The drug eliminates excess gas formation, makes you feel better with bloating and colic.
The use of enzyme preparations for digestive disorders in children
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics A combined drug that normalizes digestive processes due to the enzymes contained. Reduces
Contraindications to coccyx blockade
28 February 2020 74236 0 3.5 out of 5 Coccydynia is a disease in which
Gastric juice
STOMACH (Some morphological features)
The cardia, or cardia of the stomach, is a cylindrical segment enclosing the esophagogastric junction and space
Dehydration in a child: prevention, symptoms and treatment
November 7, 2018 Rotaviruses, which are commonly called intestinal infections, are the most common
Hepatic coma: causes of development, pathogenesis, classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
This site was made by experts: toxicologists, narcologists, hepatologists. Strictly scientific. Tested experimentally. The author of this article,
How to avoid exacerbation of a stomach ulcer? 3 questions for a gastroenterologist
Attention! The information in the article is for reference only and cannot be used for self-diagnosis or self-medication.
Chronic pancreatitis
Foods that harm the pancreas
Among all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), the frequency of chronic pancreatitis ranges from 5.1 to
NAFLD – non-alcoholic fatty disease – an insidious liver disease
How common is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease? Forms of the disease Contents of the article Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,
I'm always hungry
What is night appetite syndrome and why is it dangerous?
To get rid of excess weight and not gain weight, you need to control the volume of portions, and also
Forms of release of the drug Polysorb
Instructions for use Polysorb MP powder 12g N1
Not long ago, a new enterosorbent appeared in pharmacies - the powdered drug Polysorb. Then it seemed
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