23rd week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and the expectant mother, photo, ultrasound

It is important not to confuse training contractions with signs of a threatened miscarriage. False contractions of the uterus should not normally be accompanied by pain. These spasms begin suddenly and end just as suddenly, without negatively affecting the well-being of the pregnant woman. If contractions become more frequent and become painful, you should immediately contact an ambulance.

Increased uterine size

By week 23, a woman’s uterus increases in size and rises 4 cm above the navel. The female organ is already putting pressure on the diaphragm, so at this time pregnant women may experience breathing problems. It is difficult to take a deep breath, breathing becomes shallow and intermittent.

In addition, in some cases, uterine tone may appear. It can be caused by various factors: lack of progesterone, severe toxicosis, Rh conflict, inflammatory processes. If signs of uterine hypertonicity occur, an urgent consultation with a doctor is required.


At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother, who cares about the health of her child, should regularly visit the gynecologist and monitor the risk of developing infectious diseases.

If suspicious discharge appears that has an unnatural color (bright yellow, green, dark brown), an unpleasant odor and an unusual consistency (with mucus and other inclusions), then you need to tell the doctor about it and take a smear.

Such symptoms indicate poor health of the mother and can threaten pregnancy.

If the mother notices spotting, as during menstruation, then without any hesitation it is necessary to urgently call a doctor at home. This means that there is a threat of termination of pregnancy; it can only be saved with timely hospitalization.

Interesting Facts

Time from conception21 weeks
Period by month23 weeks
What month6
Dimensions and weight of the fetus295 mm, 500 g
Uterus dimensions1-2 cm above the navel or at its level
Pregnant weightGain from the beginning of pregnancy is 4-7 kg; over the last week no more than 400-500 g

Your baby is the size of


295 mm Size

500 g Weight

Starting from the 23rd week, the growth of the fetus rapidly accelerates, only over the next month its weight will double. As the uterus enlarges, some unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy intensify, and the surge of strength that appeared at the beginning of the 2nd trimester begins to wane. What else happens to mother and baby at this stage? Let's find out together, but first let's look at the calculations:

  • 23rd week of pregnancy - what month?

    You are almost 6 months pregnant. To simplify calculations, there are exactly 4 weeks in an obstetric month.

  • From menstruation or from conception?

    The 23rd obstetric week corresponds to the 21st week of the embryonic period.

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All texts for pages about mother and baby were kindly provided by RAMA Publishing - these are chapters from the book by Svetlana Klaas “Your Favorite Little Man from Conception to Birth”, reviewer Irina Nikolaevna Kononova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).

Feelings of the expectant mother

At 23 weeks of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is located approximately 4 cm above the navel. Due to the pressure it puts on the diaphragm, pregnant women experience breathing problems: it becomes shallow and shortness of breath occurs. As the uterus grows, the load on the spine increases, so you may experience back and lower back pain. Do exercises for pregnant women and wear a support bandage.

Among other unpleasant symptoms of the 23rd week of pregnancy, we note:

  • Swelling in the legs. Be sure to inform your gynecologist about them. If the swelling is minor, there is no need to worry. Rest and a contrast shower will help remove it. Severe swelling requires medical supervision.
  • False contractions. It is believed that in this way the uterus prepares for childbirth. Suddenly, a woman feels a tightening in her lower abdomen, and the pain can radiate to the lower back. The sensation lasts no longer than minutes and goes away on its own.
  • Itchy skin on the abdomen. Occurs due to the fact that the epidermis is stretched. Moisturizing creams and lotions will help.
  • Digestive problems: heartburn, flatulence, constipation. To alleviate your condition, be sure to include vegetables, fruits and whole grain cereals, prunes and dairy products in your diet.

Possible dangers and problems

A danger that can await a woman at any stage of pregnancy is excessive physical stress,

as well as
. In the second trimester, this does not affect the pregnant woman’s body as much as in the first and third trimesters, but this fact should not be overlooked, especially if the doctor talks about the threat of miscarriage.


, carried by a pregnant woman, can also have a negative impact on the fetus and on the expectant mother herself. Therefore, you need to monitor changes in your condition, discuss them with your gynecologist and strictly follow all recommendations.

Weight gain

- a completely natural process, but it can become a problem for a woman, as the load on the lower back and legs increases. In order to facilitate the process of bearing a baby, a gynecologist may recommend wearing a prenatal bandage in order to redistribute the load on the musculoskeletal system.

