In modern medicine, bronchitis in children and its possible consequences are diagnosed in a timely manner and successfully
Obsessive thoughts (obsessions) are images or urges that intrude uncontrollably, against a person’s will.
Hyssop is a beautiful, unpretentious plant often used for decorative purposes. It can be seen in
Main indicators of Gendevit Gendevit is a low-cost multivitamin complex. The price is 60-70 rubles.
Polyneuropathy is considered multiple lesions of peripheral nerves, which manifests itself as paralysis, sensory disturbances, trophic and vegetative-vascular
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease caused by repeated spontaneous reflux of stomach contents.
People have come up with many names for knotweed: bird knotweed, murava, bird buckwheat, goose grass, ostudnik,
Composition and release form: Controlled-release, film-coated tablets 1 tablet. active substance:
Extrasystoles are premature contractions of the heart muscle relative to the normal heart rhythm. Usually
Pharmacological properties of the drug Zopiclone The first representative of a new class of psychotropic drugs - cyclopyrrolone derivatives, structurally