Which eye drops for irritation and redness should you choose?

Redness of the eyes is an unpleasant situation from both an aesthetic and physiological point of view. It may be accompanied by itching, burning and pain in the visual organs, photophobia, and a sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

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As a rule, redness occurs when small vessels on the surface of the sclera (the white membrane of the eye) dilate. It is not a disease in itself, but can be a consequence of fatigue due to increased visual stress, or a symptom of a disease. Red eyes occur not only in adults, but also in children. The disease often accompanies people who spend a lot of time at the computer or with mobile devices.

Eye redness drops will help get rid of unpleasant sensations and restore clarity of vision. However, it is worth keeping in mind that this disorder occurs for various reasons. Therefore, drops should be selected based on the cause of redness. And do not forget about the need to consult an ophthalmologist

. The specialist will determine what causes the redness and prescribe treatment based on your health.

Causes of redness and irritation of the eyes

What causes red eyes? Doctors have compiled a list of ten main irritating factors:

  1. Prolonged stays in offices with operating air conditioners, heaters, and electronic devices contribute to the drying out of the protective tear film, causing damage to the conjunctiva.
  2. An allergic reaction is one of the top causes of tearfulness and red eyes. Allergies usually manifest themselves seasonally, being especially noticeable during the flowering period.
  3. Low-quality decorative cosmetics.
  4. Driving for a long time.
  5. Taking certain medications stimulates reddening of the sclera. For example, we are talking about sleeping pills, antidepressants, and drugs containing hormones.
  6. Lack of a good night's sleep.
  7. Watching TV for a long time or working on a laptop monitor reduces blinking. Because of this, tear fluid is not released in the required volume, causing itching and irritation of the eyes.
  8. Chronic alcoholism and addiction to regular parties with alcoholic drinks: due to alcohol, the vessels of the cornea dilate, making the eyelids and face red.
  9. Active and passive smoking, including hookah, spraying irritating aerosols.
  10. Environmental factors: chlorinated water, urban smog, dust.

When redness is a symptom

Ophthalmic pathologies and infections stimulate inflammation and swelling of the protein membrane. Here are some of them:

  • Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the thin mucous membrane or conjunctiva. Signs of the disease include itching, pain, discharge from the eyes, and redness of the sclera.
  • Corneal ulcers are caused by bacterial infections and often occur as a result of eye trauma. In addition to increased photosensitivity and decreased visual acuity, itching, swelling, and redness of the eyelids are added.
  • Dry eye syndrome occurs due to insufficient tear production. The surface of the cornea becomes excessively dry, the person experiences permanent fatigue and discomfort in the eyelid area.

Only an ophthalmologist during an examination can determine the causes and consequences of swollen red eyes. If necessary, diagnostic studies and tests are performed, such as measuring the volume of tear fluid. In case of severe pain, biomicroscopy and tonometry are performed.

As medicinal support, eye drops are required to relieve redness and help moisturize the organs of vision.

Red eyes - what to do?

If the sign of tension appears sporadically, it is enough to use inexpensive eye drops for eye irritation. Symptoms that persist for a long time require medical consultation, diagnosis, and treatment of identified diseases. It is the doctor who will answer the question of which drops can be used and in what dosage. For any diagnosis, ophthalmologists recommend using daily moisturizing drops to relieve irritation and redness as vision support.

Types of allergic laryngeal edema

There are acute and chronic allergic edema.

Acute allergic edema

In this case, you must call emergency assistance. Difficulty breathing is obvious and sudden, the condition is rapidly deteriorating. A person breathes intermittently and frequently; the muscles of the shoulders, head and back are involved in breathing, the supraclavicular fossae are sunken, and the intercostal spaces are drawn in. The skin turns pale, blue, the pulse increases, and the patient may begin to panic. In the absence of medical assistance, the lumen of the larynx closes completely, which causes asphyxia and death.

Before the arrival of medical workers, those close to the patient should be advised by telephone what to do. Emergency tips for breathing problems:

  • interrupt the person’s contact with the substance that caused such a reaction (if this can be determined);
  • in case of food poisoning, rinse the stomach;
  • free a person from being squeezed by clothing;
  • provide a flow of fresh air;
  • give an antihistamine.

Chronic allergic edema

In this case, discomfort in the throat and breathing problems occur periodically, without getting worse, but giving the person very unpleasant sensations. This condition is a consequence of certain diseases or systematic contact with an allergen (for example, mold or animal hair in the house). Its symptoms are as follows:

  • swelling and redness of the tonsils, uvula and palate;
  • difficulty inhaling more than exhaling;
  • rapid breathing;
  • dyspnea;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the throat;
  • inability to exercise due to worsening breathing problems.

