Inhalation for wet cough with nebulizer and steam

Inhalations for wet coughs using a nebulizer, as well as steam, are widely used treatment methods due to their availability and effectiveness.

A wet (productive, wet) cough is a common symptom of a number of diseases of the respiratory system. It can be a sign of an acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, neoplasms of the respiratory system, lung abscess, etc.

Inhalation is an effective method of treating wet cough

Before starting treatment for a wet cough, you need to consult a doctor, undergo an examination and determine the cause of the development of this symptom. A qualified specialist will explain how to use a nebulizer for a wet cough in a child or adult, how to carry out the procedure correctly, and what other therapy methods can be used.

Sputum with wet cough

Before treating a wet cough in an adult, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory test of sputum to determine the nature of the disease. Tracheobronchial secretion may have a liquid, thick or viscous consistency. The presence of a large amount of mucus in it signals the presence of an allergic or cold-infectious process in the bronchi and lungs. The yellowish-green color of sputum, caused by impurities of pus, may indicate the development of bronchitis or pneumonia. The appearance of white, cheesy discharge during expectoration warns of the likelihood of a fungal respiratory infection, and clear, watery sputum usually accompanies viral infections or chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

It is important to know!

When treating a wet cough accompanied by sputum discharge, the use of antitussive drugs is contraindicated. By blocking the central or peripheral parts of the corresponding reflex, they lead to the accumulation and stagnation of a large amount of mucus, which is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Drugs for the treatment of wet cough are mucolytic agents. The group of modern effective mucolytics made on the basis of plant components includes Doctor MOM® syrup and Doctor MOM® herbal lozenges.

What is a nebulizer?

A nebulizer is a special device in which medicinal liquids are converted into drops. The latter, when they get on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx or lungs, penetrate inside and have a very good therapeutic effect.

What differences does this saline inhalation have? The nebulizer can be used by both the smallest children and the elderly. The thing is that when using this device you do not need to take a strong breath or adapt to its operation. Inhale when it is convenient for you. The medicine does not evaporate anywhere, but is located in a special tank.

The saline solution breaks down into small particles using a special compressor built into the device and powered by the network.

Inhalations for wet cough

A productive wet cough without fever can be treated with inhalations. These procedures, based on the inhalation of medicinal and biologically active substances, help reduce thickness and viscosity, more actively liquefy and remove sputum. To treat coughs, steam inhalers and nebulizers are used, to which special medications are added. Inhalations that help moisturize the mucous membrane help to quickly reduce pain, reduce the viscosity of sputum, eliminate spasms and relax the muscles of the bronchi. You can use Doctor MOM® Phyto ointment, which is locally irritating , distracting, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Nebulizer inhalation for wet cough

Children and adults are prescribed the same medications for nebulizer inhalations, but the dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient.

Compression and ultrasonic nebulizers are used; they can be used not only in a medical facility, but also at home. If your child often suffers from respiratory problems, it may be advisable to purchase a nebulizer for use at home.

Before inhalation, you need to make sure that the patient is not allergic to the active substance.

Nebulizer inhalations for coughs with difficult to separate sputum help to liquefy it and speed up its removal from the respiratory tract, and the procedure can be used by both adults and children. Such inhalations allow you to quickly deliver the active substance to the affected mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, promote the regeneration of tissues involved in the pathological process, and improve the general condition of the patient. Inhalations for wet coughs can increase the therapeutic effect of other medications.

The advantages of inhalation using a nebulizer include:

  • the ability to use medications that lose their effectiveness when heated;
  • the particles of the drug in the nebulizer are smaller in size than those during steam inhalation and are able to reach the bronchi and lungs;
  • a nebulizer allows you to accurately dose the drug and deliver the substance directly to the lesion;
  • When performing inhalation using a nebulizer, there is no risk of the patient getting burned, so the procedure can be prescribed even to infants (from 6 months).

