Digestive system problems are becoming increasingly common among both adults and
General characteristics Do you think that all plantains are the same? You are deeply mistaken! Biologists talk about the existence of
What water is better to drink to maintain health 06/18/2018 What water is better to drink to maintain health
Is there a maximum water requirement? Why is water dangerous in large quantities? Let's figure it out together with
Melissa is an essential oil plant from the Lamiaceae family. This is a modest-looking perennial herb
When spending leisure time near bodies of water, remember the danger they pose for the unwary swimmer. After all
04/19/2019 Article Diet “Table No. 7” Diet “Table No. 7a” Diet “Table No. 7b” In therapeutic and prophylactic and
The acid-base balance of the human body is very important for health. Only at the optimal pH level (in
Sodium alginate in the classification of food additives goes under the name E401 and is a salt
The article was checked by specialists: Khozhenko O.V., chief physician of the SOVA clinic Taraskin T.A., surgeon of the SOVA clinic According to