If you have these symptoms, be sure to consult an otolaryngologist to cure the underlying disease or remove the allergen from your environment.

Chronic allergic edema of the larynx is dangerous because it can sharply and suddenly develop into Quincke's edema - when the increase in clinical manifestations occurs within a few minutes. Quincke's edema is characterized by severe swelling of the neck and face and can spread to the mucous membrane of the larynx, causing severe stenosis. If signs of Quincke's edema appear, you should urgently call an ambulance.

In cases of chronic allergies, the person is usually aware of their condition and should always keep antihistamines on hand to stop the progression of the condition. Such drugs are prescribed by the doctor individually - there are different types of antihistamines, and it is important to choose the ones that suit you.

Which drops to choose

The choice of medicinal solutions for treatment of red eyes is based on the collected medical history. To decide on a specific drug, the doctor:

  • talks;
  • examines the skin;
  • checks the patient's vision;
  • examines the condition of the fundus, measures intraocular pressure;
  • clarifies hereditary factors, possible contraindications, talks about side effects.

Not all eye drops for redness are suitable for pregnant women and children, so buying the first remedy you come across at the pharmacy is simply unwise. The best drops for eye redness are those that suit you in all respects.

We systematize the medications based on the most common symptoms, which include red, swollen eyelids:

Classification of drops

All ophthalmic solutions, depending on the active substance, are classified into several medicinal groups.

  • Antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for influenza, ARVI, herpes virus, and mechanical damage to the cornea. Main signs: photophobia, swollen lymph nodes, burning sensation, swelling of the eyelids.
  • Antibacterial agents are used for bacterial infections of the mucous membrane, which are manifested by purulent discharge along with pain.
  • Moisturizing compositions are indicated for constant visual work, as well as while wearing contact optics.
  • Antihistamine and anti-inflammatory solutions - for an allergic reaction. Swollen, reddened eyelids are accompanied by increased tearing and itching in the bridge of the nose.
  • Hormonal eye solutions for irritation and itching are prescribed for severe cases of allergies.
  • Vitamin compositions for red eyes increase local metabolism, accelerate regeneration, and nourish.


Eye drops for this type of redness cause constriction of the capillaries, relieve swelling and inflammation of the tissues of the eyelid.


Increased dryness of the mucous membrane, visual fatigue, constant wearing of contact lenses - all this is a reason to daily drip ophthalmic solutions consisting of distilled water and hyaluronic acid into the eyes. Products with a similar composition create a thin film on the surface of the eyes that protects against dust and dirt.

Antiviral, anti-inflammatory

Based on scrapings from the surface of the mucous membrane or skin of the eyelids, the doctor determines the presence of a viral infection, which requires special drugs that trigger the production of interferons to combat it. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal and glucocorticosteroid drugs relieve swelling, eliminate itching, discomfort, and redness caused by the underlying disease. Some of the medications are sold by prescription only.


Damage to the visual organs by bacteria or parasites requires treatment aimed at specific pathogens. Prescription antibacterials can be used to treat these types of infections.


Antihistamines do not eliminate the cause of pain or discomfort, but they are good at relieving the symptoms of an allergic reaction by blocking the production of histamine. Solutions eliminate swelling, tearing, and redness.


General strengthening drugs to maintain visual health. You can take inexpensive products containing vitamins only after talking with an ophthalmologist, since most medications of this type have a cumulative effect, which can be harmful with prolonged use.

Preventive agents

To prevent the development of dry eye syndrome, as well as more severe pathologies of the visual system, it is recommended to instill moisturizing solutions during heavy workload. They will quickly relieve muscle tone, creating a protective film similar to natural tears.

Children's drops for redness and irritation of the eyes

There are no special medications for children's eyes for redness. Children are usually prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamin solutions. To relieve swelling, redness, and itching in children over two years of age, an instillation medicine is recommended - Sigida Crystal, produced at the Solopharm plant.

Drops overview

To gently restore the surface of the eyeball, ophthalmologists prescribe inexpensive drops with a moisturizing effect Gilan Comfort and Ultra Comfort from the St. Petersburg company Solopharm. Eye drops for redness are available in the form of convenient disposable tube droppers that are easy to take with you.

The drug with hyaluronic acid does not contain preservatives and is safe for long-term use for dry eye syndrome and intense visual work. Gilan creates a thin film on the surface of the cornea, saving the mucous membrane from drying out and inflammatory reactions. Gilan quickly eliminates stress from long-term driving, reading or working with electronic devices. The ophthalmic solution is compatible with all types of contact lenses and is approved for women during pregnancy.

Sigid crystal solution is an effective eye drop for redness caused by allergens. The vasoconstrictor ophthalmic drug contains naphazoline, is produced without preservatives, and is recommended by pediatricians for use in children aged two years and older.

