Motherwort heart: medicinal properties, benefits and contraindications

There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

Motherwort is also called “Heart Grass”. Externally, motherwort looks a little like nettle, with spiky leaves and spike-shaped flowers of a pinkish-lilac color. In appearance, it is an inconspicuous plant that does not have any particular beauty or attractiveness, but it is fraught with enormous benefits for the human body.

This perennial herbaceous plant includes several species of the motherwort family and grows mainly in wastelands (hence the name), in ravines, along river banks, in fields and meadows, sometimes along roadways, as well as on cultivated plots of land, but mostly degrees in farms specializing in the cultivation of medicinal herbs. This plant is mainly found in the European part of Russia, as well as in the Caucasus and western Siberia. Almost all parts of the plant are medicinal - leaves, flowers, stem.

Motherwort enjoys due respect not only in the territory of our vast Russia; it is also successfully used in getting rid of various kinds of diseases by European, Indian and Chinese healers. In ancient China, folk healers used this plant as a life-prolonging agent.

Composition of the drug Motherwort

The most important active ingredient is motherwort extract. The plant has the ability to have an effect on the central nervous system. Flavonoid glycosides found in flowers and stems, as well as alkaloids, saponins and tannins, regulate the state of the nervous system, inhibiting its excitability. In addition, the natural components of the herb can regulate heart rate.

In addition to motherwort extracts, Motherwort forte contains magnesium. This element is indispensable in the formation of nerve connections and impulse transmission. Magnesium is found in all organs and tissues; its deficiency leads to behavioral disorders, decreased resistance to stress, and vulnerability to negative factors. In addition, a lack of magnesium can cause joint pain and night cramps.

Vitamin B6 is another important component of the drug. Without it, magnesium cannot be fully absorbed by the body. This vitamin helps you control your emotions and find the strength not to react sharply to negative information.

How to prepare

This medicinal plant is best harvested during the flowering period, when its juice contains the most beneficial substances. It is advisable to take tall plants (reaching half a meter in height) and with a stem thickness of half a centimeter. Only the tops of dog nettles are suitable as a healing potion. After collection, they are spread in an even layer on paper in a warm but ventilated place and turned over from time to time. To preserve maximum medicinal components in the herb, it is important to avoid direct sunlight during the drying period. Properly dried herb can be stored for 3 years.

Motherwort forte Evalar: instructions for use

Motherwort forte tablets are indicated for adults. The maximum daily dose is 2 tablets. One is taken at the beginning of the day, the second before bed. Two tablets a day provide 80% of the body's need for vitamin B6. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the nervous disorder. Due to the fact that magnesium tends to accumulate in tissues while taking the drug, the duration of the course can last up to 30 days. In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe an appointment for up to two months continuously. Without the recommendation of a specialist, you should not increase the time of taking Motherwort. As a rule, to restore performance and nervous balance, it is enough to buy 1 package of 40 tablets.

Benefits and harms for various diseases

Examples of plant effects depending on the pathology:

  1. Gastritis. Motherwort helps get rid of nausea, activates mucosal healing, and relieves pain. During an exacerbation of the disease, you should not take the tincture: the alcohol it contains irritates the stomach and stimulates the production of digestive juice.
  2. Pancreatitis. The plant is useful in the remission stage. It facilitates digestion, relieves spasms and swelling of tissues. In case of exacerbation, motherwort is harmful: it stimulates enzymes, the release of which is difficult. As a result of exposure to the grass, the gland tissue may be injured and the pain will intensify.
  3. Hypertension. The herb is effective in preventing pathology and with a slight increase in blood pressure. During a hypertensive crisis, drops and decoctions will not help relieve the symptom. If you use only motherwort, the patient's condition will worsen.
  4. Diabetes. The plant helps maintain normal cholesterol levels, but does not cure the disease. The positive effect appears after 3–4 weeks of drinking tea or infusion.
  5. Cholecystitis. Herbal remedies activate the release of bile, prevent compression of the ducts, and reduce the likelihood of sediment formation. During exacerbation of the disease, motherwort is not recommended to be taken, as it can cause increased inflammation due to stimulation of the gallbladder.
  6. Epilepsy. The plant relieves seizures and prevents emotional outbursts that cause seizures. But the danger of the herb is that it can enhance the effect of antiepileptic drugs and provoke an overdose.

Breast cancer prevention, research

In 2009, the Journal of Ethnopharmacology published the results of a study by Chinese specialists who studied the effect of motherwort extract on cancer cells. The experiment used tissue from the affected mammary gland. Scientists have found that the herbal remedy:

  • prevents the proliferation of pathological cells by stopping their development cycle;
  • stimulates the restoration of normal tissues;
  • strengthens the body's resistance to pathology;
  • speeds up recovery after chemotherapy.

The researchers noted that when consumed in moderation, motherwort has no toxic effects on the body. In small doses, it can be used to prevent cancer.

Use in folk medicine

The herb is also widely used in folk medicine. Examples of recommendations:

  1. For constipation, diarrhea. Motherwort infusion helps with regular bowel cleansing. It is taken 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. To eliminate diarrhea, you need to drink an infusion from a collection of several plants. Preparation: combine 1 tablespoon of dry motherwort, mint, and nettle. Pour the mixture into a deep container, add 500 ml of hot water, leave for 1 hour. Take 50 ml 4 times a day.
  2. For the liver. Restoration of the organ is facilitated by taking a decoction. The liquid must be consumed for a month, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Against cough. An infusion of a mixture of herbs helps relieve attacks and phlegm discharge. Recipe: mix 3 parts each of plantain leaves and marshmallow roots, 1 part motherwort herb, 2 parts licorice roots. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a thermos, add 200 ml of water heated to 70 degrees, leave for 2 hours. Take 2 tablespoons of strained liquid every 3 hours for 5 days.
  4. For prostatitis. Tea made from motherwort and St. John's wort helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Method of preparation: take herbs in equal parts, pour 1 tablespoon of the composition with 1 glass of hot water, leave in a thermos for 20 minutes. We drink 200–400 ml in the first half of the day instead of regular tea.
  5. From tuberculosis. To eliminate pathology and strengthen the body, you need to drink 2 glasses of motherwort and chicory infusion daily for 2 months. Prepare this way: mix 1 tablespoon of raw materials, pour into a thermos, pour 400 ml of hot water. Let it sit for 8–10 hours.

