Phytocandles (for ears) candles No. 2 (traditional) (Reamed/Russia)

What causes noise, humming and whistling in the ears, what to do with them if they poison your life, and in general - is it dangerous? How to determine the cause and is it possible to get rid of unpleasant hearing sensations forever?

I don't want to hear it!

We have already written about tinnitus - noise, hum and/or whistling in the ears, as a sensation of unknown etiology, without an external sound source (see the articles “...Do you hear it too?” and “I hear a ringing, but I don’t know where it is” ). In short: perhaps each of us has encountered such phenomena at least once in our lives. For most people, the ringing goes away quickly, leaving no unpleasant consequences or memories. But sometimes an annoying symptom occurs so often and lasts so long that it forces you to see a doctor. And it is right! To begin with, you can make an appointment with a local therapist, an ENT specialist, or better yet, directly with an audiologist at a specialized medical center.

Detailed examinations (including MRI, CT, ECG, blood tests, etc.) will help identify the true cause. It is not always subjective, that is, true tinnitus. There is a high probability of detecting very real diseases.

Vascular problems

Most often they arise due to compression in the cervical spine - let’s say “thank you” to the lack of mobility, long hours of working at the computer, relaxing with a smartphone in hand. But there may be other reasons: cerebrovascular accidents, rapid pulse, high or low blood pressure. And this, in turn, is also a symptom. It’s just that there are no big deviations from the standard 120/80 and 110/70.

Treatment then will consist of removing blocks and clamps in the neck from a neurologist, orthopedist, chiropractor, normalizing blood pressure, etc.

By the way, one of the signs (not mandatory, do not engage in self-diagnosis, doctors warn, just take note and pay attention to the specialist at the appointment) that noise, humming and whistling in the ears are associated with blood vessels, if they have a pulsating nature, which coincides with the heart rate abbreviations.

But there can also be very dangerous conditions! For example, tinnitus is one of the first, early signs of a stroke. If you have time to consult a doctor, the destructive effect on the body can be prevented or smoothed out.

Instructions for use of ear candles

Phytosuppositories are a medicine that must be used exactly following the instructions, otherwise the candle may cause more harm than good. The course of treatment is 5-6 weeks. Step-by-step instructions for using candles are as follows:

  1. Lie on your side.
  2. Using baby or moisturizing cream, briefly massage the ear. The pressure should be light and gentle.
  3. Light the end of the stick free from foil.
  4. After establishing uniform burning of the flame, insert the opposite end of the candle strictly vertically into your ear.
  5. When the flame reaches a special mark, carefully remove the stick and extinguish it in water, try to act quickly.
  6. Clean the ear skin with a cotton swab moistened with water.
  7. Do the same manipulations with a dry stick.
  8. Cover your ear with cotton wool for 4-8 hours.
  9. Carry out the same actions with the other ear after 10-15 minutes, even if the symptoms of the disease appear on one side.

From traffic jams

To cleanse the ears of wax, it is recommended to use candles daily. It is better to carry out the procedure at night, do not get up for at least 20 minutes after the end of the manipulations. It is recommended not to go outside for about 10 hours and not get your hair wet. If the plug does not disappear or there is no improvement in the condition after several sessions, contact a specialist.

For children

Children's suppositories differ from their adult counterparts in diameter, so when treating a child, buy a drug with o. The diameter of the ear canal of a small patient must match the size of the medicinal suppository. The baby should not be afraid of fire, show anxiety or excitement. If the child did not tolerate the first procedure well, abandon this method of treating the disease.

For ear cleaning

Use candles to clean your ears 2-3 times a week. If there are no ear plugs, there is no need to use the product daily. Depending on your health condition, choose candles with certain additives. Follow the instructions for use exactly and handle fire carefully. It is necessary to carefully remove all dirt without immersing the cotton swab deeply.

For otitis media

Before treating otitis with phytosuppositories, you must consult a doctor to avoid negative complications and consequences. For this disease, the treatment procedure is carried out every other day. The instructions prohibit the use of suppositories during purulent stages of otitis media. If you notice a worsening of the symptoms of the disease, discontinue this method of treatment without delay.

Development of otitis media

Adults rarely turn to an ENT specialist for otitis, they prefer to warm the ear, drop drops, after reading advice from the Internet, but this may not eliminate the disease, but drive it into a chronic form, only by relieving acute attacks. Otitis is considered a childish, even infantile problem, and not many people think about it when they hear tinnitus. But as soon as old inflammations are treated (by the way, tympanometry, a fast and affordable modern diagnostic method, can help detect them), hearing perception is restored.