Swelling can also bother a woman

, which arise due to the enlargement of the uterus and its increasing pressure on surrounding organs and vessels. Reducing the amount of salt, as well as lingonberry fruit drinks, can reduce the appearance of edema. You can raise the foot end of the bed so that the pregnant woman’s legs are higher than the level of her head, which will promote better blood flow from the lower extremities and, accordingly, reduce swelling. In any case, you need to discuss this with your gynecologist.

It is worth noting that the second trimester is a period when a woman feels relatively comfortable. There is no longer toxicosis and possible migraines, and the stomach is not yet too big to move freely.

Fetal development at 23 weeks

The baby already weighs about 500 g. His height is 29.5 cm. Now he constantly makes breathing movements, swallowing amniotic fluid. This causes hiccups. And mom knows about this, feeling slight tremors in her stomach.

Fingers become longer and nails appear. They will grow throughout further intrauterine development. To prevent the newborn from being injured by them, pediatricians recommend wearing special anti-scratch “mittens.” The skin of the fetus looks somewhat saggy. This is because now subcutaneous fat does not keep up with the rate of its growth. Blood vessels are still visible through the thin skin.

As long as the size of the uterus allows, the baby moves his legs and arms, grabs the umbilical cord, pushes off the walls and turns over. He hears not only your voice, but also all the sounds around him. Harsh ones scare him, but his mother’s always calms him down. Fetal movements may be a response to your stroking or addressing it.

What might be a concern?

Possible physical ailments during this period do not appear in every pregnant woman, but are typical points that may bother you over the next month.

Fatigue and malaiseYou may feel drowsy and want to do nothing. Considering how many months this is, we can conclude that the woman has become tired of the usual rhythm of life, and it’s time to change it. You need to listen to yourself and rest as much as your body asks.
Change in taste preferencesNausea and vomiting are far behind, but new eating habits can resume with renewed vigor. You should not ignore these signals; with their help you can understand what the pregnant body currently needs.
Breast enlargement and the appearance of colostrumThe mammary glands are actively preparing to produce milk. Special underwear that supports the breasts will help cope with pain. During this period, colostrum may be released, which is quite normal. To prevent breast discharge from causing discomfort, you can use special absorbent pads in your bra.
Frequent urinationThis feature can accompany you throughout pregnancy, but becomes especially pronounced by the sixth month of gestation. The enlarging uterus constantly puts pressure on the bladder, which is why frequent urges occur. If pain occurs when urinating, you need to inform your doctor about this - perhaps this is the beginning of cystitis.
Increased gas and bloatingAs the uterus grows, it begins to move the intestines. In addition, the amount and composition of digestive juice also changes. This leads to bloating and increased gas, a feeling that the stomach is pulling. As pregnancy progresses, situations may arise where it is impossible to hold in gases. If you have this problem, you need to review your diet and exclude trigger foods: legumes, cabbage, mushrooms, carbonated drinks and fried foods.
InsomniaThe female body begins to prepare for the sleep format that will be optimal after childbirth. Sleep becomes intermittent, sensitive, the woman wakes up due to the baby’s kicks or disturbing dreams.
ConstipationA tendency to constipation may occur in a pregnant woman under the influence of hormonal levels. You need to ensure that you have bowel movements every day; if there is no swelling, at least add 1-2 glasses of clean water during the day. For the work of smooth muscles of internal organs, incl. and intestines, moderate physical activity (breathing exercises, swimming, walking) is important.
HeartburnThe symptoms of heartburn increase markedly as pregnancy progresses. This is influenced by both hormones and the enlargement of the uterus, which presses the stomach against the diaphragm. To reduce the symptoms of heartburn, it is important to remove fresh bread, fatty and fried foods from your diet. Be sure to report your symptom to your doctor.

Tests and ultrasound

In the second trimester of pregnancy, you should regularly visit a gynecologist once every 2 weeks. Before each visit, you will need to take a general urine test in advance. The most important indicators in it are the presence or absence of protein and leukocytes. They can be used to judge the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, as well as timely diagnose preeclampsia during pregnancy.

A typical gynecologist appointment necessarily includes:

  • weighing,
  • blood pressure measurement,
  • measuring the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference,
  • listening to the fetal heartbeat.

Ultrasound at week 23 is performed only according to indications: if placental abruption, fetal freezing and other complications of pregnancy are suspected.

