Gymnastics for uterine prolapse: what exercises do Israeli gynecologists recommend?

Vaginal prolapse is positioned as a pathological condition of the female genital organs. The main cause of this disease is weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.

Recently, this disease has become younger. Thus, ten out of a hundred patients with such problems are under thirty years of age. About twenty percent of all cases are women aged 30 to 45 years. Moreover, not in every case the reason lies in the fact that the woman recently gave birth to a child. Thus, there are isolated cases where the disease affected young girls and even virgins.

Why does omission occur?

Prolapse of the vaginal walls looks like a visual and physiological change in the normal placement of internal intimate organs. At the same time, the muscles of the abdominal region and pelvic floor are weakened. This happens because too much pressure was recorded inside the abdominal area, which led to a deterioration in the elasticity of the ligaments. It turns out that they can no longer maintain the internal organs in their normal location. This means that a woman loses muscle tone and the vaginal tissue begins to sag downwards.

Common mistakes

Exercising the muscles of the pelvic organs will not cause any harm if there are no health problems. If you experience pain during Kegel exercises, you should definitely consult your doctor. If there are no contraindications from doctors, then you can safely continue to do exercises. Otherwise, you can only make things worse for yourself.

Another mistake is holding your breath. In this case, the person pulls in the stomach and pushes the pelvic muscles down. Holding your breath increases the pressure of the pelvic organs, which leads to the development of muscle dysfunction. You should breathe evenly and freely.

A mistake is working the wrong muscle group. When the lower abdomen or buttocks become tense. There will be no benefit from such exercises.

Irregular exercises and long breaks between sets of exercises do not produce results. Only constant implementation of the necessary loads on the pelvic floor will allow you to forget about the problems of urinary incontinence.

There are many reasons for the development of pathology:

  • Anomalies in the development of connective tissue may well be congenital,
  • Intra-abdominal pressure was excessively increased (respiratory viral diseases, constipation),
  • Birth complications (labor was too long, trauma to the vagina, the baby was quite large, obstetricians were forced to use forceps),
  • Sudden loss of body weight,
  • Too much physical activity
  • Surgical intervention to remove the uterus without subsequent fixation of the vaginal dome,
  • Age-related changes. After sixty years, prolapse of the vaginal walls affects quite a lot of women, because at this age the elasticity of the tissues gradually deteriorates.
  • Several births. If a woman gives birth two or more times, then the risks of prolapse of the vaginal walls become much higher.


Yoga is an effective addition to Kegel and Atabekov exercises. It pursues the same goals and strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor. Yoga classes will help improve the functioning of the reproductive and urinary systems and increase blood flow.

Types of poses used:

  1. Viparita karani. The point of using this practice is to position the body so that the uterus takes its natural place. Lie on the floor with a bolster or pillow to slightly elevate your pelvis. Place your outstretched legs against the wall at right angles to your torso. Stay in this position for 5 minutes. Repeat 3 times during the day. As the number of sessions increases, the supports are gradually removed.
  2. Boat. Sitting on the floor, lean your back so that it forms an angle with the floor of about 60 degrees, and raise your straight legs to the same angle. Stretch your arms forward. Maintain the position for 0.5 minutes, gradually increasing to 1 minute. It is important not to hold your breath, taking slow deep breaths and exhales. First, to simplify, you can use half the boat - legs bent at the knees.

Classes must be carried out patiently and regularly. The first results will not come instantly. The use of yoga at stages 1 and 2 of the disease and for prevention is justified.


! If a diagnosis of uterine prolapse is made, physical activity should be limited. You should not engage in jogging or fitness training to avoid worsening the situation.

Systematic exercise therapy will certainly bring benefits to women suffering from uterine prolapse if you perform the exercises correctly and follow other doctor’s recommendations.

How does the disease develop?

The disease is characterized by a rather slow pace of development at the very beginning and active progression, provided that it is not treated in time. In addition, this can lead to inflammatory processes.

The disease affects either the anterior or posterior wall of the vagina. However, it also happens that both walls go down at once. Practice shows that it is the prolapse of the anterior wall that is the most common. At the same time, in addition to everything, the woman’s bladder and urethra begin to descend. If the posterior wall of the vagina descends, parallel prolapse or even prolapse of the rectum begins. For this reason, the patient should be ready for a full examination by several specialists of different profiles at once, because this is the only way to achieve a complete recovery.

Kegel exercises

The goal of Kegel exercises is to train the lower vaginal muscles. One of them loops around the vaginal opening and urethra. By straining this bulbocavernosus muscle, you can contract the perineal wall and tighten the urethral sphincter.

The second muscle, when contracted, compresses the anus and vaginal walls. This muscle is larger, so it puts more strain on the back wall of the uterus.

Kegel exercise therapy is performed in any location. It is very effective, since you can practice several times a day without special conditions and devices.

  1. The beginning will be squeezing the anus and pulling it slightly upward. You should not perform the exercise until you become very tired, because the prolapse of the uterus may intensify. It is necessary to master the correct breathing technique: inhale smoothly through the nose, then exhale slowly. It is not necessary to synchronize the breathing rhythm with muscle contractions. The main thing is not to hold your breath. The abdominal press is relaxed and participates in breathing movements. The first exercises should not be too long. Gradually the time and number of repetitions increases.
  2. Interrupts. To clearly feel which muscles need to be tensed, you need to try to interrupt the process of urination. The stream of urine is stopped by the contraction of the bulbocavernosus muscle. You should try not to strain your gluteal and thigh muscles. Repeat stopping the jet 4 times. When the sensation of the desired muscle is established, contractions can be carried out without interrupting urination. Another muscle is determined by the contraction of the anus.
  3. Slow compressions. It is more convenient to perform lying down. Tighten and relax these same muscles. The duration of contractions only increases. There are several options:
  • hold in a tense state for 20 seconds (10 times);
  • squeeze, counting to 3, relax for the same time, etc. (15 times);
  • squeeze for 5 seconds, relax for 10 seconds. (7 times), squeeze for 5 seconds, relax for 5 seconds. (7 times), squeeze for 30 seconds, relax for 30 seconds. (3 times), repeat the first step.

