What beneficial properties and contraindications does dogwood have?

Dogwood: benefits and harms, contraindications, medicinal properties for the human body, positive qualities for the elderly, recipes for cooking at home, use for the face and hair, reviews - these are not all the most frequent user requests in the search bar. The list of questions that arise for those who want to get maximum information about this valuable plant is not limited to those presented, because the berry, known since ancient times, has not lost its relevance to this day. Everything is explained by the rich vitamin and mineral composition and unique properties of dogwood, more detailed information about which is presented in the text below.

Dogwood (Cornus) is a member of the dogwood family

Where does dogwood grow and what does it look like?

Dogwood is a frost-resistant perennial shrub with an average height of three meters (the minimum is two, the maximum is five). The lifespan of one plant is, on average, two hundred years, of which the bush begins to bear fruit during the first ten and finishes yielding two to three decades before the end of its second century. The dogwood looks like this:

  • the trunk is tree-like in appearance;
  • bark – gray, wrinkled;
  • crown – round/pyramidal;
  • leaves are bright green, elongated, pointed, glossy, matte and light on the reverse side;
  • flowering occurs in early spring (in March) - with yellow umbrellas, before the leaves appear;
  • the fruits ripen for six months (more than two hundred days) - bright red, length no more than four centimeters, weight no more than eight grams;
  • the bone is oval in shape.

Not only bright red fruits will be the subject of conversation today, since the seeds, leaves, and roots of the bush also have beneficial properties. The taste characteristics of juicy pulp are expressed by the presence of:

  • sourness;
  • tart note.

Some consumers note the presence of a seed and the fact that the berry is astringent as disadvantages. Nowadays, varieties have been developed whose fruits are yellow, white, black and other shades. Places of growth are usually the following areas:

  • Central Asia;
  • Caucasus;
  • Crimean peninsula.

The heat-loving plant was originally found in the southern territories, but later breeders developed dogwood varieties that gardeners grow in many regions of Russia. By the way, Yandex Market has a large selection of dogwood seedlings. The main conditions for planting a plant are the following parameters:

  • moderate humidity;
  • abundance of precipitation;
  • the maximum temperature in summer should not exceed 35 degrees.

The garden crop is also found in the following regions:

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  • middle zone of the Russian Federation;
  • Moscow region;
  • Siberia;
  • Ural;
  • Krasnodar region, etc.

When selecting a variety for planting on your site, it is worth considering that the ripening of berries takes more than six months, so mid-season crops may not ripen before the first frost. This leads to the conclusion: if you live in the middle zone, it is better to opt for an early ripening variety.

The use of berries in cosmetology

The components of dogwood tree are a wonderful basis for creating skin care products. Nourishing masks are made from ripe fruits. Wash the berries thoroughly, dry them slightly or wipe them with a kitchen towel. Take out the bones. Pass through a meat grinder or blender. Mix thoroughly. Apply to a washed, steamed face and neck. Keep for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

It is advisable to make a nourishing dogwood mask once a week.

A useful product for strengthening hair is prepared in a similar way. Mix egg yolk and a little honey in a container. Add to berries and mix. The life-giving mask is rubbed into the scalp 2 times a month. They put on a headscarf. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with running warm water. The effect will appear after 4-5 procedures.

Thanks to the complex chemical composition of dogwood, the skin receives an abundance of beneficial components. She gets hydrated. Oily shine disappears. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out.

A medicinal decoction of chamomile flowers with dogwood pulp is used to cleanse the pores on the skin of the face.

It is prepared according to this recipe:

  • dogwood (200 g);
  • potatoes (1 medium size);
  • decoction of chamomile flowers (50 g).

The seeds are removed from the washed berries. Then the product is crushed with a blender. Add finely grated potatoes and chamomile infusion. Mix using a blender. The resulting paste is applied to a cleansed face. Keep for about 25-30 minutes. Wash off first with warm and then with cold water.

