The swamp is fraught with many natural resources, one of which is unique medicinal plants.
Food poisoning is a pathological condition that occurs as a result of consuming low-quality, spoiled foods contaminated
Diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities Diseases of the arteries most often manifest themselves as pain in the legs (the so-called intermittent
The norm is considered to be a general body temperature of +36 to +37°C. Periodic reduction to +35.5°C
Prevenar vaccine is recommended for the prevention of pneumonia in children and adults. Clinical trials of Prevenar 13
Among ophthalmological diseases, cataracts are considered one of the most dangerous for vision. She meets at
Gluten is a complex protein found in grain crops: wheat, barley, rye. He
The appearance of dubious spots on the skin, which sometimes itch and flake, is a serious reason to contact
People with diabetes require periodic urine tests, firstly to determine the presence of sugar
Complications of diverticulosis and prevention Diverticula are pouch-like protrusions on the intestinal walls. These formations in