Which products should you prefer? The amount of nutrients and energy necessary for the expectant mother is provided
Photo: UGC The long-awaited third trimester has begun, which brings the baby closer to birth every day.
Pyelonephritis Hepatitis Cystitis Diabetes mellitus 94949 August 03 IMPORTANT! Information from this section cannot be
Reviewer of the material Uterine fibroids are benign tumors consisting of smooth muscle cells and
In addition, the appearance of edema may indicate the presence of fungal or infectious diseases. At
The main reasons for the development of CNS HIP: - anemia in the mother (a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin, in which
Ureterocele is a specific disease of the urinary tract, which manifests itself in pathological expansion of the distal (intravesical)
Detailed description of the study The formed elements of human blood - red blood cells - can have
Pregnancy is a very exciting time for women. The upcoming changes in lifestyle are also alarming, and
Article: Mental retardation (oligophrenia, dementia) is a specific condition caused by a special level of activity of the central