Body changes and new sensations for women

At the end of the second trimester, a woman may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as symphysitis during pregnancy.
Its symptoms may be the following: severe swelling in the symphysis (pubis), pain in the groin, pubic bone, tailbone, sharp pain when changing the position of the body (it becomes simply impossible to raise a straight leg in a lying position). The cause of symphysitis is excessive softening of the symphysis pubis. The softening of bone tissue itself is a completely natural process during the period of waiting for a baby. How else will the child be born? After all, he will need to go through the birth canal, while pushing the pelvic bones apart without harm to himself and the mother. What to do if your pubis hurts? Keep your weight under control - obesity greatly increases the load on the pubic bone. If you experience pain when lying down, relieve pressure on your hip joint by placing pillows under your buttocks and legs. Include foods containing calcium in your diet (one of the causes of symphysitis is a lack of this trace element in the body). Wear a bandage, do physical therapy for pregnant women, and be sure to tell your doctor about your discomfort.

What to discuss with your doctor

  • Lactulose syrup is an effective and safe treatment for constipation during pregnancy. It is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, binds water and thereby softens the stool. Consult with a specialist whether it is possible to take this drug in your case and what the dosage should be.
  • If you are concerned about cheesy vaginal discharge with a sour odor, seek help from a gynecologist. This is one of the symptoms of thrush. The doctor will prescribe safe drug therapy. There is no need to delay treatment until delivery.

Medical advice on nutrition during pregnancy

  • a minimum of fried, pickled, spicy, fatty foods;
  • to prevent anemia, eat beef liver, pomegranates, parsley;
  • to replenish ascorbic acid: grapefruit (if there is no allergy), tomatoes, cauliflower;
  • It is better to boil, bake, stew, cook in a double boiler, but not fry. Serve warm;
  • A mixture of vegetable and fruit juices is useful.

Poor quality food can complicate pregnancy, even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, doctors additionally prescribe multivitamins. 2-3 months after conception, folic acid and preparations containing iron are prescribed. At the AltraVita reproduction clinic, gynecologists have extensive experience in successfully managing multiple pregnancies. Women carrying twins can undergo comprehensive diagnostics at the medical center and consult with a therapist, endocrinologist, nutritionist, and psychologist. A pregnant woman can contact her doctor at any time and receive highly qualified assistance.

Possible complications

The most severe pathologies of pregnancy in the second trimester are considered to be preeclampsia, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, and gestosis. They are dangerous because they can cause premature birth and disrupt fetal development. Fortunately, they are rare and treatable.


They talk about it if a pregnant woman’s blood pressure rises sharply, extensive swelling and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system appear. Other symptoms are sudden weight gain, protein in the urine, and visual disturbances. Treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital. If possible, they resort to early delivery due to the high risk of complications in the fetus.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency

This is a condition in which the cervix cannot withstand the growing load and begins to open prematurely. It is often asymptomatic or manifests itself in the form of spotting brown discharge.

Occurs due to decreased tone of muscle fibers as a result of injury or malformations of the uterus.


Twin pregnancies are a little more difficult than singleton pregnancies.

Manifestations may be:

  • psycho-emotional instability, severe nervousness, irritability due to rapid hormonal changes;
  • slight dizziness;
  • hypersalivation;
  • drowsiness, fatigue;
  • nausea and a gag reflex can be observed from the first days of pregnancy - one of the main signs that a woman is pregnant with twins;
  • later manifestations: the belly grows faster, it is clearly visible already at 14 weeks;
  • movements occur earlier;
  • severe shortness of breath. When the first baby is placed head down, the mother's stomach drops and breathing becomes easier;
  • rashes, acne, age spots;
  • bulging veins (varicose veins);
  • fluctuations in blood pressure. If it is consistently high, you should immediately visit or call a doctor;
  • problems with gums, teeth, hair due to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

In the first trimester, when carrying one baby, up to two kilograms are added, and when pregnant with twins - about four. This occurs not only due to increased appetite, but also due to a significant increase in the amount of circulating blood. In the final stages, the difference should be no more than 3.5 kg. Much depends on your initial physical characteristics, nutrition and activity during pregnancy.

The higher the initial BMI, the less the total weight gain should be by the end of the twin pregnancy:

  • index less than 20 - 16-20 kg;
  • 20-27 — 13-18;
  • over 27 - 12-13.

For calculations, you can use the weight calculator, where you can enter your indicators and the presence of twins.