Vixipin is a prescription pain reliever against inflammation and infections. The drug gently helps with corneal burns of varying degrees, hemorrhage, retinal thrombosis and other pathologies. Vixipin quickly relieves red eyes and fights the disease that caused it.

If swelling of the eyelids along with redness of the sclera occurs due to increased intraocular pressure with glaucoma, doctors prescribe the drug composition Trilactan. The drug, produced at the plant in St. Petersburg, effectively relieves feelings of fatigue and discomfort, and is recommended for the treatment of glaucoma.

Why are eye drops dangerous?

The most dangerous substance present in eye drops for redness and fatigue are preservatives (sodium benzoate, benzalkonium chloride, etc.). They contribute to the development of toxic-allergic reactions, and also have a negative effect on the mucin and lipid layer of the tear film.

Goblet cells, which produce mucin, are especially sensitive to the effects of preservatives. With short-term exposure, their density decreases, and with long-term exposure, corneal epithelial cells begin to die. As a result, the course of dry eye syndrome only worsens.

Each tear substitute contains a buffer system that is used to maintain the pH at a level corresponding to the parameters of natural tears. But with frequent instillation, the components of buffer systems form poorly soluble calcium phosphate compounds, which negatively affect the cornea.

Vasoconstrictor substances also pose a danger. Yes, they quickly relieve inflammation of blood vessels and eliminate redness of the sclera. But with uncontrolled use, addiction and the opposite effect occur. In case of dry eye syndrome, vasoconstrictor solutions additionally injure the eye, which can result in a worsening of the clinical picture.

Rules of application

  1. Take the product strictly as prescribed by your doctor.
  2. If several different drops are prescribed, then you need to take a short break between instillations.
  3. Observe expiration dates.
  4. Before instillation, wash your hands with soap.
  5. Warm the product package in your hands or in a glass of warm water to room temperature.
  6. Tilt your head back and use the index finger of one hand to pull the lower eyelid down
  7. Place 1-2 drops of solution into each conjunctival sac.
  8. After the procedure, you can close your eyes or blink so that the product is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the mucous membrane.
  9. Store solutions in the refrigerator or as prescribed in the instructions.

Modern ophthalmic products, including Gilan moisturizing solution with hyaluronic acid, are available in convenient dropper tubes or in single-use unit doses. The advantage of this form of release:

  • The dose contained in the dropper tube is sufficient for one instillation procedure.
  • No need to worry about storing opened packaging.

Contraindications, side effects

The active substance included in eye drops for eye redness directly determines the list of possible contraindications. For most prescription drug formulations they are as follows:

  • specific diseases such as bronchial asthma or heart failure;
  • sensitivity to certain components of the drug;
  • recovery stage after operations on the organs of vision;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • childhood.

Moisturizing drops for red sclera, for example, Gilan with hyaluronic acid, have virtually no contraindications and can be taken by women during pregnancy, as well as after surgery.

When can you choose your own drops?

If there is no suspicion of a serious pathology, and discomfort only occasionally bothers you, you can use the usual drops for redness from the group of moisturizing drugs that imitate natural tears. Typically, such drugs are available without a prescription, and the affordable price does not become an obstacle to purchase. If an alarming symptom does not go away for a long time, this is a reason to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the higher the likelihood of avoiding serious consequences and preserving vision.

Delfanto® is the first eye drop substitute in Russia

Even the best eye drops for tiredness and redness provide only a temporary effect. It only lasts a couple of hours, after which the eyes need to be instilled again. But frequent use of vasoconstrictor drops and tear substitutes can lead to serious problems.

With the advent of the innovative drug Delfanto® based on an extract of the endemic plant Aristotelia Chilensis, doctors have the opportunity to change the tactics of treatment for dry eye syndrome. Now office workers, drivers, and contact lens users can part with the drops, which need to be applied every 1.5-2 hours. It is enough to drink one Delfanto® capsule in the morning.

Preparations based on the patented MaquiBright® extract are successfully used in the USA, Japan, Germany and Spain. In Russia, capsules with this composition appeared only in 2019 and were registered under the Delfanto® trademark. They contain more than 35% antioxidants, which actively spread throughout the body through the bloodstream and eliminate the effects of oxidative stress (one of the causes of dry eye syndrome). The drug has several advantages:

  • convenient release form;
  • natural origin;
  • meets high standards of quality and safety;
  • clinically tested;
  • compatible with eye drops.

Unlike artificial tears, Delfanto® fights not the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, but the causes. It increases the production of tear fluid and protects the cells of the lacrimal glands from destruction. At the initial stages of treatment, it is permissible to use capsules together with tear substitutes, but from 3-4 weeks you can completely abandon them.

