Obstructive bronchitis in children - symptoms and treatment
In modern medicine, bronchitis in children and its possible consequences are diagnosed in a timely manner and successfully
Obsessive thoughts (obsessions)
Obsessive thoughts (obsessions) are images or urges that intrude uncontrollably, against a person’s will.
Hyssop officinalis, medicinal properties, food and medicinal plants, encyclopedia, recipe, tincture, decoction, drug, medicine, medicine, instructions for use, description of the drug, how to take, reviews of the drug, contraindications during pregnancy, dosage for children and adults, overdose symptoms, for what diseases and illnesses, what kind of drug, what kind of drug, withdrawal syndrome, disease, diseases, diagnosis, indications for use, how to store, where to buy, prices on the Internet and cost in a pharmacy in Moscow, buy in Kyiv, Astana, availability in pharmacies in St. Petersburg, traditional medicine
Hyssop - what is it photo, what does it look like, when to plant, types and propagation, how to prune in spring, combination in landscape design
Hyssop is a beautiful, unpretentious plant often used for decorative purposes. It can be seen in
Composition per tablet
What to choose Gendevit, Undevit Revit or Hexavit?
Main indicators of Gendevit Gendevit is a low-cost multivitamin complex. The price is 60-70 rubles.
Polyneuropathy of the upper and lower extremities
Sensory neuropathies: etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical manifestations, diagnosis
Polyneuropathy is considered multiple lesions of peripheral nerves, which manifests itself as paralysis, sensory disturbances, trophic and vegetative-vascular
Image 1: GERD - Family Doctor Clinic
GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease caused by repeated spontaneous reflux of stomach contents.
Knotweed herb - medicinal properties, contraindications and useful tips for use (115 photos)
People have come up with many names for knotweed: bird knotweed, murava, bird buckwheat, goose grass, ostudnik,
Omnic Okas controlled release tablets 0.4 mg 30 pcs. in Moscow
Composition and release form: Controlled-release, film-coated tablets 1 tablet. active substance:
What is extrasystole: is it dangerous, its symptoms and treatment.
Extrasystoles are premature contractions of the heart muscle relative to the normal heart rhythm. Usually
Clinical experience with the use of Zopiclone (Relaxone) for insomnia
Pharmacological properties of the drug Zopiclone The first representative of a new class of psychotropic drugs - cyclopyrrolone derivatives, structurally
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