An anti-wrinkle mask is prepared from the following components:

  • dogwood berry pulp (30 g);
  • chopped banana (1 piece);
  • ground oatmeal (tablespoon);
  • starch (15 g).

Place the ingredients in a glass container and mix thoroughly. Leave for 15 minutes. Apply to problematic “islands” of skin. Wash off with ice water. The procedure can be done daily at the beginning and end of the day.

Calorie content and chemical composition of dogwood

The energy value of one hundred grams of fresh fruits is 45 kilocalories, which corresponds to 2.9% of the daily value, of which (grams/percentage of daily requirement):

  • proteins/1.00/1.2;
  • fat/0.01/-;
  • carbohydrates/9.00/4.1;
  • organic acids/2.0/-;
  • dietary fiber/1.50/7.5;
  • water/85.00/3.7.

The chemical composition of berries is presented in the table:

Vitamin/mineral/substance group One hundred grams contains micrograms Percentage of daily value, %
Thiamine 47,0 3,1
Riboflavin 24,0 1,3
Pantothenic acid 210,0 4,2
Pyridoxine 36,0 1,8
Folic acid 50,0 12,5
Ascorbic acid 25000,0 27,8
Tocopherol acetate 150,0 1,0
Phylloquinone 7,9 6,6
A nicotinic acid 166,0 0,8
Potassium 363000,0 14,5
Calcium 58000,0 5,8
Silicon 4000,0 13,3
Magnesium 26000,0 6,5
Sodium 32000,0 2,5
Sulfur 700,0 0,1
Phosphorus 34000,0 4,3
Chlorine 1200,0 0,1
Iron 4100,0 22,8
Iodine 1,2 0,8
Cobalt 1,0 10,0
Manganese 554,0 27,7
Copper 0,6 0,1
Molybdenum 15,0 21,4
Selenium 2,0 3,6
Fluorine 15,2 0,4
Chromium 1,2 2,4
Zinc 114,0 1,0
Omega six fatty acids 119000,0 2,5

Organic acids, of which there is no more than 3.5% in the fruits of the plant:

  • amber;
  • apple;
  • lemon

The composition of the fruit also differs by the presence of:

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  • tannins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • sugars (glucose, fructose);
  • flavonoids;
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • pectin substances.

The berries are low in calories, and thanks to the pectin compounds in their composition, they also speed up metabolism, so they are useful for those who want to lose weight or not gain weight.

Dogwood helps in the treatment of digestive system disorders, as well as in the fight against colds.

Features of the composition

Dogwood is an invaluable “storehouse” of vitamins, organic acids, essential oils and microelements that are vital for the full functioning of the body.

Dogwood composition:

  • vitamins – A, C, PP;
  • minerals - sodium, calcium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, manganese;
  • glucose, sucrose, fructose;
  • pectins and tannins;
  • tartaric, citric, succinic, malic and other organic acids;
  • tannins and carotenoids;
  • essential oils;
  • fibers of plant origin.

Tart fruits are real “record holders” for the content of ascorbic acid in an easily digestible form. Eating 3-4 berries daily helps saturate the body with the daily requirement of vitamin C, as well as other beneficial substances.

The calorie content of dogwood is only 44 kcal per 100 g of fresh product. This makes it easy for people who closely monitor their weight to consume the aromatic fruits.

Beneficial properties for the human body

The beneficial effects of the plant on the body are expressed by the following effects:

  • elimination of sudden surges in pressure/hypertension therapy;
  • reducing the number of glucose units in the circulatory system;
  • strengthens / extends to the walls of blood vessels and the immune system;
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • normalizing/metabolic processes;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • tonic;
  • bactericidal;
  • cleansing / extends to the intestines;
  • painkiller.

In fact, it is not only the berries that are useful in the bush, but the foliage of the twigs and the root part. The fruits are used in cosmetology and therapy:

  • diseases of the epidermis;
  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • anemia.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition explains the high immunostimulating ability of the plant's fruits. In some cases, the berries can be used as a therapeutic agent, but only after consultation with your doctor or therapist.

