Herb erva woolly - medicinal and harmful properties for getting rid of serious ailments

Good afternoon, my reader, the arrival of spring for many people suffering from serious illnesses is associated with a seasonal exacerbation of long-forgotten diseases, and in order to cope with them, today I will tell you about what a wonderful helper - the herb erva woolly - the healing and harmful properties of which have been known for a long time times, appeared as a life-saving remedy in our numerous pharmacies.

Nowadays, many patients refuse medications, since most of them cost a lot of money, and the effectiveness of treatment with them is not always high.

In this connection, we remember the long-forgotten but effective folk remedies of our ancient herbalists, created on the basis of natural herbal preparations.

Useful properties of woolly erva

The herb contains a large number of medicinal substances that help cope with a wide range of painful conditions.

  • Kidney diseases. The plant helps with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. The effect is achieved by bacteriostatic action. Diuretic properties normalize the filtration function of the kidneys and eliminate swelling. Erva woolly dissolves kidney stones of low density and also promotes their removal.
  • Gout, urate stones. The disease disrupts the metabolism of uric acid in the body, as a result its crystals appear in the form of urate sand or stones in the kidneys and joint capsules. Erva woolly allows not only to restrain the formation of urate stones, but also to quickly remove acid from the blood.
  • Prostatitis. Frequent among the male population, the disease can attack at any age. The cause, as a rule, is hormonal problems, as well as infections, impaired blood supply to the pelvic organs, and, as a result, serious inflammatory processes in the tissues of the gland, spreading to the urethra. Erva woolly, having extraordinary antiseptic qualities, successfully fights inflammation.
  • Diseases of the female sphere. Among women, inflammation of the uterine appendages is as common as prostatitis in men. The anti-inflammatory properties of the plant help solve the problem. The herb, having the ability to restore normal hormonal balance, helps restore the normal menstrual cycle. It has also found application in gynecology as an antitumor agent. Douching and external washing with preparations containing Erva woolis are used in the treatment of vaginitis and vulvitis.
  • Bladder diseases. When getting rid of cystitis, the combination of anti-inflammatory and diuretic components that Erva woolly has is highly valued. For urolithiasis, the herb provides effective help thanks to rhamnetin, which has strong diuretic properties, and various alkaloids and flavonoids that cope with inflammation. Medical science has not yet settled the question of what leads to the formation of stones in various organs, but it is clear that pathology must be fought, and the help provided by Erva woolly is obvious and indisputable.
  • Hypertension. Thanks to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, erva woolly makes it possible to lower blood pressure.
  • Diabetes. The plant does not cancel insulin compensation, but has a positive effect on the activity of the endocrine system. In type 2 diabetes, it helps eliminate insulin resistance, helps the pancreas produce insulin, and reduces the risk of complications.
  • Skin diseases. Decoctions and infusions, accelerating metabolic processes, are used as cosmetics. They actively help improve skin condition, strengthen nails and hair. External use of half-palm gives good results in eliminating acne, skin ulcers, and boils.

Half-Fal in losing weight

Erva woolly is recommended as part of a set of measures necessary for weight loss. Its composition makes it possible to maintain the normal state of the body in case of a lack of nutrients and microelements. The diuretic properties of the plant help rid the body of excess water and thereby lose a couple of kilograms.

By the way, Russian scientists noticed that in Sri Lanka, where Erva woolly is widespread, there are much fewer cancer patients than in most countries of the world. Now in our country there is an active study of the plant’s capabilities in the fight against a terrible disease.

What kind of Pol-Pala grass is this?

Erva woolly (Pol-Pala) - from the Amaranth family, was brought from the tropical island of Ceylon to the European continent. Until now, in the field of medicine, its first name is most often used, leaving the second to botanists. Currently, woolly erva is successfully cultivated in Russia.

In 1992, half the plant was added to the official register of medicinal plants of the country. Instructions for its use are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Pol-palu is valued not for its beauty, but for its unique healing qualities. The composition of woolly erva allows it to be used effectively for many diseases.

Erva woolly has the following properties:

  1. Diuretic.
  2. Stone-removing.
  3. Stone-dissolving.
  4. Choleretic.
  5. Salt-removing.
  6. Anti-inflammatory.
  7. Antiseptic.
  8. Wound healing.
  9. General strengthening.
  10. Hypoazotemic (reducing the amount of ammonia in the blood).

Despite the diuretic effect, it maintains a normal electrolyte balance of potassium and is excreted from the body in very limited quantities. In this regard, an analogy can be drawn with the effect of modern potassium-sparing diuretics.

This biennial plant cannot boast of any special decorative properties. It has a long, up to 140 cm, actively branching stem, which can be either erect or spread along the ground. In July, small, unremarkable white or greenish flowers appear, grouped in spike-shaped inflorescences. Blooms before the onset of cold weather. In greenhouse conditions, flowering lasts all year round. The small fruits have a characteristic elongated spout.


ATX code: C03X

Manufacturer: Apex, Start-Fito LLC, Krasnogorsk plant LRS (Russia)

Price from: 60 rub.


Traditional recipes and uses

Erva woolly is used for therapy in the preparation of infusions, decoctions, tinctures, ointments, dietary supplements, and creams. Folk remedies can be made independently or bought at a pharmacy.