The condition of your teeth may worsen during the 23rd week of pregnancy. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully monitor your oral hygiene, carry out professional cleaning and do not forget about the need for increased calcium in your diet. Cheeses and dairy products are rich in it. Among plant sources, unpeeled sesame seeds, almonds, and dried apricots come first.

Changes in hormonal levels affect sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, be careful when sunbathing and avoid direct sunlight to prevent the formation of age spots.

Many pregnant women experience an increase in libido at week 23. Sexual life should be limited only if you have a multiple pregnancy, low-lying placenta, or isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In other cases, do not deny yourself anything.


A woman’s nutrition is the basis for a favorable pregnancy. From the mother's body, the fetus takes everything necessary for the formation and development of internal organs. If there are not enough nutrients, then the expectant mother’s body supplies the necessary elements from its own reserves. This directly affects the well-being and health of the pregnant woman. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is advisable for a pregnant woman to be attentive to the foods she eats, the cooking methods and the nutritional component of the diet.

This week it is advisable to increase the number of products containing:

  • Iron (organ organs, red meat, pumpkin seeds, egg yolks, apples);
  • Calcium (cottage cheese, cheeses, almonds, bananas, broccoli);
  • Magnesium (unpolished rice, buckwheat, chicken eggs);

Don't forget about other vitamins and minerals. Ideally, a pregnant woman’s diet should contain:

  • Meat;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Porridge;
  • Dried fruits and nuts;
  • Wholemeal bread;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Dairy products.

It is recommended to follow some rules:

  • eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, avoiding mixing different dishes;
  • cook food by steaming, oven or boiling;
  • Avoid fried, dried, smoked, salted, and highly seasoned foods as much as possible;
  • control the amount of salt entering the body. Ideally, a pregnant woman consumes no more than 1 teaspoon of salt per day;
  • avoid raw meat and fish, fast food, sausages and frankfurters;
  • observe the drinking regime. Unless otherwise prescribed by the gynecologist, a woman needs to drink about 2.5 liters of fluid per day. It is ideal to give preference to clean water.


Taking vitamin complexes and supplements at week 23 should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. It is advisable to carefully follow the instructions and control the dosage. An excess of chemically produced vitamins is just as dangerous as a deficiency.

Checklist for 23 weeks of pregnancy

  • To relieve swelling, lie down with your feet on a pillow or any other elevated surface. This will help the blood flow back and reduce discomfort.
  • Don't miss scheduled appointments with your gynecologist, even if nothing worries you. All complications can be successfully treated with timely diagnosis.
  • Despite your noticeably rounded belly, don’t forget about exercise. Yoga, swimming, walking will help you strengthen your muscles and improve your overall well-being.
  • Sign up for a pregnancy course. You will learn about how to behave during childbirth, how to breathe, establish breastfeeding and care for a newborn.

Attend classes for expectant mothers at the Women's Medical Center. They are led by experienced obstetricians-gynecologists and pediatricians. Here you can learn about pregnancy, childbirth and recovery after it, and ask exciting questions to specialists.


  • Balanced diet. In order to prevent excess weight in the unborn baby, as well as to maintain her own figure, a woman should pay attention to planning her diet. And, of course, drink enough.
  • Vitamins. Typically, gynecologists prescribe vitamin preparations when there are direct indications for this. However, we should not forget that, despite the abundance of products, not all of them are able to fully provide a woman’s body with the necessary nutrients. After consulting with your doctor, you can purchase a vitamin complex that is right for you.
  • Physical activity. Pregnancy is not a reason to forget about an active lifestyle. It is in the second trimester that a woman can afford long walks in the fresh air, as well as various exercises. This provides the body of the expectant mother and her baby with oxygen, energizes her and gives her a good mood. Swimming in the pool and yoga are quite popular among pregnant women.
  • Rest. For the full development of a healthy person, it is necessary that his mother experiences less stress and devotes enough time to rest and sleep. When a woman is too tired and worried for various reasons, the baby feels it. In addition, a pregnant woman’s body is already under stress, and stress and lack of sleep only further wear it down.
  • If your gynecologist says there are certain risks that could lead to termination of pregnancy, you should refrain from intimacy so as not to create additional stress on the pelvic floor muscles and not provoke a miscarriage.
  • Calm environment. The baby not only feels his mother’s heartbeat, but also catches her mood and hears what is happening outside his little world. Relaxing or classical music, reading aloud, and singing have a positive effect on his development.

Remember that the baby feels good when his mother feels comfortable and is in a positive mood. Enjoy this wonderful time of unity with your future baby and take care of yourself!

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