What is dogwood (fruit or berry)

Dogwood is a medium-sized shrub or tree, the plant height is about 2-3 meters. The fruits are small red berries that grow when the plant reaches ten years of age. The taste of the berries is slightly sour.

The plant can be found in rocky areas; most of the fruits are collected in the mountains, but they have learned to grow it in the garden. Since ancient times, berries have been recognized as a miracle cure for many ailments, significantly strengthening the entire body.

Benefit or harm for older people

With age, the blood vessels of the brain undergo changes, and in the absence of diseases that are contraindications, taking into account the daily norm, dogwood promotes:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • reducing arterial and venous pressure;
  • reducing the risk of developing rheumatism.

It is better for older people to use infusions. Harm to the body can be caused by failure to comply with the daily dosage or contraindications.

Dried dogwood is endowed with a large supply of vitamins and microelements necessary for humans

Beneficial properties of dried dogwood

By drying or drying you can preserve the properties of the berries for a whole year. Effects of exposure to dried or dried fruits:

  • improved appetite;
  • increasing immunity;
  • relieving symptoms of colds;
  • removal of toxins/occurs in case of poisoning;
  • elimination of heartburn;
  • normalization of arterial and venous pressure;
  • vascular strengthening effect;
  • pain relief.

Contraindications for use are the same as for fresh berries.

The benefits of dogwood seeds

Fruit seeds contain essential oils and are used in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. Whole ground berries can eliminate the symptoms of the disease within three days.

The effect on the body is expressed by the following effects:

  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • hemostatic.

It is permissible to swallow the seeds whole or grind them into a powder. Even if you don’t grind them, the gastric juice dissolves the hard cores of the fruits.

How to prepare an infusion or decoction of berries

For infusion, take 2 tablespoons of dry or 1 spoon of fresh fruits, put them in a container and pour boiling water over them, wrap them in a towel and leave for 6 hours to infuse the drink. Adults drink the prepared infusion throughout the day.

For the decoction you will need the same number of berries as for the previous recipe, but they are first boiled, after which the mixture is left for 30 minutes.

Benefits of dogwood root and leaves

The properties of the leaves are expressed by the effects:

  • diuretic;
  • astringent;
  • bactericidal;
  • choleretic.

The leaves can be used to make infusions or squeeze juice. Freshly squeezed juice from dogwood leaves helps relieve the symptoms of conjunctivitis. To do this, it is enough to drip two or three drops of the squeeze inside the eyes.

An infusion of leaves and twigs is used to treat metabolic disorders. The root is used in therapy:

  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism.

To prepare the infusion, you will need to pour two teaspoons of crushed root with two hundred milliliters of boiling water and boil for at least thirty minutes.

Original leaf tincture

The glossy plates of dogwood contain a huge amount of tannins necessary for the coordinated functioning of internal organs.

The tincture is prepared in the classic way:

  • pour boiling water (250 g) into 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves;
  • cover with a lid and a terry towel;
  • leave for 30 minutes.

Take the tincture after meals 3 times a day. Before starting treatment, be sure to consult a doctor. Otherwise, problems may arise.

Medicinal properties of dogwood

As mentioned above, the berry is a therapeutic agent. Let's now take a closer look at the benefits of the plant's fruits for a number of diseases.

For diabetes

The possibility of use in the presence of diabetes mellitus is currently a controversial issue. The fruits contain sugar in amounts ranging from ten to seventeen percent, which may not have a beneficial effect. There is evidence of a decrease in blood glucose and cholesterol levels from eating berries, which occurs due to other chemical substances. In any case, if you have diabetes, you should start consuming dogwood rich in vitamins only with the permission of an endocrinologist.

For hemorrhoids

In the presence of this disease, the pulp and seed are beneficial, so in this case it is better to eat the berry whole, after grinding it. The beneficial effect lies in rapid digestion and the following types of action:

  • bactericidal;
  • wound healing.