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For older people

Infusion to improve general condition and stabilize blood pressure. Combine the herb with hot water in a 1:2 ratio. Leave the composition for 3 hours. Single dose – 20 ml.

For the gastrointestinal system

Systematic use of the product based on Erva woolly improves appetite and normalizes metabolism. How to prepare: take 250 ml of hot liquid for 20 g of raw material, let stand for 30 minutes, filter. The product also copes well with intoxication and intestinal disorders.

To cleanse the body

Mix 50 g of half-palm and chamomile, pour 500 ml of boiling liquid, place a container over steam and simmer for 20 minutes. Leave for 2 days, strain. A single dose is 1/3 cup three times a day for three weeks.

For infectious diseases

Pol-pal in the form of a tincture helps with Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, fever, pneumonia and intestinal anthropogenic infection.

To improve psycho-emotional state

Method of preparation: for 50 g of half-paly you will need 500 ml of liquid, put in steam for 20 minutes, filter. Drink 0.5 cups at night. The infusion has a laxative effect.

Deworming remedy

The dry root of the plant is used for preparation. Grind it to a powder. Take 20 g and 0.3 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 days. Single dose – 100 ml, treat until signs disappear.

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For the health of the genitourinary system

Prepare a decoction from 500 ml of liquid and 50 g of raw materials, let it brew for a quarter of an hour. The rate and duration are determined by the attending physician.

Application in gynecology

Regular use of the tincture normalizes hormonal levels and stabilizes the menstrual cycle. A single dose is 20 drops. The duration of the course is up to three months, depending on the disease. It is also used for infertility.

For the heart and blood vessels

Take 2 tsp per glass of hot liquid. half dry, simmer for 5 minutes, stand for 3 hours, strain. A single dose is 1/3 cup three times a day for a month.

For the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal diseases

Pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. herbs and pour 200 ml of boiling liquid, let stand for 3 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 cup three times a day. The duration of treatment is a month, then a break for six months and the medication is taken again.

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Against respiratory inflammation

Prepare tea: for 2 tsp. raw materials, take a glass of hot liquid, soak for a quarter of an hour, add honey. Use for 10 days.

For hypertension

Pol-pal is a wonderful plant that normalizes blood pressure. It especially helps after cerebral hemorrhage and myocardial infarction.

Method of preparation: for 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, take 200 ml of liquid, bring to a boil over heat, let stand for 2 hours. Single dose – 1/2 cup. The product has a sedative effect and improves sleep.

For treating wounds and treating boils

The squeezed herb after infusion can be used for disinfection and applied to problem areas.

In addition, woolly erva is used in cosmetology, relieves acne and inflammation, tones and evens out the color of the skin epithelium. The beneficial properties are due to the high concentration of alkaloids, bioflavonoids and organic acids. A decoction or infusion is used for hair and skin based on the rhizome of Erva woolly, which contains the highest content of chemical elements. However, the effects for cosmetic purposes have not been studied.


There are few contraindications for the use of woolly erva. The main thing is the presence of osteoporosis, in which bone tissue has a low calcium content. For the same reason, half-palu should not be consumed by patients suffering from calcium metabolism disorders - hypoparathyroidism, renal osteodystrophy due to chronic renal failure, rickets. The plant should be used with caution by people prone to allergic reactions.

Since erva woolly has pronounced diuretic properties, it is prescribed with great caution to patients using medicinal diuretics.

Children under 12 years of age should not be treated with herbs in any form. Its active components may have a negative effect on the immature metabolism in the child’s body.

Herb erva woolly - medicinal properties and uses

Botanical description of Erva woolly

Erva woolly or half-palmed is a biennial herbaceous plant from the amaranth family, a species of the genus Erva, reaching a height of up to one hundred and forty centimeters and having a gray tap root.

The plant has small, inconspicuous inflorescences, a highly branched stem, oval or round leaves and small, box-shaped fruits.

The geographic zones where half-palm grows are characterized by a warm tropical climate: Southeast Asia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, India.

What substances does the floor contain?

  1. Potassium. Ensures stable heart function, normalizes blood pressure, and maintains normal water-salt balance.
  2. Calcium. It serves as the most important component for normal blood clotting, strengthens the immune system, increases vascular elasticity, activates metabolism, and also participates in strengthening bones.
  3. Alkaloids. Starts blood circulation, are indispensable elements for stopping bleeding, pain and spasms. Different dosages can have different effects: sedative and stimulating.
  4. Flavonoids. Strengthens the vascular system and increases its elasticity. They are able to resist the dangerous effects of free radicals, ensure heart function and maintain optimal blood pressure.
  5. Phenolic acids. Eliminate the effects of harmful bacteria, help in the treatment of mechanical, in particular, burn injuries to the skin.
  6. Pectins. They release toxins and cholesterol and start metabolic processes.
  7. Alkanes. They have a healing effect. They form the basis of wound healing agents.
  8. Amino acids. They increase the hemoglobin content in the blood and ensure painless removal of stones and sand.
  9. Inorganic salts. Participate in hematopoiesis and tissue restoration, normalize water and acid-base metabolism.
  10. Sahara. They are sources of energy necessary for the body, strengthen the immune system, and form the basis of metabolism.
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