Prevention - how to prevent redness and irritation

Practicing ophthalmologists have prepared a list of recommendations for maintaining visual health:

  • After every hour of intense exercise, you need to give your visual organs a five-minute rest. To do this, just go out and walk down the street or close your eyelids and then roll your eyeballs.
  • To prevent the mucous membrane from being injured from excessive dryness, it is necessary to ventilate and wet clean the premises at work and in the apartment more often.
  • Frequent blinking helps relieve eye muscle tone. This process triggers the production of natural tears, thereby providing hydration to the eyes.
  • Gymnastics for the visual organs allows you to relieve irritation and discomfort through special exercises.
  • Walking in the fresh air, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, giving up alcohol and smoking are obvious but important recommendations.
  • If necessary, use drops to relieve redness of the eyes, for example Gilan moisturizing solutions.

Signs of eye fatigue

The fact that the eyes are tired and need rest can be concluded from the following symptoms:

  • scleral hyperemia (redness of the whites of the eyes in an adult or child);
  • a bright vascular network appears;
  • vision problems: decreased sharpness, appearance of fog, blurred vision, diplopia;
  • feeling of dryness in the eyes;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • sensation of sand, foreign body;
  • pain when moving the eyeballs;
  • headache;
  • disturbances in visual focusing (impossibility to focus for a long time on close objects), etc.

What symptoms, besides itching in the eyes, are there with trachoma?

The three main signs of the disease have already been named: redness of the eyes, itching, watery eyes. The patient also develops photophobia. Staying in the sun without glasses or in rooms with bright light brings severe discomfort. The tissue on the cornea and conjunctiva becomes denser. On the connective membrane, follicles are formed - small bubbles that increase in size and burst, resulting in the formation of scars. Because of this, vision is rapidly declining. Pathology develops faster if a person suffers from another disease: tuberculosis, malaria.

Trachoma is treated on an inpatient or outpatient basis, depending on the stage. On the first and second follicles, they are removed using tweezers. The third and fourth stages are treated inpatiently. The patient has to stay in the infectious diseases department of the hospital. For trachoma, antibacterial agents and sulfonamides are prescribed - antimicrobial agents. If trachoma causes the eyelid to turn in, plastic surgery may be required. Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant conjunctival tissue from the oral cavity.

Lack of treatment inevitably leads to vision deterioration. The patient's eyelashes may also stop growing. In severe forms of trachoma, ulcers appear on the cornea. The eyelids can roll inside the eye - entropion develops. All this greatly affects visual abilities. If the course of the disease is unfavorable, it is possible that the patient will go blind.

Eye drops for inflammation

The general effect of all drops against inflammation is that they affect the cause. Reduce swelling, pain and eliminate the inflammatory process. They can be steroidal, non-steroidal and combined.

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops are used for all inflammations of an infectious nature.
  • Steroids are prescribed in similar cases as NSAIDs, but in more severe cases. In addition, they are widely used for autoimmune causes of eye inflammation.
  • Combined drops contain two drugs: an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory component (most often a glucocorticoid). Used when inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection.

Moisturizing eye drops

There are a large number of products that are used to both moisturize and heal the surface of the eye. They contain so-called “artificial tears”. They can be used directly on contact lenses. Drops moisturize the eyes and restore the natural properties of the tear film. Like all low-viscosity drugs, they are quickly washed off from the surface of the cornea and require frequent instillation.

Compositions may differ in type, bicarbonate ion content, viscosity, and hypotonicity. To choose the best option for you, you need to try different types of drops.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis

Such drugs contain antibiotics and active substances that suppress the activity of harmful bacteria. They can be used both for prevention and for direct treatment of the disease. In the event of acute allergic conjunctivitis, artificial tears can be used to help dilute irritating allergens in the tear film.

Some eye drops can be used for children of different ages, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Be sure to read all the indications and contraindications in the instructions for the drug.

What examinations are performed for itchy eyes?

If your eyes itch very often and the itching does not go away, you should first consult an ophthalmologist to rule out ophthalmological diseases or confirm one of them. In cases where the initial examination does not produce any results, computer methods of examining the visual organs are prescribed.

With such an ambiguous symptom, a comprehensive examination is often required. In order to accurately make a diagnosis, consultation with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist and other specialists may be required. The patient will have to donate blood for clinical testing and allergy testing. The eyelids are also scraped for bacteriological analysis, and eyelashes are examined under a microscope. The treatment program can be adjusted depending on test results and the overall clinical picture of the disease.

If we talk about prevention, then it is impossible to foresee so many diseases. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, eat right, exercise, and give up bad habits. People whose professional activities involve visual stress should do eye exercises daily. Get examined more often and visit the ophthalmologist's office. Even if these measures are not sufficient to prevent the disease, you will detect it in time and begin treatment.

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