Indications for use of Motherwort

Motherwort is widely used in medicine. It is prescribed for various disorders that are directly or indirectly related to disorders of the nervous system:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • heart rhythm disturbances due to nervous excitement;
  • early stage of arterial hypertension;
  • sleep disorders;
  • a persistent feeling of anxiety;
  • high irritability;
  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer at an early stage.

Disturbances in the functioning of the intestines often begin with nervous shock. One of the most common psychosomatic diseases is colitis. Inflammations are not treated with standard therapy, because the cause does not lie in intestinal infections, poisoning, or polyps or other possible neoplasms. It is stress and nervous disorders that negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system, primarily the intestines and stomach.

Suspicions of a gastric ulcer should also include a diagnosis of the state of the nervous system. The constant production of stress hormones affects high stomach acidity, disruption of receptors and food digestion. Proton pump inhibitors and heartburn medications only provide temporary results. Until the functioning of the nervous system is normalized and sleep is improved, digestion will be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, which may ultimately result in a stomach ulcer.

Motherwort forte is a safe drug with a minimal set of possible side effects, which can, without causing addiction, calm the nerves, restore sleep, and help fight stress.

In some situations, stress affects the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. As a result, swelling of the tissues of the lower extremities occurs. Motherwort forte acts in two directions in such a situation. Its main action is aimed at restoring the balance of the nervous system. On the other hand, it is a safe diuretic that increases the volume of urine produced, allowing fluid to leave the tissues.

The initial stage of hypertension can be stopped with the help of a course of Motherwort. If the disease is not caused by kidney or heart failure, taking herbal tablets will restore the normal rhythm of the heart muscle and return the pressure to normal limits.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

In folk and official medicine, five-lobed and cardiac motherwort are used. They are used as the main component of a medicinal product or added to medicinal preparations. The herb is suitable for external use, preparation of body and hair care products.

Medicines from motherwort are taken before meals, but for some diseases they are drunk 30–60 minutes after eating.

    How perennials are useful for humans:
  • Increases immunity.
  • Reduces nervous excitability, calms.
  • Relieves insomnia and stress.
  • Helps improve blood circulation.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Accelerates the removal of excess cholesterol.
  • Normalizes intestinal function.
  • Activates the production of digestive enzymes.
  • Resists inflammatory processes.
  • Helps remove fluid from the body.
  • Prevents the development and spread of cancer cells.
  • Accelerates tissue restoration.
  • Cleanses the liver of toxins.
  • Relieves hormonal imbalance.
  • Helps reduce pain.
  • Prevents the formation of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Features of benefits for men and women

Motherwort has beneficial properties that help women fight pathologies and unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Helps improve well-being during menopause. The herb relieves hot flashes, mood swings, neuroses, and normalizes sleep.
  2. Eliminates pain during menstruation. Motherwort improves the contractility of the uterus, relieves spasms, and reduces the intensity of bleeding.
  3. Accelerates the treatment of cystitis. Herbal medicines reduce pain during urination and the activity of pathogens.
  4. Prevents the development of varicose veins. The products strengthen the venous walls, preventing their blockage and stretching.

Motherwort brings the following benefits to men:

  1. Reduces the risk of developing prostatitis. The herb activates blood flow to the genitourinary organs and eliminates the possibility of congestion.
  2. Restores potency. Motherwort stimulates testosterone production and removes psychological factors of male impotence.
  3. Helps cure infertility. Herbal remedies increase the number of viable sperm and improve their quality.

Contraindications to the use of motherwort

For children, taking medications even based on herbal ingredients is contraindicated. Any nervous disorders in a child should be examined with the help of a professional psychologist. Children are exposed to daily stress associated with high mental and physical stress at school. With the help of a competent specialist or during a confidential conversation with parents, it is necessary to find out the cause of the anxiety and help the child get rid of it. If these are difficulties in communicating with peers or a teacher, you need to work with them to find out the essence of the conflict and establish communication. It is unacceptable to quell a child’s anxiety with pills.

Adults with acute gastric or duodenal ulcers should also avoid taking Motherwort. It is important to remember that the chronic stage of hypertension cannot be treated with herbal remedies with a slight calming effect. To normalize your blood pressure, you need to contact a cardiologist.

Pregnant and lactating

The medicine is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. It contains alcohol, which negatively affects the developing fetus. It is not recommended to take herbal teas and decoctions while carrying a baby.

The grass can provoke uterine contractions and cause premature birth. Exceptions are conditions in which the benefits of motherwort outweigh the possible disadvantages, for example:

  • psychological excitability, stimulating labor;
  • impaired renal function, fluid retention in the body;
  • high pressure;
  • long-term sleep disturbance.

Before use, you should consult your doctor. When breastfeeding, herbal remedies should not be used even in the absence of contraindications. The active substances of the plant penetrate into milk, through which they enter the child’s body. In an infant, a heart disease can cause impaired cognitive functions of the brain, allergies, and arrhythmia.

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