The effect of the fruit is expanded due to the essential oils contained in the seeds, so improvement occurs within two to three days from the start of intake.

For hypertension

The berry helps lower arterial and blood pressure and is used in the treatment of sudden surges in pressure. According to some sources, eating berries can reduce blood pressure and eliminate pain within a few minutes. This effect is not useful for hypotension, so if you have low blood pressure, it is better to avoid the fruit.

For a cold

Regular consumption of dogwood helps improve immunity and reduces the risk of illness during periods of vitamin deficiencies. Eating jam or berries mashed with sugar helps reduce high body temperature and eliminate cold symptoms.

For weight loss and dieting

The product's low calorie content and pronounced cleansing effect are useful in dietary nutrition. The presence of vitamins and minerals will allow you to lose excess weight without compromising your health, because often diets do not have the best effect on the condition of the body. Pectin compounds promote the removal of waste and toxins. Dogwood, in this case, is useful only in moderation, because it contains organic acids that can irritate the gastric mucosa. One hundred grams of dried product contains 209.0 kilocalories of energy, so you do not need to consume more than 10 pieces per day to avoid gaining excess weight.

Recommendations for use

The versatility of the berry is that it is useful in any form. Other parts of the plant are also used for medicinal purposes. For prevention and maintaining good health, it is enough to eat 100 grams of dogwood per day. During pregnancy and for any diseases, the permissible dosage is prescribed by a doctor.

Use of dogwood in folk medicine:

  1. For diabetes and anemia, it is recommended to drink 100 ml juice before each meal.
  2. To treat hemorrhoids, it is enough to eat 5-6 fruits a day.
  3. In case of indigestion, the fruits should be ground in equal parts with boiled chicken yolk and honey and eaten 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture per day or brew tea (2-3 berries per 200 ml of boiling water).
  4. For abscesses and headaches, dogwood infusions should be used externally as compresses and lotions.

For weight loss

Since the berry contains a small number of calories, its consumption promotes the process of weight loss . An auxiliary factor is the property of fruits to favorably influence metabolic functions in the body. The greatest effect is observed when “berry therapy” is combined with physical activity and proper nutrition.

To lose weight you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • Dogwood should be consumed before meals, 30 minutes;
  • do not eat fruits in the evening, so as not to cause insomnia;
  • prepare compotes, jelly and other desserts without sugar;
  • Do not overuse dried fruits due to their high calorie content.

Dogwood jam can be a healthy alternative to high-calorie sweets if consumed in moderation.

In cooking

Dogwood is widely used in cooking and is especially popular in Caucasian cuisine: the fruits are combined with meat and fish dishes, and included in desserts and baked goods. In Russia, various preparations for the winter are made from the berries: preserves, jams, jams, which serve as an effective preventative against many ailments, including influenza and ARVI.

Delicious and aromatic compotes are prepared from the fruits, combining them with other berries and fruits: apples, plums, sea buckthorn, strawberries, currants.

Recipes with dogwood at home


To prepare you will need:

  • dogwood/three hundred grams;
  • sugar/one hundred twenty-five grams;
  • water/one and a half liters.

Step-by-step diagram:

  1. Rinse the berries under running water.
  2. Place in a cooking container (a saucepan will do).
  3. Add water.
  4. Measure out sugar and add to water.
  5. Put it on fire.
  6. As it boils, cook for at least ten minutes.
  7. Remove from heat, cover with a lid.
  8. Leave for three to six hours to infuse.

Fresh fruit compote helps treat anemia


To prepare you will need:

  • dogwood/one kilogram;
  • sugar/one and a half kilograms;
  • water/one liter for blanching + 300 milliliters.

