Characteristics of the disinfectant:

  • physical parameters - concentrated solution, blue color (green tint is possible), transparent liquid;
  • group of drugs - disinfectants with the obligatory content of QAC, aldehyde;
  • purpose - pre-sterilization cleaning (PSC), disinfection, removal of contaminants;
  • properties - detergent, antibacterial + fungicidal + antiviral with a wide spectrum of action;
  • pH indicator - acidic composition, pH of undiluted product within 2.6–5.

The disinfectant is used after diluting with water to a concentration of 0.75–10% according to the regimens of instruction No. A-18/06. The solution temperature must be at least +18 ºC and no more than +35 ºC. Products with “Alaminol” are processed manually, using ultrasonic washers and other equipment.

Composition and release form of the product

"Alaminol" belongs to liquid concentrates. The disinfectant is registered, has an updated Certificate/Declaration of Conformity, and a safety data sheet.

The composition of the disinfectant belongs to class 4. The solutions do not form harmful fumes and are non-toxic if the dosages and other conditions of the instructions are observed.

"Alaminol" is low-hazard if ingested (toxicity class 3). You must not induce vomiting. According to the instructions, you need to drink a lot of water, sorbents, and consult with doctors.

Con contains:

  • water;
  • disinfectant component of the CHAS group - 5% of the substance ADBACH;
  • disinfectant component of the aldehyde group - 8% oxalic acid dialdehyde (synonym: glyoxal);
  • surfactant;
  • blue dye.

"Alaminol" is bottled in polymer chemically resistant vials, bottles or canisters. Packaged in 5 l, 3 l, 1 l or in containers with a different volume.

Indications and contraindications for use

"Alaminol" destroys the tuberculosis bacillus, various types of bacteria, viruses, parasitic + opportunistic fungi, and mold. The disinfectant contains a quaternary ammonium compound, which is active against coronavirus.

With "Alaminol" they carry out:

  • disinfection of foci of infection;
  • disinfection treatment of various wastes;
  • general or wet scheduled cleaning;
  • destruction of mold in premises or on products;
  • disinfection of floors, hard furniture, plumbing, equipment, and other surfaces;
  • pre-sterilization cleaning or PSO, combined with disinfection, of manicure, surgical and other instruments, endoscopes;
  • disinfection of personal products;
  • disinfection of other objects listed in instruction No. A-18/06.

The disinfectant must not be mixed with acids, alkalis, alcohols, peroxide, or household chemicals. According to the instructions, it is forbidden to discharge into storm drains, reservoirs, or onto the ground. Contraindicated for use by persons sensitive to aldehydes.

Method of use and dosage of "Alaminol"

For disinfectant solutions, glass or plastic containers and tap water are used.

Concentrations of disinfectant solutions:

Reading (%)Concentration (%)Disinfectant (ml)Water (ml)
Disinfection for coronavirus10100900
Disinfection of manicure or medical instruments Destruction of mold880920
Treatment for tuberculosis, viral infections550950
Treatment against fungi and bacteria330970
PSO of instruments and endoscopes1,515985

For manual processing, the Alaminol solution is used by wiping (with a rag, brush), immersion, and soaking. Cleaning using a mechanized method is carried out according to the rules of the device instructions.

Dosage of disinfectant solution taking into account the method of application:

  • rubbing - 1 m2/150 ml;
  • cleaning of plumbing – 1 m2/200 ml;
  • soaking - 1 kg of dry textiles/5 l;
  • immersion - the layer of liquid on top of objects must be at least 100 mm.

According to Alaminol's instructions, manicure instruments or medical products are disinfected in disassembled/opened form. Plumbing fixtures and moldy surfaces are treated twice. Fungal colonies from the walls are first cleaned.

According to the conditions of all modes of use, the object is treated with a disinfectant and an exposure time of 15–240 minutes is maintained (see instructions). After disinfection, the items are washed under the tap and the items are washed. Walls and floors are not cleaned with water.