Next complex:

  1. Floors. Tension of all layers of muscles, starting with the superficial and gradually moving to deeper ones. Start by slightly tensing the muscles, hold for 3 seconds, squeeze harder for another 3 seconds, and finally, tighten tightly for another 5 seconds. Relaxation is also done in three stages.
  2. Frequent contractions. Alternate tension with relaxation at the highest possible pace. As you inhale, tense, as you exhale, relax. It is allowed to do the opposite.
  3. Popping and flashing. It can be done while sitting, but for patients with uterine prolapse it is better to do it while lying on the floor. Having taken the starting position, you need to start pushing with medium effort. Repeat 10 times. Blinking is alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the vagina and anus.

There are video lessons online showing and explaining how to perform Kegel exercises and other therapeutic exercises for prolapsed uterus.

How to find out about prolapse and prolapse of the vaginal walls?

In the early stages, this disease does not manifest itself at all. The only thing a woman can pay attention to is pain during sexual intercourse. In addition, some heaviness and a feeling of increased pressure in the vulva may begin, after which inflammation, swelling of the vaginal opening, and unpleasant urination begins. Incontinence of urine, gas and feces may also be recorded. A nagging pain begins in the abdomen, and the lumbar region experiences increased stress.

Prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall is often accompanied by chronic cystitis due to stagnation of urine. The posterior wall brings a foreign object (fullness) feeling to the vulva.

Additional features

Physical activity has a positive effect on the entire body. Walking and physical exercise strengthen the entire body. It is recommended that you try to do squats that naturally tense and relax the target muscles. Squats will prepare a woman for childbirth, strengthen and enhance the elasticity of the birth canal. Stagnation of blood circulation in the small pelvis is prevented, which is especially dangerous and harmful when sitting for long periods of time.

Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence in older women help avoid uterine prolapse, which is a fairly common problem today. In addition, it will help restore the joy of communicating with people around you and going for long walks.

Diagnosis of the disease

Only a gynecologist can detect the disease in its early stages during an examination in a gynecological chair. The doctor can easily notice the walls protruding from the vagina. First, the gynecologist carefully adjusts them, and then assesses the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. After this, the patient is referred for additional examinations to determine whether there are additional problems.

Leading specialists in the treatment of uterine prolapse in old age in the North Caucasus

Ermolaeva Elvira Kadirovna A well-known and recognized specialist in the North Caucasus in the treatment of uterine and vaginal prolapse WITHOUT SURGERY, vaginal reduction with vaginal threads and treatment of urinary incontinence. Women who are exhausted by uterine prolapse and who want to improve the aesthetics of the genital organs and refresh intimate relationships come to her from women from all regions of Russia and foreign countries.

Ermolaev Oleg Yuryevich Candidate of Medical Sciences, operating gynecologist with 25 years of successful experience in treating uterine and vaginal prolapse, uterine prolapse in old age. Able to see relationships that elude others.

About the doctors of the Clinic in detail...

INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION of the reputation and achievements of the Women's Health Resort Clinic in the development and implementation of effective and safe treatment methods and the quality of medical services provided is the AWARDING of the Women's Health Resort Clinic in Pyatigorsk with the SIQS International QUALITY CERTIFICATE in the field of medicine and healthcare. International Socratic Committee, Oxford, UK and Swiss Institute for Quality Standards, Zurich, SWITZERLAND.

We accept girls and women from all cities of Russia, near and far abroad, and assist in accommodation. About accommodation in detail...

The resort clinic for women's health operates on a paid basis and in the voluntary health insurance system.

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Treatment of uterine prolapse in old age in Pyatigorsk by appointment by multi-channel telephone (calls within Russia are free), or +7 (928) 022-05-32 (calls from anywhere in the world).

WE HELP even in the MOST difficult cases.

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  • About the Clinic
  • Clinic team
  • Uterine prolapse REVIEWS
  • How to prepare for an appointment with a gynecologist?

Is it possible to get pregnant if the vaginal walls are prolapsed?

Vaginal prolapse is not a death sentence for women who want to feel the joy of motherhood. There are many examples where both young and older women could still give birth to a child after such cases. However, it is necessary to focus on the stage of development of the disease. So, if the disease is in the first stage, you can get pregnant and give birth to children even without prior surgery. If the disease is at the second or more stages, an appropriate operation must be performed. Only under this condition can a woman become a mother. Otherwise, the risk of uterine prolapse cannot be avoided.

It is also important that after surgery to restore the vaginal muscles, a woman will not be able to give birth on her own: the child will be born exclusively by caesarean section.

A set of workouts for men

Kegel exercises for men can be performed at any convenient time. No special conditions are needed. During training, you should try to squeeze your pelvic muscles as tightly as possible and hold them in this state for about five seconds. Then you need to relax. The set of exercises is repeated 10 to 20 times. To consolidate and enhance the effect, it is recommended to repeat two or three such approaches per day.

You can introduce elements of variety so that you don’t get tired of doing the same thing. Alternately squeeze and unclench the muscles of the anus. It is also possible to increase the rate of muscle contraction. Do compressions at the highest possible speed. After a short break, repeat again. Gymnastics for men prevents the occurrence of hemorrhoids and prevents blood stagnation in the pelvic organs.

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