Step-by-step diagram:

  1. Sort the berries and remove any spoiled ones.
  2. Rinse under running water.
  3. Place in a saucepan, pour in cold water and leave for eight hours (overnight).
  4. After eight hours, put the water on the fire and bring to a boil.
  5. Place a portion of dogwood in a colander and submerge everything in boiling water for one minute.
  6. Repeat step 4 with all berries.
  7. Measure sugar into a saucepan and combine with three hundred milliliters of water.
  8. Put it on fire.
  9. As the mixture boils, add the blanched berries and cook for at least seven minutes. Be sure to remove foam.
  10. Remove from heat. Cool.
  11. Put it on fire.
  12. As it boils, remove from heat.
  13. Cool.
  14. Put it back on the fire.
  15. As it boils, turn off the heat and pour into sterilized containers and screw the lids on the jars.


To prepare you will need:

  • dogwood/one kilogram;
  • sugar/five hundred grams;
  • water/two hundred and fifty milliliters.

Step-by-step diagram:

  1. Sort the fruits and rinse under running water.
  2. Place in a saucepan.
  3. Add water.
  4. Put it on fire.
  5. As it boils, cook over low heat until the berries are completely cooked (ten to fifteen minutes).
  6. Cool.
  7. Place in a colander.
  8. Grind using a masher.
  9. Combine puree with sugar.
  10. Place on the fire and cook until desired consistency.
  11. Approximate cooking time is thirty minutes.
  12. Pour into sterilized containers and screw the lids on the jars.


To prepare you will need:

  • dogwood/five hundred grams;
  • sugar/three hundred grams;
  • water/one hundred milliliters.

Step-by-step diagram:

  1. Sort the fruits and rinse under running water.
  2. Place in a saucepan.
  3. Add water.
  4. As it boils, cook for seven minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and place in a sieve.
  6. Grind.
  7. Cook until thick: a spoon will leave a trace.
  8. Sprinkle with sugar.
  9. Cook for fifteen minutes with constant stirring.
  10. Pour into sterilized containers, screw the lids on the jars.

Dogwood tincture

To prepare you will need:

  • dogwood/five hundred grams;
  • sugar/fifty grams;
  • vodka/seven hundred milliliters.

Step-by-step diagram:

  1. Sort the berries and rinse under running water.
  2. Place in a colander.
  3. When excess liquid has drained, knead using a rolling pin.
  4. Place the fruits in a jar.
  5. Add vodka.
  6. Cover with a lid.
  7. Leave in a dry, ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight.
  8. Keep it for at least fifteen and no more than twenty days.
  9. Shake the jar every two to three days.
  10. Pass the tincture through cheesecloth.
  11. Measure and add sugar.
  12. Place the mixture in an airtight container (a jar with a lid will do).
  13. Leave in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, for five to seven days.
  14. If there is turbidity, pass through a layer of cotton wool.

Dogwood jam

Dogwood fruit jam, when properly prepared, does not lose the beneficial properties of the berries. It is important to know in which cases it can cause harm and in which it can be beneficial.

The jam contains:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins of all groups;
  • minerals and active components.

IMPORTANT: Fresh berries can be stored for no more than 12 days. Continued use may harm the body.

Among the beneficial properties are noted:

  • toning and strengthening the body;
  • increasing immunity;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • cleansing the bronchi;
  • eliminating intestinal problems;
  • antipyretic effect;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • increase in hemoglobin.

Jam is also an indispensable remedy for measles. Children from 3 years old can be given this delicacy as a powerful natural immunomodulator.

It is useful to prepare dogwood jam with seeds. When cooked, the seeds lose very few nutrients. This delicacy will bring the most benefit to people with diseases of the intestines, stomach, and pancreas.

Methods for making jam:

  • To maximize the preservation of beneficial substances, dogwood can be minimally subjected to heat treatment. To do this, wash the berries. You can use fruits with or without pits. Prepare syrup separately. Boil sugar in water for no more than 20 minutes. Place the fruits in jars and pour syrup on top in a 1:1 ratio. Then roll up the lid.
  • Cover the berries with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Leave for approximately 12-15 hours. Boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Boil this substance 2 times. Then transfer to jars and roll up.