Action provided:

Natural components of ear phytosuppositories provide anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects without side effects. The phytotherapeutic effect is achieved by a combination of natural soft heat and vacuum therapy when burning a candle, which leads to easier nasal breathing and improved hearing, promotes the natural removal of sulfur plugs, improves blood microcirculation in this area, acts as a wonderful general sedative, improves sleep, and anti-stress. Treatment can be successfully carried out at home.

Nervous system diseases

There are a lot of them! This includes multiple sclerosis, meningitis, epilepsy, and a consequence of age-related changes (such as Parkinson's disease)... Dozens of diagnoses, many of which are very serious, but they still need to be made. Noise, humming and whistling in the ears are therefore important symptoms. If they bother you or your loved ones, and the therapist or other specialist to whom you turned for help “waves it off”, saying that it’s tinnitus, a sound for no reason... perhaps you should first look for a more meticulous doctor. There is always time to decide that the sounds come from nowhere and are harmless.

By the way, frequent stress and overwork lead to problems with the nervous system. Maybe before you get an appointment, you should try to at least get some rest? Take a time out, be quiet and in nature. If the intrusive sounds disappear at this time, you are on the right track. Stress less and rest more. You can ask your doctor to prescribe sedatives, but this is not necessary.

Properties of the components of ear phytocandles:

Beeswax (Cera) is a product produced by bee glands and is necessary for bees to build honeycombs. It is known that wax contains more than 300 components. The bactericidal, softening, vitaminizing and anti-inflammatory properties of wax have been proven. Due to these properties, wax is widely used in the manufacture of creams, ointments, and ear candles. Slowly absorbed, the wax creates a protective layer on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, from where the active substances enter the bloodstream for a long time. When heated, beeswax is mixed with other components of phytocandles and serves as a conductor of biologically active substances to the organ of hearing and related tissues.

CO2 extract of Siberian fir (Abies siberica Ledeb) – fir needles that contain ascorbic acid, essential oils, organic acids, borneol, pinenes. It has a blood purifying and analgesic effect. It has an irritating and distracting effect, helping to relieve pain and speed up the healing process. Ascorbic acid enhances local anti-infective immunity. Helps increase the body's defenses. Propolis (Propolium) is used in folk and official medicine due to its bactericidal, antiviral, fungicidal (antifungal), antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. Propolis effectively prevents the development of inflammatory processes and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

The effect of using phytocandles is achieved through a combination of heat and vacuum therapy (these effects appear when the candle burns), which leads to easier nasal breathing, improved hearing, relief from headaches, helps remove wax plugs, activates blood circulation in the ear area, normalizes sleep, relieves increased anxiety.

Indications: • diseases of the ear, throat, nose of an inflammatory nature (acute and chronic rhinitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis); • inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis); • ear wax plugs; • tinnitus, some cases of hearing loss; • dizziness, headaches, migraines; • neuritis of the auditory nerve, otosclerosis; • sleep disorders; • states of stress, nervousness, irritability; • increased physical and mental stress.

Incorrect fitting of hearing aids

As a rule, in this case, a person is bothered not so much by noise or hum, but by whistling in the ears. Fortunately, the problem can be solved with proper configuration. And in the Signia line, for example, there are hearing aids with a tinnitus masking function.

Did you know that if a hearing-impaired person has been bothered by extraneous and causeless sounds for a long time, then often it is after setting up the devices that the unpleasant sensations either soften or go away completely. Isn't that right for you? Tell your audiologist about this.

Medicinal properties

Some specialists in the field of otolaryngology are categorically against this type of product. Despite this factor, candles are popular with many consumers. Let's consider what properties the medicinal suppository has:

  • The ears, throat and nose are interconnected. Even a child knows about this. For this reason, ear candles can act and fight not only diseases and pathologies of the ears. For example, suppositories are prescribed to remove copious amounts of mucus in the sinuses, which is especially important for sinusitis;
  • Due to the abundant accumulation of wax in the ears, discomfort occurs. This includes significant hearing loss and extraneous sounds in the ear. A candle can cope with this problem by dissolving the sulfur plug and completely removing it;
  • If the patient has inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, suppositories will also help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. As you know, this pathology is characterized by pain that radiates to the head. When the ear is warmed up with a candle, the pain subsides and helps reduce the inflammatory process;
  • Some active ingredients, such as medicinal herbs, can eliminate pathogenic microflora and disrupt the activity of harmful bacteria. Suppositories based on oils, herbs or propolis can destroy pathogenic microflora, thereby accelerating the healing process;
  • Suppositories are also effective for otitis media. They have a warming effect and prevent the inflammatory process. If you use the suppository in time, you can completely avoid the development of ear inflammation.