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Side effects and precautions

The instructions prohibit working with Alaminol without skin and eye protection. Contact with a disinfectant causes lacrimation, pain in the conjunctiva, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes or epidermis. If the aerosol enters the respiratory system, it provokes coughing and other signs of irritation.

Instructions for the safe use of disinfectant:

  • work in moisture-resistant household gloves;
  • disinfected in a ventilated room or fume hood;
  • For soaking and immersion, use containers with tight-fitting lids;
  • when cleaning with brushes, cover the face with a protective screen;
  • After working with soap, wash your hands and face.

Upon contact with a disinfectant, wash the irritated area with running water. The skin is lubricated with cream and/or “Sodium Sulfacyl 30%” is instilled into the eyes according to the scheme in the medication instructions.

Terms and conditions of storage of disinfectants

The disinfectant is protected from dampness, precipitation, temperature changes, and sunlight.

Storage requirements for "Alaminol":

  • in a room with a positive air temperature of no more than +35 ºC;
  • in an area inaccessible to children, strangers, animals;
  • away from medicines, food raw materials, products.

The disinfectant is stored for no more than 12 months in carefully closed containers. Working solutions are used within 240 hours (1.5 weeks) from the date of dilution. According to the instructions, labels with the name, expiration date, and concentration are glued to the container.

Solutions or disinfectants with expired shelf life are diluted with water to a concentration of less than 0.05% and flushed down the drain.

Analogues of "Alaminol"

Equivalents include disinfectant detergents containing surfactants, glyoxal, and alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride. Apply according to the instructions of the disinfectant used.

Analogues of "Alaminol" in composition and indications:

  • "Lumax-Classic";
  • "Avestil";
  • "Aldosteril";
  • "Septosteril."

You can also replace it with the drug “Alaminol Plus” (NIOPIK company). The disinfectant contains a higher concentration of HAC and 2 types of aldehydes. Use according to instructions No. AP-26/08.

Storage conditions and periods

The antiseptic must be stored in a dry and dark room at a temperature no higher than 35°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. Do not expose it to heating equipment or direct sunlight. Failure to comply with storage conditions may lead to deterioration in quality and loss of disinfectant effect. The bottle with the concentrate must be tightly closed with a screw cap to avoid volatilization of chemically active substances. It should be taken into account that the product freezes at temperatures below -5°C, but after defrosting it retains its beneficial properties.

The date of manufacture and end use is indicated on the label on the back of the container. The shelf life of the drug is 1 year, subject to storage rules. A 1-10% solution prepared from concentrate can be used for 10 days.

Cost of the product

The concentrate is sold at points of sale of disinfectants and is available for purchase online on retail sites. Retail prices for “Alaminol” 1 liter start from 350 rubles. Wholesale customers receive discounts.

"Alaminol" is indicated for all types of disinfection, cleaning, and pre-sterilization cleaning. The disinfectant can be used against SARS-CoV-2. It contains a compound recommended by Rospotrebnadzor for the prevention of coronavirus (paragraph 5 of the letter with requirements for disinfectants).

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How to use?

Using Alaminol is quite simple. Carefully place the used instruments into a container with concentrated disinfectant, diluted to the required concentration, and leave them there for 1 hour. After this time, they should be removed, washed with water and dried thoroughly. This solution (preferably at a concentration of 1-2%) can also be used for surface treatment. This will help reduce the risk of developing fungal infections and other pathologies caused by pathogens.

Surfaces should be treated with the rags used for this purpose. Many manicurists note that after such treatment a special smell appears in the office, which they associate with cleanliness.


Alaminol solution is used in many beauty salons and manicure salons for treating instruments and work surfaces. Many owners of such institutions note that they like this product because it has a fairly affordable price and can be easily purchased. They also note that this drug can be stored for a relatively long time in a diluted state without losing its disinfectant properties.