Dogwood for face and hair

Tannins and antioxidants have a regenerative effect on the structure of the hair shaft and epidermis.

Hair care

A well-known fact is that it is impossible to regenerate damaged hair shafts, and the existing highly effective products on the market are only capable of creating an invisible film for a short period of time and leveling the scales, giving the strands a well-groomed appearance. Such shampoos, masks, balms contain chemical compounds, which are sometimes petroleum products or contain harmful foaming agents - sodium lauryl sulfate - can be addictive, and stopping the course leads to loss of effect.

You can give your hair a healthy look with cheap products from products that you can always find in the kitchen, and the correct selection of the composition, taking into account the type of curls and the problem, will help to avoid clogging the pores of the epidermis of the head. Homemade masks can enhance the growth of hair shafts and increase thickness by awakening dormant follicles.

Below is a detailed recipe for a hair mask with dogwood. You should not expect an effect from a single use or leave it for too long - the first result will appear after at least three weeks, and sometimes three months. You should not apply the nutrient every day - this will cause addiction and loss of effectiveness - one procedure per week and a course lasting no longer than eight weeks with a break of two weeks is enough. Then the procedures can be resumed.

Hair Mask

Suitable for use on all types of strands. To prepare you will need:

  • berry puree/two tablespoons;
  • white clay/two tablespoons;
  • flax seed oil/two tablespoons.

Preparation: Rinse the berries under running water, remove the seeds and mash to a puree consistency, add white clay, mix. Heat the oil in a water bath to forty degrees Celsius, add to the mixture of berries and clay, stir. The number of components can be adjusted depending on the length of the hair strands.

Application: Distribute through pre-washed and dried hair, avoiding the root zone. Cover your head first with a plastic bag, then with a terry towel. Keep for at least fifteen minutes. Wash off with water and shampoo, do not use a hairdryer to dry.

Result: Elimination of fragility, section, regeneration of the structure of the hair shafts, regulation of sebum production by the glands.

Dogwood in face and body care

Facial care

The first signs of aging begin to appear after twenty-seven years, from this time the epidermis begins to lose moisture, as aging processes begin in the body. With timely and proper care, you can delay the appearance of wrinkles by five to ten years. Expensive cosmetic procedures available in salons may not always be effective, because it is worth taking into account the aging mechanism - if it is collagen, then hyaluronic acid will not do anything in this case, and vice versa.

Compositions that can be prepared at home will cost much less, and the result will not be inferior to expensive salon care. The modern theory of preserving youth is based on the renewal of dermal cells by removing the hardened layer, so it is enough to follow the recommendations for the regularity and sequence of procedures:

  • once or twice a week;
  • cleansing, steaming, deep cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing.

The dermis should be cleansed, toned, and moisturized twice a day. Rich in vitamins and minerals, dogwood can be a good way to preserve youth.

Mask for the face

Suitable for caring for combination, normal, and oily skin types, the product is especially effective on the latter. To prepare you will need:

  • berry puree/two tablespoons;
  • chicken egg white/one piece;
  • starch/half a teaspoon.

Preparation: Rinse the berries under running water, remove the seeds and mash to a puree-like consistency, add the protein and starch whipped until fluffy, mix. It should not be a thick paste.

Application: Distribute over previously cleansed, steamed, scrubbed facial dermis. Leave for at least thirty minutes and remove with warm water.

Result: Removal of sebaceous shine, narrowing of pores, nutrition.

Biological description

Dogwood is a deciduous, multi-stemmed, unpretentious shrub. It grows in height up to 4-5 meters. The stems of young shrubs have a greenish-yellow tint; with age they turn gray and crack. The crown is dense. The leaves are entire, opposite, simple, green in color, shiny at the top, with appressed scattered hairs. It blooms very profusely and early, from about April or mid-March. The flowers are bright yellow. They are rich in nectar and are an excellent honey plant. From flowering to fruit ripening, it takes 5 to 6 months. The shrub is frost-resistant, but for the winter it is recommended to hill it up with higher soil.