Benign or malignant tumors

They can be localized in the ear canal, different parts of the inner ear, affect the brain... They are detected on CT and MRI. Correcting the problem may require surgical removal and serious treatment afterwards.


All this is not a complete list of possible causes of noise, humming and whistling in the ears. This is why diagnostics are needed to determine the true one. But you have to be prepared and understand that this doesn’t always work out right away.

And sometimes the cause of tinnitus cannot be found; whistling, ringing and humming can simply be heard by a person, but have no further effect on health. This also happens. However, there is no need to despair. Correction of true tinnitus is multifaceted: from working with a psychologist and taking sedatives to specially designed auditory perception training, when as a result a person stops noticing whistling and other unpleasant sounds in the ears.

Terms of use

Suppositories for ear treatment can be purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made form, but the effectiveness of such drugs is largely determined by the correct use of them.
Without reading the instructions for the drug, you should not use it to treat otitis or sinusitis. The instructions for ear phytocandles describe the basic rules for using products at home:

  • Before the treatment procedure, you should prepare a towel, a glass of water, ear sticks, and baby cream;
  • the patient is asked to lie on his side so that the sore ear is on top, and put a protective plastic cap on his head;
  • Next, you need to lightly massage the outer part of the ear using baby cream, cover your face with a cloth with a slit for the ear;
  • upon completion of the preparatory manipulations, proceed to the actual treatment: set fire to the upper part of the wax product, placing the foil against the outer part of the ear canal;
  • when the candle burns down to the foil, the patient will begin to feel warmth;
  • at the end of burning the ear candle, remove its remains and the softened wax plug using an ear stick;
  • at the end of the procedure, the patient should cover the ear with a towel for a quarter of an hour to retain the healing heat from the wax candle.

Important! Ear suppositories can only be used if the patient does not have pus coming out of their ears.

The dosage and duration of use of such drugs are also indicated in the manufacturer's instructions, but can be adjusted by the attending physician based on the clinical picture of the disease.

Form of the diseaseDosage and duration of treatment
AcuteOnce every 4 days for 2 weeks
ChronicOnce every 3-4 days for a month
Prevention2-3 times a month


Drops for removing wax plugs from the ears are the gentlest and safest remedy for people of any age. There are medications even for children from birth. The only limitation to the use of such a remedy is the violation of the integrity of the eardrum. There are several of the most popular drugs that are extremely easy to use and effective in most cases. When an accumulation of wax appears in the ear, you should pay attention to the following compounds:

  • Remo-Vax - these drops are capable of dissolving even fairly hard caked plugs that are not susceptible to other drops. In this case, the plug is released in parts without any damage to the ear tissue. Using the drug is completely painless and does not cause any discomfort. The main composition of the drops is penetrants, which quickly dissolve dead skin particles in the plug and dilute the sulfur. The drug also contains substances that help to thoroughly moisturize the ear canal and wash out particles of plug from it. There are no aggressive components or antibiotics in the drug, which makes it safe and mild;
  • Vaxol - these drops not only help dissolve the wax plug, but also prevent its reappearance. The main composition of the drug is medical olive oil, which not only softens and removes the plug, but also moisturizes the ear canal, and also softens the tissue, restoring the proper functioning of the glands that produce sulfur. It will take at least 5 days to use such drops for a traffic jam. For prevention, it is enough to use the product 2-3 times a week. One bottle of the drug is enough for 200 instillations;
  • A-Cerumen - drops that carefully remove plugs and are suitable even for small children. For adults, this medicine will also be useful if a lump of sulfur appears. Dissolution of the foreign body occurs due to the presence of surfactants in the composition. The drug also has a moisturizing and softening effect. Using the product, like other drops, is easy.

It will take some time to remove the plug using drops. The cork cannot be removed with drops in one day. On average, it takes from 2 to 5 days to achieve a therapeutic effect. Every day, once or twice a day, depending on the instructions, drops are placed in the ear and left for 3 minutes or more, in accordance with the instructions for the drug. During this time, the patient should lie on his side with the blocked ear facing upward. After the required time has passed, you should apply a piece of clean cotton wool to your ear and stand up, tilting your head towards the dripped ear. Drops containing parts of the dissolved plug will flow out. Several such procedures will help clean the ear canal completely. If you are prone to the formation of traffic jams, it is useful to use drops for prevention. Often, drops in the ear to dissolve wax plugs can also be prescribed to care for the ears of infants.

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