Diet "7 table" - what is possible and what is not
Diet 7 for kidney disease: indications and menu for the day
04/19/2019 Article Diet “Table No. 7” Diet “Table No. 7a” Diet “Table No. 7b” In therapeutic and prophylactic and
Why edible sea salt is useful: how it differs from other types and how it is used
Among the various types of industrially produced salt, sea salt is found. In the World Ocean quantitative relationships
Neutrophilia (Neutrophilia, Neutrophilic leukocytosis)
Classification Neutrophil leukocytes themselves come in two main types: segmented (mature) and band (young). Rod
Who are Ikotka and Pam? We talk about mythical creatures from the series “Territory”
Who are Ikotka and Pam? We talk about mythical creatures from the series “Territory” Residents of some
Woman doctor
Microscopic (bacterioscopic) examination of a smear (Bacterioscopic examination of different smears (vaginal, cervical, urethral, ​​sputum, etc.)
Elevated leukocytes in a smear are an indicator of the inflammatory process in the genitals. Among women
Swelling of the legs. Causes, symptoms and treatment of leg swelling
Edema is a physiological response of the body to certain pathological conditions. The most common cause of edema
Normobact - L powder sachet 3g No. 10 for children from 1 month
Pharmacological action Synbiotic (prebiotic + probiotic). Probiotics (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli) have a positive effect on reproduction
what an erection photo
Potency disorder is a problem for every second man over forty years old
Many surveys and studies confirm that every second man in the world is over 40 years old
Diet for pancreatitis: features, what you can eat and what you can’t
Nutrition for pancreatitis: list of products + menu
Pancreatitis is a severe inflammatory lesion of the pancreas in which the digestive process is disrupted.
Dexpanthenol: when to use and how to use
What is the mechanism of drug action? The ointment has 3 main effects. It promotes tissue healing, affects
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