The fruit is an oblong, pear-shaped or spherical drupe (depending on the variety) up to 3 cm in length and weighing 3-6 g. The color of the peel is also varied: red, pink, dark purple, light red, yellow. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour. The bone is hard, oblong.

Harm and contraindications of dogwood

The berry contains organic acids that can irritate mucous membranes, and its bright red color indicates a tendency to cause allergic reactions. There is evidence that the fruits are useful for diabetes due to their ability to reduce the number of cholesterol molecules in the blood, but it is better to consult a doctor first, because the chemical composition of dogwood contains sugars. Pediatricians do not recommend giving dogwood to children under three years of age due to possible disruption of the digestive system.

Use is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • individual intolerance;
  • insomnia;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • constipation (chronic);
  • ulcers;
  • gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy (also during breastfeeding);
  • children less than three years of age.

These diseases or features are a reason to refuse the berry or consult a specialist about introducing it into the diet.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

In order for dogwood-based preparations to be beneficial, it must be collected and prepared correctly and on time.


The fruits of the bush begin to be harvested no earlier than the end of August - beginning of September. Collection is carried out only in dry weather, in order to avoid rotting of the fruits. Fallen specimens can be picked up, but subject to strict selection. It is important to harvest before the beginning of October so that the fruits do not become rotten.


You can start harvesting foliage at the same time as picking berries or earlier. The main thing is that it is still juicy and green. By plucking the leaves earlier, you can help the trees become fully saturated with nutrients.


Flowers are collected during the flowering of the bush, before the formation of the ovary. At the same time, you can prepare the twigs. It is necessary to leave a sufficient number of flowers for pollination and further fruiting.


The roots are dug up before the first frost, immediately after harvesting. They should be immediately washed, dried and crushed.


How to store dogwood?

There are several ways to preserve the properties of the fruit/maximum period:

  • refrigerator/no more than twelve days;
  • freezer/no longer than a year;
  • drying/no longer than one year;
  • drying/not longer than one year;
  • grinding with added sugar/no longer than one year;
  • Sprinkling with sugar/no longer than six months.

Before placing the fruits in the refrigerator, they do not need to be washed; it is better to place them in an airtight container. Freezing allows you to give the berries a sweeter taste, and before putting the product in the freezer compartment, you need to prepare it:

  • Rinse;
  • dry;
  • Place in sealed containers.

Drying and drying allow you to store dogwood in a dry, ventilated area at room temperature, grinding - lower. The fruits can also be placed at the bottom of a storage container, covered with parchment paper and covered with sugar; this option allows you to store the product in conditions of low temperature and humidity (on the balcony, in the basement, in the cellar).

Can dogwood berries be consumed by pregnant women?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, consumption of the fruits of this garden crop is contraindicated. If you want to introduce such a product into your diet, the expectant mother should first consult with your local gynecologist.

At what age can it be given to children?

Compote with dogwood can be given to children over one and a half years old in the initial amount of no more than a teaspoon. In the absence of individual intolerance in the form of allergic manifestations, you can gradually increase it to one hundred milliliters per day. Children over two years old should not be given more than one fruit; they should start introducing it into their diet with half of one berry.

Possible disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract serve as a reason to postpone introducing a child to fruit at an older age - three years and older. Pediatricians do not recommend eating dogwood berries for children who are prone to allergies before the age of three due to the pronounced red color of the fruit.

How many dogwood berries can you eat per day?

To meet the daily requirement for vitamins and minerals, two hundred grams of fresh berries is enough. This amount is recommended by doctors; exceeding it can lead to digestive problems. Quantity restrictions (no more):

  • dried dogwood/10 pieces;
  • fresh berries/two hundred grams.