Inhalations with Lazolvan: the drug is diluted with saline solution in a 1:1 ratio. The number of inhalations per day and the duration of the course of treatment are selected by the doctor depending on age and diagnosis.

Inhalations with Pertussin solution: 1 ml of the drug is dissolved in 3 ml of physiological solution (for 1 inhalation). Up to 4 procedures can be performed per day. The duration of treatment is usually 7 days.

Inhalations with Mucaltin: 1 tablet of the drug is dissolved in 80 ml of saline solution, after which the liquid is filtered. For 1 procedure, it is usually recommended to take 4 ml of solution.

If during inhalation the patient experiences nausea, headache, difficulty breathing and/or other unpleasant sensations, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

Inhalations with Furacilin: The drug has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect (it can also be used for steam inhalations), and is used for barking cough in adults and children. Furacilin (for children - 1 tablet, for adults - 2 tablets) is dissolved in 1 glass of boiling water and cooled to the desired temperature. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes for children and 10 minutes for adults.

Inhalations with mineral water: with a wet cough, nebulizer inhalations with Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki and other alkaline mineral water help well. Before carrying out the procedure, gas must be released from mineral water. For one inhalation, 4 ml of water is usually sufficient.

Nebulizer inhalations are recommended for children

Drink plenty of warm fluids for wet coughs

When answering the question of how to cure a wet cough in an adult, it is worth mentioning another necessary and effective method of treatment: drinking plenty of vitamins. During a cold, you should drink more liquid than usual to moisturize the mucous membrane and quickly thin the mucus. This can be warm mineral water, herbal decoctions, teas, fruit drinks, milk in combination with honey, etc.

How to do inhalation with saline solution?

To carry out medical procedures, it is still better to take saline solution at the pharmacy, because it is sold there in sterile form.

To eliminate a cough, you need to pour saline solution into the inhaler and deeply inhale its vapors. For severe coughs, medications can be added to the medicinal fluid.

For dry cough, the drugs “Berodual” or “Pulmicort” are prescribed. When it is wet, it is better to use Lazolvan, ACC, and Fluimucil. You can also add antibiotics to the saline solution: “Bioparox”, “Fluimucil”, etc.

We must remember the importance of temperature. For children under 3 years old, the saline solution should be no warmer than 30 degrees, for children under 5 years old – 40 degrees. From 6 years of age, you can use a medicinal liquid at a temperature of 52 degrees, and for adults - at 54 degrees.

For children under three years of age, inhalations can be done once a day, from 3 years of age and for adults - three times a day. The course of treatment will depend on the type of cough and the presence of complications, as well as on age.

Mucolytic drugs against wet cough

One of the remedies indicated for use for coughs with the discharge of viscous sputum is Doctor MOM® syrup. The components included in this medicine have a complex of therapeutic properties, due to which the syrup has the following effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Mucolytic;
  • Bronchodilator;
  • Expectorant.

For inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by an unproductive cough, the use of Doctor MOM® drugs helps reduce negative symptoms and restore the normal state of the bronchi and lungs. To avoid disruption of the discharge of liquefied sputum, expectorant herbal syrup is not recommended to be taken in combination with antitussive drugs, which are aimed at blocking the cough reflex, and not at treating cough.

Steam inhalation for the treatment of wet cough

Steam inhalations are the simplest and most accessible type; you don’t need to buy special devices to carry them out, although it is more convenient to carry them out using a special steam inhaler. Steam inhalations are not suitable for small children; children are recommended to inhale with a nebulizer.

Steam inhalations are most effective in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, larynx, trachea, since the particle size of the drug is at least 20 microns and does not reach the bronchi and lungs, settling on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

The most popular inhalation recipe for the treatment of wet cough: thoroughly wash and boil 3 large potatoes, drain the water and breathe steam over the potatoes for 10 minutes. Up to 4 procedures can be performed per day. The course of treatment lasts 3-7 days.

Nebulizer inhalations for coughs with difficult to separate sputum help to liquefy it and speed up its removal from the respiratory tract.

