Pantoprazole-LF tablets po enteric soluble 20 mg No. 10x3

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Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Suppresses the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach through the action of a proton pump on gastric cells. The active substance is transformed into an active form in the channels of the walls of parietal cells and blocks the enzyme HK-ATPase , that is, at the final stage of hydrochloric acid synthesis. In most patients, symptom relief occurs after 2 weeks of therapy.

Like other proton pump and H2 , drug therapy causes a decrease in acidity and an increase in gastrin content.


Pantoprazole is actively absorbed, the highest concentration in the blood is achieved after a single dose. On average, the highest concentration in the blood occurs 2.5 hours after application.

The half-life is approximately an hour. There have been a number of cases of delayed withdrawal.

Reaction with plasma proteins approaches 98%. The original drug is almost completely transformed in the liver.

The kidneys excrete about 80% of the metabolites , the rest is excreted in the feces. The main metabolite is desmethylpantoprazole , its half-life is approximately 1.5 hours.


The drug may reduce the absorption of agents whose bioavailability is correlated depending on pH (for example, Itraconazole, Ketoconazole, atazanavir ).

The use of proton pump blockers is prohibited during treatment with Atazanavir.

The drug is metabolized in the liver under the influence of cytochrome P450 , however, significant interactions with Diazepam, Carbamazepine, caffeine, Diclofenac, ethanol, Digoxin, Glibenclamide, Naproxen, Metoprolol, Nifedipine, Piroxicam, Theophylline, phenytoin or oral contraceptives have not been identified.

If the patient uses coumarin anticoagulants , it is recommended to measure the prothrombin period and INR value during and after treatment with Pantoprazole.

What instructions does this product have?

This medicinal product has instructions, which you should carefully read. It contains information regarding conditions of administration, indications, combination with other drugs, pharmacology, release form/composition, side effects, contraindications, actions in case of overdose, taking the drug during pregnancy, as well as storage conditions. If all this information is not enough for you, then on our website you can find data on the possible price range, possible analogues, as well as deducing the positive/negative aspects of the product based on reviews. If you ignore the data from the article, then negative consequences may occur in the future.


Pantap contains the active substance pantoprazole, which belongs to the group of substituted benzamidazole, which inhibits the final stage in the production of hydrochloric acid through the formation of a covalent bond with the (H+-K+) ATP enzyme system on the secretory surface of cells.

The duration of suppression of acid activity by pantoprazole is more than a day. Acid secretion normalizes within three to five days after taking the last dose. When taking the medicine, an increased level of serum gastritis is observed, which stabilizes after stopping treatment.

The active substance is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract after a single or multiple doses. The bioavailability of the product is about 77%. The maximum concentration of the substance in the blood is 2.09 mcg/ml, the time to reach the maximum concentration in the blood is 2.8 hours.

The withdrawal period is 1.2-1.3 hours. The antisecretory activity of the drug persists throughout the day.


The drug is allowed to be taken in the presence of such conditions as:

  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • Gastric or duodenal ulcer, including as a result of Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • Treatment and prevention of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, which are associated with the use of NSAIDs.

An ulcer appears as a result of increased acidity, an increase in the content of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

How exactly is the drug taken?

It is not recommended to chew or bite Pantap tablets: they should be swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of liquid. The drug is taken before the patient sits down to eat.

Symptoms begin to improve after a few days of treatment, however, complete recovery may take up to seven days.

For reflux esophagitisFor stomach or duodenal ulcersFor Zollinger-Ellison syndrome or any other conditions
One tablet is prescribed (if required, the dose can be increased to 2 tablets), which must be taken per day. As a rule, treatment lasts about four weeks; if necessary, it is extended for another 4 weeks. The drug is prescribed in a dosage of 40 mg once a day. If this is not enough, then the dose is doubled. The course of treatment lasts up to two weeks, and sometimes this course can be extended to 4 weeks. If the ulcer worsens, the course of treatment is 4 weeks. The recommended dosage for anti-relapse treatment of duodenal and gastric ulcers is 20 mg. Treatment begins with 80 mg per day. If necessary, the dosage can be increased or decreased in the future, depending on the indicators of gastric secretion. The dosage, which does not exceed 80 mg per day, should be divided into several doses. Temporarily, the dose can be increased to 160 mg, but only while gastric secretions are adequately controlled. The duration of treatment is not limited and depends primarily on clinical need.

For those patients who have had minor liver problems, the daily dose should in no case exceed 20 mg. If a person has a moderate or severe form of damage, then it is best to avoid taking this drug.

In old age. or for persons with impaired renal function, no dose adjustment is required.


After oral administration, the antisecretory effect occurs within 1 hour and reaches a maximum after 2 to 4 hours.

One tablet contains the main substance - pantoprazole. In addition, the composition contains elements such as talc, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium carbonate, corn starch, Aerosil 200, magnesium stearate.

Talc and pharmacoat 603 are used as a preliminary coating. For enteric coating, talc, eydragit L 30D, macrogol 6000, simethicone emulsion, Selispers AP, triethyl citrate are used.

Combination with other means

The active substance of the drug Pantap can reduce or increase several times the absorption of drugs whose bioavailability depends on pH (for example, ketoconazole)

The studies did not reveal a particularly significant combination of this drug with drugs such as diclofenac, caffeine, nifediline, digoxin, phenprokomon, theophylline, phenytoin, warfarin, oral contraceptives, piroxicam, glibenclamide, naproxen, carbamazepine.

How to properly store this product?

This product should be kept away from small children or pets.

The product should be stored at a temperature that will not exceed 30 degrees. The medicine must be in its original packaging, which must be protected from moisture and light.

This product should be stored for no more than three years. After the expiration of this period, its further use is under no circumstances allowed.

If you take medications regularly, it is better to stock up.

Side effects

  • Digestive reactions: nausea, diarrhea , increased appetite , dry mouth, vomiting, belching, flatulence, constipation, gastrointestinal carcinoma , abdominal pain, increased transaminases.
  • Reactions from nervous activity and sensory organs: drowsiness, headache, dizziness, asthenia, insomnia , depression , nervousness, tremor, photophobia, paresthesia, tinnitus, visual impairment.
  • Reactions from the genitourinary area: edema , hematuria, impotence.
  • Skin reactions: alopecia, exfoliative dermatitis, acne.
  • Allergic reactions: rash, urticaria , angioedema , itching .
  • Other reactions: eosinophilia, hyperglycemia, myalgia, hyperlipoproteinemia, fever, hypercholesterolemia.

Analogues of Pantoprazole

Level 4 ATC code matches:














Losek MAPS




Omez Insta


The most common analogues of Pantoprazole: Barol, Hasek, Geerdin, Dexilant, Lansoprazole, Lanzap, Loseprazole, Omez, Omeprazole, Oprazole, Pariet, Ultop, Emanera.

Differences between Pantoprazole and Omeprazole

Omeprazole and Pantoprazole belong to the same pharmacological group; the former has more effective indicators of therapeutic activity and a more affordable price.

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