Widespread use of valuable fruit

Dogwood is often eaten immediately after harvest. Sweet and sour berries contain the maximum amount of valuable substances. The calorie content of the fruit is about 45 Kcal per 100 g of product. However, after heat treatment it increases to 210 Kcal.

To prevent various diseases, dogwood berries are used as:

  • lotions;
  • potions;
  • rinsing.

Doctors recommend eating about 1 glass of fruits daily to maintain immunity. They are most often used to prepare sweet compotes, jam, liqueurs, and wine. Added to various sauces that are used for fish and meat dishes.

At low temperatures, berries lose their valuable properties. Therefore, it is not recommended to freeze fruits in the refrigerator.

Studies have shown that dried dogwood contains more valuable components than fresh ones. As the fetus loses water, the concentration of minerals, acids and vitamins increases tenfold. In addition, the berries have an original tart taste.

The product is prepared in the usual way. The washed fruits are laid out on paper in a thin layer. Take it outside to a shaded, well-ventilated place. A high-quality product is obtained in the oven, heating it to a temperature of 65°C.

Dried dogwood is no less useful. Surely children will like it, because it is prepared on the basis of granulated sugar. The berries are first sorted, washed and dried. Then the seeds are removed. The pulp is covered with sugar, covered with gauze and left for 2 days. The resulting juice is drained, boiled, closed in jars or drunk immediately.

Mix equal amounts of sugar and water. Boil over moderate heat until the liquid reduces by half. Pour the syrup over the berries for about 10 minutes. The liquid is drained and the fruits are placed on a baking sheet. Place in the oven for 20 minutes. The maximum temperature should not exceed 70°C. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than six months. Used to strengthen the immune system during the cold season.


According to average statistics from various sites with customer reviews of purchased products, dogwood is recommended by 94% of satisfied consumers. The advantages are accessibility, productivity, lowering blood glucose levels, rapid reduction in blood and blood pressure, disadvantages are a sour note in taste, subtlety of planting, high cost. The average rating of 4.8 points out of a possible 5.0 indicates the benefits of the berry for the human body.

Irina, 35 years old

Four years ago I bought a dogwood to plant. I think the big disadvantage is that within the site it is necessary to have another variety of this garden crop. One plant, if you do not form a crown, can take up all the possible space on a summer cottage, from my point of view. The bushes have already begun to bear fruit and I am pleased with their productivity - if you buy fruits in such quantities as I collect, it will be very expensive. Despite the shortcomings, I still recommend purchasing and using it.

Yulia, 45 years old

Three years ago, doctors at the clinic advised my daughter to include dogwood in her diet to reduce blood glucose levels. We buy berries at the market during the season and store them in the freezer until the next harvest - that is, for a whole year. The whole family loves the taste. I recommend.

Maxim, 40 years old

I learned what dogwood is when I was vacationing in the south in the summer. When I arrived home, I found out that you can also buy it in the local area. I buy when the season comes. It doesn’t come out cheap, but my father noticed that a few berries sharply lowered his blood pressure, so he began freezing it for the winter. I recommend.


  1. Dogwood is a shrub, and its fruits, leaves, twigs and roots have valuable properties for the human body.
  2. The bones are useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  3. The fruits have a rich vitamin and mineral composition and are used for medicinal and preventive purposes.
  4. Organic acids present in the berries can irritate the gastric mucosa, so use for gastritis and ulcers is not advisable.
  5. Contraindicated for use during pregnancy, lactation and childhood less than three years of age.

The healing power inside the fruit

After cooking dried dogwood, there are a lot of seeds left. They are actively used to treat various ailments.

They have the following effects on the body:

  • astringent;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing.

One dogwood seed contains an abundance of essential oils. Due to this, the crushed product is used to prepare various decoctions. The drink is used in the treatment of blood vessels, burns and internal bleeding. It increases the body's ability to fight influenza viruses. Relieves chronic fatigue and stimulates the immune system.

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