For wet coughs, inhalation with a baking soda solution helps a lot. To do this, 1 tablespoon of the substance must be dissolved in a glass of boiling water. The liquid should be cooled to the desired temperature and the steam should be inhaled for 5 minutes, covering your head with a towel. You need to inhale the steam through your mouth, exhale through your nose. It is not advisable to take too deep breaths, as this can provoke a coughing attack. 1-2 procedures can be performed per day. The duration of treatment for wet cough using this method is about 5 days.

For steam inhalations, you can use sea or mineral water. For inhalation with soda and sea salt, take 1 teaspoon of each substance, pour a glass of hot water, stir and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes.

An effective way to treat a wet cough is inhalation of a honey solution. To carry it out, 1 tablespoon of natural honey, preferably linden honey, is dissolved in a glass of hot water (but not boiling water). The duration of such inhalation is 10 minutes. You can do up to 4 procedures per day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

If you are not prone to allergies, you can perform inhalations with essential oils that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. With a wet cough, they help relieve swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. To do this, add 5 drops of pine, fir, lemon, spruce, eucalyptus or juniper oil to 500 ml of boiling water. The procedure is carried out for 5-10 minutes. If during inhalation the patient experiences nausea, headache, difficulty breathing and/or other unpleasant sensations, the procedure should be stopped immediately. You can do 1-2 inhalations per day. The course of treatment is about 5 days.

Steam inhalations are not suitable for small children; children are recommended to inhale with a nebulizer.

For a wet cough, the following recipe may be useful: the peels of 2 oranges are crushed to a paste, poured with 1 glass of boiling water. Add 10 drops of fir oil to the liquid. Inhalation is done for 10 minutes 2 times a day. Therapy lasts 6 days.

Inhalation with garlic and soda helps with wet coughs. To carry it out, you need to chop 1 head of garlic, pour 1 cup of boiling water over the resulting mass, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Breathe steam up to 3 times a day, the course of treatment is a week.

Remedy for a severe cough: dried mint (2 tablespoons) is poured with water (2 cups), brought to a boil, removed from heat and 2 crushed cloves of garlic are added to the liquid. The product should be cooled to the desired temperature and the steam should be inhaled for 20 minutes. Such inhalations are done up to 3 times a day for 10 days.

A good remedy for respiratory diseases that are accompanied by a wet cough is inhalation with an infusion of chamomile and sage. For 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials, take 1 glass of boiling water. You should breathe over the finished product for about 7 minutes.

The most popular medicinal herbs for inhalation are peppermint, chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, and thyme. These plants can be used individually or in a mixture. To prepare a solution for inhalation, pour 1 tablespoon of the herb into 1 glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, boil for several minutes, then leave for 1 hour.

Basic rules for inhalation with a nebulizer

Wash your hands thoroughly.

2. Assemble the nebulizer.

3. Prepare the medicinal substance and heat it to the required temperature.

4. Pour the solution into the nebulizer cup.

5. Close the device tightly and attach a face mask, mouthpiece, or nasal cannula.

6. Connect the nebulizer to the compressor.

7. Turn on the compressor and begin to inhale the medicine.

8. After completing the procedure, turn off the compressor and disconnect the device.

9. Wash all parts of the nebulizer with a 15% soda solution.

10. Boil everything for 10 minutes.

11. Dry the components of the device and store them in a clean cloth.

Carrying out the procedure for a runny nose

Inhalation with saline solution can be performed even on newborn children. Once on the nasal mucosa, the medicinal liquid softens it and promotes the removal of mucus. If you have a runny nose, the procedure should be done every 4 hours. Treatment should be started at the first manifestations of the disease; if the disease has been going on for several days, saline solution will not help. The use of medications will be required.

You can add various essential oils, for example, pine needles, eucalyptus, to inhalation with saline solution. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice is also used. But all these means must be used with caution. Very often they cause allergies.

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