There are also negative opinions about this product. Thus, some manicurists note that after regularly treating their instruments with this disinfectant, they notice a change in their properties. Therefore, they prefer to use alternative options for disinfecting manicure instruments.

This product is used not only in beauty salons, but also at home. Some women periodically sanitize their personal manicure tools in order to protect themselves from infection with dangerous germs. They note that using this product helps them feel more confident and not be afraid of getting germs during a manicure, even at home.

For information on how to properly disinfect manicure instruments using Alaminol, see below.

Precautionary measures

When working with concentrated liquid, it is imperative to adhere to safety precautions. The composition must not be taken orally. If this happens, you need to use activated carbon and drink plenty of fluids. The composition should not come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, as it can cause redness and irritation.

In this case, it is recommended to rinse off the product with water and soak the skin with moisturizer. If the drug gets into your eyes, you will need to rinse them under running water and then treat them with 2 drops of sodium sulfacyl.

Since the liquid is suitable for processing manicure tools, it is advisable to use a 5% or 8% solution. Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging. This is explained by the fact that for any chemical sterilizing drug it will be different.

Before diluting the concentrate, your hands should be protected with rubber gloves. When immersing a manicure tool in a disinfectant solution, it is recommended to use a container with a sealed lid.

If the rules for using the solution are violated, corrosion may appear on the metal surface. As a result, you will need to buy a new tool. The disinfectant should be stored separately from other medical compounds.


Instead of Alaminol, you can use its analogues, which are used for processing manicure equipment:

  • Anolyte is neutral. The liquid is colorless or transparent and has a chlorine odor. The composition copes well with the destruction of bacteria, viruses, and is also characterized by an anti-mold effect. It differs from Alaminol in that the finished solution can be used only once a day. If the composition remains, it needs to be poured out. The cost of the drug with a volume of 500 ml is approximately 245 rubles.
  • Virkon. Presented in the form of a high quality powder, which must be diluted with distilled water. It copes well with various bacteria and viruses. It is also used in medical institutions for the purpose of processing furniture, equipment, instruments and premises. For dilution, a 1% or 2% solution is often used. When prepared, the drug is stored for 24 hours. The price for 350 g of powder reaches 279 rubles.
  • Presept. Acts as granular tablets that need to be diluted with water. To do this, you will need to dissolve 1 tablet of 2.5 g in 2.5 liters of liquid. The diluted product can be stored in a hermetically sealed container for 5 days. The composition has a wide spectrum of effects, therefore it is suitable for eliminating various infections (for example, hepatitis B). The cost of the product reaches 1,385 rubles.

Similar compositions are inferior in properties to Alaminol. Therefore, the latter is considered the market leader.

Alaminol is used to maintain cleanliness and disinfection of manicure instruments. To do this, the composition is diluted in the required amount of water. Processing of instruments is required to ensure that no contamination occurs during the procedure.

Side effects of the solution

How to dilute Alaminol to disinfect manicure instruments is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions.

If the rules for diluting the concentrate are not followed, side effects may occur, in which case you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. If the product gets on the skin, irritation may occur, accompanied by redness. It is recommended to rinse the lesion with plenty of water and then treat it with an emollient baby cream.
  2. If the drug penetrates the eyeball, the eyes should be rinsed very quickly with warm water, and then a couple of drops of sodium sulfacyl should be instilled.
  3. Getting a disinfectant inside is dangerous. If this happens, you will urgently need to take from 10 to 20 tablets of activated carbon, washed down with up to 500 ml of water.


The concentrate is intended for effective performance of the following types of work:

  • Disinfection of surfaces in domestic and industrial premises;
  • Cleaning and disinfection of working instruments (medical, manicure, hairdressing, etc.);
  • For preliminary and general cleaning in hospitals, schools, preschool institutions;
  • To combat mold, various viruses and fungi;
  • Disposal of medical waste.

Alaminol perfectly resists infections, therefore it is an effective remedy during seasonal epidemics. There are no contraindications for the use of this concentrate.

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